Chapter 19 Someone's Following Us!

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Chapter 19: Someone's Following Us!

When I woke up the following morning, my room's window was wide open and Nolan was gone.

The photos still lied next to my pillow. I picked them up as soon as I got off the bed and hid them in my backpack. No one except me could touch it, so a safe location.

Nolan left another dilemma for me to handle. Today was Valentine's Day, and his life was in danger. What was he trying to achieve by giving me the photos? Did he want to test me?

I was a woman of my word, okay?

If I said I was helping him, I was. (Just help. No break ups.)

Once at school, I decided I wasn't going to act any different than I did yesterday. But the entire day was fully packed with work, giving me no opportunity to talk to him. As soon as the dismissal bell rang, I rushed to the parking lot and waited by Nolan's car.

He took his time coming from whichever class he had. When he saw me, he sighed and rubbed his forehead. I hadn't even uttered a single word yet.

"I gave you the photos. What more can I do?"

"It's Valentine's Day," I said.


"What kind of a boyfriend are you?" I leaned against the side of his car. "You're not gonna take me out somewhere?" He cocked an eyebrow. Well, this wasn't awkward at all. "I don't mind paying if that's the issue--"

He stepped forward, taking me by surprise. I immediately stepped to the side.

"Yeah some girlfriend," he mocked. It wasn't my fault I liked my personal space. But since I was supposed to "confess" today, I needed more courage. Prepping myself internally, I stepped closer to him.

"Yes, some girlfriend," I said, maintaining eye contact.

Some people waiting for their buses eyed us weirdly. Didn't they have better things to do?

Nolan's light green eyes didn't leave mine as he held a solemn expression. It felt weird. I wanted to step away already. Ten seconds was enough time! He was sharing the same air as me!

"What are you up to, Helen?" he asked, his eyes scrutinized. "Some prank or something? I've had enough trouble with women already." He put his hand on his car sideways.

What was I supposed to say?

"I'll back off, Nolan, if that's what you want," I said, taking the opportunity to step back. I could finally breathe properly. With a downcast expression, I added, "I just wanted to hang out. It's fine if you--"

"I don't know how safe it'd be to go out today," he said and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"We can stay in then," I shrugged. "The safest place would be the most crowded one."

He gave a baffled look.

I forced him to get into the car and drive us to the nearest mall. I called home telling that Nolan and I were spending a few hours together for Valentine's Day. Mom was fine with it except for the "bring him over for dinner tonight." Yeah right. Only if he said yes to my confession.

The mall was crowded with couples holding hands, kissing occasionally, taking selfies etc. To fit in, I grabbed Nolan's hand as we strolled through.

"Stop holding my hand, weirdo," he said, endeavoring to break free of the grip.

I let go harshly and a gave disappointed glare. "You're so un-romantic. No wonder you went through so many break ups."

"We're not in an actual relationship, Hel-en."

"You can't even pretend?"

Unhappy with my lack of progress, I huffed and walked away from him. He called my name behind attaining no response in return. This was why I didn't need to be in a relationship. Too many petty arguments. I sat down on a bench and stared at people passing by. Nolan didn't even bother catching up.

Suddenly, a flower bouquet popped up next to me. I turned behind to see him moving around the bench and plopping next to me.

"For you," Nolan said, shoving the white roses in my face. I pushed them aside and sat back with my arms crossed. "Girls find flowers romantic, okay?"

"Until the flowers die."

"Good thing, these are plastic," he said and laughed.

"Matches your feelings," I said dryly.

He pulled out a mini-sack containing those expensive-type chocolates. I frowned and shook my head in disgust. It read "dark chocolate." Why was that even invented?

His face fell and he got up to throw the flowers and the chocolate in the trash can nearby. Idiot. He turned to me and I looked in the opposite direction. From the corner of my eyes, I watched him saunter over to the bench and crouch down in front of me. He placed his hands on my knees, grabbing my attention as well as using me for support.

"I don't hate you," he said. Geez. That reassured me so much. "Helen, your angry face is absolutely hideous, so please drop it." I glared at him. "Look, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. There are certain behaviors that I expect from you, but you ask me to be romantic is not one of them. Actually, the weird things you do nowadays are all unpredictable."

I leaned forward slightly. "You're a complete idiot if you can't get any hints." I dared myself to say that. Admitting feelings--even fake ones--wasn't as easy as it seemed in books and movies. Nolan blinked at me. "Are you serious?"

I sort of hoped he stated what I needed to, in order to save my embarrassment.

"Don't tell me you . . . No, just no." Shaking his head, he stood up.

Great job, Helen.

Rejection on Valentine's Day. It kind of made me feel like a sore loser with such a pathetic "love life," even if my school life surpassed excellence.

"I know you've had your fair share of heartbreaks and I could be another," I began in a pessimistic tone, "but I really do like you." Nolan's eyes slightly widened as he stared agape at me. There it was. I confirmed Nolan's fear and admitted with my non-existant feelings. "It's fine if you don't. I completely understand after everything we went through."

