Chapter 2: The Attack

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Aragorn raced through the forest, doing his best to track the hobbit and Boromir.

'Why did he go off on his own?'
Aragorn thought to himself. Surely Frodo would have mentioned something to him before leaving the camp.

'He could have at least said something to Sam.'
Aragorn continued his hunt when Legolas's words suddenly came back to him.

"Something draws near."
What did he mean? What was coming? Aragorn didn't have time to think about it.
He had to find Frodo and Boromir, then return to the others and leave this place.

A voice suddenly cried out from the forest. Aragorn's heart raced as he recognized the voice, Boromir.

He raced towards the spot where he had heard him, he burst through the trees and emerged into a clearing, he froze in horror.

Boromir was standing over Frodo, one hand grasping his sword, and the other holding the Ring.


Boromir raised his sword over Frodo, the hobbit couldn't move, he was frozen in fear. He couldn't believe what was happening.

Boromir, his friend, has taken the ring, betrayed the fellowship, and was about to kill him.

Frodo closed his eyes, waiting for the blow that would end his life, but it never came.

He heard Boromir gasp and fall to the ground. He opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Aragorn!" he called out. Frodo watched in horror as Aragorn and Boromir fought on the ground. Boromir was trying to wrestle Aragorn's sword from him, Aragorn looked urgently at him.

"Frodo! The Ring!"
The Ring? The Ring! Frodo quickly scanned the ground for any sign of the Ring, his eye caught a small flash of gold. He found it!

His hand quickly reached out to grab it, he clasped the Ring tightly in his hand.

"Run! Run Frodo!" Aragorn's warning came too late.

Frodo was grabbed from behind and swung around. The Ring was ripped out of his hands and a knife was placed at his neck.

Aragorn stood with his sword in his hand, his forehead was bleeding from a cut, and he was breathing heavily.

"Let him go Boromir." He didn't move but kept his hand grasped firmly on his sword. Boromir pressed the blade harder against Frodo's neck.

The hobbit's eyes were wide in terror. This couldn't be happening. Boromir laughed manically. His eyes were filled with madness.

"Why should I let him go? You will just kill me." Aragorn took a step forward.

"This isn't you Boromir, it's the Ring. It's poisoned your mind. Let me help you."

"Help? How can you help anyone?" Boromir began backing away, keeping the blade firmly pressed against Frodo's neck.

"Let him go," Aragorn said calmly.
"Give up the ring, we can go somewhere safe, we'll find someone to help you."

Boromir tensed. The hand clutching the ring gripped it tighter.

"Give up the ring? Go somewhere safe? How can we be safe while Sauron still lives?"

He was shouting now. Frodo desperately hoped that someone would hear them. Surely Legolas would be able to hear Boromir's shouts from here.

Frodo didn't know much about elves, but he was sure that someone like Legolas could hear the commotion. 'Please, please someone, help us!'

Boromir continued his rant as he continued backing away from Aragorn. "It was Isildur's fault that Sauron wasn't destroyed! And now his heir is demanding that I hand him the ring? The one thing that can bring Sauron back?"

Boromir's face was twisted in rage, the knife cut into Frodo's skin. At any moment, Frodo could be dead.

"You want the ring for yourself! You will give it to Sauron!" Boromir's voice strained, he shook and clutched the ring tighter.

"You will kill us all!" Frodo waited for Aragorn to respond. But the ranger didn't move.

Instead, his gaze drifted over to Sting, which Frodo had dropped when Boromir had grabbed him.
Frodo followed his gaze, and fear gripped him more strongly than before.

The small sword was glowing bright blue.


Legolas stood motionless by the trees. His arms were crossed and his eyes scanned the forest for any sign of Aragorn returning.

"Shouldn't they have come back by now?" Pippin asked Merry as the two hobbits sat next to each other.

"We don't know how long Frodo's been gone Pip," Merry told him. "But don't worry, if anyone can find him, Strider

Legolas listened to their conversation and wished that he could be as hopeful as the hobbits.

He probably wouldn't be worried if it wasn't for all the thoughts that troubled him.

His main concern was Boromir. Ever since he had met him in Rivendell, there had been something about the man that had rubbed him the wrong way.

He had been skeptical when Boromir had joined the Fellowship.

He had wanted to say something to Elrond or maybe Gandalf but he'd stayed silent.

Something he had done for far too long.

