Chapter 7 Was Punching Vince Necessary?

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Chapter Unedited.

Chapter 7: Was Punching Vince Necessary?

Nolan looked like he was suffering badly. His whole face turned crimson, muscles tightening. Since I couldn't pinpoint the problem, I couldn't give any treatment. As a last resort, I yelled for help, banging my hands against the wall of the vents but in vain. I had forgotten we sat in a soundproof zone.

Nolan coughed and tried to change his seating position, hands still attached to his chest.

"Nolan, what's wrong?" I asked for the tenth time. Was it a heart attack?

"Chest pain," he managed to croak.

I wasn't much familiar with handling chest pain cases. My knowledge from anatomy class was all I had. I told Nolan to hold his breath for as long as he could. He met my eyes for a second before complying. I hope it worked. He did relax. It was stuffy where we sat and Nolan wore a huge hoodie. I ended up forcing him to take it off. It wasn't like he was naked underneath. He had a plain green polo shirt on.

"Do you have your cell phone?" I asked. Nolan shook his head. "Mine's in my backpack!"

We were in an awful situation. His hands were still on his irregularly rising and falling chest. This gave strain to his whole torso. I reached out and did what my anatomy teacher did around her classroom: give a shoulder massage. She said it helped loosen a lot. Nolan followed the breathing less advice and sat up straight as I massaged his shoulders.

After a while, he finally relaxed and I pulled back. The sweating stopped and tightened muscles freed themselves. He sat with his head tilted up.

"Thanks," he muttered. Nolan reached in his pants pocket and pulled out his iPhone.

I stared at him in disbelief as he handed it over. Unbelievable!

"Why did you lie?" I asked.

"Call someone for help, Hel-en. Don't mention anything about what just happened," he said coldly.

I hated how he just ignored me. Out of anger, I straight up called the school main office number. As an aid, I was required to know it. Ms. Gibbons picked up at the sixth ring. I didn't explain anything except for telling her where I was. At first, she didn't believe me, but then I made her talk to Nolan. She told me to wait (as if I was going anywhere).

As we waited for the rescue, my mind began thinking of convincing lies. Nolan was sitting with his eyes closed, taking short breaths. He seriously needed medical assistance.

It took a while, but a school janitor soon opened the panel, letting us get a grasp of fresh air. The relief only lasted for a fair minute or two until I saw the principal standing there. The bald assistant principal was with him. Nolan and I exchanged a look. He seemed much better, physically. He had hid his camera and map in the hoodie bundled up in his hand.

"What exactly were you two doing in the air vents?" Mr. Pallardinneti asked, crossing his arms.

I tried to make up a lie when Nolan said, "It was me. I came down here to--er--to . . . to--"

"To do what?" Mr. Casey, the assistant principal questioned. Nolan was speechless. I looked at the vents and thought about all possible excuses. It was a long, heated and crammed passageway. What lie could I tell?

"Physics!" I said suddenly. All the males--including Nolan--turned to me. "Physics. Remember we were checking air flow?"

I was nodding my head at Nolan. He went along also nodding his head, catching my lie.

"Yes. We wanted to check for the ventilation system," Nolan further lied.

I added on, "Following the pressure rule, we came to check the variables that are involved in our school's ventilators. The 'seal' state of the case is negatively pressured--"

"Consequently," picked up Nolan, "the exhaust is larger than the intake. So much heat is passing through. The filters may need to be checked. As for moisture levels--"

"Stop," the Principal said holding up a hand.

Both Nolan and I knew the people in front of us had no science background. We could get away with this lying.

"You two broke school rules, went inside the ventilators, skipped class--all for physics?" Mr. Pallardinneti inquired.

We nodded nervously. Did he buy that? I thought the lie was pretty convincing. Nolan even pulled out the map where he had drawn fat and skinny arrows--cold air vs. hot air flow. I was happy he carried a pencil with him. The map gave us proof and helped by a mile.

The men laughed.

Nolan and I exchanged sighs of relief. "You two are still in trouble," said Mr. Casey. "You broke the rules. Punishment must be given."

"It was all my planning," Nolan said quickly. He was taking the blame?

"You were both in the air vents," Mr. Casey pointed out. "Saturday detention. Be at school at eight early morning."

"Detention? Me?" Did I hear correctly? I, Helen Postulet, ranked number one in my class. No way on earth was I getting detention.

"Yes, Helen." Mr. Casey knew my name? I wasn't even a delinquent! "Number one and number two of senior class skipped last period and went to an off limits area. You two could've gotten hurt." Nolan was number two? All those APs paid off, I suppose.

"But Princeton won't accept me if they see detention on my record!" I argued. Nolan gave me a you're-unbelievable look. "Principal Pallardinneti, you know I'm a good kid. I don't even know where the room for trouble makers is! This is my last year. I can't afford to lose Princeton!"

I gave them my best desperate and pleading look.

