Chapter 2

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Cole woke up with a headache. Tiredly he sat up. 'Did it always take this much energy?' He thought as he rubbed his temples with his left hand, whilst his right held him up. Shaking, he stood up. Although he wanted nothing more than to go back to bed, he promised Kai that he'd train with him, and if there's one thing everyone knows about Cole, is that he takes promises very seriously. It had something to do with his childhood, in fact his final words to his mother before she died was a promise that he would ought to stand up to those who are cruel and unjust, in the name of protecting the innocent of course. The boy was quite grateful for his black gi, especially on cold days such as today. He would've liked it to be orange as that is his favorite color after all, but black wasn't too bad he supposed. It confused his fans upon hearing the news, since all of the other ninja's favorite colors are their dedicated ones. Cole took one look into the mirror, like how he did every morning. He hated the look of his mismatching eyes. One black one purple. Colorblindness had always been a shameful thing to Cole. Even if it was only in his left eye. The kids at his school would often call him names because of them. Such as, freak or weirdo.(he would often get his revenge later but it still hurt.) It's why it took so long to come out to the other ninja about it.

Cole clutched his stomach in pain, and he suddenly felt dizzy. He leaned onto the wall for support, while he steadied his breathing. In and out. In and out. Eventually his vision grew normal again and he didn't hurt as much. Standing up (when did he sit down?) He began the walk outside. Kai was already going at a dummy. Showing no mercy. "Take that!" He aimed a kick at the side. "And that." Another one to the opposite side. "And this" He backflipped before spraying fire at the poor punching bag. "You just got Kaied!" Cole chuckled at his brother's antics. " That isn't a word moron! You should stick to your other catch phrases." Said moron quickly whipped around so that he could face his companion. "Says you sleeping beauty, I didn't see you throwing any fists?" Said sleeping beauty yawned in reply. Cole was surprised by how much that hurt his throat. "So? I was tired leave me alone." "I can see that." Kai upon studying Cole's appearance, face softened. "Are you sure you still want to train? You look a little green. 'Green' Cole thought. 'Wonder what that looks like' He shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine, wanna spar?" Kai immediately lit up. "Oh you are so on!"

The two ninjas took their positions on either side of the training area. "Good luck Cole, I've been told I can be pretty mean when I wanna be." Kai's hands burst into flames and he was wearing a smirk on his lips. Cole grumbled in reply, something about talking made him feel sick. Kai dashed at him and he swiftly dodged the attack immediately taking the defensive. Being the master of lightning Jay was naturally the fastest out of all of them, but surprisingly Kai was second, and it was getting harder for Cole to keep up. One lucky blow to his midsection swept the air out of the boy, another knocked him into the wall. Kai stopped his attacks as seeing his brother gasp for air. "Are you sure you're ok? We could stop if you want?" "No no" Cole panted. "I'm ok, I just need a-" Black dots painted his vision. "Cole? COLE!" He heard

someone yell, finally giving way to the darkness and fell into the relief of unconscious.

A/n sorry this one's so short. Chapters are going to differ in length. 

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