New Ver. Prolouge-chap.3

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Author's note

It's been a while since I touched wattpad and I've...forgotten how it feels like to write stories all over again. I saw the new chapters that I had written from before and thought of sharing this to all of you here. In this one single chapter. I'm still having doubts on continuing this story since this was...really confusing. Anyways, here. :)



Someone's Pov

"Read us another story! Please!!"

"Yes please!! Or else we won't go to sleep!"

"I'm sorry girls but it's getting late." The two girls whine as they look at me and show their cutest pleading face. "Are you trying to make me feel guilty again?" I asked. "Yes mommy. Is it working?" I chuckle after hearing Wendy's response. "Yes it is, my little cinnamon. Because of that, I'll tell you one last story." They all cheered in joy as they ready theirselves for the story I'm about to tell.

"Well...Once upon a time-"

"Mommy! I don't like that story." Willow whine as she crosses her arms. I look at her and ask, "What's wrong, cupcake?"

"It's just so boring! Does every story starts with once upon a time?" She looks away sadly and frustratingly. I softly smile at her and said, "Well every good stories and rhymes start with once upon a time." Wendy nods her head as she look at her sister. "Mommy's right! We always learn good moral lessons with those stories." Unfortunately, she still at the same state she was before even after her sister talked to her but it gives me an idea.

"How about this story..." I said and it caught her attention. "Long ago... centuries before our day, humans are divided into three categories: Mortals, Wizards/Witches, and Spirits."

"Mommy? Is this the story you wanted to tell us before but Wendy fell asleep?" She asked and giggled. "Hey! I'm too sleepy that time! I can't help it!" Wendy whines as she looks at her sister who is teasing her. "Well I guess you don't want this story so I'll go back." They all began to plead for me to continue, promising they won't fight nor interupt me.

"Okay then. They said that people who have strange markings on their body are destined to defeat the Wizards who were hiding among the shadows. There where eight people who have these strange markings and they all live in one country. They were really close with each other and live their childhood lives in a most colorful and creative way without knowing about this destiny they're holding. But everything always come to an end."

"What happened to them?" Wendy ask as she hugs her favorite toy. "Well, they all then got seperated and started living in different countries. Some stayed at their home country, others flew to another different countries, and one of them never knew where they have gone." I explained. I heard Wendy yawn at the end of my explaination and began to snore quietly.

"Wait, what happened to the last one? Where did they go?" Willow asked as I begun to stood. "Well, I'll continue the story tomorrow night. Like your sister, you have to sleep too." I said as I walked to the door and turned off the lights of their room. "Mommy wait!" I stop and look at her as I hold the doorknob. "Mommy if they are destined to meet each other, how will they gonna meet?" She asked.

"I guess you have to wait tomorrow night to find it out."

Chapter 1

The Beginning

Lorenzo's POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I turn it off and stretch my arms up as I hear birds happily chirping. I went through my daily morning routine and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Same routine over and over again. Nothing 'exciting' happens, right Amber?" I said to myself chuckling. "Oh really?" I jolt backwards as I look around to see a beautiful young woman infront of me.

"I thought you have more fun here than back at the Philippines." She said as she laughs at me. I just roll my eyes and smile as I prepare my breakfast (which is a sandwich). "It's been a long time. Don't you know how to greet an old pal? Plus I want food." (=-=)

I place it on an empty plate at the counter and then place a small kettle filled with water at the stove. "Nope and if I remember, my pal wasn't as short as you. Plus no food for you after tresspassing MY private property." I smirk as I look at her. She pouts at me and slaps me (but not that hard) at my arm. "Jerk. Hmp!" I laugh as I lean at the counter and grab my sandwich. "Anyways, how did you do it? I'm sure I locked all the doors and closed the windows last night..." I take a bite on it while I wonder so much things going on my mind.

"Well, my mom seems to know where you live. When we got here, your parents are still here. They let us in and they went but mom needs to get something trusting you so she left." She explained with a nervous laugh at the end.

