Chapter 16 I Was Serenading You, Nolan

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Chapter 16: I Was Serenading You, Nolan

"Is it safe to put hand sanitizer on my lips?"

"Are you serious?"

I sighed and shoved the hand sanitizer back in my jeans pocket. I didn't need to take a risk of accidentally getting sanitizer in my mouth or dry lips or skin issues.

I clutched my phone tighter next to my ear and gazed out the window at the dark, empty streets passing by. The stupid bus was taking forever to get me home. Dark normally surfaced around five in the evening during the winter. It was already six thirty.

"Paris, just tell me what to do next," I said.

Fortunately, Paris had actually responded back to my text immediately after I had gotten out of the hospital. I called him and briefed him about the events. So far, he had only listened.

"Keep going with it," he replied on the other end. "Keep dropping subtle hints that you're interested in him--"

"It makes me sick--"

"Listen," he interjected, "I know you don't like him. That's not the objective. Like I mentioned before, keep going with what you're doing as of right now."

"Fine," I said, tilting my head back against the seat.

"Valentine's Day is next week, you know," he said casually.

"So?" Didn't he say he had a girlfriend?

"If Nolan doesn't do anything by then, then you should," he paused and continued after a few seconds, "confess your--fake--feelings for him. If he doesn't like you by then, why bother making more and more efforts?"

Okay, so he brought up Valentine's Day for Nolan and me. All in all, his statement brought some relief. I could eliminate Nolan out of my life by next week on Friday . . . or help him somehow.

I preferred the former.

Paris and I chatted about upcoming plans before he had to go. Although I was grateful for his help, it still bothered me why Paris was doing this. He never appeared fond of Nolan.

I reached home later than expected. My parents showed their concern over Nolan's health. I simply told them Nolan--being the dimwit he was--ate the wrong medicine. Lying to them was only saved for special circumstances. We had a quiet family dinner and minded our own business. As usual, I focused on my homework and afterwards, drew out flow charts with actions and consequences.

The following day at school Nolan ignored me.

What the hell!

He wouldn't even look at me! He probably took the cheek kiss too seriously (did I mention I brushed my teeth ten times because of it?)

"Nolan!" We were sitting together at lunch as usual in the school courtyard benches. "Are you on your special day of the month?" That question earned me a glare, but his cheeks turned ever-so-slightly pink. Pale people issues. "What's wrong?" No response. "Did I do something wrong, Nolan?" I asked innocently.

"I know you are my fake girlfriend, but stay within your limits, Helen," he said coldly.

So, it was the kiss.

"What're you talking about?" I pretended to be confused.

"How much hand sanitizer did you use your hands and . . . lips, yesterday?" he asked, his gaze moving from my hands to my mouth. For some reason, it suddenly felt stuffy. He had caught me . . . or so he thought.

"Nolan, don't be ridiculous." He was being such a girl. Couldn't he drop the kiss, which could hardly be considered a peck?! All those relationships messed up his brain. Since he brought it up, I had to "drop subtle hints" that I was "interested" in him. "Sorry if I offended you or something."

His eyes were fixated on mine.

"You know what? Forget it!" he said and ran a hand through his hair. We couldn't drop the subject! This was my chance to drop hints! Why was life cruel?

Internally, I wanted to burst out laughing when I put my hands on top of Nolan's which had been resting on the bench.

How did actors do this in movies?

Nolan gawked at my hands on top of his. Was I being extreme?

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"What the goddamn hell is wrong with you, snob?!" He tugged his hands free and put them in his jacket pockets. I suppressed a laugh.

"I was trying to be friendly," I said as fake modestly as I could.

He gave me a skeptical glance before he rummaged through the inside of his jacket and drew out his "Breakups Journal." I wished he took me a little more seriously. I couldn't be too forward because then I would seem desperate. But if I didn't become bolder, the idiot wouldn't take the hints.

And believe me, if Nolan and I were the last two people alive, I'd kill myself . . . without regrets.

He positioned the journal carefully in front of me before crossing his arms. Maybe he was afraid I'd grab his hands like a creep.

I examined the open page and saw a known face. The girl had long black hair and big blue eyes. I wanted to burst into tears instantly.

"You dated Janine?!" I said. With a sheepish smile, he nodded. "Our principal's freakin' daughter?! I thought she went to a boarding school?! You are absolutely--argh!"

