Chapter 13

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A/n. Hey everyone! 


Before you read the chapter. I just want to give a huge thanks to Lizette from Graphic Forge for making me this brand-new cover! She's studying graphic designs and comes up with amazing pieces! Seriously they look amazing, and I love them all sooooooo much!!

Ok now you can read. Lol. (Thanks again Lizette!)

Cole looked down at the guards who were slowly making their way towards him. Cole looked at Vania who smiled politely at him, so he smiled back. The plan was simple, or as simple as it could get for someone whose literal job is kicking villain's butt. Turning his attention back to his childhood bully and his current captors, Cole noticed that they were now directly underneath the duo. Cole gave Vania the thumbs up and the two jumped down from their hiding spot ambushing the guards. Vania took the one on the right knocking him unconscious with her insane strength, and Cole took the one on the left knocking him unconscious with his spinjitzu, although it resulted in the poor raven throwing up all over again, at least they could now work on escaping. But first there was something else to take care of. "Hey Dillian *cough remember me?" Cole asked with a hint of regret in his voice. Dillian looked too shaken up to respond, granted Cole did have his mask on so he didn't expect him to know immediately. And that was fine by him. The last thing he needed was MORE insults on top of his current problem. "So what now?" Vania asked. "We get out of here" Cole replied, "we have to leave now, *cough we can't stay here its *cough too dangerous." He turned to look at Dillian. "Dillian, you were brought into the lair recently right?" Dillian nodded slowly. "So do you know the way you came in?" Dillian nodded again, and stood up reluctantly. "Yes indeed I do you nitwits! And I am getting out of here, so pip pip cheerio!" He said walking in the direction in which he came. Cole rolled his eyes. "We just saved you! Couldn't you be at least a bit more grateful?" Vania asked, annoyed. "Blimy no, I am far too great for such tomfoolery, if you clowns need me i'll be dancing on broadway!"

'So that's why he's in America." Cole wondered. Vania ran up to the posh boy and pressed him up against the wall. "Listen Dillian is it? We were all captured which means we all need to escape! Together ok? Unless you want me to wake up these guards and they can take you to who knows where doing who knows what with you. Now I can't guarantee you'll get out before your Broadway errand, but hey! You live and learn right?" Dillian rapidly shook his head, so Vania put him down, with a sigh and low grumble the blond motioned for the two to follow him. Cole flashed Vania a grateful smile, before hurrying along towards Dillian.


Kai and Jay stood with their best ninja poses on the bounty's deck, they were approximately 4 minutes away from Mount Terror, and they had wanted to look cool in front of their friends, considering that Cole was kidnapped, the two thought that everyone would be pretty on edge...

Of course they'd have to tell them first, which could. No would definitely make them look bad. So they wanted to look GOOD for as long as possible. Kind of like eating the desert first before the vegetables if you will. Kai used this time to think about what kind of possible torture Cole would be in now. Actually, he didn't want to use the word "torture" maybe distress? He didn't want to dwell on it, but it was no secret that he was indeed worried for one of his best friends and littlest brother. (As they liked to tease him, you know the whole "Transformation from ghost to human resets your age thing") Come to think of it, Kai doesn't know how or when they started babying him, but since Yang told them on day of the departed that Cole was officially considered a newborn, everyone became more... protective? (Much to the earth elemental's dismay)

Kai chuckled upon the memory of seeing his brother's face once the ghost sensei stated his new age.

A part of him worried he might never see that face again

A really stupid and definitely crazy part

But also, maybe right?

No no! He couldn't think like that!

Kai shook his head and just decided to enjoy the silence.

Unfortunately "silent" was never a word used to describe Jay.

"What do you think our friends will say when they see us? Will they be like all "Thank you for coming to save us! You guys are the most bestest ninja of all time!" Or do you think they'll be like "finally what took you guys so long? We've been waiting forever!" Maybe a bit of both? Considering Nya's my yang and-"

Kai stopped listening after a while, and instead focused on the gentle breeze against his face and the welcoming sound of the birds songs