I look away, trying not to remember my past about it and look at her with guilt. "My parents aren't home until next month and I never seen your mom nor me updating my location in facebook. Is your mom a stalker?" She looks at me sighing. "No...fine I'll tell the truth." I heard the kettle started to whistle loudly so I went and take care of it. Knowing that she lied, this will be a long conversation.

Time passes by....

I handed her a cup of hot chocolate with some marshmallows I bought last week. "Thanks." She said and took a sip. I take a sip at the hot chocolate and place it back at the table.

"So?" She looks away as she place down the cup. "'s something to do" I patiently look at her as she struggles to find the words she needs to tell me. "Our past..." She stated.

"What do you mean?" My mind is flooded with questions that making me confuse, nervous, and afraid. "It's...complicated..." she said looking away from me. I'm speechless. I'm iching for answers, explainations, or even just a few hints! I need to know now. I took a sip at my cup to calm me down.

"But!" She broke the silence as she stands up. "For starters, things will change your life!" She happily said. "I'm going to live with you!" I accidentaly spit my drink at her clothes. "WHAT!?" I look at her in shock as I try to process whatever I heard. "Jeez, no need to be so shocked about it. It's just your bestie living in with you. That's all. Ugh, this are new designer clothes..."

I just froze. My mind keeps processing these words until I heard my watch beeped twice. "Oh shakespeers, I miss the bus!" I went rushing to put the things I need at my backpack as she stared at me. "Sorry Amber, gotta go to school." I said in a hurry and opened the door. "Wait!" I didn't have time to hear what she's going to say and just dashed as fast as I could going to school. I notice that people keeps looking at me strangely but I focused myself to get there in time.

When I finally arrived at the school gate, guards notice me. The guard near me went to me and asked, "Why are you here?"

I then answer him, "I'm late for class sir!"

The guards began to look at each other with questioning looks. "Boy, there's no class today, it's saturday." I'm dumbfounded.

I should have mistakenly set the alarm clock to my usual school days. I apologize to the guards and walk home. As I walk back, people still stare at me strangely but I didn't give any mind at them at all. "All that running for nothing." I whispered to myself as I reach the front door of my house. When I opened the door...

(Rhinos, monkeys, zebra, and many other jungle animals came out of the house. Lol! #Jumanji)


I then look at the bag I'm carrying and to my suprise, it was a cute fox backpack with some accesories. 'So that's why people keep looking at me strangely.' I handed her bag to her carefully. "So, had fun?" I just gave her a dead glare as she laugh at my reaction. "Just sit on the table and eat while the food is still warm." I sit down like I was told and look at the food on the table.

"It's really sweet of you but where did you learn how to cook like this? It's so detailed." I just stare down at the pancake that has a chibi face of me. "Well learn from the best cook in the world."

"Of course you have that mad creative skills like your mom. Especially with your apetite" I stated and grab my phone at my pocket. I start to take pictures of it as Amber try to scold me to eat already.

Time passes by...(and still hadn't ate his pancake. Kiddin! lol)

She starts to wipe the dishes as I place them where it belongs. After wiping, she then look at me and said, "I never got to look at you for a moment without anything bothering me but I gotta say...You look astonishing."


"With my little pony shorts of yours." She giggles and I just whine. "Come on Amby, you do know my little pony is my favorite t.v. show since we're grade 6. I don't want to give up my collection of it even if they don't air them anymore..."

She looks at me suprised. "What?" I ask. "I didn't know...I guess I miss a lot ey?" She said looking away as she smile sadly. We walk to the sofa and sat down at the couches. She looks around and saw a game consle near the table. She then looks at me excitedly. "Hey, can we play?"

"I don't see why not." I smile as I stand up and get ready the game consle. After that, I gave her one of the controls as I slide on a game she might want. I sat at the couch again and the game appeared. "Um...Lorenz? How to play? Ehehehe."

I look at her as she laugh nervously. I went to her and teach her what I know and how to survive this horror game but I'm getting suspicious of her. 'Maybe she got shut in from the world around her? No...her mom isn't that type...maybe..' thoughts roam my mind as we play the game.


