Chapter 45

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Doctor : Her Highness Ranimaa's health is getting worse by each passing minute we need to shift her to the hospital.

Muheeb{concerned afterall she is his mother} : She will be fine, right?

Doctor : I can't say anything at this moment, just pray for her.

Ranimaa was taken to the hospital as soon as possible where she was kept under observation along with all the care taken by nurses.


Next Day:-
In Study:-

Muheeb/Suraiyya/Sharik/Nayab were in the study along with Royal lawyer of the family.

Lawyer : According to the King Murtaza's will[legal statement] everything will be transferred to public fund. If the truth gets revealed that Nayab Ma'am isn't Princess Mannat.

Sharik : We don't wanna reveal the truth, Nayab will remain as our Queen.

Mannat{smiling} : Yes.

Nayab : Bhai you deserve this throne not me. 

Sharik : No Nayab, Nomaan/you along with me deserve all this together.

Suraiyya{offended} : Sharik!

Muheeb : Suraiyya, Sharik is talking with sense. Aliza I mean Noor is my sister likewise a part of this family hence Nayab/Nomaan are too.


In the evening:-
Phone conversation:-

Nayab was in her room when her phone begin ringing, she pick it up.

Nayab : Hello...

Person : If you want Zia to be alive you have to die.

Nayab{perplexed} : Who is this?

Person : Someone who your husband hurted, what did I do just stole some lakhs from his company.

Nayab{afraid} : Why do you wanna kill him?

Person : First I thought to kill him then it clicked me if I want to hurt him the most, I need to kill you.

Nayab{pretending to be strong} : Why should I believe you?

Person : Don't believe, in next 2 hours there will be a blast in your husband's car either you die in it or let your husband die, your wish.

Nayab{scared} : I...

Person : And don't even think of opening your mouth to anyone because if I can make a call as well as plan someone's death from prison then think what else I can do.

Nayab{shaking voice} : Don't harm Zia, I'll go in his car.

Person : Good girl, now say your goodbyes to everyone. See I'm not so heartless{laughing devilishly}

Nayab{crying} : Why are you doing this?

Person : For self satisfaction.


Zia was in back garden when Nomaan arrive to him together with inform him that suddenly Nayab decided to return back to India alone without any of them. Zia rush to his room where he spot Nayab packing her suitcase.

Zia : What are you doing?

Nayab{without eye-contact} : Going back to my home.

Zia : Your home is where your husband stays, I guess.

Mannat : I'm also puzzled why is she doing this? What happen in an hour?

Nayab : Forced husband.

Zia : Nayab...

Nayab : Look Zia I married you to solve Mannat's murder now that it's done I think we should end this.

Zia : End what?

Nayab : This forced relationship.

Mannat : Don't you love him Nayab?

Zia : This is a prank, right?

Nayab : I'm not a teenager to prank you.

Zia{irritated} : Stop this nonsense Nayab.

Nayab : This is the truth accept it. {Zia turn Nayab to himself moreover hold her by arms tightly}

Zia : I don't want you to go away from me, what's wrong Nayab? Why are you doing this?

Nayab : Because it's my life my decision, I can do whatever I want.

Zia : Your life?

Nayab{expressionless} : Yes.

Zia : And what am I? I'm not a part of it? Tell me Nayab?

Nayab{not looking in his eyes} : Zia please.

Zia : Nayab you are my wife, what's the problem? Tell me? I'll not leave until you answer me.

Nayab{push him, yell} : Zia please leave, I don't wanna talk to anyone.

Zia : Okay, fine. {Punch on the mirror beside her causing in blood oozing from his knuckles}

Nayab : Zia...{he angrily walk out of the room}

Mannat : Nayab atleast speak to me.

Nayab : Mannat... take care of yourself.

She grab her suitcase in addition to that she walk out of the palace and sit in Zia's car. The moment her car leave the palace gate, Amjad running-ly enter the palace to tell Zia that there is a bomb in his car which he got to know by their source.

Zia/Sharik/Nomaan rush out of the palace to warn Nayab however they hear a loud sound. Zia couldn't take a step forward thinking about the consequences whereas Sharik/Nomaan run in full speed furthermore gets shocked to find Nayab lying at a distance of the blast on the road.

Nomaan{worried} : Nayab!!!

Sharik{concerned} : Nayab, are you okay?

Nayab : Ye..yeah... I knew about the bomb so I jumped from the car. {She get unconscious}


Nayab/Mannat's room:-

Sharik examine Nayab and tell everyone that she is perfectly okay. He say "she fainted due to the shock, nothing to worry she just need rest," hence except Zia others leave the room.

Mannat{sobbing} : Idiot, duffer, stupid, if anything would have happened to you. I would have become alone again.

Zia : You know we didn't spend much time together but the days we were with each other it felt like a lifetime. {Nayab slowly open her eyes plus blink to adjust light, she try to get up}

Zia : Relax. {His eyes start to get watery}

Nayab{teary eyes} : I'm.. I'm sorry.

Zia{angry} : Enough.

Nayab : I...I...

Zia : You trusted me this much? You should have faith in me, you thought...{his voice breaks}

Nayab{sobbing} : I'm not worthy of you.

Zia{annoyed} : Stop, I know everything still I'm furious on what you did.

Nayab{weeping} : I..I got scared.

Zia : You could have discussed with me.

Nayab{sniffing} : I...I thought I'll handle the situation.

Zia{caressing her cheek} : I love you and wanna spend the rest of my life with you.

Nayab : I love you too. {They hug each other}

Zia : I'm here always by your side.

Mannat : May Allah protect them from evil eye, Ameen.

The End😊


Which character you'll miss the most?

Any question you wanna ask any character?

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