The men talked to each other about it.

The final decision was: "We won't put it on your record, but you still have Saturday detention."


According to Nolan, Saturday detention was a "great thing." Vince was going to be there--what a surprise. This was the perfect opportunity to blackmail the gangster boy who was dating Nolan's ex. Both of our parents were called. Mine seemed confused as to whether they should laugh or get angry. The Principal had told them we were doing a physics experiment.

"Helen, I know you want to get into Princeton but checking the school's air flow is too extreme," dad said in a tired tone.

We were all eating dinner. Couldn't we talk about this later?

"Who's Nolan?" mom asked casually.

"Number two in my grade. He's in AP classes with me" was my only reply. Nolan and I didn't have any other relationship than classmates or crime partners.

"You went into the vents with just some boy?" dad asked. My parents had serious looks even though I knew they weren't mad.

"No. We've worked on many projects and assignments together before. I know him," I said quickly. Then, just to talk to somebody, I said, "There's something wrong with him." Mom raised an eyebrow. "He's a mental and emotional mess." If only, I could bring up the breaking up game/revenge. "He went through so heartbreaks and became a cold-hearted loner."

"I was happy you found a friend," mom said truthfully, "but someone like . . . that."

"We're not friends. Acquaintances--acquaintances who . . . enjoy physics." It was a mixture of a truth and a lie.

My parents laughed and rolled their eyes. They weren't really concerned about Nolan or the type of kid he was. He was number two in our class and had a pretty clean record. Therefore, he was okay to hang out with. Plus, I think my parents just wanted me to finally have a friend. Ever since I started school, I could never fit in. Never get along with people. I was happy being left alone.

Stupid Nolan had to change that during my last year!


"So, are we just going to pretend your sudden chest pain was nothing?"

Nolan and I were sitting in Saturday detention. Hooligans and delinquents surrounded us, making me feel uncomfortable. The teacher in charge left us alone to check something. No one bothered running away. People were half-asleep . . . including the guy who put me in here. I flicked him on the cheek to get his attention.

"Stop bugging me!" he said grumpily and put his head down on the desk.

He had handed me the photos as soon as I had come. While he took a nap, I was supposed to approach Vince and follow the rest of the plan. Huffing, I picked up the photos and trudged towards the back of the room. I was the only girl here. Nolan should have given the courtesy to show moral support than nap.

I slowly approached the black-haired, brown-eyed Vincent Marek. A cigarette was clenched between his teeth as he talked with his friends. Some of them looked high which scared me.

"Hi," I said, gaining their attention.

"What?" Vince asked.

"Do you have a minute to spare?"

Some guy commented, "There are many things Vince has to spare." Disgusting idiots. Vince laughed with his friends. "You have so many girls throwing themselves at you, Vince. Spare some for us."

I did what what was most convenient: ignore. "Can I talk to you alone?" I asked Vince.

"Say it right here. I don't trust your intentions," he said and his group burst into giggles. They belonged to a zoo not a school. I threw one of the pictures of him making out with Ms. Bozzo at him. It landed on his desk. When Vince's eyes met the photo, he paled. The gangster boy turned to me and I held up the rest of the photos in my hand.

He stood up fuming and glaring at me.

"How the hell did you get that?!" he asked.

"I have my ways." The ways that landed me in detention.

"What do you want?"

"Break up with Ms. Bozzo," I replied tersely.

"You little b--," he said, taking a step my way as if he was going to attack me.

I was suddenly jerked back. "Chill, dude." Nolan stood in front of me, calmly. Now he decided to step in and help? What was he trying to prove? He didn't need to play hero because I wasn't going to let Vince hit me.

"Oh look, lover boy," Vince smirked. Nolan's expression hardened. Did they know each other? "Jealous I stole your girlfriend?" Vince knew about Ms. Bozzo and Nolan, seemingly.

"You wish," replied Nolan. "She won't waste a single second breaking up with you if she saw those pictures."

"I'm not a little boy like you that she would leave me for something like that." Nolan clenched his jaw. I could already feel the tension between the boys. "You're jealous. She easily gave up on you because she needed a man for herself."

Before I could've pulled him back, Nolan punched Vince.

The victim stumbled back a step, holding his bleeding nose. Vince didn't waste a second before lunging at Nolan. His friends teamed up with him. Nolan only had me on his side and I doubted I could handle six gangster boys.

As his partner, I felt the necessity to save Nolan. However, that only resulted in me getting in the middle of a punch aimed at Nolan. Vince looked shocked upon hitting me. I ran out and yelled for help. Teachers came inside in a hurry. I silently stole the photo on the ground and slipped it inside Vince's pocket. It might help later. The boys were pulled apart and everyone was brought to the assistant principal's office. The million dollar question was asked.

"Who started this?"

Nolan appeared out of breath. His nose was bleeding and one of his hands was on his chest. He did put up a good fight--only to get beaten up. Standing next to me, he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed.

