Chapter 2

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(Bloodkit's POV)

Bloodkit discreetly slipped behind the medicine cats' den and trekked towards the dirt-place. The less cats saw of her, the better. She tilted her head up and saw the weak strands of light, trying to finger through the dense foliage. She wasn't the best at judging what time of day it was, especially when she'd never seen the sun itself. MistClan's schedule was comforting for her, but it was always better when there weren't cats scrambling over each other trying to get away from her.

She placed a paw down onto a patch of moist dirt and flattened her ears as the taunting of her sisters bubbled into her mind again.

"You're the reason we're apprenticed two moons late. You are the very reincarnation of Inferno's soul. The only reason that you haven't joined the ranks of the Endless Darkness is because you aren't an Elemental," her sister, Slatekit growled at her, before slapping her face with barely sheathed claws and whirled around, stomping towards the Nursery, radiating with hatred and tail twitching with vexation.

She shook the thoughts away before shaking her pelt and quickly headed towards the dirt-place. There really wasn't anything she could do, as her build was little more than a 4 moon old kit and she was supposed to be apprenticed tonight.

The all too familiar darkness of the dirt-place would deter many kits, having been told rumours by snarky, bold apprentices of the monsters that lurked there and wouldn't hesitate to feast on a juicy, tender kit. Bloodkit decided that if there was a monster, she'd die and resolve many problems in the clan, if she didn't...then that would be her new safe haven.

The rancid stench of the dirt-place hit her, with full force, in the face, but she continued walking until she reached the tangle of brambles and thorns. There, she crouched down and placed her fore-paws firmly on the ground. A blue mist formed and she concentrated on turning it into various objects, flying birds, the raging river that roared on the border between BreezeClan and TorrentClan, the so-called all-powerful leader of the Skulls of Death, Skull himself. Colour and life slowly seeped into her illusions and when she finished with a flourish, a gorey gruesome picture of her two foster sisters, Slatekit and Flintkit, both lying on their sides, maggots crawling from all orifices and dark red blood tainted the ground around them in a morbid halo. A sight that Bloodkit wouldn't mind seeing any day.

As the final stands of the mist dissipated into thin air and she collapsed from the exhaustion of creating her illusions, her ears sprung up as she heard the snapping of dead twigs and leaves. She couldn't drag herself away, her pelt would only get snagged on the brambles and thorns and her energy levels were much too low to create an illusion, concealing her presence. As she lowered her head onto her paws and was ready to accept whatever fate that was about to fall upon her, two blind eyes connected with her blue ones.

"Lonesoul?" she squeaked with the little energy that remained inside her.

The elder didn't say anything, but grabbed Bloodkit out with her jaws and placed her down between her paws. A torrent of words suddenly showered down upon her,

"Foolish kit. What if it was a warrior watching you instead of me? You know, if you're an," Lonesoul glanced around quickly before barely even whispering into Bloodkit's ear,

"Elemental, at least try to hide it! Brash, reckless cats have died for their actions, they always believed that being caught would happen to others, not them, and they would be safe. They'd always get caught by their kin or clanmates, then betrayed by them, everyone who'd sheltered them, cared for them and guided them, through their entire life and would've always been cast out or thrown off the Great Cliff."

Lonesoul shook herself and Bloodkit cowered beneath the hefty elder, her fur puffed up and resembled more of a cloud than a cat.

After a few silent moments, Lonesoul grabbed her by the scruff and half-carried, half-dragged her further away from the dirt-place.

"Lucky young kit, for our kind, is rare. You have been bestowed a beautiful gift and I hope you learn to use it wisely," Lonesoul purred, her eyes glazed slightly, unfocused, yet staring intently at her.

"Our?" Bloodkit asked, confused.

"Ah yes," Lonesoul meowed, giving a toothy grin.

"My ability may not be as wonderful as yours but it's something at least. You see, I've been blind ever since I was born, yet that was for a reason. Normal eyes wouldn't have been so sensitive for such an ability, I can see the auras of those around me. Sometimes, I'm blessed with a vision of either their past or their future," she purred.

"Oh," Bloodkit mewed, not really knowing what else to say.

"You have a purple aura," Lonesoul crooned, licking Bloodkit's head. "You have strong mental abilities, young one. And with your mental capabilities I'm pretty sure you know it's time for bed. You have a long night ahead of you."

Bloodkit felt Lonesoul grab her scruff and carried her away back to camp. Back to her home and prison.

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