Chapter 10

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If you notice the new change of Angela's personality. Sorry for that though but her personality I'm trying to achive are teaser, caring, understanding, and over protective. Oh and sorry for the mistake. I thought I already publish this chapter. Credits to FFXVAJ42, Wizard24F, and Mebana16 for helping me think of two names for two countries. I owe you guys one! 😁

Angela POV

"Start talking, Denise." The man with crimson red hair demands the girl. "The girl stole my food!" The girl named Denise stands up and fix herself. "Using your powers without permission is prohibited at this school. You have a warning." She just pout and look away. The guy glares at us like his throwing daggers piercing through my sensitive soul. (XD Sorry for this. I just can't help it.)

'If glares could kill, I might be dead by now.' I thought. "You two. What are your stories." He asks. Lorenzo starts to explain everything he knows as I start to eat the food that I stole. I take that time to look around and someone caught my eyes. A girl with blonde long hair went out of a hall where Lorenzo went out a while ago. She looks like she's finding something but then stop and look at me. Her blue with a little mix of gold eyes went wide after seeing me.

She then starts to walk near the guy. "Flint, what's happening here?" She asks with a squeaky voice that sounded like a mouse. The guy called Flint look at her with suprise. "Ah D-Dia. W-what brings you here?" He asks. 'So he acts cool but he's scared of her?' I thought as I face palm at my head. "Business. Tell me, what is happening here?" She asks. He starts to explain as I went to Lorenzo. I look at him to see him staring at the blonde girl with a squeaky voice.

Flint starts to explain the situation from the beggining to the end. She just nod and look at us then to him. "Let them be although Denise needs to learn how not to be short-tempered despite of being the princess of Ice." She then look at her with pity. "Denise, my friend. I'm not angry but you really need to change that short-tempered personality of yours." She smile and starts to look back at us.

"Unless you want to melt the whole ice kingdom 'cause of that." She said jokingly as she starts to walk to the other students telling them to go back to their business. Flint starts to walk to Denise and leads her to who knows where. "That girl named Denise..." Lorenzo started.

"I'm sure I saw her somewhere."

I nod in agreement. She looks familiar yet we don't remember who. We continue our journey going back to our dorms. We went into our seperate ways; me going to the girl's dormatory and him going to the boy's dormatory.

Time sure flies fast. I thought as I open the room I'm assigned in. I do have a roommate but sadly, she's not here yet. I laid down at the bed wondering. I haven't seen Amber and the others except Lorenzo. That blonde hair girl... I thought remembering what she looks like. Her dress is white and it's knee-high. Her hair tied up into a ponytail and a sky blue scarf round her neck and covering her mouth. Her eyes is the mix colors of happiness and sadness. 'She reminds me of... wait... Can she be... no way but there's a chance of her being...'

"Amber." I said as I sigh. 'It can be her right?' I thought as I turn to my sideways. "It's been some years. She must be hiding somethings." I said to myself. Suddenly, my phone starts to ring. I grab my bag and search my phone. When I saw my phone, I grab it and then check the caller to see Justin's name appearing.

'Why will he call me in this time of day?' I ask myself but I answer it nonetheless.

"Hello, Angel?" He started. I sat up and hug my knees. "Ya? Why call me in this time of day?" I ask away. "Well we do have a little knowledge about the islands we're in so me, Ken, and Lorenzo went to the Library. We were thinking if you could come?" He asks. "Why didn't you called michael, miguel, nor Andre with you?" I ask calmly. "We did call them but they said they're busy. I tried contacting Amber but she's not answering." He explains.

'Strangely, she's getting more and more suspicious everyday. She could be up to something and if we just stay put, she might be in danger. If we're about to know her secret, we must know this islands we are in.' I thought.

"I'll go. Give me time to prepare." I said and I heard cheering in the otherside of the phone. "We'll see you later." He said and he end the call. I went to my stuff and fix it a little before I went out of the girls dormitory. I walk the halls with confusion as I have no idea where is the library.

I went to halls after halls, gardens after gardens, and rooms after rooms but in the end, I'm lost. I tried looking for a map and when I have seen the map, I was very thankful that I tried my best to find the library.

'Cafeteria...classrooms...faculties...ah! There it is, library. It's next to...a dead end hall? I guess the rennovation there isn't finish just yet. But it looks like it's near the garden where the ice powered girl attack us. Strange... I guess I didn't notice it before.' I thought as I began my way going to the library. When I almost reach the library, I saw something in the dead end hall. I went to look what's in there when someone grab me from the back. It happen so fast and I see a guy on the floor clenching on his stomach after I elbowed him.