"Says the girl who helped vandalize the principal's house. Says the girl making us sit outside in the cold," he said flatly. I liked sitting outside. The cafeteria was full of Neanderthals and too much noise. "Says the girl who randomly kissed me yesterday. Says the girl--"

"I got it. Shut up."

"Anyways, Janine and I dated for like two or three weeks. She is a grade younger than us and was in our school last year before moving to a boarding school," Nolan elucidated. "We broke up because of me and my health."

Was it a good time to bring up his stress cardiomyopathy?

"Health?" I repeated quietly.

"Heart issues and whatnot." He shrugged it off. "It's none of your business. Anyways, since she's in an all girls' school, I'm not sure if she has a boyfriend."

"So, now, we have to crash at an all girls' school. Great. Sounds like a piece of cake."

"Good because you're the one who has to do it," he said taking me seriously.

"Dude, I was being sarcastic!"

"Dudette, I wasn't." He chuckled at his word choice. I rubbed my face and realized how big of a knucklehead Nolan was. If I were to kill him, no one would remorse his death.

Which was why I had to help him.

"Fine. When am I supposed to go?"

"Because I feel generous, I want the breakup before Valentine's Day next week."

I uneasily smiled and nodded. I thought maybe I could save this breakup, but he wanted it before February fourteenth. Why was this day even created? Did people have trouble showing their love for each other the rest of the year?

After the bell rang, we left for our respective classes. I was having a civil conversation with Nolan, but it wasn't getting anywhere. Even Romeo and Juliet had a full romantic story in less than a week. Oh hell, they fell in love the first day they met.

I fell in disgust.

I spent the day doodling and dawdling. Being someone who strictly focused on academics, personal life matters brought a challenge for me. I went home and finished all my homework as soon as possible. Normally, I procrastinated until after dinner because that's when my brain worked the best. I didn't have time for all this.

I had to search for ways of making Nolan like me all on Friday and Saturday.

I even tried to talk over text with Nolan but he answered with a "Hi" to every text after every few hours.

Texting was a fail.

Frankly, I didn't even know why I even wanted to help him anymore. He bloody dated the principal's daughter. I couldn't even make a pattern out of the girls Nolan dated. He dated older ones like the psychologist and younger ones like Janine.

I was his age.

My chances were as good as any.

I went on Google and looked up ways of impressing the opposite gender. Suggestions varied from buying flowers for your crush to pole dancing for him. As if I'd do either.

One funny suggestion caught my eyes. I even had an old violin from when I went to violin classes as a nine year old. All before the music teacher told me my parents I was a shame to the music world.

I waited till after dinner before flipping through my messy closet to find the violin. I barely knew how to work it. My parents were told that I was going to bed early because I was exhausted from everything (even though it was a Saturday night). Needless to say, they believed me. It happened very often so nothing new for them.

Once midnight hit, I snuck downstairs with the violin and its bow. I did leave my window open, just in case. I could hear my parents snoring loudly, especially mom. Taking the keys off the hook next to the main door, I locked the door behind me. I crossed my fingers as I prayed nothing went wrong.

I couldn't take my parents' car because of the noise it'd make. Unfortunately, my old bike it was. I pulled it out from the backyard and hopped on it. I should've brought a violin case. It was hard carrying the instrument on bike, but I managed to make to Nolan's house after twenty minutes.

As expected, Nolan's parents' cars weren't in the driveway. Thanks the heavens.

I went underneath Nolan's window and adjusted the violin underneath my chin. Then, I began moving the bow back and forth producing a screeching sound.

"What the hell," I muttered.

I saw no lights turn on inside the house. Picking up a rock, I threw it at Nolan's window and quickly began the violin playing again.

I heard some noises inside the house. Nolan's room's light didn't turn on. I continued playing, punishing my own two ears in the process. It was only ten minutes later when a maid and Nolan stepped out with brooms and . . . blankets?!

I mumbled a curse before raising the bow. If only I had some fencing lessons!

Before I could shout it was me, they threw the large blanket on top of me, muffling any sounds I made. Someone grabbed me tightly and screamed, "Who are you?!"

I was even hit hard on the arm.

I found no rumor in getting my funny bone attacked.

I poked the violin bow out and hit whoever was holding me, resulting in my release. After hearing a satisfying cry of pain, I flung the blanket off.

"Nolan!" I said frustrated. He was bent over coughing. His maid was already by his side, asking he was okay.

