Chapter 17

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Royal Dining Hall:-

Everyone were seated in their respective places likewise were eating their lunch. Mannat was on the chair beside Nayab, she was continuously telling Nayab about what will chachi do next. Nayab was trying her best to suppress her laughter as Suraiyya was doing exactly the same.

Mannat : Now she'll fill her glass with orange juice then call out Akif uncle and scold him for adding sugar in it which he didn't obviously.

Suraiyya : Akif!!!

Akif : Yes Ma'am?

Suraiyya : How many times I should tell you, don't add sugar in my juice?

Akif : Ma'am it's natural sweetness.

Ranimaa : Suraiyya, can't you taste the difference?

Suraiyya{taunting} : I'm not good at differencing Ranimaa.

Mannat : She indirectly mean that Sharik bhai being elder as well as a boy should have been on the throne whereas Ranimaa chose me.

Muheeb{raise tone} : Suraiyya!

Suraiyya : I have eaten enough, I'm going to my room.

Muheeb : I'm sorry for her misbehavior Ranimaa.

Ranimaa : I'm feel sorry on your choice. {All the elders leave the table}

Nayab{whisper to Mannat} : What was that?

Mannat : Chachu married Chachi against Ranimaa's will. Dad supported him alot in this, that's why he loved Dad so much and Ranimaa dislike Chachi.

Nayab : Oh!

Sharik : Mannat...

Nayab/Mannat : Yes/Yep.

Sharik : How was my gift?

Nayab : It was awesome bhai, you remembered?


After Sharik left Nayab washed her face then she proceed towards the gift, she unwrap it only to find a book.

Mannat : He remembered.

Nayab : What?

Mannat : I told him about this book, also that it's first edition was in London. He bought me a piece of that edition.

Nayab : He is so thoughtful.

Mannat : I wish I could hug him.

Flashback ends.

Sharik : How can I forget my sisters wish?

Nayab : Thank you bhai.

Mannat : Hug...

Nayab hug Sharik although still there was a flinch in her hug which didn't get unnoticed by Sharik.

Sharik : Mannat, let's go out like old times.

Nayab{nervous} :

Sharik : Is there a problem?

Nayab : Nope, I..I'll get ready then.

Sharik : Superb, we will leave in the evening.

Nayab : Okay.

Mannat : Shoot!!! Now what are we gonna do? I can't go out of the palace furthermore what if Sharik bhai ask you something you aren't aware of?


In the evening:-
Nayab's room:-

Sharik barged in the room when he doesn't get a reply after 3 knocks. His steps halt on seeing Nayab fully covered in her duvet shivering.

Sharik{worried} : Are you okay?

Nayab : Just fever Bhai. {Fake cough plus sneezes}

Sharik : Let me examine you, I'll ask someone to bring my medical kit. {His kit was brought from his room. He place the thermometer under Nayab's tounge} your temperature is 103, not to worry I'll give you some tablets.

Nayab : But bhai our outing.

Sharik : Your health is more important Mannat. You need rest, I'll come back again at night to check you.

Nayab : Okay {Sharik walk out} I feel bad for lying to him.

Mannat : If we haven't then maybe you could have got caught.


Mannat/Nayab both were thinking of a way to delay or cancel the outing with Sharik. Nayab even asked Soha for help, Soha was the one to come up with the idea of fake fever.

Hence to raise the temperature of Nayab's body, Soha advice her to take cold shower and sit infront of the AC with her feet in ice-cold water. Yet it didn't increase Nayab's temperature as expected.

So when Sharik was checking her, the moment he turned to look at his watch. Nayab remove his thermometer in addition to that she replaced it with the one Soha gave her from under the bed which was being dipped in hot coffee.

Flashback ends.

{Soha crawl out of the bed}

Soha : Did the plan work?

Nayab : Yes, Thank you.

Soha : It was my duty.


After two hours:-

Nayab was drinking her hot chocolate, Mannat was no where around. At this moment Zia enter into her room with a bouquet of flowers.

Nayab : What's this?

Zia : Flowers for my sick wife.

Nayab : did you know?

Zia : Palace walls have ears, wifey.

Nayab : I'm not sick. {Zia touch her forehead}

Zia : You have slight temperature, did you take your medicine?

Nayab : I'll eat them later.

Zia : Nope, take them now.

Nayab : Mr Shah, I'll take them...

Zia : Relax, {he remove the tablets along with place it onto Nayab's palm with a glass of water. On the other hand Nayab was just looking at him with confusion} Is it necessary to disobey me? I'm telling you nicely.

Nayab{sarcastic} : Or else what, you'll force me? By the way you're good in that field.

Zia : I'm not threatening you, I care for you so I'm telling you to take your medicine. Please...{Nayab have her medicine and make a yuck face} Hahaha...

Nayab : Why are you laughing?

Zia : You made the same face which Mannat use to make while eating medicines.

Nayab : (Mannat is so kind hearted but yet why do I feel uneasy when Mr Shah mention about her. I shouldn't feel this way, right?)

Out of the blue Nayab starts to get hiccups, she drink water again though it wasn't of any help. Zia who was watching her suddenly hold her wrist  more than that turn her around and back hug her.

Nayab : Wh...what...hiccup...are...yo...hiccup... you doing?...hiccup.

Zia : Shhh!!!{He slowly trace his hands from her shoulders till her palms on top of that he intervene their fingers together. Nayab breath stopped for a second} see it's over...

Mannat{she came as usual through a wall, then speak with herself} : Oops! Romance is going on, carry on guys. {She leave the room}

Nayab{puzzled} : What? {She detached herself from him together with try to hide her pink cheeks}

Zia : Your hiccups, I read somewhere that if we scare the person who is getting hiccups uncontrollably they might stop.

Nayab{irritated} : You were testing it on me?

Zia{teasingly} : Are you disappointed wifey that I didn't hug you intentionally?

Nayab : No.... it's just that...

Zia : Go on I'm listening.

Nayab : I'm feeling sleepy.


Phone conversation:-

Person : I'll be arriving soon.

Suraiyya : That's great news, I'll be waiting.


Who is this new person arriving in the palace?

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