Chapter 4 Wannabe Bad Boy

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Thanks to rebellionofalifetime for the new cover! It looks much more relevant and professional than mine.

Chapter Unedited. Feel free to point out errors. Makes it easier to edit.

Chapter 4: Wannabe Bad Boy

Helping Nolan was a way of getting social, if you ask me. I was never a social person, nor did I want to be one. However, when I approached Nate, the baseball team captain/Breanna's boyfriend, I had to pretend to be a person I wasn't.

"Hey," I said a bit too cheerfully. Nate stood with his friends in the school student parking lot. It was so awkward to have them all give me bewildered glances. I, Helen Postulet, had tried to start a conversation for the first time.

With someone I hardly knew.

"Hi," Nate said and waited for me to explain my presence.

Now came the lie. "You guys are on the baseball team, correct?" They nodded. "Would you be interested in joining the astronomy club?"

Though Nolan had only asked for Nate's appearance on the school roof, I figured more people won't hurt. After all, the more the merrier.

The jock group laughed at the thought. I expected as much.

"Sorry, Helen. Not interested in that," said Nate politely.

"Please," I said showing desperation. They should feel bad for me. "The club needs more members. More students will join if you guys come for just one meeting. The baseball team is so popular among the student body. Only one meet."

The astronomy club had meetings at the school observatory, which was a room on the school roof. I was a member of the club, though I never attended any meeting.

The boys talked it out as I waited. Nate was actually very nice, trying to convince his teammates.

At the end, him and his two close friends said they would come tonight for the meeting.

Everything was going as planned.


"How are things going with Breanna?" I asked Nolan. He was sitting on his car hood, playing with a cigarette in his hand. I had to go home and come back at seven to the actual astronomy club meeting.

A lot of walking.

"We hung out at lunch," Nolan replied. "It's like she has a sudden interest in me all over again."

"Great. Why don't you get back with her? Make life easy," I recommended, standing near him.

"Hel-en, I'm taking revenge as we established," he sighed. "As for tonight, it will work out well. Breanna has a game today so I'll be heading to the gym in the next five minutes. I'll hang close to her all the time. Then, as far as I know her, she'll want to spend more time together. Therefore, the school roof after the game."

He lit his cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"That's disgusting."

"Breanna is just that type of person."

"No, I'm talking about your cigarette." I covered my mouth and nose to avoid inhaling. Nolan took it and held it in his hand as far away from me as he could.

"Go, leave." Was he being nice?

"You're such a wannabe bad boy," I said.

He raised an eyebrow. "Do explain."

"You're a loner," I stated. "You act so indifferent towards everyone. You smoke. You're pale. You have an attitude. You think you're all that because you dated seven girls in a year." That was true.

Even though Nolan was getting revenge, he still gave the aura that it was the girlfriend's fault for breaking up with him and her loss.

"I'm a loner because I don't want to get hurt," he said coolly. "I'm indifferent towards people because they mean nothing to me. I smoke because it distracts me from . . . issues in my personal life. Being pale is inherited; I lack red blood cells. My attitude is your problem. Last, no, I don't think I'm all that. As you said, I'm a 'revenge-driven, heartbroken, cold hearted' person."

I was taken aback. He actually explained himself. But I kept myself collected. Nolan got off his car and threw the cigarette on the ground. After crushing it under his feet, he walked away.

I would've felt bad for him.

If he wasn't doing this seven breakup thing.


As arranged, Nate and his best friends came for the astronomy club meeting at seven. Unfortunately or fortunately, he brought more players with him. The members of the club were astonished to see such a large group.

We all settled down as the mentor started talking about different stars and galaxies. I wanted to pay attention but my eyes were on my phone, waiting for a signal from Nolan.

He said he was going to be out on the school roof with Breanna. He would send me a text or something within half an hour of the meet.

But forty-five minutes had passed.

The whole astronomy group headed towards another room that had our huge telescope. The telescope really impressed the baseball players. Everyone was fighting for their turn. I quietly snuck to the roof.

Breanna and Nolan sat talking quietly. Coincidentally, Nolan met my gaze. He gestured for me to go back by putting a hand on his ex's shoulder and waving it.

I hurried back inside and sighed. The students were chattering loudly. Some were looking through the big telescope while the others played with the two smaller ones. An idea popped in my head as I waited for Nolan's text.

As soon as I got the signal, I asked Nate if I could look through the telescope. I messed around with it, twisting and turning it. He waited for his turn.

My view "accidentally" landed on the roof where Nolan and Breanna were . . . kissing. Gross. "Oh my god," I fake gasped.

"What is it?" Nate asked.

"Breanna," I whispered, "But I don't think you should see--" Before I could have finished, Nate shoved me out of the way and looked. I sighed.