'What did she ment a while ago... did something happened to her?'


'No no...brainwashing? No, she won't be- wait, how did she know where I am again?'

"Lorenz! Hey!" Amber called out as she shakes me. She looks at me worried and terrified as she handed me a glass of water. I immediatly take it and drink it. I look at her as I place the glass at the coffee table.

"Amber, we need to talk."

Chapter 2

The Truth

Lorenzo's POV

"How did you find me?" I asked. "Well...remember that time we went to a nearby coffee shop with the others?" She asked. I just chuckle remembering that memory. "That time where you drank your hot chocolate milk with icing on top but some icing got into your nose? You got mad and put icing at our faces?" She laughs joyfully.

"I remember when you accidentally laughed, your drink came out your nose." She laugh hysterically. "Yeah, and then Michael accidentaly spill your chocolate drink at you." I added as we laugh together. "It was a good thing that drink isn't hot anymore."

"But we got scolded by my mom when they saw me all wet and dirty." She said. "Well you did tried cleaning yourself but you began...walking away without a word." I said. She then look at my sadly. "That's...because I saw something weird glowing at my shoulder." She began to pull down her right sleeve down showing a blue diamond. "When I check it out, this tattoo just appeard. Then crazy things happened. I could bend water, ice, and snow like Katara in Avatar!"

I stay silent as I process this new informations. "It didn't really hurt but one day, a cute lil' girl appeard at my room. It keeps going to one direction so I followed it until I got here." She explained and I process everything.

"I know it sounds insane but it's the truth." She said and started to begged to believe her. "Sorry Amber...I can't believe you about these supernatural things." She suddenly stand up and look at me frustratingly.

"But it's all true! I'm not lying! I'm not even playing around!" She said and I also stood up. I place a hand at her sholder looking at her as I smile sadly. "I'm really sorry Amby. We're not like before. There's no people who could bend water, ice, or whatever supernatural things happened in this world. In this world, there's no magic abilities like we always roleplay before."

She looks away with disappointment. "I'm gonna go and give you some space." Before I got upstairs, I heard her talk one last time. "You've change since then..."

Time passes by...

The day almost ended and yet me and Amber haven't talk to each other since then. The house was quiet for the whole day but it went through peacefully. "Hey Lorenzo..." Amber called out. I look at her infront of me. "I need to go...the she said so." I look at her with confusion. "She?" I asked. She shook her head and laugh nervously. "Nevermind..."

She head off to the door and say our last goodbyes. After that, she opens and closes the door gently leaving me inside quietly. I felt guilt for not believing my best friend but it's time for me to do and think what I wanted to do and think. 'No more living under a rock.' I thought to myself as I went upstairs and went to my room. 'Yet still. What is she talking about?' I thought. I went and get my laptop inside my school bag. I sat on my study table as I turn it on.

"No harm on researching this strange phenomenon." I said to myself as I start typing whatever Amber had said. Many websites appeard but not really related to any of the phenomenon she said so I decided to ask this to my friends.

Lorenzo had entered the group chat


Bro, that joke's old.


Welcome! Ready to hear my new found jokes?

I regret coming back. I'm outta here.


Hey Dude!

Finally someone mature enough.

I know right?

That's just rude.

I just need some answers.

Oh ho ho ho! Since when did mister goodie two shoes ask for answers for our test.

Jeez, I already review for that.

So that's why you weren't online the whole day.

Well what do you know.

That's not the only reason.

I started to explain to them everything and they told me that this is only possible in fictional stories.

You're friend is being childish. There's no such things like these. Believe me dude, only kids believe them these days.

Unless it's something to do with science!

Oh not these again...

Reynold, you don't know that much about science so I'm not sure that's the answer.

You mean he doesn't know a lot.

That's just harsh. I just wanted to help.

Hey! You're the one who knows more of science thingy majig. Come on Renzy. You got the highest score in the science project!

I agree with him. For once.

Look guys. I'd said it before and I'm saying it again. I don't know what came through to me. An idea just popped and then I made it without me noticing I made it.

