Bio of The Scientist

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Name: Kawari Takanpaku

Titles: Now; the silent researcher, the man who presses the infinite, friend of abominations, helper of the old gods, servant of evil, the blind man, the transcend one, the next step in humanitys evolution, the smartest man, most foolish human, the human who possess's the power of the great ones, the one who shall see all.

Titles: Future; The infinite one, Lord of knowledge, the human who transcended to a god, the prince of calamity, ruler of chaos, god of underestimating, the true enlightened one, bringer of chaos, the chaos king, father of chaos, husband of Chaos

Age: 17

Blood type: O+

Race: formally; Human, Now; Unknown, Future: ????

Family: Mother; Alive, Father; dead, older Sister; Alive


Likes: science, mathematics, truth, reality, the study of higher dimensional creature's and world's. Quiet, logic, rationality.

Dislikes: chaos, unnecessary waste of energy, anything that's not efficient, foolish/idiotic people, loud areas, massive Perverts (he understands that men will admire the female body, but he doesn't like people who base there entire lifes off of it.), Dickheads, and etc.

Personality: Kawari Takanpaku it's a very intelligent young man but this comes at the cost of well his human side, he views the world in a very cold and logical way unlike many so see it in a fictional fantasy like light, he prefers quiet places because this allows him to focuses on his research and is always looking for ways to view what many call The Eldritch Truth.

Equipment/weapon/Other tool:

The black cube:

Description of the Black cube: the Black Cube is something otherworldly entirely comprised of higher dimensional concepts and infused with higher dimensional energy and essence this cube serves as a linchpin for Kawari Takanpaku to traverse into the great beyond of nothingness and infinity and enter into higher dimensional planes furthermore the cube allows him to maintain his human sanity, as looking into such reality's and marvelous things would completely drive a person insane. But this cube also allows him to bring forth theses laws and concepts into reality but not in a very large scale, for if he desires to be able to effect larger spaces and possibly world's he would have to increase his understanding of theses concepts and laws while also increasing his overall strength to be able to use theses, but even at this level its still quiet impressive. And the Powers he currently wields are as the following...

Conceptual reality bending: through using the cube it is possible for Kawari Takanpaku to isolate the third dimensional realm and subjugate its laws and reality and essentially shatter the boundaries between the two realities and allow influence from higher dimensional realms to enter note that any and all not underneath the cubes influence or protection will slowly begin to lose their minds and prolonged exposure to these kinds of forces will completely erase or possibly change a creature into an abomination a creature whose original mind and body will be completely gone and will turn into a solace mindless bloodthirsty Beast completely subjugated to the cube. But this is not without its drawbacks although this power is devastating it can only affect an area by 280 m x 280 m, (842,724 feet for my fellow American people) on top of this sense he is drawing a connection between the two realities if the cube or his connection to it breaks in some way the zone will vanish, not to mention any being which is capable of manipulating reality could possibly survive it, as such his rank at the moment in time would only be around high level to low transcendent reality warping. But when compared to other entities who can warp and change the very fundamental nature of entire multiverses and some the whole Omniverse it is safe to say he's not stacking anywhere near them.

Conceptual law manipulation: as stated the cube is able to influence laws within the higher dimensional planes of existence and is able to bring those very same laws within the third dimensional universe, theses laws can be any form so long as they are tied to a law of higher standards, but there is a limit as with his ability to bend reality so too does he have a limit on how well he can bend the laws of higher dimensional planes and realitys, his law bending only goes to about the same level as the weakest reality benders of the higher planes and can only grow stronger with his further understanding and strenth in The Eldritch Truth and also the higher existence, but it would be enough to devastate any and all creatures who are subjugated to it.

Destructive Ability: Formally 9-B could destroy a wall ease, Now: 8-A able to destroy multiple city blocks with his reality warping powers, Future; 0-Boundless, capable of going against beings who transcend infinite dimensions, and exist across all of existence, notably he could fight beings such as Nyarlathotep and Nameless Mist.