He had always hidden his thoughts, fears, and concerns.

He had voiced them to Aragorn a few times but he had never shared everything with him.

He still had his secrets. As well as his opinions about the quest. They mainly consisted of wondering whether or not Boromir should continue with them.

He had been gone for some time now. Legolas guessed that he was probably with Frodo. If not, then where else could he be?

Suddenly he heard the sound of feet running towards them. Without hesitating he pulled out his bow and fitted an arrow into the string.

He turned around and aimed his bow. "Boromir!" Pippin stood up and was quickly followed by Merry.

Sam and Gimli, who were standing nearby, looked over in surprise.

Legolas lowered his bow, he studied Boromir. The man looked like he had been in a struggle.

His shirt was torn and he had a small cut on his cheek.
"What happened?" Pippin exclaimed as he also took in Boromir's state.

"Orcs." the man gasped "Hundreds of them! They've trapped Aragorn and Frodo. We must hurry!"

Without waiting for the others Merry and Pippin raced into the forest. Sam followed after them and Gimli shouted for them to stop.

Boromir didn't follow. Instead, he grinned wickedly.

They'd run off into a mass of orcs. They would be killed and he could continue his plan.

He reached for the chain that now hung around his neck. He gazed at the Ring, it would save his people. He would save his people.

He turned around and froze.
Legolas between him, and his escape.


Boromir backed away from Legolas. He cursed himself for not paying attention. He had thought that Legolas would have been the first to go after Aragorn.

Legolas stepped towards Boromir. His blue eyes were blazing with fury. "You took the Ring." The elf said slowly.

Boromir smiled. "You're quite observant my friend." He took another step back. He had to buy some time.

He knew that he couldn't beat Legolas in a fight.

"Where are Aragorn and Frodo?" Legolas demanded, slowly approaching him.

Boromir laughed. "Dead by now. Unless the orcs have decided to have mercy on them."

Legolas tried to hide the flash of fear that passed over his face, but Boromir noticed it and smiled.

"The others will share the same fate." He stopped walking and stared straight at Legolas, who also stopped.

"Unless you can save them." Boromir waited for the elf to respond.

When he didn't he continued, "You have a choice elf. You can fight me for the Ring, or you can save what's left of your friends."

Legolas stared at Boromir. His gaze was unreadable. Boromir stared at him in contempt. He knew what Legolas would choose.

There was no doubt in his mind that he would go to save his friends.

Finally, Legolas spoke.
"Or I could kill you."
Before Boromir could comprehend what he had said, Legolas fitted an arrow into his bow and aimed it at Boromir.

"Recover what you stole, and then save my friends." Boromir stared in shock at the elf, who had the arrow aimed directly at his heart.

"You wouldn't kill me." Boromir declared defiantly. Legolas pulled back the arrow.
"Try me."

A roar suddenly came from the trees. Both man and elf turned to see orcs pouring out of the forest.

Legolas fired the arrow that had been meant for Boromir at the first orc he saw.

It hit the creature in the heart and it fell down dead. He loaded another arrow and fired again.

More orcs came and Legolas killed them all one by one.

Soon only a few orcs remained.
As Legolas reached for another arrow something struck him hard in the back. He gasped in pain as he fell forward. He landed on the ground and dropped his bow.

He immediately began to get back to his feet when something struck him again. Legolas collapsed and struggled to breathe. He was aware of someone rolling him onto his back.

He looked up and saw a monstrous orc standing over him. It had a club in his hand was about to bring it down onto the elf.

Legolas' mind screamed for his body to move but it wouldn't respond.

He watched helplessly as the orc prepared to end his life.

Suddenly there was the sound of a sword sinking flesh. The orc jerked backward before falling over.

Legolas looked up and to his shock saw Boromir.
His relief turned to horror as Boromir reached for the club that the orc had been holding.

Legolas immediately knew what he was about to do.
He tried to get up but was pinned down as Boromir placed his foot on his chest.

He smiled at the elf, he grasped the club firmly in his hand.
"If you are going to kill me do it." Legolas looked right into the man's eyes. Madness was all that he could see.

"Now why would I kill you?" Boromir asked innocently. He raised the club over his head with both hands and smiled.

"When they could do it instead."
Legolas heard the orcs growling behind him.

Before he could react Boromir struck him on the head. The last thing Legolas was aware of before were three orcs standing over him.

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