Chapter 8

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(Skull's POV)

Skull stalked back into his den after being informed of the attack being launched on BreezeClan. He closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths before he saw through the eyes of Sugar.

He strode, well he made Sugar stride towards Death and saw Oblivion walk towards his den. She claimed that Skull was defenceless in his current state and needed protection. Though it probably wasn't true, his older sister was not taking any chances, still overprotective of him.

Skull followed the cats streaming towards BreezeClan's border. It was wise to spread his cats around the territory, that way, no cat from BreezeClan would be able to escape.

Venom strode towards him and dipped her head in acknowledgement. It seemed that every cat knew which body he'd chosen to possess...perhaps it was the odd liveliness the cats possessed, who'd normally be rather dull and still, not that they couldn't think for themselves, they just still had that scent of death lingering over them.

As he stood on the edge of BreezeClan's camp, he subtly slipped into the bodies of other cats, trying to spectate the view from different perspectives. Many of the cats brought here were just for show, the true star was Venom and she alone would execute the plan.

Chaos ensued from BreezeClan as the warriors hurried to shove elders, queens and kits into dens, warriors hissing with fury, however not daring to move, for it could be their last. The Skulls played by different rules, ones that didn't include ensuring the lives of the warriors they attacked.

Brackenstar emerged from his den, eyes wide at the commotion that was happening. He snarled at the intruding cats,

"Why in the name of SpiritClan are you here?"

Death snickered and lazily flicked an ear,

"Perhaps you could explain the shift in borders that I was unaware about. Clearly, you're so much more superior and my minute brain can't comprehend what happened, therefore I need an explanation."

Ivystar emerged and pleaded with Death,

"Please, I beg you, leave us alone! We'll give you whatever you want, just leave us alone!"

Venom slid out from behind the deputy of the Skulls, tilted her head to observe the scene and let out a giggle,

"Now where would the fun in that be, dear mother?"

He saw Ivystar's eyes widen in disbelief,

"H-how? We left you! You're supposed to be dead."

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not," Venom snarled, smile wiped instantly off her face and launched towards her mother, claws slicing through her skin before rolling away and standing in the middle of BreezeClan's camp, glaring at anyone who dared to approach her.

"You know why we left you to die? You were a danger to the clan. To all the clans! You killed your own littermate and you still believe we shouldn't have left you? Elementals only bring destruction and danger everywhere they go," Ivystar gasped before stumbling back and collapsing to the ground. Brackenstar, who had been watching from the safety of his den, immediately rushed towards his mate, pressing up against her, trying to soothe her and telling himself that everything would be fine.

"Let me kill one of your heirs, and I'll spare you," Venom purred, taking in the scene of her dying mother.

"Fine," the Queen gasped. "Take Lilacfern or Shadefern. You've already taken so much away from us, please can't you just leave us in peace?"

"Who said anything about your clan? I only promised I'd spare you," Venom licked her muzzle before stalking away to find her elder siblings.

A golden glow caught Venom's eye. She froze and stared at the cat. There she was. The commoner that alerted the clan of her powers. The cat that got her thrown out of BreezeClan in the first place.

"Lilacfern, sister, come out. I know you're in there," she purred cruelly to the darkness behind the golden she-cat.

"You want her? You'll have to get past me," Venom heard the she-cat speak.

She rolled her eyes and only strode closer.

"That's not a wise choice you've decided to make, commoner," Venom hissed, placing emphasis on the last word.

She saw the she-cat flinch from her words, but to Venom's surprise, didn't falter or move away.

"Those words have defined me my whole life. I'm not going to be defined by them anymore. You want her, get past me," Skull watched the she-cat snarl and step up into a battle stance.

Venom unsheathed her claws and growled,

"If you wish...You want me to get her the hard way, I'll show you...the hard way."

"You're insane, Applekit," the she-cat gasped.

"I'm too insane to explain. You're too simple to understand," Venom snarled, tail flicking with annoyance.

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