Chapter 8: Fangorn

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"Are we lost Sam?" Pippin asked exausted and out of breath.

"No, we're not lost, we're just..." Sam's voice trailed off. He looked around at the trees that towered over them.
"We're just not sure of where we're going that's all."

Pippin rolled his eyes. "Which means we're lost." he replied flatly.

Sam sighed. He had tried to keep the young hobbit's spirits up, but it was impossible. Both of them were worried sick about Merry and Frodo.

Sam still couldn't believe that he had actually left them with those beasts! They could've tried harder to save them. They should've tried harder.

But now their friends were prisoners of orcs, they were lost in a forest, and they had no idea what had become of the rest of their friends.

A low growling noise made Sam jump. He gripped the orc knife that Pippin had given him.

"What was that?" Sam looked around frantically.

"Sorry Sam, it was just me." Sam faced the young hobbit who looked down forlornly at his feet. "I'm just a little hungry."

Sam smiled. "It's alright. To be honest I'm hungry too."
Pippin sighed. "Look at us, Merry and Frodo have been captured by orcs, and we're standing around complaining that we're hungry."

"We're gonna save them Pippin! We won't leave them."

"How? How are we going to save them? We're lost, there's only two of us, and we don't even know if they are still alive!"

"Of course they're still alive!"
Sam insisted.
"How do you know that?" Pippin asked.
Sam hesitated before answering.
"I don't know... I just have this feeling that they're still alive."

Pippin sighed.
"I wish I could be as hopeful." Sam placed a hand comfortingly on Pippin's shoulder.
"We'll find them Pippin. I know we will."


They journeyed on through the forest, searching for any sign of the way they had come. Sam was trying to stay as hopeful as he had been before, but right now he felt completely and utterly hopeless.

How would they rescue Frodo and Merry? They didn't know where they were; and they didn't know how they were supposed to take on an army of orcs by themselves.

If only Strider and the others were here...
They'd know what to do!

But Sam knew that Strider and the others were long gone. Frodo had sent them after the Ring.

Had they caught Boromir yet? Did they have the Ring? Were they on their way to Mordor? Sam had a feeling that all of his questions would remained unanswered.

Sam heard another growl. He sighed and without turning around he called back to Pippin,
"I know you're hungry Pippin! We'll try to find something to eat in these woods!"

"Th-that wa-wasn't me."

"What do you mean?" Sam turned around and gasped. A large tree was standing over them, except it had arms and legs and two eyes staring at them.

"Run Pippin!" But it was too late, the tree reached down and scooped up both hobbits in its hands. It raised them up to its face and growled. "Little orcs!"

His grip tightened on them and the hobbits gasped in pain. "We're not orcs! We're hobbits!"
Sam gasped.

"Hobbits? I have not heard of hobbits. Sounds like orc mischief to me."

"No! Really! We are hobbits!" Pippin shouted desperately.

"Maybe you are, and maybe you aren't. The white wizard, will know."

Sam looked at Pippin and saw the young hobbit's eyes widen in fear. They knew who the white wizard was.



The tree carried them in silence for what seemed like hours to the hobbits. He finally stopped and placed the hobbits on the ground in front of a being that seemed to be made out of light.

"I see you have found two halflings Treebeard." The wizard said calmly. The hobbits were filled with fear.

Yet something about him reminded Sam of...

No! It couldn't! How could this traitor be anything like-

"What is wrong Sam? Have you forgotten how to greet an old friend?"

Sam froze.
Is it really...
The light around the wizard faded, he stepped in front of the hobbits and smiled.

"Gandalf!" Pippin exclaimed as he jumped to his feet.
"Gandalf?" the wizard asked in what seemed like confusion. He looked down at the hobbits.
"Yes... That was my name, Gandalf the Grey..."

Sam glanced at Pippin and he stared back. Neither knew what to make of the situation.

"But now, I am Gandalf the White."

Pippin asked the question that had been plauging both him and Sam's mind. "How did you survive? The Balrog, you fell, and-"

Pippin stopped. The wizard seemed to shudder in pain for a second. Before replying to the hobbit.

"That my friend, is a story that will have to wait for another time. We have more important matters to discuss."

Gandalf looked at both hobbits and continued, "I know that the fellowship has broken, and I know that the Ring has been taken."

Sam and Pippin gaped at the wizard. How did he know all of this?

"I also know that Aragorn has gone after it with Legolas and Gimli. No, I do not know if they have found it or if they are alive. I know that Frodo and Merry have been taken to Isengard and are prisoners of Saruman."

Sam's heart sank. "Is there any way we can save them?" he asked. Gandalf smiled and looked up at Treebeard. "What do you think my friend?"

Treebeard made a grumbling sound and replied, "Saruman has gone unpunished long enough! His crimea against this forest and all the people of this earth must be dealt with!"

"Then we are agreed. I know it is not your way Treebeard, but you will need to be hasty if you are going to rescue their friends."

Treebeard nodded. "Of course Gandalf. I understand."

Gandalf smiled and turned back to Sam and Pippin. "It is decided then. You two will go with Treebeard to Isengard."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Pippin asked. "How? When? And what do you mean, 'We're going to Isengard?'"

"Now now, let's not be hasty young one. All your questions will be answered in time. But for now," Treebeard's voice became full of anger.
"It it time to deal with Saruman." Treebeard bent down and gently picked up the two hobbits and set them carefully on his shoulders. Sam looked down at Gandalf and called, "You're coming with us too, right Gandalf?"

The wizard smiled and sadly shook his head. "I'm afraid not. My business lies elsewhere for now. But do not worry, we will meet again."

Sam opened his mouth to ask another question but was stopped by Gandalf.

"I promise you Samwise Gamgee! All of your questions will be answered when we meet again. Stay with Treebeard and he will help you rescue Frodo and Merry!"

With that said Treebeard began walking forward with the hobbits.

Sam turned back hoping to see Gandalf again but the wizard was gone.

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