Chapter 11

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Be warned guys. This chapter is a little cheesy. But then again, so is this whole fandom! Anyhow, hope you enjoy! (See if you can find from what book the second memory is from!)

Why was I crying! I shouldn't be crying! I'm not physically hurt...and no one I love had been hurt...yet I felt like someone had taken a hammer to my glass heart...and I had no idea how to put it back together.

"There there Marinette...It's okay."

"No Tikki! He literally friend zoned me!" I had to wait for my sobbing to calm a bit before I could say anymore, "Tikki, I'm such a fool! Of course, he doesn't love me. MY HAIR IS BLUE!"

"Marinette, you're hair is a lovely color and-"

"I'm a total klutz Tikki! I'm just a lowly servant girl. I have nothing to offer Tikki! I'm an awful awful person! Master Fu was wrong. All of Alexandria is wrong! Chat Noir doesn't love me...and never will," My voice cracked with emotion on my last sentence.


"No Tikki. I don't want to be comforted. Not...not right now. Master Fu was right about one thing though," I dried my tears and sat up straight, "Chat Noir cannot mean anything to me. He simply has to be someone to help me fulfill my ultimate goal. Defeating HawkMoth. That's all that matters now."

"I don't think that's what Master Fu-"

"Good night Tikki."


For three days I walked around, totally void and emotionless. Even though I was getting ready for a party in my honor, I couldn't be less excited.

No one could get through to me. Not Alya, not Nino, not my parents, not even sweet Tikki.

I noticed that Adrien seems to be also feeling glum, but I didn't have it in me to find out what was wrong...or try to cheer him up.

But then one night it all changed for me.

I was half asleep in my bed when a bucket of water was suddenly poured on me.

"Get up," Said a voice I didn't recognize.

"Come on Marinette," That was Tikki...Well, I thought it was. But the more I heard the voice, the more it didn't sound like Tikki. Still, I trusted the people with me.

Soaking wet, I stood and was blindly led up up balcony, my eyes not adjusted to the sudden light of a candle that was held.

I came to the railing and stopped.

"Trust us Marinette."

So, I climbed up on top of the railing...and leaped.

I landed on the ground and was surprised I was still alive, and not hurt at all. It was a long way up from my balcony.

"Hurry Marinette."

I began running, still blindly. I found that even when my eyes were open it still seemed like I was in my room, looking up at the dark, blank ceiling.

"Faster Marinette."

I kept running, faster and faster and faster. Soon, I couldn't even feel my feet hitting the ground, and I knew I wasn't running anymore. I was flying!

"How-" I started to ask the people who were with me.

"Ladybugs have wings."

So I kept going, not really doing anything but feeling the wind blowing my pigtails and whipping across my cheeks.

Suddenly, I stopped and I felt the ground beneath my feet.

"Open your eyes, but do not look at us Marinette...let us come to you."

So, I opened my eyes.

The view came to my eyes slowly...but I think it was better that way. The beauty of the place I was in was unreal...and seemed to be getting brighter and brighter.

I was in a garden...but not like mine and Alya's. It was full of beautiful plants, all glowing in the dark with neon colors. Wherever I walked, the grass illuminated my footsteps.

It was like magic.

Then, a young lady my own age walked into view. Her hair was very similar to mine. She had long hair that came to her ankles the same color as mine, though mine only came to my waist. She skin was very pale, though it almost seemed tinted red when it caught the light. Or maybe that was my imagination. She wore a long red and black dress with two silver cuffs on her wrist.

There was one thing that caught my attention though. Her eyes.

"Tikki? Is that really you?"

She smiled. I was shocked. Everything was changed about Tikki. Even her voice....everything except her bright blue eyes.

"Hurry Marinette," She said gently, taking my hand, and pulling me forward.

"Hurry? Hurry to where?"

"The memory tree," She whispered.

We walked through the breathtaking garden.

"Where are we Tikki?"

"It has many names. Some call it the Miracle Box, others call it the Home of the Kwamis. But we call it by what it is. Ladybug and Chat Noir's waiting place."

