Meeting the Earl Phantomhive and His Butler

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(This is what Evelyn looks like.)
My name is Evelyn Cavallero. My father was Spanish and my mother was British, but they passed away when I was 7 years old from tuberculosis. I have lived on the streets until I turned 10 when I was found and forced to work for a baron who never valued anyone or anything but his position in society. The maids that I worked with were also of Spanish descent and one of them was able to read both English and Spanish. Her name was Maria and despite my being half-British, she never treated me as lesser than. She was like a mother to me and was the only person that kept me sane while working for the family. She even taught me how to read and write. Until one day, when I turned 12, both her and me were accused of stealing food. This is where the story officially begins.

-Outside Baron Cane's House-

"Now, ladies, I'm being more than fair. Just tell me that you stole the food and I'll grant you two mercy," Baron Cane told us.

I was beyond irritated. Not only was he accusing me of something I didn't do, but he is also accusing Maria as well. Normally I would stay silent whenever this happens, but now that he involved Maria, I couldn't hold my tongue, "What do you know about mercy?"

"Querida!" Maria whispered fiercely, but I was not stopping.

"You just want someone to blame for your own faults. We barely have crumbs to eat, yet you, your wife and your children have no issue with starvation. The only reason that the pantry ended up empty is due to your sleepwalking," I explained.

The Baron's face was red with anger, "How dare you!"

"Surely, you noticed it yourself. Every time you arrive at breakfast, you're never hungry, but by the time you arrive for lunch, you're starving. You never remember this, but we all see you," I replied.

"Insolent girl!" Baron Cane yelled.

He moved closer to me ready to slap me, but a white gloved hand caught his wrist. I looked to see a tall, pale man with black hair and red eyes. I could see immediately that he was not human. Next to him was a boy with black hair and one blue eye. His right eye was covered by a black eyepatch. I could tell he was from nobility due to his clothing. The tall man said, "Now, that is no way to treat ladies, Baron Cane."

The Baron looked annoyed, "What business do you have here, Lord Phantomhive?"

I was surprised. This is the Earl Phantomhive? I could've sworn that the family perished in the fire last year. Lord Phantomhive smiled, "I came to call on you yesterday, but it seems you have been busy."

He walked in front of me. I could tell that he was at least my age or a year younger. He asked, "What is your name, miss?"

"Evelyn Cavallero, my lord," I answered. He has an air of maturity about him, but given what he has gone through, it's not surprising.

"Oh, Spanish lineage?" Lord Phantomhive asked.

"My father was Spanish, but my mother was British," I replied.

He nodded, "Now, you say Baron Cane was sleepwalking. Can you explain why?"

I sighed, then said, "He is being haunted by his grandfather. His grandfather was someone who loved food, but since he can no longer eat, he is using Baron Cane."

"Preposterous! Not only do you insult me, you insult my family! Have you no shame?!" Baron Came yelled.

Sebastian smiled and said, "Well, it seems that you can see the elderly gentleman. What say you, my lord?"

Lord Phantomhive nodded, "It's clear that Baron Cane would not admit his wrongdoings."

Then Lord Phantomhive gave Baron Cane a large bag of coins, "Since you have no idea on how to handle basic matters such as this, I will take these ladies off of your hands."

Both me and Maria were shocked, but Baron Cane was practically speechless. Sebastian walked toward us and said, "Tell me, where do you keep your things?"

I said, "I'll lead you to our room."

We walked inside the house toward the basement where we all slept. Once I pointed out where our things were, Sebastian wasted no time packing things quickly and neatly. I asked, "You're not a regular man, are you?"

Sebastian looked at me and smiled, "No. Come to think of it, you're not a regular girl. Not many people can tell what I really am let alone an earth-bound spirit possessing their descendants."

I nodded, "I've always seen things that other people can't. I just don't talk about it because people will think I'm mad."

"People always reject what they do not understand. Come, I have packed everything you and your fellow maid have," Sebastian told me.

We walked out of the basement and back outside. Maria told me, "Querida, this is all so much."

I hugged her, "Madre Maria, this is a great chance for us to leave."

Lord Phantomhive said to us, "The carriage is this way."

Our things were packed in the back of the carriage and Sebastian helped us inside the carriage. Lord Phantomhive followed afterward. During the ride to his manor, Lord Phantomhive asked, "So, how long have you worked for Baron Cane?"