I notice two boys went to him, helping him to get up. "I told you it's a bad idea to suprise her. You deserve that or more." A much taller guy said. 'I recognize that voice somewhere...' I thought. After realizing who they were I just gasp. From shock, it turn into anger. When he had get up, I went to him and knock his head hard enough not for him to fell asleep. "Sorry. Peace?" He asks. I just cross my hands and glare at him. "Justin, let's get this over with. I'm here for information that can be useful." I said.

He just shrugs as he rubs his head. "The front door of the library is close so we'll go from the back. To what I know, the back door is in the end of this dead end hall. It maybe lock but it might be easy to pick it open." Lorenzo explains. We nod in agreement and starts walking silently in the hall when I notice Ken standing in the open. When I was about to speak up, he cut me off. "Go. I'll be here looking out. You three go and get the informations needed." I nod and continue walking to the end of the hall leaving him behind.

"So why is this library close? It's not yet night time. It's just like 4:30 of the afternoon." I ask as we continue walking. "Well ghost and lost spirits invaded the library and it's gonna get you alive!" He said as I knock his head again. "Ow! That hurts you know." He said as he starts rubbing his head. "Full of nonsense. If your going to scare people, scare someone who doesn't know what spirits can and may do, Idiot." I said remembering what he said about them.

Short flashback (see chapter 9)

"Wait...but the spirits will die if they get away from their cities that long..." Lorenzo said wondering. The headmaster nods as me and the others look at him with curiosity.

Short flashback ended

"She's right. If you do remember me telling that spirits will die if they get away from their cities that long? I never knew why they have a time limit, why they have to die instead of just returning to their own cities, nor where will they go if they die....again." He explains. "This library is the only thing that can give us answers." Justin said seriously and we just nod in agreement.

"Let me answer your question a while ago. This library is an old one. There is this new library that was establish according to the student we asked directions with." He begun.

Flashback (Lorenzo's POV)

"Hey miss! You with a pony tail!" Justin shouted. We ran to her as she stops and turns to us. "We wanted to know where the library is. May you give us directions?"  I ask politely. She nods her head and told us it's near the fourth hall which is near the teacher's lounge. "Thanks." He said and we were about to go when she stops us. "Wait! Your the new students right?" She asks and we nod as we went to her. She starts looking around and when it looks good enough she looks at us in a seriously manner.

"If information about the past or things about the strange spirited island, I suggest going to the old library. The new library's books of history are full of lies. I usually go to the old library but last month, it got banned due to private reasons. The front door is always lock and if you brake it, an alarm will alert the campus teachers and guards." She said. We look at each other before looking back at her.

"Where do you suggest us to go? Throught the roof?" He asks and I hear some sarcasm in his voice. "It's dangerous through roof. There's nothing way in or out of there. The roof are made of something that no one can break. If you're thingking it's made out of diamonds, you're wrong. Diamonds are breakable in this dimension. I suggest you go to the back door at the end of an dead end hall." She suggested.

I look at her suspiciously. 'There's something not right about this. Why would a student know our mostives?' I thought. "I know your motives because you guys are pretty obvious to what your objective is. Sorry, I have the power to read minds." Then she laughs nervously while scratching the back of her nape. "How shall we trust you?" Justin asks as she look at us with a smile.

"Go and see for yourselves? It's not like I'm bluffing or lying. If you still don't trust me, I know Ken or Amber will. He's kinda my friend before but due to complications, I need to go back here. Amber is my friend since she first came to this school." She said and my guess we have no choice but to trust her for now. "Where can we see this library?"

Flashback ended (back to Angela's POV)

"She told us that we'll see the library at the big maps posted at the campus. So we decided to get Ken and maybe some more people (but eventually all of them are busy except her) and come to this old library." He explains. It sounds like they have no choice that time but they look hesitant.

"Here we are!" Justin announces. Lorenzo went to his pockets and brings out a paper clip that was bended already. He went near the door and a minute or two later, the door click. Lorenzo turns the knob and open the door making those creaking sounds. We quietly went in and justin turns on his flashlight while Lorenzo closes the door. I went to get my phone in my pocket and turn on my flashlight. "Woah. This library is huge." We were amaze at how huge the place is. There are big shelves with no books place except dust and cobwebs.

