Chapter 38

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Shah Mansion:-
Zia/Nayab's room:-

Nayab walk out of the washroom drying her hair with towel, she try to shift her hair from one shoulder to another unaware that Zia was standing behind her.

Zia : Oww!

Nayab{concerned} : What happened?

Zia{acting} : You first hurt me then ask what's wrong?

Nayab : I'm sorry, I didn't know you were back of me.

Zia : Zia Shah don't go back of girls.

Nayab : Uff! I meant to say I wasn't aware that you are standing behind me.

Zia : Usually wife's tend to husband's wound.

Nayab : So?

Zia : You should check if I'm hurt.

Nayab : You know you act like child sometimes. {She go close to him}

Zia{smile} : Only for you.

Nayab examine his eye that's when she notice he is smirking due to which she understands that he is acting.

Nayab{raise an eyebrow} : My hair hit your eye?

Zia{cutely} : Yes.

Nayab : Like this.

She hold the ends of her hair from where water was dripping together with splash on his face and begin to run as soon as Zia started chasing her.  Both of them end up in the washroom.

Zia{smirking} : Now what are you gonna do?

Nayab : Look Zia, you pranked me I pranked you scores equal.

Zia : Not so easily.

He like a predator attacking his prey advance towards Nayab who take her steps back until she hit the shower knob. She grin inwardly and hold it, the moment Zia was about to hold her she duck to escape opening the shower resulting in Zia to get drenched.

Nayab{laughing} : Hahah!!! Serves you right.

Zia : Is it? {He take large strides in her direction}

Nayab : Ahhhhh!!! {She in panic turn to run out}

Still Zia grab her by her stomach at last moment, along with lift her off the ground. In addition to that he bring her under the shower and make her drenched as well.

Nayab :'s cold.

He turn her to him as well as twist the shower knob so that warm water starts flowing. They get lost in each other eyes however their moment gets broken by maid who came to call them for lunch.


Unknown place:-

Person{to Nayab's pic} : Tomorrow I'll receive the DNA report then I'll find out if you are anyway related to... {look at other pic which was beside Nayab's}


Al-Ali Palace:-
Aima's room:-

Aima after serving evening tea to the elders enter her room to have a nap. She gets surprise on finding her room filled with red balloons plus rose petals. She take some steps inside when she hear a click sound of her door getting closed, she turn around only to find Sharik on his one knee holding a ring.

Sharik : Now that Tara is not a hurdle, I wanna say something's. First I liked you from the time I knew what love actually mean, Second I want you by my side in my every decision and lastly I want to share my life with you in this place where we are gonna get old. So I wanna ask you, will you marry me?

Aima{with happy tears} : Ye..Yes... {He slide the ring in her ring finger} Before you ask I wanna explain myself as why I was denying you.

Sharik : I don't wanna know.

Aima : But I want to tell you.

Sharik : Okay.

Aima : I liked you too yet felt obliged to fulfill Tara's wish. As her parents have done so many favours on me from childhood that I felt bound to make Tara's desire to marry you come true.

Sharik{wiping her tear} : It's fine, I don't mind nonetheless never ever ask me to leave you alone.

Aima{scoffs} : Never.

Sharik : I'll speak with Dad to perform our engagement as soon as possible.

Aima{shocked} : What! Why?...

Sharik : I can't take risk about you changing your mind. {He kiss on her knuckles and leave grinning}

Aima : Hahah...


At Night:-
Ranimaa's room:-

Ranimaa was in deep sleep when Sharik very quietly march in Ranimaa's room including to that he head towards her dressing table, pick up her hair brush. He then take a hair strand stick in it likewise place it in a zipper plastic bag. Next he pull out another bag which also consisted a hair strand.

Sharik : (If Ranimaa's DNA matches with this hair DNA then a lot of old mysteries can be solved)


Nayab/Mannat's room:-

Mannat : Zia doesn't have a problem that you are coming here everyday?

Nayab : No... moreover I'm constantly needed here.

Mannat : What did you tell for tonight?

Nayab : I took permission from his Mom telling her I wanna stay a night with my parents.

Mannat : Oh! Did you bring the diary?

Nayab : Yeah, we will try to open it tonight.

Mannat : Definitely.

Nayab : Let's unlock it with a hairpin.

Mannat : You said it only happen in movies, right?

Nayab{sheepishly smile} : We should explore all options. {Nayab parents enter into the room with Nomaan}

Abhyan : How's my doll doing?

Nayab : I'm fine dad. {She hug him}

Noor : How's everyone at Shah Mansion?

Nayab : All are good Mom.

Nomaan{absentmindedly} : How's Mannat di?

Nayab{without thinking} : Great.

Abhyan/Noor : What did Nomaan say?/Mannat?

Nayab : {nervously chuckle} He mean me I... Mannat me...hehehh...

Mannat{giggle} : You both always get in trouble.

Nayab : Dad, did you...

Abhyan : Yes my dear I took my medicine's on time.

Noor : Nayab do you have Mannat's pictures? I want to see her.

Nayab : Yeah sure. {She go to her closet, bring a photo album consisting of Mannat's pics}

Nomaan : In childhood she look different from Nayab.

Noor : Yes, but look at her recent pics she and Nayab are so similar.

The whole family was watching the album when Abhyan's eye stop on a particular pic and he got shocked would be an understatement.

Abhyan : (How's this possible? If he is in this pic then does that mean... )


Whose pic was beside Nayab's pic in that unknown place?

With whose hair is Sharik doing Ranimaa's DNA test?

Why did Abhyan got disturbed and by glancing whose pic?

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