Chapter 29 Just Up To His Nipples

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Chapter 29: Just Up To His Nipples

"Um, why are you burying him again?" I asked for the tenth time in the past hour.

Being someone who had witnessed two deaths in front of her eyes and had been the culprit behind it as well, I didn't find anything remotely amusing about burying an alive person. It was plain ridiculous and insensitive. Still, the four guys stared at me as if I had proposed a stupid question.

And they were the ones digging the burial ground at a cemetery at seven in the evening.

"Obviously, if we leave him alone, he'll wake up and get us in trouble," said Max, the black haired one with long bangs. "Anyways, we'll only bury him halfway--just up to his nipples. He won't die."

I didn't even know how to respond.

"And this old man already has a bad history with us," added Kenneth. He was the tall guy with the most muscle. More muscle than brain, anyways. I looked at the third guy--Grayson--for some reply, but he kept digging with his shovel. Nico told me Grayson was the shy, quiet kid who never bothered anyone and vice versa. He lived in his own world. "We broke his car window one time playing football."

Shaking my head at how absurd these people were, I crouched down next to the unconscious man. These guys were going to bury him! And I was expecting them to take Nolan under their wing?!

Maybe I should have more realistic dreams.

An idea suddenly popped in my head. Thinking of the devil brought satanic thoughts to me--the influence of Nolan. I took out my phone and captured photos of the four guys dumping the old man inside the grave and patting down soil on top of him.

"What are you doing?" Nico asked, sweat trickling down his face.

"Evidence for the police," I said casually. All of them blinked at me.

"What? Why?" Max asked, worried. He turned to Nico for answers. "Dude, why did you bring her with you?" Nico just stood still unsure of what I was planning. "What do you want?" Max asked me.

"Take Nolan under your wing," I said quietly.

"What?!" Kenneth and Max exclaimed. I suddenly began a liking towards Grayson and Nico who remained silent. "No no no," Kenneth said, shaking his head. "Why'd we want a creep near us? Milesblue's a loser."

Not appreciating his words, I clenched my fists.

"Police or Nolan?" I said.

They glanced at each other and then the old man. Nico gestured me to step aside and I obliged reluctantly. Meanwhile, the boys huddled in a group--on top of the half buried man, may I add--and swiftly whispered incoherent things. I hummed the Jeopardy tune until they faced me together.

Apparently, Nico was their spokesperson.

"We'll take him, but if he doesn't want to be a part of us fantastic four, don't blame us."

I inclined to their decision.

Of course, Nico probably convinced his friends to give Nolan a chance.

But now, it was up to Nolan. Everyone knew how big of a self-absorbed nutcase, my so-called boyfriend was. Even though he broke up with me, I didn't.

They began planning to leave when we heard a deafening scream.

The old man had woken up!

Not expecting him to wake up so quickly, all of us panicked. The man was in a worse position because he had no ways of getting out except for digging out of his grave . . . literally.

"Run!" Nico yelled. The guys bolted past me as I remained rooted to my spot. Nico came back, grasped my arm, and forced me to run along and get in his car. His friends were in the other car. I felt terrible for the old man and wanted to dig him out but knew that'd just get me in trouble. Not something I wanted anymore when it wasn't even me who buried him.

"I'm never going to participate in criminalistic activities ever again," I promised myself.

"Never say never," Nico said.

I rolled my eyes and he started the car with a smile. Was a Bieber fan? The drive to my house only lasted for five minutes and I was grateful for that. Before getting out, I asked, "Are your friends going to help?"

"Don't worry, I'll convince them," Nico assured.

"Thanks," I sighed. But one question tugged at the back of my head. "Why are you helping me, though?" A different type of smile came across his face. It was so soft and innocent.

"Helping beautiful girls is a hobby of mine."

Him and his flirting.

I thought he was going to say something more meaningful.

"Good night," I said and got out of the car.

He rolled his window down as I walked to my house. "You remind me of someone," he called after me. Knowing he was probably sputtering nonsense, I ignored him. "There's not a better feeling than making someone else happy!"

Like by burying someone alive?

I slammed my front door behind me.

Time to tackle worse things . . . such as AP Spanish.


Nico didn't contact me again the rest of the week which worried me slightly. Nevertheless, I continued with my investigation and decided to approach the matter from the seventh breakup. Then, I might figure out the eighth.




"Sorry, but you and Nolan are sort of banned from our village," Paris said, on the other end. I had called him to find more information regarding the eighth breakup from his sister. Naturally, he was the only one with a cell phone in his Amish village. "Ruth is also not allowed out of the house, so she can't meet up with you."

"Paris, please. I need to know if she knows anything--"

"Helen, it's a no. Forgive me," his voice softened, "but you'll get into a worse punishment and mess if you come here ever again. Everyone still blames you and Nolan for my wedding with Jeremiah's sister. Just wait till things settle down and people forgive and forget."

I didn't have time to wait!

"Fine!" I snapped. I had to handle the matter by myself. "Thanks for the help." It was rude, but I hung up without hearing his response. He might as well get used to me.

If I wanted something, I got it.

There was no quitting or forfeiting without even trying.

Dang, I'm going to have to break my promise to myself.

I texted Nico who had exchanged phone numbers with me at the cafe. He called four hours after the text.

"Hello? Is it me you're looking for?" His laughter followed behind his cheesy line.

"Yes," I answered. "Are you Amish?" It was a spontaneous way to start an important conversation.

There was silence for a brief moment. "No, I don't think so. My parents died a long time ago, so I can't even ask them." He sounded very casual as he spoke. "Granny might know, but, you know, she's old and can't hear sh--"

"Sorry," I interjected before he could keep rambling. I didn't realize my question would achieve me that response from him. My response suddenly felt so dry and generic. "Sorry, the question wasn't actually serious," I explained awkwardly.

"No worries. What were you saying about the Amish?"

"I need to--er--well, I need to visit the Amish community. Just for a bit, but I need someone to come with me. Nolan and I sort of ruined our reputation there, so if I go alone, I have a high chance of getting in trouble, but if a new face comes with me, I might be able to get what I want without causing a World World III."

"You want me?"


"But I'm already yours," he said, his tone laced with amusement. I literally facepalmed myself with a pillow. This guy couldn't take anything seriously.

"You know what? Never mind. I'll--"

"Relax Helen. I'll escort you, no worries. Just tell me when and where."

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, I gave him the details. Although he irritated me and said plenty of more sexual things (half of which went right over my head), he still jumped to help me without saying no, for which I was extremely grateful.

We finalized visiting the Amish village during the weekend since the ride was long.

After talking to him, I went downstairs. Mom was cooking dinner and dad still not home yet. The front doorbell rang at an unusual time and I skedaddled to open it.

There was a familiar and cheerful face smiling at me.

I grinned like an idiot before giving my older sister a tight hug.

Hestia was here!


Super sorry for the short chapter. I've honestly not been home a lot for the past few weeks. Busy schedule (I've been going back and forth between Maryland and Delware) and no time for anything. You guys will know in about a month or so about whats going on with my "real" life and will probably be surprised (its college related, so dont assume something like I'm pregnant. I'm only 18.)

How was the chapter?

Who is the eighth breakup? (No right guesses so far)

Hestia's here. Any predictions why?

Please vote and/or comment. I will start updating regularly. I need these books finished bruh before June.

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