Kai groaned not even bothering to hide his disappointment. "Yes Jay?" Jay rolled his eyes. "Were you even listening to me?" "No but that's ok I never listen to you." Kai smirked. The redhead pouted. "Now would be a good time to start fireboy!" He said annoyed, "I was just asking how you think Cole's holding up?" Kai frowned so much Jay thought he could pass as a professional frowner for depressive birthday parties. "I don't know Jay, I'm worried about him. Not only is he stuck in the hands of an evil villain who wants to kill him, but he's also so sick that he won't be able to fight back" Jay matched Kai's expression. "Your right Kai, but don't worry, we're almost at the cords Zane sent me the sooner we rescue the team the-" "The sooner we can rescue Cole, yeah your right" Kai sighed. They'd had this conversation a bunch of times before, on how Cole was FINE and everything would turn out FINE and that there was nothing to worry about because it was, you guessed it FINE! And Kai was sick of it. Don't get him wrong, he wants his brother to be safe, but just like Jay never liked to be quiet, Kai never liked to just hope everything would alright, he was the kind of guy that would hijack a helicopter, fly into a volcano and battle a horde of lava monsters single handedly if it meant protecting anyone he cared about. And nobody on the team doubted even for a second that he very well will if circumstances led to it. He had been called "impulsive" before, and not only by his friends. Even his old math teacher said he was a "hothead" and frankly Kai agreed. The truth is the brunette actually had a secret disorder of his own. IED (intermittent Explosive Disorder) and had taken anger management therapy to help treat it when he was younger. He never told ANYBODY, not even his sister. The sad truth is Kai was embarrassed. He always hated the word "disorder" and he didn't like the thought of being the only ninja with one. (Unless you count Cole's colorblindness, but that wasn't really a disorder.. More like an unfortunate condition... At least that's what everyone always told the younger anyway, whether he believed it or not was a mystery to the brunette.) The good news is his IED had gotten better over the years, and Kai never had to worry about being caught. Sure in the beginning he was a bit snappy, but he's come a long way. The only thing that could possibly activate it again was if someone hurt his family.

But what are the odds of that?

"Hey look! There they are!" Jay said, pointing at the land bounty that just came into view. Kai flinched, it wasn't in good shape. The windows were shattered, the door was nowhere to be seen and the whole thing was flipped upside down, leaning against the bottom of a tall cliff. Kai hoped that it didn't mean what he thought it did. Jay let out an extremely high whistle, "Wonder what happened here." Kai nodded, "I really hope the team's ok." hope... hope was the only thing he could do.

As they got closer (and much to the 2 ninja's relief) they saw the rest of their family right there, standing at a safe distance away from the cliff. Kai mentally sighed in relief. The bounty moved to hover just over the rest of the team. Then Kai and Jay continued their plan to amaze their friends by doing a couple flips off the deck.

In which they landed in a face flop for perfection.

Choosing to ignore the rough landing Kai stood up with as much dignity as possible.Instead of greeting the fire and lightning ninjas, everyone just kinda blankly stared. Kai thought that was a bit weird, considering all he's been through to save them. Scanning his friends Kai noticed they looked a bit shaken up.

"What's wrong guys?"

Zane spoke first. "We were attacked." Jay gasped but Kai shushed him. "Attacked by what?" He asked. Zan looked down and shook his head. "A Woving bear."


Zane was concerned, he and his friends had been stuck on Mount Terror for 12 days now, surely his brothers would have been here by now? Maybe it was his fault, after all Zane was the one who wanted to see if Cole was alright, he was a nindroid, he would know what to do, the more he thought about it the more questions he came up with, why didn't Kai call him? Was it because he was only a robot? Did he not think he could provide guidance? Should he even be a part of the team at all? 'Stop it Zane' He told himself, 'This is not about you, it's about Cole.' The ice ninja looked out the window. Once they ran out of gas, the team thought it would be a good idea to stay inside the land bounty in case any dangerous creatures were out there. Now as the wind blew harshly shaking the vehicle, Zane was rather... afraid, although he would never admit it to anybody especially in Cole's time of need, Zane's insecurities would have to wait.

"Greetings Zane, I sense that something is troubling you?" Pixel walked over to her boyfriend with a concerned face, the former forced a smile, "Hello my love, no I am fine, just worried about Cole, I called Jay almost 2 weeks ago and they are still not here, I am beginning to wonder if they require assistance, or are in grave danger." Pixel sat down next to the silver (what's Zane's hair color?) she looked up at him knowingly, "I see, but Zane if you are unsure about something I am always here, you gave me half your heart remember?" Zane nodded, agreeing with what his girlfriend said, Cole and the others would find them, and when they did the nindroid would not waste any time before giving his little brother a sturdy check up. "Thank you Pixel, you are correct, we just have to wait. But we should be prepared in case they do not come soon enough." He said, "Why wouldn't they come? Surely they would, since you have given them our location and I do believe the team sees each other as family, am I incorrect in this knowledge?" She asked, Zane looked at the floor as if he swallowed his shurikens, because Zane was a ninjroid he did not require air, but that didn't stop the feeling of suffocation to pass through his body. "My apologies Pixel." Zane started, "I merely meant it in a way as if we were to run out of supplies, although you and I do not need food or water the others do." He pointed over to his friends, Nya was rubbing her hands in an attempt at keeping warm, whilst Lloyd could be found meditating with Wu. "It would be unwise to not take that into account." If Zane could blush he would've, 'did i just call pixel unwise?' Pixel smiled, "Of course, that does provide more clarity, but Zane?" Zane looked at his girlfriend, "You do know I love you, I believe we are compatible, you can tell me anything, I am here and will always be here for you." Zane smiled "yes I know Pixel, I love you too, but I must insist that I am fine." Pixel smiled back and got up to go talk to Nya. Zane sighed and focused on the wall, 'I do hope he's alright.' He thought.