I agree. I mean, remember his reaction before? He's in total shock after building it and when he explained it to the proctor, he's in nervous wreck!

He might be joking right? I mean, from the five of us...he has the highest grade.

Speaking of five, where's Alya? Is she okay?

You've been asking if she's okay for the whole day! Man, you're getting suspicious.

What? I'm worried as her friend ya know.

Friend zoned by her?

Ouch. That hit him.

NO! She's just a friend of mine.

You mean "our friend".


Leaving me with no answers, I didn't pay attention to what Amber said earlier and instead, I spend my time talking to my friends when Alya message me privately.

Alya had entered the chat


Lorenzo had entered the chat


I back read the chats and saw you asking if either of us had happened to have experienced this strange phenomenon...and I might help you with it.

Then tell me more about it.

I once read a myth that's related to her case.

What myth?

The 8 destined people who will save humanity from extinction.

It's entitled, "Elemental Cards". I'm not sure you can find that in the internet or anywhere else.

Then can you tell me more about this?

Sure! Anything for you.

According to the myth, humans were once divided into three categories: Mortals, Wizards/Witches, and Spirits. Mortals are the most fragile and weakest life on earth. Wizards/Witches are like how we knew. Ya know, potion makers, abracadabra with their wand, learn their magic through knowledge of books and all.

So you mean is...

Humans like nowadays are consider as mortals. Harry Potter and his friends are consider as wizards/witches and ghost stories are consider spirits in the category?

You were right about the first part. The second little correct but yes, they are wizards/Witches but unlike them...they used their knowledge to take down the spirits so they could rule mortals.

So you mean, wizards gave them spells so they won't hunt the mortals anymore?

Well to my understanding...yeah. They casted a spell on them so they won't be hunted them anymore.

What does this has to do with her case?

Getting on to that. Spirits were called as that for they could see and hear their spirit guide. This spirit guide could be in a human or animal form but they all have one thing in common. They give extraodinary powers that might extinct humanity if it was used.

Tell me more about this spirit guides.

Sure. They guide and give them extraordinary abilities to the people who can see and hear them. The person will then follow the orders of this spirit guide until their victim is dead...which is you. It's a good thing you let her out or else you'll be hunted to death.

After reading these, a cold shiver went down my spine. I then look around nervously as I typed "thank you" to the Alya's private message and went straight to the group chat again.

His reaction was priceless that time! XD

That was a good laugh. XD

Yeah XD


Oh Lorenzo! We were just talking about you before.

I didn't know you have that kind of side before. XD

What side?

Well, let me tell you. It's about that summer time. Ya know, you and Jake.

Summer time?

That time where your shorts ripped because of a dog?


...oh that!


That time where I had to go home with a ripped short? XD


Lol! XD


Anyways, where have you been?

Wdym? (What do you mean?)

You were online but you haven't speaked with us until now. Where were you?

Oh I was talking to Alya.


Now that you mentioned it, she was online a while ago.


Wait she's online again!


But why isn't she talking to us?



Maybe talking to someone other than me?


Guess so...






I then recieve another private message from Alya. I then excited the group chat and went to the private message.

Lorenzo had exited the chat
Alya had exited the chat
Alya had entered the chat

Lorenzo! I found a solution.

Lorenzo had entered the chat

Really? What is it??

It seems that you have to say this words: "Komawa inda kake barin su a baya" so that the spirit guide will return leaving your friend behind.

K. Thanks Alya! You're the best!!

Lorenzo had left the chat

Anything for you.

Alya had left the group chat

Chapter 3

Plans Gone Wrong :T

Amber's Pov

(The night after she left)

"ARGH! WHY DIDN'T HE LISTENED!?" I asked as I kicked the small rock far from the street. "Well who would listen? Think about it Amber." It said as she went infront of me. "He won't believe us until his powers awaken. Patients is what we need." I went and sat at a conveniet bench. "Finally! Some rest from all that walking." She then sat comfortable beside me.



"I didn't get your name all this time. Or more like I never get to know you that much." I nervously laugh.

