Chapter 15: Madness

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Nathan and Sophia are walking down the hall, that connects to the other hall leading to the tomb. They were astonished to see that the ruins of Hap Tepe is somehow restored by magic, but before that, the ruins were crumbling so bad that entrances to rooms and hallways have caved in.

"Whoever restored the ruins, they must have saved us the trouble of going through caved in rooms and spaces" said Nathan.

"Its as if time has rewound, but the air feels the same. If only William was here, he would be amazed" said Sophia.

"Yeah, he would. Except for the fact that he stayed at the Order of the Nations headquarters, having helped out routing out the Black Leaves spies" he explained.

Suddenly, the quiet ambience of the ruins is soon broken by screaming coming from the distance. Nathan and Sophia rushed through the halls to locate where the screaming coming from, and as soon as they made it to the tomb, there was another loud scream. They immediately came over to the chamber where the scream is located, and found a glowing woman watching as two men wrestled each other. One man is dressed in warm clothing and is none other than Isaac from the Wind Tower, the other man has slightly long black hair but is naked.

"Can one of you help me deal with this maniac!?" Asked Isaac as he struggled to push away the black haired man.

"I warned you about bringing someone back to life by wishing!" Scolded the glowing woman.

Nathan rushed over and pulled the black haired man away from Isaac, while the black haired man flailed his arms in an attempt of break free of Nathan's hold and growling in a mix of fury and madness.

"Who is that man? And who are you?" Asked Sophia.

"To answer your first question, this black haired man who is assaulting my partner is Hotula "the thunder arrow". He is somehow related to Princess Ukok, and happens to be an air magician. As for your second question, I am Berenice of the Axalthi. We, the Axalthi, are a race of wish granters from another dimension that have recently moved into the Water Colossus" answered the glowing woman.

"Yeah, it's been awhile since I last saw you two over at the Wind Tower. I've was on a mission by Emperor Terra to investigate the Water Colossus, until things gone awry thus the Black Leaves declared me a traitor" said Isaac.

"I don't trust you, and even if you were a traitor to the Black Leaves, you're still an evil light magician!" Said Nathan, struggling to keep Hotula from breaking free.

"Nathan! That is so rude! I sensed that Isaac is changing his ways, therefore, we should at least trust him" scolded Sophia.

As Nathan and Sophia argued, Isaac tried to help Hotula regain a modicum of sanity by talking some sense to him. Surprisingly, Hotula started to calm down the more he listened and looked around his surroundings.

"Can we at least get Hotula some clothes?" Asked Isaac.

Without a word, Nathan let's go of Hotula and Sophia helped the black haired man stand up and walked towards his coffin. Hotula picked up the red pointed cap with ear flaps that he wore in life and put it on, and then he salvaged through the rags that was once the clothes he once had worn before he died. He was lucky that he find his blue pants with the zig-zag pattern intact, so he put it on. However, the boots he wore in life was already torn to shreds, and he placed his hand on his face and slowly shook his head in disappointment.

"Is there something wrong?" Asked Sophia.

Hotula doesn't say a word, instead he picked up the remains of his boots to show her.

"We might get you some boots and warm clothes, because outside of Hap Tepe is when the air is very chilly and there is a likely chance of snow" said Isaac.

Hotula thought for a moment, he remembered the time that the valley that he lived in had warmer weather and the mountains weren't as bad back then.

"Not much of a talker, aren't you?" Questioned Nathan.

Hotula shook his head for no, he grabbed an arrow from his quiver and started to carve letters on his coffin. However, his writing is very hard to translate since it predates the time of Princess Ukok. Luckily, Berenice is able to translate what it says:

"I cannot speak due to a problem in my brain"

"So you might have a mental disorder that prevents you from talking, but I'm rather impressed that you're an air magician and hero to the early Zephyr" said Berenice.

"At any case, we probably should go back and report to the researchers at camp" said Sophia.

Hotula reached into his coffin and picked up his bow and equipped his quiver full of arrows, and followed as the group make their way out of the ruins. The closer they get to the entrance of the ruins, the more colder the air feels as Hotula started to shiver since he isn't wearing a shirt and walked barefoot. The moment that the group exits Hap Tepe, it was already sun down as snowflakes fall from the clouds. They immediately escorted Hotula to a tent where warm clothing is sold at, but the researchers saw Hotula and flocked towards him.

"Huh, I guess these researchers wanted to study on Hotula" said Nathan.

Then the other researchers came over to Berenice and studied on her, much to her chagrin.

"Astounding! We have found a member of the Axalthi, surely this corresponds with today's newspapers!" Said one researcher with glee.

Sophia walked over to the stack of newspapers and picked one up, then she came to Nathan and Isaac to show them. It reads:

"Star Gazette presents: a crushing defeat of the Black Leaves and discovery of a new race. Reports shows that there was a battle between the sinister Black Leaves organization and the wish granting race called the Axalthi, with the Black Leaves losing over one hundred and fifty two members and the Axalthi was declared victorious. To those who don't know, the Axalthi are the new owners of the Water Colossus (a relic of the ancient Aquan) after the disappearance of the descendants of the Aquan. Nobody knows where the Axalthi came from other than another dimension, but they are best described as "genie like". The Black Leaves airship barely escaped the battle, whereas the soldiers and magicians under their employ died fighting while few were captured by the Axalthi".

Isaac and Nathan were surprised on reading the newspaper, and at least Isaac can breath a sigh of relief that the Black Leaves has lost most of the members thus reducing to fewer numbers. Even Berenice has heard the news, and is elated that her people drove out the Black Leaves while killing over one hundred and fifty two of its members. Afterwards, Nathan took Isaac and sophia to the western side of camp where a chef is cooking up noodles. The trio had bowls of teriyaki beef noodles, even though they wanted to take Hotula and Berenice for him to try out the noodles, but the researchers are too busy studying the two of them.

Authors note: I'm back and I did this chapter since it's been bugging my mind lately.

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