"Hello Zane are you alright?" Zane looked up to see his master standing over him, "My greetings master Wu and yes i am, thanks to Pixel." Master Wu smiled, but before he could say anything a loud roar shook the ship. "What was that?" asked Lloyd as he got up from his spot on the floor, "I dont know", replied Nya, "but it sounds big." Just then a face appeared in front of the ship, then lightning struck and it was gone, "Did anybody else see that!" Lloyd pointed at where the creature was a minute ago. Immediately everybody grabbed their weapons, they stood back to back forming a small circle, everyone was on alert in case of an attack.

But none came.

A minute passed, then 5.

"Maybe it went home?" Nya guessed. Pixel shook her head. "I do not think that is likely, why would it come here and not do anything?" Lloyd shrugged, "We can't risk it what if-"

Unfortunately he was cut off by yet another roar right before the creature smashed the door down, giving the ninja a better look at what it looked like, it was 6 feet tall, its brown fur covered his eyes, his nose was purple with the biggest booger ever stuck under it. Its teeth were yellow with the slightest bit of black craving at the edges. Zane studied the creature's back, it was covered in leaves but he did notice a few orange spikes. The creature charged at the ninja at lightning speed, giving them almost no time to react, luckily they all jumped out of the was before its giant claws could grab them, they surrounded the mysterious beast holding their weapons in a defensive position, one other thing Zane noticed was that the monster did not have a tail, or at least had a very short one. "It's a Woving bear! One of the most dangerous animals on the planet." The ice elemental yelled. The Woving bear confirmed this by letting out a very angry roar, 'not angry.' Zane realized, 'hungry' the beast looked at Pixel like she owed him 5 bucks, before charging over to the android tackling her to the ground.

Zane rushed forward and slashed the Woving bear with his katana, usually he was better with a bow but Wu thought it would be a good idea to practice with a more common weapon in case there was an unexpected attack. The creature let Pixel go in favor of screaming in agony, as fast a lightning he charged at the ice elemental, Zane blocked his oncoming attack by lifting his weapon eye level, but Woving bears are not stupid, using its giant claws to scrape Zane's metal skin he threw the poor nindroid across the Land Bounty right into Lloyd. Nya upon seeing this launched into her own attack, she swung her sword towards the woving bear's midsection, but she came off just short, and ended up only grazing the beast. It then dashed towards the girl, grabbing her and pulling her towards his mouth, spit was thrown onto the water ninja as the woving bear roared yet again.

Just when Nya thought it was all over for her, the creature dropped her onto the floor and ran out the Land Bounty, like he just saw a ghost. Zane was curious by the wild animals' strange behavior, but had no time to register it before the entire vehicle shook.

"What's happening?!!?!??!" yelled Lloyd. "I believe earlier Zane forgot to mention that woving bears can manipulate the wind." Pixel clang onto a chair. 'Of course I did' Zane thought. Nya, who was closest to the window, looked out in trepidation. "Guys we have to leave now." She called as she rushed over to the door. The others followed shortly. Once Zane looked out the exit, it was suddenly clear why Nya had wanted to leave, the destiny's bounty was on a cliff! And just about to fall off the edge! In fact Zane was in so much shock that he didn't even notice the others calling his name from outside, Zane shook all remaining fear out of him and took a desperate leap for the ground just as the land bounty fell off.


"Wow" Jay said with worry in his eyes. "Are you guys ok?" Zane nodded. "Yes just a bit shaken up. We've been out here in the snow since yesterday. What took you guys so long?" Kai rubbed his arm anxiously. "Well we kind of, maybe, possibly... Lost Cole." That got everyone's undivided attention. "What do you mean you lost him?" Nya charged angrily at her brother and boyfriend. "We didn't lose him!" Jay rushed, fearing his fiancee's wrath, "we know exactly where he is." Kai saw the team physically relax. He just stared at Jay confused. "We do?" Jay nodded. "Yes! He's with the evil villian guy who wants to kill him!" He laughed nervously.

Everyone started yelling at the two. Much like how they expected. "My students," Master Wu said looking at Kai, please tell us what happened?"

So he did

He told them EVERYTHING!

Well not everything. He left out the part about his mini panic attack that Jay politely chose to ignore.

When he was finished everyone looked flabbergasted. But Sensei Wu looked mournful. "I am afraid, my pupils. That Cole is in more danger than we thought." The team became silent. Then Jay being Jay broke it by asking. "MORE danger? How could he be any MORE if he's already in the hands of a psycho killer?!?!" Master Wu met Jay's eyes, giving him the "there's more, if you would just shut up, i'll tell you" stare. Then he switched gaze to the ground. "Because Jay, he's not just any psycho killer... he's also Cole's biological older brother."

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