"'Cause you never asked. Plus, you were too excited to see Lorenzo that time." I laughed remembering that time. "My name is Dia. I could morph into an animal but no one except you can see me. If you call out my name, I could turn into weapons" She said as she demonstrate her skills by morphing into a cat then back into a girl again. "So that's why he asked." I just sigh as I rest my arm on my eyes. "What now, Amber?" She asked as she sat down beside me.

"Hmmm...when do you think his power be awaken?" I asked as I look at her. "When he really need it."


She said as she stands up and gave me a circular blue thing. I reached and grabbed it as I look at it in every inch. "That's a hologram gadget. We spirit guides use this to lure them out in a trap or to help us with somethings."She said as she press the center of the gadget. A bright light began to appear infront of us that made me drop the gadget.

"Show me how once power is awaken." The light shines brighter than before but then it dim a little allowing me to see it. A small version of a guy appeared on it. "Once power will be awaken when he needed the most. For example this guy." She pointed at the small hologramed guy that is standing next to a tree. "He was supposed to go home but he accidentally slips and fell at the rushing river." The guy began to walk and stops in front the rushing river.

There are stones that could help him go across so he carefully cross the river but then slips and fell into the river. The rushing water made it hard for him to swim and instead, he got brought by the current. "He tried and he tried but failed getting into the shore. He got tired of trying and slowly drown. It really needs a miracle to save him, right?" I nod as the hologram showed that he tried but later on, he then gave up and let himself drown. "Now look what happens."

I look at the hologram and saw the guy shines with bright blue light. The current began slow down until it stop. The water then carries the guy by a wave into the shore. The water that got in him suddenly evaporates into thick air. Minutes later, the guy began to wake up and the evaporated air begins to turn into small droplets of water. I was amaze at how it went. "So that's it! I must put him in danger!" I began to stand and run back to his house.

"WAIT!!! AMBER!!!"

(Current time: 6:30 am)

Lorenzo's Pov

I woke up dozily as I sat on my bed. I suddenly smell something delicious outside my room. I decide to follow that smell until I reach the kitchen. "Morning sleepyhead." A sweet voice called. I then pull a chair and sat on it. "Mmmm....morning." I said as I lean foward at the table. "What did you did last night?" She ask. "Chatting...when did you even care mom?" I asked and I felt something slap my arms that made me wide awake!


I recieve another slap on my arm. "Ouch...stop it...shorty" I then look at my left with my smug face to see Amber really pissed off. "YOU'LL BE DEAD WHERE YOU STAND!" I began to run around the house as Amber tries to catch me with a spatula.

*Ding Dong*

I stop running and walk to the door to see who's there. As I went, I saw Amber sitting on the sofa as she catches her breath. I opened the door to see the gang standing infront. "Bro! You ready for ou-" he stops as he look at me from head to toe. "Did you woke up late?" Rose asked. I laugh nervously as I look away from them. "Long story short, I almost died." They started laughing at me. "How?" Charles asked.

"I anger the mouse." I said and I heard Amber screaming as response. "MOUSE YOUR FACE, JERK!" The girls began to look at me suspiciously as the guys laughs. "My old friend, Amber." They nodded as I allow them all to come in. "Breakfast's ready!" She shouted as I went to the kitchen to eat. She then gave me a plate of "Just one small pancake?" I asked.

She then look at me and said, "You deserve that. Plus my stomach is growling like a monster." I just ate it and look at her. "Why aren't you eating?" I asked. She then answered, "Not hungry." I just shrug it off and stand up. I place my plate at the sink and was about to wash it when Amber told me that she'll wash it instead. I then went straight to my room but before I get in, Alya called out. "Yeah?" I asked. "I don't feel good about her being here..." she said and went to whisper through my ear. "Remember the words?" I nod as an answer and I went straight to my room to get ready.

(Time passes...Currently inside a mall)

"So you're his childhood bestfriend?" Rose asked. "Yeah." Amber answered. Amber is the center of attention for the whole trip going to the mall so I took that chance to help her get away from the spirit that possessed her before. "Oh my gosh! 50% off!!" Rose began to rush inside the shop as the guys walked to another shop. "AMBER! You should look at these clothes!!"