Striking ability: Formally: Strong enough to destroy a wall 9-B, Now; 8-C strong enough to destroy buildings with his physical strength alone, future; 0-Boundless. Can destroy and shatter multiverses with just his physical strength. And throw punches capable of ripping the libs off of ultimate supreme deities theses being Nyarlathotep and Nameless Mist along with several other powerful elder gods.

Speed: formally; faster then that of a human at there peak, now; Hundreds of times faster then the fastest human, top speed was over 457 mph, Future; beyond conceivable understanding, Outerversal in nature, can transcend infinite realities with just his speed.

Durability: Formally; 9-B could tank attacks which could destroy walls, Now; 8-c can tank attacks capable of destroying large buildings. Future; Boundless, able to survive the collapse of infinite numbers of higher dimensional realities, can fight and take hits from beings such as Nyarlathotep and Nameless Mist, and survive.

Stamina: Formally; could go numerous nights without the need for sleep, now; can go weeks without sleep or any need to rest, Future; infinite does not require rest, does not require any food to satiate himself.

Range: Formally: only hand to hand range, Now; 8-A with his reality warping abilities he can easily reach distances that are 3.5 times larger then that of a city block, future; boundless, is able to reach from the highest dimensional realms and through the infinite realities of the Multiverse can attack from any plane of existence and can also simultaneously travel to any point or dimensional level of the known Omniverse.

Intelligence: Formally; One of the most intelligent minds in the world, Now; with the knowledge of higher dimensional concepts and laws and also begining to elevate his mind to higher dimensional levels his knowledge exceeds human kind and humanlike understanding. Future; beyond conceivable understanding even higher dimensional Gods cannot truly understand his knowledge or understanding of the known higher dimensional universe and Multiverse, comparable to the Ultimate supreme gods of the outer reality's.

Love Interest: Nyarlathotep Daughter of Azathoth {yes I genderbend him deal with it.}

Name: Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos

Age: Beyond all concepts of time

Classification: Outer God, Messenger, and Soul of the Outer Gods, Child of Azathoth

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1 and 9), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation (Created a gulf in space that acted as a vortex leading directly into the Ultimate Void outside of existence), Time Manipulation, Magic, Weather Manipulation (Caused severe climatic havoc throughout the whole planet, resulting in the ocean eventually engulfing much of the Earth's land), Air Manipulation (Summoned and controlled gusts of unearthly winds directly from the Ultimate Void that overpowered an army of Nightgaunts), Ice Manipulation (Her presence resulted in sudden, inexplicably gigantic snowdrifts forming all over the outskirts of a city), Light Manipulation (Made the moon itself emanate an unnatural green light that mentally controlled large flocks of people), Earth Manipulation (Caused earthquakes that spanned entire cities), Portal Creation, Time Travel and Dimensional Travel, Social Influencing, Telekinesis, Madness Manipulation (Type 2. Can show visages of the Ultimate Void to entire groups of people, driving them completely insane as a result), Clairvoyance, Perception Manipulation, Telepathy, Darkness Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, BFR, Animal Manipulation (Wild beasts are described as naturally compelled to follow her, and she has command over races of her own creation such as the Hunting Horrors), Chaos Manipulation (Can summon waves of blackness and destruction directly from the Ultimate Void), Shapeshifting, Matter Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Technology Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Electricity Manipulation, Teleportation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Dream Manipulation (Influenced Walter Gilman's dreams, bringing her astral form into higher-dimensional space through them)

All previous powers and abilities on an unfathomably higher scale, as well as: Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Avatar Creation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Large Size (Type 11), Invulnerability, Incorporeality, Abstract Existence (Type 1), Law Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Acausality (Type 5), Void Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Immortality (Type 5), Nonexistent Physiology (Type 2), Transduality (Type 2), Omnipresence

