3 » A jacket

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At Kaizo, Sai and Gopal location, they were busy checking each of the drawer in a principal room.

Seems like there are many papers in the drawer. Some of it the paper of student's examination and some of it is the paper of principal's work.

"Kaizo, look.. This is the information about all staff in this school including the principal.." Sai put out a thick file under the desk which still looks new and haven't been torn.

Kaizo and Gopal approached Sai and also look at the file.

"The principal name is PapaZola.. He has a wife named MamaZila which works as music teacher.. They also have a daughter named PipiZola.. Hmm, all of it looks normal.." Kaizo examined the faces of the principal's family.

"Hmm, huh? Is this the student that died 15 years ago?" Sai put out a paper that contains a picture of a teenager and information of the student.

"Hmm.. Halilintar Halim.. 13 years old.. From class 3.. He have a younger brother named Petir.. He died because of accident in front of this school.." Kaizo read the information from the paper that Sai hold.

"W-wait.. You mean this boy that dead years ago?" stuttered Gopal as his eyes looked around anxious.

"Yeah.. What's wrong?" asked Sai.

"Brother Kaizo and brother Sai didn't know what happen after he's dead?! After a week, some ghost haunted this school!" Gopal put both of his hands on his head while his body shaking in fear.

"So, you mean that he's the one who scared the people in this school.. And then, he's also the one who kidnapped and murder the people who came here?" Sai burrowed his eyebrow.

Gopal nodded.

"Well, I guess it can't be help since he's the one who dead.. And people assume that he's now in ghost form and want to revenge.." Kaizo sighed.


Gopal shocked when he heard that sound. "D-did.. You g-guys hear t-that?"

"Hear what?"

"Help..... Please....."

"A ghost voice!!" Gopal shouted as he hugged Kaizo's legs while shaking.

Kaizo and Sai looked at each other.

"Let's find out where that voice came from.." suggest Kaizo as he dragged Gopal and follow Sai from behind.


"Oh my!! What is that thing??!!" Angin hugged Cahaya, strongly enough to make Cahaya hard to breath.

"C-calm d-d-down! L-l-let m-me go!!"

"Oh! Hehe, sorry.." Angin released his hugged. He scratched his left cheek while laughing nervous.

"Uhuk uhuk! Ahem!" Cahaya catched his breath fast. He almost die because of lack oxygen.

"B-but.. What is that thing that just fell down?" Angin bite his nails as he feel scared because of the thing that fell.

Cahaya checked the thing that just fell and pick it up. "Huh, it's just a clothes in black.. It's a jacket.."

"Fuhh.." Angin felt relieved. "But, how did it fell and where it come from?"

"That's the question.." Cahaya examined the jacket that he hold and saw a rope thighten at it's hoodie.

"Look.. There is a rope.. And when you look at the ceiling, there is a nail that can hang something.. Maybe the jacket being hang up there so long and then fell because of the wind.." said Cahaya as he pointed at the ceiling.

"Hmm, oh yeah you're right Cahaya!" Angin feel amazed with Cahaya's response. He can tell that Cahaya suit to be a detective although he have bad manner sometimes.

"Hey you guys!!"

Angin and Cahaya turned their head to left and saw Tanah and Air just arrived while panting. They were just catched their breath before getting near to their siblings.

"Err yeah? What's going on?" asked Cahaya.

"Just a few minutes ago, we heard you guys screaming.. Is something happen?" Tanah checked both of his brother then relief that there is no injury.

"Oh yeah.. We just shock that this jacket just fell down in front of us.. Cahaya said, maybe the jacket being hang up in the ceiling.. Then fell down because of wind.." asnwered Angin.

Tanah and Air sighed.

"It's okay.. We glad you guys didn't hurt.." Air smiled a little. He also relieved his brothers just in fine condition.


Gulped. Four of them looked at each other when they heard a sound of high heels.


Scared of the sound, four of them decided to rushed out from the music room in count of three.






Meanwhile, with Gopal, Kaizo and Sai, the three of them still finding the sound that just begged helping from them.

"Please.... Help me...."

The sound still can be heard. Kaizo looked around and his hunch said the sound coming from a store room behind the school building.

"Let's head to the behind school.." Kaizo again dragged Gopal since Gopal want to run away again. But if Gopal run away, it means Gopal will be alone and no one can watch him so Kaizo didn't want that to happen.

Sai only follow without questioning although he felt want to laugh when saw Gopal crying while being dragged by Kaizo.

After 5 minutes walk, three of them arrived in front of the store building. The store building looks big like 10 meters wide. Well, it make sense since the Elementary School is one of the elite school but it's too bad that this school closed after incident ghost appeared.

"Hmm, the sound before disappeared.. Are you sure the sound come from here Kaizo?" asked Sai while looking at Kaizo.

"Only one way to find out.." Kaizo pushed the door as he, Sai and Gopal entered the store building.

There are two room in the store building which a restroom and a changing room.

"I-I'm scared.. L-l-let's go b-brother K-K-Kaizo.. I don't want t-to do t-this anymore.." Gopal hugged again Kaizo's leg while crying in fear.

Kaizo and Sai sighed. Both of them know that Gopal is scared but they need to do this.

"It's okay Gopal.. You got us.." Sai tried to comfort Gopal even though he knows it's not gonna make Gopal calm down.

"Hiks.... Help...."

Shocked with the voice that suddenly appeared, Kaizo and Sai immediately rushed towards to the changing room. And at there, they saw a teenager boy being tied up with dirty clothes.

"Hiks.... Help me please..."

To be continue

Sorry for late update TwT I've been lazy to open Wattpad hahaha😹 Hope you guys enjoy this chapter^^

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