This scheme of Nolan's and mine's was unforgivable for sure. Nate slowly pulled away, meeting my eyes. I gave him an apologetic look. His enraged expression scared me. Nate furiously stormed out of the observatory to the roof to catch the couple red-handed.

I followed behind with many others to watch the drama. People gasped when they saw Breanna and Nolan all over each other.

I gasped when I saw Nolan get punched by the baseball team captain. Did the heartbroken boy deserve it?


Breanna's hands flew to her mouth from the shock. Nolan was repeatedly getting punched by an angry Nate. I called the teacher--Mr. Leonard--for help immediately. He broke the boys apart. Nate's friends had to hold him back.

"To think you were my friend!" Nate spat at Nolan.

"Why don't you teach your girlfriend something?!" Nolan retorted. He wiped his bloody mouth. I wondered why Nolan didn't fight back.

Nate stared at the crying Breanna with a contemptuous look. "Ex girlfriend, you mean," he said.

I blinked at Nate and then met Nolan's eyes. He didn't show his satisfaction.

Another broken couple.

Five more to go.


"Nate is so lucky."


"He got to punch you five times."

Nolan rolled his eyes and wiped his mouth with tissues I gave him. We were walking down the stairs towards the parking lot. Again, I was walking home and he was driving. But he wouldn't drive me, nor was I going to ask him.

"I punched the guy she cheated me with. So it's understandable," said Nolan.

"Are you serious?" He only nodded in response. "You're unbelievable. Why didn't you hit her? She's the one who was cheating!"

"I don't hit girls. Hence, the whole revenge plan," he replied coldly. As we entered the parking lot, I attempted to say goodbye and head off my way when he said, "Come to my car with me."

Was he giving me a ride? I wouldn't mind. It was freezing cold in January. Pulling my hat down to cover my ears, I followed him.

To my surprise, we didn't get in the car. Instead, he opened the trunk and pulled out a bag. Under the faint street light, he handed me another photograph. I groaned.

The next girl.

She was a more familiar one. Ashlyn Rosa. A girl I hated more than anything in the world. Not exactly hated, but more of being extremely jealous of her. She had curly, light brown hair with brownish-hazelish eyes. Ashlyn was our top swimmer who had gone to the nationals many times and won. She was also an academic scholar. Plus, as a sweet and nice person, she was extremely popular among all grades.

It wasn't fair. She was an all rounder. I had to work triple hard just to excel academically.

"Ashlyn Rosa," spoke Nolan, pressing a tissue to the corner of his mouth. "She's the third ex. Everyone knows her. Do you need details or--"

"I know her. What did she do to you?" That was something to wonder. Someone like Ashlyn couldn't cheat on him or find his faults or anything mean. She was way too accepting and flexible with people.

"She broke up with me without a solid reason." He shrugged and then grimaced. It must have hurt him. "'I don't think we're made for each other. Sorry, Nolan. But we need to break up.' That's all she had to say."

"What's the problem with that?"

He made no sense.

"She broke up with me without any reason whatsoever!"

"She said you two weren't working out. That's enough reason," I said, trying to make the idiot understand. It made no sense to get revenge for something not even her fault.

I still disliked her, but not enough to damage her current relationship. Bring unhappiness to an optimistic person wasn't something I wanted.

"I didn't ask for your thoughts. We're taking revenge, snob. As far as I know, you never really liked her," he said crossing his arms.

With a solemn look, I said, "Details."

With a satisfied smile, he said, "Current boyfriend: Connor Something. He's a wrestler, but just got his leg broken. He stays home a lot. We need a good plan to get them to break up."

"Do they see each other a lot?" I inquired.

He took some time to think about it. "I don't think so. Swimming season started. She's busy with AP classes and her sport. He's home with the broken leg."

"Distance can separate people on their own. We should move to the next couple." I tried to save this couple. Since Ashlyn was always nice to me, I might as well try to return the favor. Even if I was jealous of her being naturally gifted.

"No. Not until they're officially broken up." He slammed his trunk shut and grabbed the photo of Ashlyn from me. "Think of a plan to make the break up faster. Tell it to me in AP Euro tomorrow."

Just like that, he walked to the driver seat and got in.

Pissed off at his cold demeanor, I trudged to the sidewalk and headed home. It was bitter cold and Nolan didn't have the decency to offer me a ride.

The jerk was too busy cleaning up his physical wounds.

If only his internal wounds would heal up too.



Short chapter compared to what I'm normally accustomed to. Whatya think? How is the story going? Be brutally honest. I can handle it. I need to improve my writing.

How was the second breakup? Nolan got beat up XD
Do you have an astronomy club in school?

How was the wannabe bad boy?

Can distance really separate people?

Let me know your thoughts, predictions yada yada yada. Thank you so much for all the support so far! I really do appreciate it very much!! Means a lot.




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