"I've worked for him 18 years, but Evelyn worked for him 2 years, my lord," Maria answered.

Lord Phantomhive turned to me, "How old are you Evelyn, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm 12 years old, my lord," I answered.

Lord Phantomhive smiled, "So, you're a year older than me."

I nodded, then he turned to Maria, "I have four other servants at the manor. Finny is my gardener, Mey-Rin is a maid, Bardroy is the chef, and Tanaka was the head butler, now he is the steward of the house making Sebastian the head butler. What would you like to do?"

Maria was shocked because Baron Cane never gave us a choice in what we wanted to do. Maria took a moment to gather herself, then she said, "I would like to assist Bardroy."

He nodded, then looked at me, "I will have a different job for you, Evelyn."

When we arrived at the manor, Sebastian helped us out of the carriage and we were greeted by the other servants, starting with the blonde boy with red pins in his hair, "Hello! My name is Finny! Nice to meet you!"

Then the only woman with red hair and glasses said, "I'm Mey-Rin! It's great to not be the only female, yes!"

I laughed at that statement, then the blonde man with the cigarette in his mouth said, "I'm Bardroy. If either of you need anything, let me know."

What surprised me about Bardroy was he seemed to be about 36 like Maria. The bigger surprise was that Maria seemed to find him handsome. Then I heard Sebastian say, "Evelyn, you are being requested by the young master in his study."

I followed Sebastian to Lord Phantomhive's study. When I was led there, there was Lord Phantomhive seated behind his desk. He gestured toward the chair in front of him and I sat down. Lord Phantomhive said, "Now Evelyn, I did inform you that I would have a different job for you."

He sat up straighter and continued, "I wish for you to be my companion."

I was confused, "Your companion, my lord?"

"Please, call me Ciel when it is just the two of us or when Sebastian is around. Yes, my personal companion. Like Sebastian, you are to walk with me, travel with me and I would like your insights on cases," Ciel told me.

"My-Ciel, how could I help with cases?" I asked.

"You were able to see the ghost of Baron Cane's grandfather and you could see that Sebastian is not of this world. That would be extremely helpful for me," he retorted.

I looked down for a moment in shock, then I looked up, "So, you don't believe I'm mad?"

Ciel got up from behind his desk and stood in front of it, "No, I don't. I believe you are exceptional and should be treated as such."

I bent over and started crying. Only my parents have ever called me exceptional. Ciel gently lifted my head and wiped my tears with his handkerchief. Ciel asked me, "So, are you willing to be my companion?"

Once I was able to calm down, I said, "Yes, I am willing."

Ciel smiled, then said, "Sebastian, lead Evelyn to her room and help her get cleaned up."

Sebastian bowed, "Yes, my lord."

I was led to a bedroom that was very nice compared to the basement that I slept in.

Sebastian prepared a bath for me and left me with fresh towels and a dress, "I'll have Maria assist you."

He left the room and closed the door. I checked the water and it wasn't too hot or too cold. I took off the clothes that I was wearing and I began cleaning myself. Toward the middle of it, I heard knocks on the door and a familiar voice, "Querida, it's Maria."

I smiled, "Come in."

She walked in and looked around the room, "So, you're the Earl's companion. That's great for you."

I turned around and noticed that Maria was also cleaned up and wore a new outfit.

I said, "I'm thankful that you'll be cooking along with Bardroy. Your dishes always taste heavenly."

Once I was finished in the bath, Maria helped me dry off and put on the dress that Sebastian laid out for me. Maria smiled, "I always knew that you were meant for better things."

As she was tying up my corset, I said, "I'm still a servant. That hasn't changed."

"True, but now you won't be stuck in the basement. You'll be able to travel and see more of the world," Maria told me.

I smiled and I was in the dress completely.

(A/N: Imagine the lady is younger since Evelyn is still 12.)

I felt different being in a dress I couldn't buy, but it felt nice. Maria said, "Come, Sebastian prepared a meal to welcome us."

I smiled and followed her to the kitchen. Everyone greeted me, including Tanaka. He looked at me and said, "Ho, ho, ho."

I found it strange, but I smiled. I was happy to be a part of a new family and I couldn't wait to see what happens next.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I have wanted to write this kind of story for the longest, but I wasn't sure how to approach it. This is just the start and I believe the best is yet to come! I hope you're doing well, staying safe and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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