Chapter 26: You Can Be My Ninth, Though

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Chapter 26: You Can Be My Ninth, Though

In order to gain our true confessions, Paris, Nolan, and I were brought into the Church. The Amish expected a Deist like myself to be worried about God frowning upon me.

Sheepishly, Paris explained the entire scheme of protecting his younger sister from a forced marriage. His parents weren't even hurt just disappointed by the wrong actions. But then they took in our hard work and decided to reconsider the marriage. The families and guests whispered among themselves. Unfortunately, none of them knew what to do next.

Normally, kidnappings like these didn't happen.

The pastor stepped forward. "We understand your intentions, but your actions aren't forgivable. The punishment remains same for all the offenders." Overdramatic gasps escaped the audience and I saw Paris cover his mouth in horrification. Exchanging a worried glance with Nolan, I waited for the verdict. Would they hit us? Send us to jail? "From now on, you and your families are banned from the Church."

Nolan sniggered.

Honestly, the punishment made no difference in our lives, though maybe for Paris it did. Observing his pale expression along with other families', I concluded the Church membership was a huge deal for this society. In vain, Paris's parents tried to convince the pastor to reconsider his decision.

Luckily for them, the guests began blaming Nolan and me for deluding their child.

Didn't Paris tell me he left the Amish life?

Why'd it make a difference for him?

"If you want the ban evoked, a marriage has to take place within the next hour. One from the two families schedules for today." The old gentleman sauntered away, leaving everyone under a load of stress. Now, would Ruth and Jeremiah get married? Or what?

Either that or Church ban.

Surprisingly, the families hardly took thirty minutes before approaching the pastor. Meanwhile, the anticipation levels arose inside the Church. Nolan and I awkwardly stood next to the window waiting for the right opportunity to sneak out and never return. Through a mid-way yawn from the boredom, my eyes fell on the couple standing in front of the room. Both of the families had taken places alongside their guests and listened to the priest.

"What the hell?" Nolan put my thoughts into words. "Is he really making such a sacrifice for his sister?"

In front of us, Paris was marrying Julie.

Jeremiah's sister.

So messed up.

I had a sister too, however maintaining a relationship with a random someone because for her wasn't something I'd do. It was utterly absurd and ridiculous.

"Why's no one stopping them?" I asked incredulously.

"Because it's not their life decision . . . ?" Nolan replied.

"Poor Paris," I said, pushing my hair back from my forehead. I knew I'd only make matters worse if I made some commotion. As I turned to Nolan for help, I saw him staring right back at me in disappointment. "What?"

"Why do you care?"

"Excuse me?"

"It's Paris's life. Why are you so depressed he's getting married?"

I almost punched him but controlled myself. How could he act so immaturely over something like this? "Believe it or not, Paris is my friend and he's being forced into a marriage. So, stop behaving like some jealous boyfriend--" I paused, realizing the truth in my words. Nolan was, in fact, jealous. I let out a small chuckle.

"Shut up," he said, turning his face away. With a smirk, I crossed my arms and kept stealing glances at his stiff attitude. "Since you have your picture want an autograph too?" was his retort to my continuous staring.

"Yes, please," I said cheerfully. "I'll hang it up on my wall for memories. In the future, I'll have to show my kids proof of my psycho, high-school boyfriend."

"Obviously, the picture will have to do. The psycho might not even be alive around then," he replied sourly.

"That's not funny."

"The truth never is."

"Shut up, Nolan," I said slightly upset. "You'll live. Quit smoking. And online sources say even your stress cardio can be treated and you can live like a regular person." For him, I had done some research in the past week. It was true indeed that if the stress cardiomyopathy (SC) was properly treated, the person would be back to his or her normal life with a healthy heart.

A small smile reached Nolan's lips.

I was expecting him to say something but he let the silence speak for itself.

He was definitely pleased that I looked out for him.

Quietly, we waited in one corner, our arms touching and smiles illuminating our faces, as the Amish wedding ceremony completed. For some reason, the bride was taken back away with her family. The groom would have to take her to wherever they were going to live sometime soon. There were many changes and faults in their marriage done in haste.

Nolan's phone began ringing and he plodded away to answer it while I approached the groom alone.

Paris stood with an indifferent expression.

"Congrats," I said pathetically.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Thanks. Julie's my childhood friend, so the marriage won't be too bad."

"You did it all for your sister?" I still couldn't believe it.

