Chapter 7

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A/n warning this chapter has panic attacks, nightmares mentions of bullying, vomit and mentions of death DO NOT READ IF SENSITIVE TO THAT! 

If your still here enjoy the chapter 😊

Cole woke up with a jump. His heart was racing. "Noooooo!!" He cried, tears blurred his vision, he could hear voices calling his name, he had to get aways from it all. He shakily got up and bolted ahead. Although he wasn't quite sure which way ahead was and he ended up running around the room, which led to falling on an unsuspecting chair which led to him crashing into a wall. Cole let out a painful groan. When finally his vision started to get better. The first thing he noticed was that he was upside down, his back lying on the floor while his legs rested on the wall above his head. The next thing he noticed was that the mysterious voices belonged to the two hooligans he called his brothers. Kai was staring at him wide mouthed in shock whilst Jay looked a little more concerned. "Cole?" Jay spoke. "Are you okay?" Cole grunted in response. He must've looked pretty silly at the moment so he attempted to roll back around. It took a couple of tries but he managed to swing his legs over his shoulder and back roll over.

Big mistake

Going for the world record on how many times a person could puke in one day the black ninja emptied out his stomach. 'Man I must look pretty pathetic right now' he thought. Cole sat on his knees, hands pressed down on the floor. His vision blurred again and he felt like Kai set his middle on fire. After about 3 minutes of letting nature run its course it finally stopped. Cole could feel arms lifting him up. He wasn't quite sure what was going on but the next thing he knew he was hoist onto someone's shoulder. Rubbing his eyes to clear away the tears he realized that Kai was yet again carrying him to bed. A brief look to the left and Jay could be seen cleaning up the mess Cole made. 'Poor Jay.' Entering the sleeping quarters Kai wasted no time in gently putting Cole in bed. "Thanks" The raven choked. "Don't mention it, but Cole buddy..."

'Uh oh the only time Kai ever calls me that is either one out of three things.'

A.He's disappointed 

B.He's worried

C.He knows you're hiding something.

'Is he disappointed in me? Of course he is! I'm pathetic!'

"... what happened back there?" Kai's tone was gentle yet pleading. Cole knew he couldn't keep it a secret for much longer, but he's also a very private person. Luckily over the years of knowing the red ninja, the raven had come up with a few strategies to sort of side step the topics.

No.1: play dumb

"Ummmm what do you mean? *cough" Kai narrowed his eyebrows to show how unimpressed he was. "You know when you screamed like a girl, ran around the room, tripped over a chair and crashed into a wall, remember that?" He asked sarcastically.

No.2 changing the topic.

"Yeah, kinda reminds you of the time Jay tried to beat my high score in dance dance revolution, *cough remember when he tripped and fell into the table?" Kai crossed his arms. "Come on Cole, you know that won't work, I know something's up."

No.3 the silent treatment




"Please, I'm worried about you."

Cole turned onto his side.

"Fine ignore me then, but I'm not leaving until you tell me why you freaked out!"

Oh well he tried

Earth sighed. "I don't want to talk about it."

Just then Jay walked in. "Hey Kai, is Cole asleep?" The hothead rolled his eyes "Nope he's just being stubborn he won't talk to me about the incident." Jay slowly walked over to the bunk bed. He had to duck under the top bit to sit on the bottom. Cole felt the bed dip as his brother sat down, Jay tried nudging Cole to talk but he still sat there as quiet as a mouse. Kai rested his hand on the raven's back. "Look, I know you said that you feel like you have to be the strong one, but that shouldn't mean you can't have feelings. We're your brothers Cole, we were there for you since the beginning and we're still here for you now. Whatever caused you to have that reaction, we'll figure it out, together!" Cole had to admit, it was a pretty good speech. And the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to tell them. Careful not to throw up on Jay, he slowly sat up. "I had a nightmare." Came the softest voice he had ever used. It was so soft he thought the others couldn't hear him. "You had a nightmare?" Of course he had to be wrong about that too. "Yeah" "Do you wanna talk about it?" Jay asked. Slowly, Cole nodded.

"It started out ok, I was in a field of dandelions. They were all singing, but I can't remember the song, I only remember loving it and singing with them, but then the sky grew dark, and black clouds came out of nowhere. The next thing I knew I was in some sort of building, the same one when I fell into the oni cloud. But instead of Oni trying to kill me...It was" He was interrupted by another coughing fit. "It was some kids from my old school, they were surrounding me calling me names. And pushing me around, like when they did back at Marty Oppenheimer. Suddenly the floor collapsed and I was in a graveyard, I saw my mom's grave, it read. Lily Brookstone, murdered by her son Cole Brookstone." He was on the verge of tears, but he kept going "My dad was there, he told me what a disappointment I am, and that it's my fault she died, he said that I could never be an artist and that I'm no longer his son, because I'm a monster. *cough Then I looked down at my hands and I could see through them. I was a ghost again and I could hear Yang laughing. Everything faded to black and then I woke up."

Cole tried to read his brother's faces, Jay looked sorry for him, and Kai looked like he couldn't decide to either be angry or upset. Cole burst into tears. Jay gave him a hug. Kai joined in. Slowly the crying became sobs "I I I've been g getting it for a w while now" he admitted, "each time it keeps getting worse." "I'm sorry Cole." Kai said. "That sucks, it really does..." Jay didn't say anything, he just held Cole tighter. "... but that's just your mind playing tricks on you, you fell into the cloud, but you survived, those kids picked on you, but it didn't change who you are now, I don't know how your mom passed, but I know it wasn't your fault, you dad loves you more than anything in the world, Yang tried to pull you down but it only made you stronger, and aren't you guys friends now? If creepy clouds, childhood bullies, and an evil ghost sensi can't kill you, then what can?" Cole nodded his head, it made sense, he was strong, he had traumatizing moments but he got through all that.

"Yeah!" Jay said " And you don't have to be the big strong tough guy all the time. Even rocks can crack, you know." The raven let out a happy sigh. 'What did I do to deserve such good friends?' He thought. "Thanks guys. *cough. I needed that. *cough *cough" "Anytime baby bro." Jay said, getting up. "But for now you need your rest." Cole rolled his eyes. "For the last time Jay, the transformation between ghost to human does not reset my age! *cough" Kai chuckled, "that's not what Yang says." He sang. "And even if it didn't, we're still older than you anyway." Cole fake gasped. "I'm not that much younger than you! *cough" Jay ruffled his hair "meh young enough." Cole couldn't help but laugh. "You guys suck!" "Aww love you too baby bro." Kai said, "but seriously go to sleep. You still look a bit green." Cole looked at this lap. Honestly he was a bit scared to fall back asleep, what if he had that nightmare again? A quick look at his brother's tired faces made his option very easy. "Fine, but only if you guys do too. And it doesn't mean I'm *cough sick" Kai and Jay shared a look. "Deal" red and blue scurried off into their bunks. Jay above Cole and Kai under Zane's. "Goodnight everyone!" Jay chirped. Cole mumbled something back but was quick to fall asleep, knowing that his brothers will always be there for him.

Even if he was back at that dreaded dandelion field.

A/n so yeah Cole gets nightmares. I couldn't decide what I should do for it though I knew it was going to be a traumatic event, yesterday I woke up like. The fall, then in the afternoon I thought. Ghost, when I went to bed I'm like no wait his mother's death so I was like ok why not all of them? Man that was a lot though. Poor Cole. Anyways I need ideas! What should happen next? Requests are always welcome! 

Well I gotta go take over the world now. (Hey it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it) laters! 👌👌👌

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