"Oh my god, she's confessing her love for him!" a teenage girl seated on a bench near us squealed. Her and her four other friends watched us with excitement.

"Piss off," I snapped at them.

They were ruining the entire confession, by increasing my embarrassment. Nolan placed a hand on my cheek and turned my face slightly, forcing my eyes to meet his.

"It's Valentine's Day not April Fools'," he informed.

I should've jumped off that cliff when I had the chance.

I had to pull so many strings in my mind, recollecting what I learned in Psychology. The teacher always said as long as you believed in what you were saying, the other person would too.

I grasped his hand touching my cheek in my own and eliminated the gap between us. Staring straight into his pale green eyes, I said, "I like you. As in I want to be with you. Why do you think I came to the hospital that day? Why do you think I even dared to kiss you? Why do you think I rode my bike all the way to your house to serenade you, Nolan? Why do you think I wanted to go out to ice cream with you yesterday? Why do you think I let you stay in my room last night?"

Someone whistled at my last question which could've implied a different meaning. But I didn't care. I needed Nolan to believe me.

He intently gazed back into my brown eyes. "I don't think I need another relationship, Helen," he said, shaking his head.

I tried.

"Fine." I tore my eyes away and started to leave when he jerked me back to him.

"But we can take things slowly for now, if you're up for it."

Idiotism struck me again as I stared at Nolan dumbfounded. He wanted to give us a chance? At an excruciatingly slow speed, my head bobbed up and down.

"Kiss!" someone screamed, followed by laughter.

As it dawned on me that we were standing a public place talking about personal matters with six inches of space between us, I stepped back surprising both of us.

"Yeah," I muttered.

Both of us awkwardly stood not sure how to proceed next. Nolan made some excuse to get us something to eat even though I told him I wasn't hungry.

I sat, putting my face in my hands. I did it . . . and it sucked. Things were going to change.

My phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. I brought it out and found a text from Paris.

Great confession, doofus. I can't believe Helen is leaving Paris for the pale boy.
--Paris of Troy

How did he know?

I immediately searched around me. At a side corner of a shop, Paris stood. I wasted no time in rushing to him, wondering what the hell the blue-eyed, Amish guy was doing here. Shouldn't he be back at the Amish village?

"You're here?" I couldn't help but point out.

"I live in this town too," he said, rolling his eyes. Seeing my bewildered expression, Paris elaborated, "University." So, he was one of those Amish who left the community during their leaving period, I guess. Wait, he was older than me.

"Why didn't you meet me earlier?!" I asked.

"Life isn't a cup of tea for a college Freshman," he said and sighed. "Nice to see you, by the way. Never thought I'd witness your declaration of love first-handed." He grinned and grabbed one of my hands, tugging me close to him. I froze, not expecting such proximity to Paris. "'I like you, Nolan. We spent last night together,'" he imitated and laughed, letting go.

College Freshman? He was maybe a year older.

I lightly hit his arm.

"Nolan was worried for his safety, so he stayed over yesterday." I felt the need to explain.

Paris scratched his temple. "The unknown texts?" I nodded. "I'm sure it's nothing."

"Hope not," I sighed. "Nolan and I are officially something and I don't need that ruined."

"Keep up the good work, partner. Don't worry." He put his hands on my shoulder and gave me more encouragement. His eyes soon went past me and he jerked away quickly. "Damn damn damn damn . . . I'm a bloody idiot," he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

I turned around and found Nolan standing a couple of feet away, holding two drinks in his hands.

Not even ten minutes and he caught me cheating.

With a blank expression, he moved and threw away the drinks. I hurried to catch up with the angry Nolan while Paris stayed behind. Jerk.

"It's nothing, Nolan," I said.

"Sure, I believe you. I knew it was a joke. Paris, huh?" he said, not even looking at me. "Not even fifteen minutes and boom!"

I kept trying to reason it out, but Nolan wouldn't listen. He already had some doubts and seeing Paris confirmed them. The silent walk to the parking lot rose the panic inside me. What if Nolan did something stupid? Praying for my life, I got in the car with him.

My backpack was in there and I couldn't ditch the poor thing with Nolan. He might find the pictures and hand them over to the Principal.

For real, this time.

He began driving. At least, he was dropping me home.

After half an hour of going around in circles and reaching no destination, I asked, "Can you drop me home?"


"Why not?"

"Someone's following us!"



Happy New Year.

How is the chapter? I seriously wanna write from a fun MC -___- Btw, I know some ppl say Helen reminds them of Cassie. Guys, Helen is just career and goal oriented. Cassie was basically a hater. Helen isn't that extreme. (I don't think so, at least).

Thoughts on the confession? How was Paris?

Who could be following them?

Thank you for the support so far! Keep coting & vommenting.

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