"Family's a huge part of our culture," he responded calmly. "I love my sister to death and I can't let her life be ruined like this." I commended him a lot for that. Because of the noises, we shifted away close to a window. The conversation resumed for a little bit until he suddenly inquired, "So, I see that Nolan's completely smitten by you. Our scheme worked. When are you planning on the breakup?"

If he only knew.

His plan to me becoming Nolan's eighth break up had long left my mind.

"No, that won't happen anytime soon," I said seriously. "Him breaking up with me isn't the right treatment for his behavioral problems." Sighing, I leaned my head against the window and remained silent. Nolan put me in a very tough situation.

"You like him, don't you?" Paris asked.

I met his blue eyes for a brief second and answered, "Yes." Never could I have ever imagined myself admitting liking Nolan when he started blackmailing me. I couldn't believe a smart person like myself could fall for such an idiot. As I opened my mouth to say more, I saw Nolan charging towards us with anger looming in his green eyes. Instantly, I stood up straight and prepared to ask what was wrong, but he didn't give me a chance to.

"Break up scheme?" Nolan questioned.

"What?" I said baffled.

"I was just outside the window!" he shouted, scaring me. Paris took a step to calm him, but Nolan brushed him away. I couldn't believe it! He heard me and Paris!

Obviously, he missed out on the part where I said I liked him.

Why me?

"Nolan, I like you and that plan thing--"

"Explains the serenading, Valentine's Day, and other acts you did!" he said sharply.


"Would you just listen for a second?!" I said desperately. "We just made that stupid plan of me becoming your eighth break up which might help. Everyone knows how much those break ups affected you and . . . I j--just want you to be happy. Ask Paris."

Paris quickly nodded.

Instead of progressing that matter, Nolan raised another problem.

"You met with the school psychologist," he stated rather than ask. For a second, my heart skipped a beat. He found out. I knew the psychologist hadn't met with him, yet. Most likely, she messaged his family, first. Did she really tell them it was me who talked to her?

"What are you talking about?" I feigned innocence.

Paris stood confused.

"Don't play dumb, Helen. I know very well it was you. No other 'concerned friend' of mine knows I have heart problems," he said. Okay, so he didn't know one hundred percent that it was me.

"Maybe it some ex-girlfriend--"

"It was you, I know," he said disgustedly.

"How?" I challenged.

"The psychologist said it was a girl and she's number one in our senior class!"

"I never even told her my name--" I stopped abruptly. How could idiotism strike me right now? Nolan's satisfied yet hurt look killed me. Paris tried to reason but Nolan shook off his attempts.

"Thanks a lot, Helen," Nolan said, backing a step, his eyes glued to mine. Hot tears brimmed in my eyes. How could I have gotten myself involved in this mess?

He turned and hurried away.

I ran behind him, trying to keep up while apologizing at the same time. Naturally, the snow slowed us down a lot which was of great help. I shouted all my reasons for my actions. Denying everything would make him hate me more.

"Nolan, I was genuinely concerned!" I screamed.

He was still a few steps ahead of me, jogging through the falling snow.

"You were so concerned that you followed a plan of getting me to like you and then break up with me." I could hear the heavy breaths he was taking. He stopped short in his tracks and turned around so that he could see me. "Followed by what? A chat with a psychologist at how big of a maniac I am? Here I thought you like me more than a mental asylum patient." He let out a mock laugh.

I sniffled.

"I do like you more than that."

The bitterness didn't leave. "You can drop the act, now. I'm not falling for it a--again." As he exhaled, little clouds formed in front of our mouths because of the cold atmosphere. I tried to take a step forward but regretted it when he stepped away. The guy was pissed off. His chest rose and fell quickly and I was worried about the stress I was causing him. "And I'm sorry to say, but you can't be my eighth break up, no matter how hard you try."

"I don't want to be," I whispered softly.

Either he didn't hear me or chose not to because he said, "You can be my ninth, though."

As soon as those words hit me, my crying morphed into confusion. Did he say ninth?


Nolan's eyes closed for a second before meeting mine. His brought a hand to his heart. Unintentionally, I brought him mental, emotional, and physical pain.

"I already have the eighth break up, Hel-en."

He collapsed in the snow just as soon as the words left his mouth.


Chapter was a little weird and was it short? I really dunno what's the ideal chapter length everyone prefers.

Anywho, whatya think of the chapter?

Nolan already has an EIGHTH BREAKUP???? Bet you didn't see that coming.
Sadly and fortunately, no one guessed it :'( hopefully, the book title makes somewhat sense now.

Predictions, now?

Pretty please vote and/or comment. Pretty please? It might make me do a double update. *wink wink nudge nudge*

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