"Them," I said, pointing to Vince's team. They gave me appalled looks. "Vince attacked me and Nolan came in the way. Thus, the fight." The punch to my cheek now played against Vince. Plus, I was a great liar.

"Is that true?" Mr. Casey, assistant principal, asked Vince.

"No!" Vince said. Mr. Casey told him to tell his side of the story. "She was being a bit--"

"Language," Mr. Casey interrupted.

"She was bothering me and he entered to bother me more. I didn't do anything but lover boy still punched me!" Vince explained. That was the real truth or close to it. However, Mr. Casey needed elaboration. "She got in the way when I was hitting him."

Idiot wasn't helping his case.

"They're all high," Nolan's voice came out in a whisper. "Vince hit Helen--as she said. I only punched him because he hit a girl." I didn't say anything but nodded along with a feigned depressed face. I reached out and gave Nolan some support.

"Call someone to pick you up, Nolan," Mr. Casey said and turned to the other boys. "You'll stay here and explain your state. I have found drugs with all of you."

"Can I leave, Mr. Casey and help Nolan?" I innocently asked.

He nodded.

Nolan draped an arm around my shoulder and I took him out of the building. His one hand stayed glued to his chest.

"Take me home," he whispered, breathless.

"You need--"

"Home, Helen. Please," he said, his tone painful. He was falling apart, but still insisted to be fine. I took his car keys from his jacket pocket and drove him home. His parents were out. I had to help him get inside the house. He settled on the couch and I got him some water. "Thanks," Nolan said, taking small sips.


"First aid kit is in the first cabinet next to the fridge." His head was tilted up as he leaned back. Groaning, I got the kit and returned to help him clean up.

"I really think you need a doctor," I said applying an ice pack to his dark blue cheek. Since he had pasty skin, the bruise popped up.

"My body is sensitive to pain and movement." He finally decided to explain. "Low blood pressure problems. Chest pain is a common thing in my family. I've already been to the doctor's multiple times. They know. So do my parents. Now, you do too. So stop badgering me about it. I'll be fine."

"Fine. Help yourself then!" I slapped the ice pack in his hand and got up to leave. The ungrateful brat couldn't appreciate my help. "I never signed a contract to help you in these messes," I said and intentionally added, "lover boy."

"Sit down, Helen." He tiredly brought the ice pack to his cheek. "Sit down for Princeton's sake. I still have your photos." Frustrated, I sat down. He extended his hand and pressed the ice pack on my cheek. "Your have a huge bruise." He confused me, immensely. One minute, he doesn't give a damn about anything and the next, he's putting ice on my injury. I gave him his ice pack back. I had one bruise, and he had multiple.

I went and made more ice packs. Ice in zip lock bags. Taking one, I gave the rest of him.

"Was punching Vince necessary?" I asked.

"He provoked me."

"Nolan, you're not stupid," I said. He didn't bother looking at me. "You and I both know how much trouble you caused."

"Exactly! Trouble 'I' caused. Why are you concerned? You can get away with your innocent little face," he bitterly said.

"Why're you so mean to me?" His attitude was frustrating. "I broke up three couples for you already! You can't even talk to me in a civilized manner?"

"I'm not sorry," he said. In that case, he deserved being kicked and pushed around by a gang of people. "I just can't trust women whatsoever. Helen, I had seven breakups in a row. You cannot imagine what I went through."

From his perspective, he had his reasons for the way he was.

But from my view, he needed a better way of solving the problem.

"Nolan, we're breaking up couples together." He needed a reminder. "I'm not looking to have a romantic relationship with you. Put some trust in me as your partner in this breakup scheme. Partners. That's it. You still have my photos, so stop fretting over me betraying you. We can at least be a little nicer and trustful."

He let out an exaggerated sigh. What I had said was the truth. He was over-the-top concerned about me going against him in all of the plans. A little trust wouldn't kill anybody.

"Fine," he declared.


"I'm willing to trust you, but if you do one wrong thing, say goodbye to Princeton."

He was never going to change. "Fine."

We shook our hands on it and he smiled slightly. "Hand sanitizer is in one of the kitchen cabinets." I punched his arm, however upon seeing his flinch, I apologized.

"What are we going to do about Vince?" I finally asked.

"Wait and watch, Hel-en."


How was the chapter: yay or nay? Please don't be afraid to tell me if its getting boring.

Nolan has blood pressure issues or something else?

Has anyone ever gotten detention? My knowledge is strictly from what I've read or saw on TV. Sorry, if it seemed cliche.

I did look up how to treat chest pain so Helen's treatment is fair. As for the physics case stuff, it is also from the internet. The research I have to do during writing...I learn a lot, mind you, but it's irritating.

How was Nolan getting beat up? Poor boy :'( at least, he's willing to trust her a little, right? Progress?




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