Attack Potency: Varies. At least Large Planet level (Completely devastated the Earth and reduced its oceans to a thick cloud of steam that covered the entirety of its surface in instants, and then proceeded to casually destroy it in a blast of fire that engulfed both the planet and its moon), likely higher (Gradually destroyed the sun over an unknown period of time, eventually reducing it to a dying, cooling star) to High Outerverse level (The Black woman is capable of accessing the Court of Azathoth at the centre of the Ultimate Void, and another one of her avatars could bring a human past the confines of dimensioned space and into the chambers of the Daemon Sultan at will) | High Outerverse level (Exists in the Ultimate Void, a changeless, absolute totality beyond all perspectives that likewise transcends all conceptions of being, size, and boundaries, holding the entire cosmos as nothing but an atom in its genuine and ultimate infinity, residing beyond a vast hierarchy of "limitless vacua beyond all thought and entity" that correspond to increasingly deeper and more abstract perceptions of infinity in a world of pure dreams that lies completely beyond infinite-dimensional spacetime. Should be immensely above her aforementioned avatars, and serves as the collective soul of The Ultimate Gods, acting as their direct messenger and proxy within the world)

Speed: Unknown | Unknown or Omnipresent

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Unknown, up to High Outerversal | High Outerversal

Durability: Varies. At least Large Planet level, likely higher to High Outerverse level | High Outerverse level

Stamina: Irrelevant

Range: High Outerversal | High Outerversal

Standard Equipment: None for most of them, though The Black girl in particular has the Book of Azathoth in her possession | Thousands of different avatars and forms spread throughout all of reality

Intelligence: Varies. Some avatars (Such as the Pharaoh and the Black girl) appear to be Nigh-Omniscient and to be merely manifestations of Nyarlathotep's own mind and personality within lower planes of reality, while others (Such as the Haunter in the Dark) are simply mindless beasts.

Weaknesses: The Haunter of the Dark is extremely vulnerable to light, and especially large concentrations of it will cause its physical form to disperse. Other avatars have no such weaknesses, aside from a degree of overconfidence. | None Notable.

Avatars: Nyarlathotep is able to manifest as a vast multitude of avatars. While the god's malign intelligence is behind all of them, each avatar varies greatly in appearance, power, and purpose. Some avatars are even worshiped as their own beings, the followers unaware that it is merely part of a much greater being. It is worth mentioning that the true Nyarlathotep never appears directly in the Mythos, and instead makes appearances through multiple avatars and different versions of herself. These range from avatars such as the Black Pharaoh, who simply seems to be Nyarlathotep's own personality and mind but interacting with reality as a lower shadow in a human form, and the Haunter of the Dark, an entity directly identified as one of Nyarlathotep's avatars, yet one that seems to lack any personality traits whatsoever.

Yup so there you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest bio is done I hope you'll enjoy.

And yes you're all probably wondering how in the hell is this even balanced well let me put it in this format this story is going to be mainly focused upon game/shows/other things revolving around the concept of higher dimensional planes laws reality and essentially HP Lovecraft shit, this is not going to be fair not balanced in any stratosphere especially when we start getting into the later parts where he is going to grow STUPIDLY powerful.

But this isn't a fighting story, this story revolves around a man trying to understand the higher dimensional world around him a journey through Oblivion chaos and every conceivable horror in the planes beyond our comprehension in order to try and prove to the world that these things do exist, this isn't just a pure battling story it is one of mystery and wanting to understand the truth of everything.

So with this being said I hope you guys liked it, after all this is going to be the first time I actually even dealt with creatures and entities and realms and laws that are of this kind of nature like dealing with oryx is one thing but dealing with HP Lovecraft Lord Jesus Christ is an whole new ascendant plane of complex shenanigans.

And yes for anyone who would want there to be gods such as Mekhane and possibly even the Scarlet King from the SCP foundation, just know that I will probably,.... Well more like most likely include the SCP foundation because if we're dealing with things like this, might as well go all the way, and you guys know I do not pussy out from going all the way.

So I hope you all are ready for one of the most complex story ideas that I am ever going to have because I'm not just mixing one world together no no.

DxD, SCP, HP Lovecraft, Fate, and SO MUCH MORE!

THIS right here is going to be one of my greatest fusions yet and I intend on making it an absolute banger!

So I will catch you all in the starting chapter!

DIO OUT!!!!!

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