Alya and I look at each other for a brief moment and went to our seperate ways. I pulled Amby with me as I saw her walk to Rose. "Ouch! You're pulling me too hard." I let her go as she snatch her wrist back and massage it a little. "What's with you today?! You've been acting really weird."

Amber's POV

'Today is my day. No food distractions!!' I thought to myself when Lorenzo pulled me hard. "Ouch! You're pulling me too hard." I said as he let me go. I start to rub my wrist a little. "What's with you today?! You've been acting really weird." I said as he breath deeply. "Just...come with me. For your own good." He said and walk going to the exit. I followed as she walks with me. "What do you think this is all about?" She asks.

I shrug and whisper a little loud for her to hear. "I don't know Dia...but one thing I know, this could help us get Lorenzo's powers awaken."

We got out of the mall and ended up at a near but dark alley. "I don't feel good about this Amber..." I wanted to agree with Dia but I wanted to trust him. " there...and no questions." I nod and stand still. "Komawa inda kake barin su a baya! Komawa inda kake barin su a baya!!!" I look at him with a bored face.

"I never new until now that my bestie can speak minion." I giggled as he enchants those words again. "Okay okay. What's with you now?" He looks at me suspiciously. "Is he okay?" She asked. "I don't think he's okay." I said. "What?" He asked and I just pointed to Dia. "He doesn't see me remember?" She said and look at me boredly. I just nervously laugh as I look at her.

"You still see that weird thing that I can't see?" He asked and I nodded. He, frustratedly, began to walk back and forth until some voice stops us. "HEY!" Three tall guys began to walk slowly going closer to us. As our imediate response, we slowly walk backwards. "Watcha doin here?" The guy on the left asks as we all continue our actions. I look at my side to see Dia worried since we were cornered out and I have no idea how to control my abilities. "Just give us what we want and we won't hurt you."

I immediately give them everything valueble in a rush. "Amber! What on earth are you doing!?" Lorenzo and Dia shouted in sinc without noticing. "Giving them what they asked for? I don't want fight." I look at him as he facepalm and glimpse at me disapointingly. "Let's go boys. We got what we need." They begin to walk away when Lorenzo screamed for them to stop. I saw him grab a broken pipe and smash it to one of the snatcher's head. The guy 'tsk' and gave lorenzo a punch directly on his face.

Looking determined, Lorenzo fight those three as I sit back and relax with amaze. "This will surely awaken his powers!" I said with joy. "Yeah. You'll kill him." She answered back. The fight didn't took too much time for the three out numbered him leading us getting captured by them. They carried us to a white van and place a blindfold for us not to see what's happening.

I then smell something pleasant but I slowly fell asleep hearing Dia's call for me to wake up.

Lorenzo's Pov

It was peach black where ever I look. The silence comforts me until a faint voice called my name. The voice slowly went louder and louder until it shook me. I then woke up hearing those snatcher's voices so I decided to stay the same position and listen carefully.

Snatcher 1: "We can't let them go. They might call the police and track us down."

Snatcher 2: "Then threaten them! I'm sure it'll do the tri-"

Snatcher 3: "No. Either way, the police might found us. We need to dispposed the evidence."

I heard the two agreed a I felt the van going on a sharp right and the speed went faster. The trip wasn't long when I felt a sudden break. The first and second snatcher's voices was heard and then silence came for a moment. A slideing door was heard opening with a slam and later on, I felt someone carried me. I heard a door slam then many people walking at a metalic floor. I was nervous but I stayed on my guard just in case I find an opening.

They then dropped me on something and I felt someone removing the bindings at my eyes. An unknown voice was then heard, "The girl will be staying at the other room. My guts tells me she has to do something about what's happening to our former leader." I heard a loud shut of the door echeoing in this cold dark room. I opened my eyes and look around to see light coming in through the small cell window.

I never expected this to happened.



And it stops here. Sorry. The next chapters are my old versions.

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