His Butler, Capricious

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(Evelyn's dress for the day.)

I was in the carriage seated next to Ciel as we were traveling to the town house for a case. Ciel was holding an envelope with the Queen's seal, "Another request from Her Majesty?"

Ciel nodded at me, then I continued, "These murders...I could've been one of them had I not been employed by the Baron."

That's the only thing about the Baron that I feel grateful for. Ciel gathered my hand to hold it. Despite the gloves he wore, I could still feel the warmth from his hands, "Thankfully, that wasn't your fate. It will never be your fate."

I smiled at him, then the carriage slowed down, telling me that we have arrived at the town house. When we got inside, Ciel was complaining about London being too crowded. When Sebastian explained that it was about the Season, Ciel remarked, "The Season, huh? These cretins have too much time on their hands."

"At least you'll have some quiet time," I told him.

As much as I enjoy traveling with Ciel, I miss being around Maria. We entered an upstairs room and saw Madame Red, Lau, and Grell. Madame Red said, "Where do they keep the tea around here?"

While they were talking, all I could think about was Ciel being ready to throw them out. Madame Red and Lau acknowledged our presence. Madame Red said with a smile, "The Queen's guard dog is on the hunt."

Sebastian immediately prepared the morning tea for everyone. Ciel had me sitting next to him while he explained the situation. Ciel said, "Another prostitute has been killed. Scotland Yard and the public are calling the killer Jack the Ripper."

Rather than reply, I sipped my tea in silence. Lau said, "The crime will not be for the faint of heart. Can you handle it, Lord Phantomhive?"

Ciel immediately scolded Lau and held out his hand for me to take. I let him lift me and we walked toward the carriage. When we arrived at the crime scene, Scotland Yard was already there. I remained at Madame Red's side while Ciel talked to the detectives. Once Scotland Yard made it clear that Ciel was not going to see the crime scene, we all walked away. Madame Red asked, "What do we do now?"

"Now would be the best time to see him," Ciel answered.

I looked at him with worry, "Do we need to see him, my lord?"

Ciel nodded, then Lau said, "Don't tell me, you don't mean..."

"Indeed I do," Ciel replied.

We reached the Undertaker's funeral parlor, then Lau asked, "Where are we?"

I shook my head while Madame Red scolded Lau. We walked inside and Ciel said, "Undertaker, where are you?"

We heard a creepy laugh, then the aforementioned man said, "I knew you were coming soon, my lord."

He revealed himself from a coffin and asked, "Is this the day you'll be trying out my coffins today?"

Ciel refused and was about to explain why he was there, but the Undertaker interrupted him, "I know why you're here, Lord Phantomhive. I've been getting unusual costumers, but don't worry. I made her quite pretty."

The Undertaker makes me uncomfortable because of his overall demeanor and he is also not human. The Undertaker tells Ciel, "Come on, my lord! Give it to me!"

The only way that the Undertaker will give us information is if we make him laugh. Lau and Madame Red tried to make him laugh by using a pun and a dirty joke, but the Undertaker was not impressed. He turned to Ciel and said, "Now, it's your turn, Lord Phantomhive. I gave you a discount last time, but not again."

Sebastian said, "It seems I have no choice. Everyone, please wait outside. Make no attempt to listen to this."

We all waited outside while Sebastian talked to the Undertaker. After some time, we heard the Undertaker laugh so hard, the sign on the building fell down. Sebastian opened the door and said, "Please come in. He's willing to tell us everything."

We walked inside to see the Undertaker barely standing. He prepared tea for everyone and started to explain, "The customers I get lately come incomplete."

"Incomplete?" I asked.

"Yes, their wombs are missing," the Undertaker told us.

Then he walked behind me and used his hands on my body to prove his point, "The throat is slashed carelessly, but the most precious part is removed with care."

I was shivering when he was done and Ciel looked ready to kill him. The Undertaker chuckled, "This killer won't stop unless someone stops him."

When we got back in the carriage, everyone was discussing the possible suspects. Madame Red gives a counter argument, "I'm a doctor. I could've performed the surgeries."

I looked away because I was still recoiling from the Undertaker. Sebastian jumped out of the moving carriage to conduct his investigation. We arrive back at the town house to see that Sebastian has beat us there with a very long list. Sebastian narrowed it down to Viscount Druitt. I never met him personally, but the Baron would complain that he was a show off. Then the plan was to be at the last party of the Season to meet Viscount Druitt. I was to be with Lau to avoid suspicion. Ciel and Sebastian are to be a young socialite and her tutor.

(The purple dress is Evelyn's.)

It was interesting that Ciel was able to behave like a girl despite his reservations. He took to all the training that he received from everyone. I met Lau in the ballroom and he welcomed me with a smile. He was fanning Madame Red while she was entertaining some guests. Lau stopped fanning her for a moment to say to me, "You really are something, Lady Evelyn. Not just anyone can be close to the Lord Phantomhive."

I looked at him and I wasn't sure how to take his comment, but he continued, "You could be more than this. With your skills and grace, you could be much more than the Lord Phantomhive's companion."

I sighed, but I smiled and told Lau, "I appreciate the sentiment, but I will continue to serve the Lord Phantomhive."

Lau smiled at me, then a large dresser was placed in the room. Sebastian wanted to perform a magic trick with Lau assisting him. I was surprised when Lau stabbed multiple swords in the dresser with vigor. Sebastian came out unharmed, naturally. Sebastian came to me and asked, "Have you seen the young mistress?"

I knew he had to change his language given the circumstances, but I answered, "She was with Lord Druitt the last time I saw her."

Then Sebastian looked away. When he turned back at me, he smiled, "I know where she is."

He picked me up and he ran toward the basement in an inhuman speed. Sebastian put me down and said, "Cover your eyes. The master wouldn't want you to see this."

I almost told him that I have seen worse, but I obliged by covering my eyes with my hands. There were many sounds of people getting hit, then Sebastian said, "You can open your eyes now."

I looked around and many people were unconscious. I saw Ciel in a cage and I ran toward him, "Ciel, are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, I am unharmed. At least the case is solved," Ciel told me.

I sighed in relief and Sebastian lifted us both out of the basement and into the night. The next morning, the papers showed that there was another killing of a prostitute. Ciel was angry and I could do nothing to comfort him. I walked out of the room to give him some space, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Sebastian. He said, "The young master needs you. More than you know."

"But there's been another killing. What can I do?" I asked him.

"He will need your help to solve the case. He will also need emotional support, though he'll never admit it," Sebastian told me.

Then Sebastian surprised me with this, "El joven maestro sólo tiene que hacer las preguntas adecuadas."

It doesn't surprise me that Sebastian can speak Spanish, but it's still jarring when he does. I replied, "Entiendo. Me quedaré a su lado."

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I'm honestly excited for this case because this is where things get exciting. I pray you're doing well, staying safe, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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