J♤J Chapter 3 J♡J

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Announcements/ Shout Out!:

1) Guys we have a collaboration profile. The authors: DUB_2005 Hotaru073 Glorical and TOMORIDIABOLIKA. The profile is Kapavelaysh. Check it out!

2) Oh! By the way, sorry for the long wait. I wish you all a good day!

3) NOTE:
Glorical is busy too busy so she won't be with us anytime soon.


Lorenzo POV

We ride a bus going to Batangas Province where we all met at grade school except for Sage. If I am correct, it got to be 92.38 km from Manila to Batangas. I may don't care about school but I am a nerd. Especially when it came to science and math.

Miguel and Andre were busy chating each other while Amber and Sage were talking in a different language. I was left alone without someone to talk with while I look out of the window. My phone vibrated repeatedly. I get my phone and check the pop outs.

There was this reminder that was noted for today. It was said, Anniversary of Big sister's death. I put my phone back to my pocket and rested my head at the window; pinching the bridge of my nose. Amber notice this and look to me. "Hey Lorenzo. What's bothering you?" She ask.

I sit up straight and look at her. "You guys go first to where Angel's and Ken's house. I'll catch up with you." I told her. "Why? Do you need to visit someone?" She ask with curiousity. "I need to go to the Eternal Gardens. My Big sister..." she nodded; understanding what I am suppose to say. "Then meet us in Jollybee." I nodded and return looking at the window.

Hours later, we get down in a terminal in the batangas province. They walk going to the other side of the road. I stop a jeepney going near to my destination. I ask him to stop near the Eternal Gardens where she was. He nodded and I give him the money enough to pay the bill.

After some time, the driver stop near the cementery I said and get down from it. I started to walk past the gates as the driver started to move on. It takes a little time until I found my big sister's grave. Not much people were burried here so it's easy to find her.

She died due to a murder. She was missing ten days before someone saw her murdered body near a small lake. We ask almost all the detectives in this country but none of them solve this mystery. There's this famous detective my mom and I know.

This detective never reveal its face and identity. This detective was known as "Detective Sherley". This name was gotten from a fictional character "Sherlock Holmes" written by Arthur Conan Doyle in October 14, 1982.

Anyways, This detective never failed in any cases that were given. When we ask for the detective's help, he or she listen to what we said. That time, we were talking to a laptop that was next to a guy wearing formal clothes. The laptop send messages but the other side of the connection, he or she can hear us.

We did everything but this was the first case he or she bring down. He or she didn't accept it and we have nothing to do but to accept defeat.

I sit in a position of an indian and face to her grave. There's flowers and candles near the grave and if I'm right, they're from her friends. She's a good sister. Her smile is nothing compared to Amber and Ashley. They were so sweet and cute in the same time.

She always play with me and Ashley when we were still kids. She never failed not to entertain us. She's a sweet big sister. I love her with all my heart. A tear begin to drop from my eye. I wipe it and smile.

"Hi big sis! It's been a year since I saw you. You know big sis? I see her again. Remember I used to talk about Amber to you after you die?" I ask but no one answer. Like I am expecting a dead person to speak.

"She invited me to have a reunion with her friends. Good thing mom said yes. Besides, there's an adult with us. If you can call him an adult. He's smaller from Amber's height! Hahahahaha!" I laugh like a weirdo talking to himself.

"He's name is Sage. He can speak in a different language and by the looks of it, he isn't a filipino for sure. He was very mean to call me a drooling brat." I cross my arms and pouted like a child that didn't get what he wants. I chuckle after that, placing my hands on the firm, smooth, green grass.

"Big sis, I miss you. How are you with Ashley? Are you doing well? I'm sure you two are doing well up there." My eyes become blurry thanks to my tears. I let them fall in my face and look up; thinking about them, smiling sweetly at me.

That strucks me. I remember the note that the hoddie guy or girl just stick on the wall with a knife. He/she can't be Sage. He/She has smaller eyes than him. So he can't be that. Or maybe he is. I was confuse if he's that guy or girl behind that mask and hood.

I was shocked when I felt an arm locked me and a handkerchief that was place on my face; covering my nose and my mouth. "Don't move." He told me with his deep voice. I try to struggle to get out from his grip but failed. My vision started to blur until I lost my conciousness.

(Meanwhile) Andre POV

We are here at a house inside a subdivision waiting for Ken to come out and open the gate. A moment later, the gate open a little bit but enough to see his face. "Ken!" Amber push the gate so we can see him.

"What are you doing?! Do you even know that invading someones privacy is a crime!" He shouted at her but Amber just acted like nothing happen and come in. We just stare at her dumbfounded on what she just did. "Jeez. This girl will never learned her lesson." Ken said to himself and was followed by a sigh. He signal us to come in and we followed.

"You may sit down at the couches if you like." He told us as we immediately sit down. "Let me introduce myself. My name's Ken, a friend of her back in the old days." He said as we nod and smile. (Except for Sage, of course)

"Then let me introduce them. This is Miguel. He is from China." She pointed at Miguel. "This's Sage. He is from France." She pointed at Sage. "This's Andre. He is from China too!" She pointed at me.

"There's one more friend I wanted to introduce you but he needs to go somewhere. He'll catch up later." She said to him. "I need to go." Sage stands up and was about to leave when Amber stop him. "Where are you going." He look at her and Amber nodded. He, then, walk out of the house. "Where's he going?" I ask. "He wanted to take a walk." She said.

"Whatsup everyone!" Someone exclaimed at our back. We look around to see someone familiar. She was a good friend yet a comedian. "Angel!" She called out as she run to her. "How are you guys doing?" She ask as we smile. "They're all doing well." Amber answer for us. We said in unison.

