Chapter 7

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Lorenzo's POV

"O-okay. Let me get this clear." Ashley breaks the silence and went in between her and me. "Cousin, don't freak out. I know everything your seeing now is like a dream but don't worry. This is reality-" Sage cut her off. "Just skip to the point! Tch." He exclaim in an annoyed way. "Fine. Fine." She sigh then continue. "Lorenzo, this is your big sister, Liana. Liana, this is your little brother, Lorenzo." My mind only thought of one thing.

If this is a dream, I wish I will never wake up. "Let us explain everything at dinner." The one who was called Helen said while walking to the kitchen. We all nod and Liana went to the kitchen to help her. We all went to the dinning table to help for the preparation. After a while, we all went and sit at the dinning table. We eat in silent but Helen broke the silence. "So let us explain..." She started. "What you see isn't a dream. This is like another world but not a dimension. We travel from human world to this world through a mirror. Thanks to this mirror, we can access different kinds of world that have life." Helen explains.

"The world we are living is somewhat human life will call fantasy. To us, we just call it a bitter reality. Unlike in the human world, wars and deaths are most likely to happen here. The more power you have, the more responsibility you take." Helen continues. "So...why are you living inside this cave? Not that I didn't love the surroundings. It's just feels your in a toxicating and boring room." I asks. "True!" Ashley answers as she speed up a little bit of her eating. "We are in the territorial of Spades so we call this as Spade City. There are three more territorials in this island. They are Diamond, Heart, and Clover" She explains.

"Spade? Diamond? Heart? Clover? Why do I feel it's somewhat a reference of each card." I told them what I thought. "Cards?" She asks. I was about to tell her about that when Liana butts in. "It's a game some adults play to waste some time." She explains. They all laugh leaving only me confuse. "Well no. They aren't like that." After we finish eating, Helen volunteer to wash the dishes. Me, Liana, and Ashley went at the cave's entrance to look at the view. I talk about almost everything that happened to me. They laugh and smile like they always do. I didn't left the bad things that had happened that made them mad but I was thankful.

I'm thankful and glad that they're alive. I close my eyes and feel the air passing through me peacefully. Now we are back like the happy family I knew in the old days. Happy Family... I thought. It immediately reminded me about my friends, mom, friends, and other people that are important to me. When I open my eyes, I'm shock. I saw them in the hands of some cloak people laying unconscious. I froze on the spot until someone put some kind of cloth with some substance. Luckily, I knew this trick already so I hold my breath and pretend to be unconscious.

I hope my plan goes well if no one comes to save us.

Michael POV

We start to walk to the deep forest. At my front were Angela and Andre. At my right was Justin. At my back were Yuri, Ken, and Miguel and at the very front were the twins. We didn't encounter any danger along the way just yet. We continue our journey when the twins stop. We all stop and then look at them. We heard noises around us like they're running around us. After a while, the noise stop. We look around and I found a shadow. The shadow is standing up and from the look of the body, it's definately a girl.

But to what I'm seeing, there are pointy things above her and long look like a cat's tail with a bulb in the end somewhere in its tail. Its eyes were colored gold and it's glowing. Those eyes stare at me with the hint of fear. "Michael?" Angel calls out and I look at her. "Did you saw something?" She asks and I shook my head. I look back again to where I saw that strange thing and it's gone. "Hey, can we rest for the night? I'm tired." Miguel complains and sit in a nearby tree. "I agree. We been walking for hours. This should be safe enough from them." Yuri agree and sat at the ground. We all sat in different places as Jeevan and Jack collect a few wood and start making fire.

After they made the fire, they sat next to each other nearby the fire. "So...Who are we running from?" Angela asks. The three look at each other as they nod their head. "It's about time we tell you the truth." Yuri started. Yuri, Jeevan, and Jack explains what this world is, where they are, and how they got there. After explaining, Yuri suggests to take a good night sleep. We all nod and I fell asleep after I close my eyes.

Third Person's POV

All of them sleep soundly as the twins stays awake to guard everyone. They ready their crafted weapons when they heard someone or something stepping in a twig. They became alert and they watch their surroundings carefully. 5 minutes later, they saw something unordinary staring at them. Jack went close to that thing. Jeevan approach it slowly at the back of Jack. The thing didn't move and just stare at them. Moments later, that thing starts to hum. Not omly an ordinary hum but it's humming a melody.

The twins stop as they stare and listen to that melody. Moments later, that Melody finish and they were slightly disapointed that the sweet melody finish. The thing that was staring at them went cliser and closer. Although the moon is up, they can't see the thing that walk to them. Tge thing stops and it began to hum the same melody. To their suprise, the melody grew louder. It means that there are more of them humming the melody. They look around and saw many colorful eyes staring at them. The melody is sweet and innocent. The melody was like a lullaby. They felt peace as their eyes felt heavy. They walk to a nearby tree and sat.

They listen to that melody until they can't bare it anymore as they drifted to sleep. An hour later, the things that hum a while ago were carrying the peacful sleeping human to a village. The village looks pretty refreshing and their houses were made of wood amd paint. Inside the cabin was a small tv, a coffee table, two bean bags, a small cabinet, and a double decker bed. The cushion of each bed was soft as a cloud could be. It was small but the vacant cabins are enough for them to rest intsead of the cold forest.

They lay down the girls on the first cabin, the second cabin were for the twins, the third one were for Michael and Justin, the fourth cabin were for Ken and Andre. Miguel was sleeping at the bean bags that were on Ken and Andre's house. The things that help them leave and went to their respective cabins. The night became quiet yet it's peacful for most of the people.

On the other hand, Helen was worried that the three didn't come back so she let Sage check on them. Sage went to see what they're doing. Mix emotions came when he found no one at the entrance of the cave but only a small note that was stick to the ground by a dagger. He quickly went there and rip the paper off the dagger as the dagger disapear. He read the note with anger but then his anger suddenly turn into blame for it's his responsibility. Now is not the time to blame me or someone else. He thought as he went to Helen to inform about this. "I'll contact her so they will be inform." She said as he nods and went to search for them.

He ready himself with weapons that were at the trade market. In exchange of weapons, he gave something valuble. He went down the mountain and into the dark forest. He walks quietly yet fast with alertness. Moments later, he heard something. He turn around to see a cloaked man smirking. He chase the man with anger building to his mind until there's a point that he isn't thinking straight anymore and he have a feeling that he won't be acting that nice and calm to him.

Little did he know, the cloaked man is leading him to a trap.

Sorry if it's short. I been having writer's block for the past few days but don't worry. I'll still try to entertain you guys. Well except for the grammars. Ehehehehe... 😅

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