"Helen?" His confusion was evident when he saw me. The old maid stared at him. "My gir--girlfriend," he choked out. He sent her back to the house and turned to me. Seeing the violin in my hand and bike lying on the ground, his face turned blank. "You better have a good explanation for killing cats in my neighborhood."

That was plain rude.

"How dare you insult the art of music?!" I asked outraged. It wasn't that bad!

He coughed. "Why the hell are you here?"

"I was . . . you know," I hadn't thought this far, "I was serenading you, Nolan!" That was what Yahoo Answers called it. He blinked rapidly at me as if waiting for me to find a different excuse.

I had none.

He took a step forward, his palms out, facing me. "You have officially gone insane, Helen Postulet."

Well, I embarrassed myself for no reason. I scratched my temple with the violin bow. What was next?

"It was that bad?" I asked in a small voice. He nodded, pressing his lips. I had to act like I felt disappointed. I honestly didn't. How many times had he blackmailed or forced me for things? The only thing I did was torture his sleep. "Let me double check." I put the bow back and began playing again.

His hand immediately caught my wrist and stopped the scratchy tune.

"Why are you trying to 'serenade me' exactly?"

"Why not?"

"You don't like me."

I couldn't believe I was doing this. "Who said?"

For a second even he was caught off guard. My eyes flickered to his cold hand holding my wrist. His grip loosened and I stepped away.

"Helen, did someone hit you on the head or something? You're not behaving normal." His green eyes genuinely looked concerned. I forced out a smile. I had to keep this charade going.

"I don't honestly know what's going on," I said desperately. Turning around to hide my smile, I continued in a confused voice, "Ever since I saw you in the hospital, I've been feeling . . . strange. I feel like I hurt you." I coughed. He hurt himself. "I hate doing the breakups, but then I don't want you to be alone either." I turned around dramatically. Nolan was simply staring back. "I'm sorry if I don't make sense. I'll just get going."

I grabbed my bike and started adjusting the violin right. He just needed to know how I was beginning to feel something for him.

I was such a proud liar.

"Do you want a ride home?" he asked in a hushed whisper.

"No, I need to clear my head. I'm just gonna get going." I sounded so clichéd, but that's what I wanted. If I didn't become a scientist at NASA, acting was a potential career.

"I'll drop you. Give me a second to get my keys," he said and ran inside his house.

I patted my back with the bow and maintained my cool as Nolan returned. We put my bike in the trunk of the car and violin in the back seat. The car ride was silent and I was getting impatient. Who knew what Nolan felt about me now? The way he stole glances at me made me nervous. Was he planning murder?

I told him to stop at the corner of the street. One of my house lights were on, which meant loads of trouble. Nolan said it was okay if I wanted to get my bike and violin later. I stepped out of the car and he rolled the window down behind me.

"Oh, by the way, don't ever try 'serenading me' again," he said.

Who said I was going to? "You enjoyed my talent, didn't you?" I grinned.

"Definitely." He actually smiled! Nolan Milesblue gave me a full mouthed smile. Score for Helen Postulet! "Hurry before you get in any trouble," he ushered me. I nodded and waved him goodbye. "Hey! Text me when you get home safely!" he said behind.

I gave a thumbs up and ran to my house. The kitchen lights were on. My room was right next to it on the first floor. I was happy to have left the windows of my room open. Quickly, I pulled myself over the window sill and dropped inside my room. There were loud voices whispering outside the door. I quietly shut the window and wrapped the blanket off my bed around me. I kicked off my shoes under my bed.

Feigning a sleepy look, I opened my bedroom door. True enough, my parents were right outside.

"Why are you so loud?" I asked groggily.

"Go to sleep, Helen," Mom said waving me away. I was lost. "Your father was trying to bake dessert at midnight! There are other ways of satisfying hunger, Herman!" Dad gave a sheepish smile.

"Sorry," he shrugged.

Shaking my head, I went back inside the room and shut the door.

My parents were just plain weirdos.

But thank god, they didn't check up on me. My room wasn't locked. The odds were in my favor tonight.



I updated on time. Yay!! Happy belated Thanksgiving. I ate a hell lot (even as a vegetarian). What about you guys?

How was the chapter?

Nolan and Helen progress is yay?

How was the serenading? (It was originally planned for HvsL but I couldnt fit it in anywhere :/ )

Thoughts, comments, concerns, etc?

Please keep showing your wonderful support. Keep voting & commenting. Love ya peeps <3

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