She loves writing books. She even love reading the stories of Sherlock Holmes. She idolize Detective Sherley. "Guys, anybody wants to watch some world news?" We all nodded as the two sit down. Before we chat about things here, something caught Angela and Amber's attention.

"Breaking News: A 27 years old guy was found dead in Tokyo, Japan. For now, they have no clue on who did this or what's the cause of this."

"Can you switch it to other world news?" Amber ask Ken and he nodded. We switch it everywhere but all of them has the same result of the news. "Switch it to a Japanese news."

"When did you got interested to hearing news?" Miguel ask but Amber didn't bother to give him an answer. "Nyu-su soku hou : higashi kyou to de shi ndekokoniita 27 toshi no otoko" (Translate: Breaking News: A 27 years old guy was dead here at Tokyo, Japan)

"De te kou tekudasai! Motomu zhēn ga koto ken wo kai ketsu surumadekokoni lái ru ki mono ha xǔ kě saremasen. De te kou tekudasai!" (Translate: Get out! No reporters are allowed to come here until the detective solve the case. Get out!)

"In any news, we can't see the body." Amber frown. "Why are you even interested in this news?" Ken ask. We all knew that she never like watching news. Not even ones we saw her watch the news. Before Amber could even answer, her phone rings. "It's Sage. I need to take this." She stands up and walk outside to take the call.

Lorenzo POV

I woke up in a room that was so dark. I was about to stand when I felt chains at my wrist and at my ankle and a cloth that gag my mouth. I try to break out but I failed. "If you struggle more, you'll bleed." A deep voice began to speak. I look up and saw a spark of light until that spark became fire. "Jeez. Next time you go out by your own, don't let your guard down. I am not always with you. You must protect yourself."

He has black hood that cover his eyes and a black mask to cover his nose and mouth. As I observe him, I remember the guy who nearly stab me with a knife. He is the one who left a note back then saying to be careful about some kind of group.

He romove the gag in my mouth and the chains in my wrists and ankles. I look at him with amazed but still scared on what he may do to me. "W-who are you?" I ask. He didn't answer my question but told me, "Sleep. It's not yet time." After that, my eyes felt heavy that I have no choice but to close it and then fell asleep.

Amber POV

I come inside that gets their attention. "So let's go? Sage called me because his friend working there told him that the last flight going to Japan is at 6:00 pm. It will take time to go to the airport so we need to go early." I explained. They all nodded as Ken walk upstairs to ready his things. "I need to go and get some things at my house. Besides, I won't leave my board games at home." She runs back to her house.

~Time skip~

Meet you at the airport. I'm with Lorenzo.


We were drop by a taxi here at the airport where I saw Lorenzo and Sage standing near the entrance. "Sage! Lorenzo!" I called and run to them. Being myself, I hug them tight like how I hug everyone else. I treat everyone as a teddy bear that talks, moves, eat, drink, and rest.

"A-Amber, stop it or people will get the wrong impresion!" He told me. I didn't let go but I just look at him with a questioning look. "What? Is it that weird to hug a friend who never showed up for the last 6 hours?" I ask. He just sigh and I let go. I didn't noticed until now that they had already gathered around us. "Oh, right! Lorenzo, this is Ken. Ken this is Lorenzo." I said.

They shake their hands formaly. That's when something reminded me. "How did you two met?" I ask.

Lorenzo POV

"How did you two met?" Amber ask. "Well eventually, Sage saw me sleeping at the cementery. He said that a friend ask him to buy some flowers and place it to its grave. He included that his friend can't come to its grave so he ask a favor to him and found me lying on the ground; sleeping." I explain. I really thought that I was been kidnap but why will that unknown guy show up in my dream? It felt so real yet again, it's just a dream.

"Hey, a friend of mine wants to come with us. She's half japanese and half american. Amber, you know her." Sage told us so we waited for a while when a girl called Sage. "Sage!" We all look at the girl who called him. She has white hair that was half braided, white skin, purple eyes, and white with purple strips dress and boots that was knee high.

"Is that you Amby? Long time no see!" She exclaim. She walk to her and hug her as Amber returned the hug. "Let me introduce her." She said as they let go to each other. "Guys, she's Yuri. Our friend." She said. "Amby talks a lot about you, especially a guy name Lorenzo." She laugh as Amber look away from us.

"Can we go now?" Sage ask in his grumpy tone. We come inside the airport and waited for the plain to unload the passengers. Moments later, we have ride the plane. Amber, Sage, and Yuri are together while Andre, Miguel, and Ken are together. Me and Angel are sitting next together and a random person sits next to the window.

Cassandra POV

"Don't worry, sis. We'll get him sooner or later. If THEY didn't interupted our plan again." I told my sis that was frustrated until now. Our henchmen failed to bring him here. They said that they'd been attack. "Don't worry, Cass. They won't be interupting it. I'll make sure of that." She said and smirk evily. That means she's hatching a new plan. How creative my sis can be.


Hello everybody.
First of all, I am really sorry that I didn't updated. Second of all, thanks for the ideas and you know who you are 😉. Lastly, I am sorry for the slow updation. That is for now, see you when we see each other again. 😄😁


Angela Vince Portuera
-She live in Batangas Province, Luzon.
- She is 15 years old.
- She was born on September 18, 2003.

Ken Cordera
- He lives in Batangas Province, Luzon.
- He is 17 years old.
- He was born on January 12, 2002.

- She lives in Kyoto, Japan
- She is 18 years old
- She was born on January 7, 2000



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