"Let's seperate. We could find the information we needed faster." I suggest and they nod in agreement. We walk on seperate ways. I went straight ahead slowly. I look around and notice nothing out of the ordinary. I continue to walk until I notice something thick brown cover. I went near and see a huge thick brown book at an old table. "Hey guys! I found something." I called them out. I heard footsteps nearing until I notice the two running to me.

"A book?" Justin asks obiviously. "It's entitled, 'The Book of Truth'. Maybe we could get the information we needed in here." Lorenzo said. I look at the book and sigh before I open it. The pages begun to glow in a golden color and the ink that was used for writing this book went bright. Moments later, it slowly dim until the only light are our flashlights. We stare at the book as I read the contents written.

"One person will save everyone but in repay, they must give up their own life for they will be fighting with the creator. One person will be assigned to be the next in throne on the creator. They will decide if they wanted to bring peace or disaster in the world. Time's running out. By the end of the month March, he will conquer and turn his own island into one of those island groups named devillians. Warn people won't do for they will not lend their ears unless they work for the organization or the evil." I read.

"I have this letter when me, Sage, and Amber are on China. I almost got killed but instead they left a note written in japanese if I remember correctly. It's a warning to stay away from a group called devillians. I thought it's some kind of new mafia or gangster so I kinda got scared." He said.

"I mean who won't be? Even me, I will even get scared about that." Justin said and look at him softly. I grab my flashlight and look around from where we are when I notice a book at the floor. I went there and pick it up. I went back and I didn't pay any attention to them. "The book of the mysterious Island." I read. I open the book to see chapters that looks interesting. "Hey guys look." I call them out. I turn the pages back to the beginning and went to chapter one.

"Chapter one: The Island/Country" I started. "There are three islands/countries that are known in this world: The Devillians, The Alderhein, and The Vegan." I started to laugh at the name 'Vegan' and I even notice the two started laughing. "Why are you laughing at your own country? Vegan is a proud yet mysterious name." A voice of a girl began to speak.

We then stop laughing and look around at the dark. "Who goes there!?" Justin shouted as he holds a pocket knife. Lorenzo went to my back as Justin went to my front. "You should stay in between us. We'll try to protect you." Lorenzo stated. "Besides, we don't know how she past Ken. She might use her powers." Justin stated. I just grab a fist of their hair and bang there heads together. They rub their heads and look at me. "What was that for!?" They shouted at me at the same time.

"You guys are treating me like a weakling. I can handle myself but that doesn't mean I don't need any help." I told them. Justin just sigh and Lorenzo mumble something but I didn't understand a thing on what he said. I went in between them as they went back to their position. We waited until Lorenzo suggested that one will be protecting the two of us while they read the rest. Justin agreed to protect us and I didn't have a choice but to follow.

"The two countries/islands which were Alderhein and Devillians are where most wars happen but there is no record of Vegan joining on the wars. According to the people in Alderhein that went to Vegan, they felt that there are many lives living and had this strong unknown power everytime they step nor touch something but when they adventure the whole island/country, they never seen even one life living. Neither animals nor humans can be seen. It's just nature itself."

"Strangely, they discover amazing structures like holes in each tree trunks and inside of them is a comfy home to live in. They inspected the place and seen paranormal things like a crayon writting itself a letter on the paper. They said that the paper flew to one of the member that came there."

"The note says 'Welcome to the Clover City. My name is Azalea and I might help you. You see, my parents are out at the market so I'm the only one at home. You look like from not around here. A foreigner?' The members answer the question with a nod and the crayon begans writting in a piece of paper."

"Boy, That spirit is looks cool but why don't they see them?" I ask and Lorenzo began reading the Itilized sentences. "It says here, 'If you didn't know, I'm a spirit living in this city. I never experience going outside the city because we spirits will die if way stay long outside the bounderies.' It didn't say why they cannot leave their bounderies."

"Because it is a rule in the country that we may not speak of why will they die. It will triggered them and chaos may happen to the country." The voice of the girl spoke again. We look around and see someone from the dark. Justin ready his pocket knife amd look at the direction where we could see a figure of a person. "No need for a pocket knife Justin. I'm omly trying to help." She cooed.

He stands up straight and look at her confuse. The figure slowly walks into the light and the boys were shock to see her. Even more shocking is that a yellowish light began to glow on her and when it dim a little, she change.

"It's nice seeing you all again. I hope I could help on the behalf of Amber."

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