"Waiting place?"

"Where every Ladybug and Chat Noir wait to take a new form."


But Tikki would say no more.

Finally, we came to a large tree. Well, two large trees. One's trunk was pure white with silver leaves, the other was black with golden leaves. The trees were wrapped tightly around each other and gave the impression of one.

Instead of fruit, these trees grew orbs that were a light blue but looked more like clear glass.

"Take one," Said a boy.

He stepped into my view. He was taller than Tikki with crazy black hair and piercing green eyes.

I guessed he was Chat Noir's kwami.

I slowly walked up to the tree and picked a blue orb from the black tree.

It instantly broke and I was taken far, far, far away.


"My sweet moon, will you not look at your beloved?" the Sun asked.

"You have given them fire! They will no longer love me as they have. They have no need of me!" The moon shrieked.

Her garments flowed with magic and dazzled from stardust. The crown on her head glistened in the Sun's light.

"I have given them fire not to hurt you, but to save them! They die like flies dropping from the sky!" The Sun argued.

"We could have found another way!" The Moon spat back.

"There was no other way!"

"You don't know that!"

"Yes, I do! Stop being so selfish! I wish you would just...just disappear!" The Sun shouted loudly.

The Moon's heart stopped beating in that moment.

" I didn't mean it! I take the wish back! Please, it wasn't my wish," The Sun cried, running to the Moon just as she fell. She was beginning to disappear.

"Only one wish left, young prince," Laughed the voice of the Earth Sprite, "What shall it be, what shall it be?"

"I wish to have her back! Please! I wish she would never leave me! Never! Never!"

"No, no, no!" Laughed the Sprite, "You can't undo a wish silly little prince. Only the King can undo your wish."

"Then I will go to the King!"

"Tat tat tat, you cannot leave this place, silly Prince. All know that."

"Please! I'd die a thousand deaths to be with her! I'll do anything."

"Anything he says? Anything? Well...we may have a deal, hehe."


I fell back. That had been awful!

"What was that?"

"A memory. Take another..." Tikki bid.

So, I picked another, but from the white tree this time. Once again it broke and I was taken away.


"It's right step, left step, thrust, not the other way around," The prince chided.

He held a wooden dowel in his hand, parallel to the warrior.

"Ugh! I hate this so much! Who cares if you sword fight with a villain going right step, left step, thrust and whether you just plunge a sword in his gut? This is so...ugh! We should be learning with real swords and real weapons!" She said, throwing down her stick.

For a ten-year-old, she had zero patience. The prince sighed and picked up her stick.

She took it, as he knew she would, and tried it again...and again...and again.

Finally, she lost all patience and charged at the prince swinging her sword madly, trying to get one hit.

The prince blocked her every time, and finally hit her stick hard enough she fell to the ground, "That's why we learn the footwork."

The warrior scowled at him as he offered her his hand, but took it anyway, standing her up.

She put her 'sword' down, and said, "I'm getting a drink."

The prince watched her go inside, smirking, "Oh, warrior, warrior, warrior," But ran after her.

They went inside together, the Lady sitting in her favorite chair, where she could watch them from outside.

"Hey, mom. We're getting a drink." The prince explained.

"Get me one too please!" She said smiling.

When they returned with three glasses of lemonade, they sat beside the Lady on the couch, enjoying the sweet/sour taste.


I came back. That one hadn't been so bad.

"Take one more then you'll be gone."


But Tikki had disappeared. So had the boy.

As I was about to take an orb something caught my eye. I walked away from the tree to a large stone.

Engraved on it was these words,

'My sweet dear, you leave me now but I'm on my way soon. My love for you will grow till it dies and replants itself again. Wait for me there. Your love, Marinette'

I gasped. How could I have written that with no memory?

Suddenly, an orb caught my eye, and without even thinking I grabbed it.


"I love you."

"Not near as much as I do."


My last thought in that magical place was being confused by the two voices...yet the voices stirred something in me. It was like somehow...someway...they made sense of everything. And I was healed.

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