Day 2-

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So the elementals are here now, and all of us girls are having a girl day whatever that is.
"You haven't had a girl day?" Stella asked I could tell she was slightly shocked.
"No never, the closest thing was mine and Scarlet's coffee makeover days," I replied.
"Lily grab the list and the snacks!" Lumi screeched.
"So are there any coffee shops nearby?" Scarlet asked.
"There is one a few minutes walk away," I replied.
"First things first a makeover, then an outfit. Stella, Darcy and Pandora you are on smoothies, Lily, Harriet and Aurora are on snacks, Phoebus, Lavender and Delta are on outfit scouting. Mimi, scarlet and Harper you are on music. Me, Luna, Cleo and cobra are on makeovers. Digit, Stormy and Flora you are on entertainment and finding bedding for later." Lumi demanded.
"What about me?" I asked.
"You are the first one getting a makeover." Lumi smiled with a hairbrush in her hand.
We walked up to her room she covered the mirror and told the others where to find makeup supplies.
"I love your hair, by the way, it's such a lovely shade of pink its almost red in places," Lumi said pulling the hairbrush through it.
"Thanks." I giggled gently.
Cobra came back with hair curlers and a massive mound of makeup. The next ten minutes were spent singeing my hair into curls. Then Cobra and Cleo took over and started on my makeup. Initially applying a rare herbal foundation which is pink to match my skin, then beginning to add swirls of lavender blush to my cheeks and I closed my eyes while they did the rest. Then they chose an outfit, then shuffled me to the other side of the room to stand in front of the mirror. With a swish, the curtain was gone and I could see myself.
"Wow, just wow. I love it!!!" I squeaked.
My hair was in thick curls like metallic vibrant red waves in the ocean, my face looked like a work of art with the swirls added in, my eyelids were covered in rose gold eye shadow with black eyeliner. And metallic mascara, but my lips were done in a metallic purple. I then noticed my outfit, a pink and silver dress it suited me perfectly. I was so happy. My dress was hand made, this I could tell by the magic feel coming off it. I loved it, I felt beautiful. After we were all made over we took a group picture in the lounge, Stella, Cobra, Pandora, Cleo, Aurora and Flora were laying on the floor with their hands in a Half heart shape resting their heads on each other lightly. Lily, Harper, lavender, Darcy, Scarlett, stormy and Harriet were kneeling behind them.  Then Lumi, digit, grace, Luna, sapphire, me and Mimi were in the back row linking our arms together over each other's shoulders. We then ate all the cake in the world and drank a lot of coffee. It must have been 5 by the time Gillian and the boys returned to see us all watching tv. "What are you lazy bones up to?" Caspian snapped.
"Watching a teen movie." Cobra hissed. Cobra was annoyed, but how annoyed was not quite clear. Until later anyway.
We spent the evening playing games, girl quizzes "who has a spirit animal which is a wolf?" in harmony we answered lumi. Lily has a phoenix as hers. Then cluedo with a twist, every time you guessed wrong on the one you had to tell everyone a secret or embarrassing memory, I was not short on either of these. As such, I had gone through my trips and fall catalogue by the end, including the yam incident in which Gillian shouted ram knowing I had a fear of them and threw a yam into the room I leapt in the air and fell flat in my face with a yam in front of me. Or the polka dot incident, where I tripped over in polka dot heels on a snow day and ended up rolling down a hill and landing in a polka dot bin at the bottom of the hill head first too. Then the vermillion incident and the faceplate fiasco. You can imagine how those ended. One in a tub of paint, a tour around a paint factory gone wrong I slipped through the safe and ended up in a vatt. The faceplate fiasco was during year 3 at the school Gillian and I were clearing away the plates at the weekend then viper (the two-headed love and hate Dragon which had grown drastically in size) blew fire at the floor whilst sneezing which burnt my feet instantly and I slid backwards off of them and into a plate of food on the floor. Lumi ended up telling her and Lily's midnight disco story, it was Halloween and everyone was in costume as each other. This was because Zale had created a potion to make everyone think they were someone else. All except Kai and Lumi, which meant they were working out what had happened. Lily and Colvin had switched which was the oddest part because they had their normal voices. Halfway through the night a slow song plays and mistletoe falls from the ceiling it's at this point Lumi worked it out. Zale runs and dives into a grate where he crawls away. After 10 minutes of so, Lumi and Kai are chasing the clunking in the pipes. Before Stella who swapped with Stormy shouts "Zale you annoying pipsqueak!" and he falls out of the opening. And into a recycling bin for good measure. The potion still exists of course, its known as Zaletrope the name or word said is what the user becomes. The spell ends when the person learns a lesson. We also find out that Stella broke up with Caleb, that Darcey is now going out with an 18-year-old sparky, that Zale and Phoebus had been a thing for a week or so. And that Harriet was a horror film fan, where Lily was a romance kind of girl and Stormy was a spy movie girl. I prefer comedies myself. We all discussed sexuality at one point, Lumi, Lily, Digit, and Mimi are all heterosexual. Jasmine and Flora are Homosexual. Me, Cleo, and Darcy are asexual. The rest are pansexual.

We play cards for an hour or so before the boys out their plan into action. Gillian charges down and shuts off the lights. Then all the snacks are revealed to be in Caspian's arms by Lily who made a small flame. Cobra grabs out a tube and tips it on his head, from sunset you will be a girl. Until you learn how to be a girl. He laughs it off...

Hours later the sunsets and we hear a scream, it's female. Caspian is a girl with coral hair and bright blue eyes, "what did you do to me?" Cobra laughs, "turned you into one of us. So you would be more respectful of us. Welcome to being a girl Cordelia or Coraline." She huffs then laughs. "I prefer Coraline, can I join your sleepover?" We all nod.

And we all laugh about the cute movies and what has happened recently. But I remember the darkness outside and I excuse myself. Then I grab Gillian and ask him to follow me.

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