The Dragon Monarch (#1)

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This is almost a 2 year old Draft,

Finally deciding to half finish this one, somehow.

Also this is long as heck.

And yes, this was 'inspired' by How To Train Your Dragon. Darn me didn't know what I was writing about before.

And yes I was too lazy to fix everything.


In a place, far away,

there lived 7 identical brothers from the same mother, and a father under one household

Their village homes were mostly made of wood or bricks, the lower ranks would use wood and the higher ranks would use bricks for the houses

They had no futuristic technology, they just had normal lives

It was mostly peaceful, until

A war between man and monsters came about, it was unknown on how it started, but it has been going for a year and a half

Men would mostly attack, while the women and younger children stayed inside

The father of the 7 brothers is a chief of the whole village, he would always be ready for an attack

There is one kind of monster creature

That is dragons

They had fought so many countless attempts of succeeded kills of dragons

But before then, there was a tragic day for the chief

One night, his 1 year old son who was the oldest and was suppose to be the 1st brother, was kidnapped by a dragon who broke into his house

He cried and was depressed that night


The Present Time

The Chief was happy to have his 6 sons alive and with him

He liked to watch his sons play around the village, but he can't because he was too busy

The 1st brother named Thunder, was 14 and is mostly aggresive in some times

The 2nd brother named Cyclone, was 14 and is mostly playful

The 3rd brother named Blaze, was 14 and is mostly playful, like his older brother

The 4th brother named Ice, was 13 and is mostly lazy and sleepy

The 5th brother named Solar, was 13 and is helpful and obedient

And The 6th brother named Thorn, was 12 and is as obedient as his 5th brother

One day, their father wanted all 6 brethren to train in the arena for dragons

After a while, they finally arrived at the arena, with their casual clothes

They saw a rack with axes, swords, and shields, a giant steel enhanced wooden gate, and 2 other people in training

The first person was named Gopal, he was a real crybaby

And the other person was named Fang, he was always determined for himself

The Trainer came, he was a friend of the chief

It started, the training started

First of all, the trainer commanded all of them to pick a weapon and a shield

Thunder, picked a sharp long iron sword and a rectangular wooden shield with red and black designs

Cyclone picked an iron dagger and a circular wooden shield with dark blue designs

Blaze picked an iron sword and a rectangular wooden shield with orange designs

Ice picked a dagger and a square wooden shield with sky blue designs

Thorn picked a small knife and a circular wooden shield with green designs

Solar picked an iron sword and a rectangular wooden shield with golden designs

Gopal picked an iron axe with a long handle and a rectangular wooden shield with brown designs

And Fang picked an iron axe with a short handle and a circular wooden shield with purple designs

The Trainer then started the training, he released a dragon.

The dragon had 4 legs, 2 black wings, a black body, one full black head, a long tail, a mouth, eyes, floppy ears, and sharp teeth

The dragon started attacking the 8, the started to fight

Minutes later, the dragon wasn't defeated and the trainer forced it back to it's cage, The 8 trainees failed

At night, the 6 brothers were sitting at a wooden table. Thunder was frustrated, Blaze, Cyclone, Thorn and Solar were talking, and Ice was asleep

Later on, a loud roar was heard outside, that alerted all the men inside the building.

A Dragon rampage has began, men were trying to fight the flying beast by using the catapults or long-range weapons, the brothers ran away the disaster.

The only spot they found that was safe was the arena, so they went inside and stayed there

They thought they were safe, but they weren't. Obviously.

A dragon busted down the door and entered the arena, the brothers heard the dragon come, Thunder grabbed a sword and was ready to fight.

The dragon came close and saw Thunder with a sword and looked aggressive, with Thunder looking and giving it a stare

Suddenly , the dragon looked not so aggressive and showed no emotion, something made it that way, or is it someone?

Thunder looked confused, on what was going on

Abruptly, a full body armoured being came from behind the dragon as it slowly pets the dragon's side.

The being was taller and stronger looking than the 6 brothers, wearing a mask and cape, he had a stone staff with one iron shard stuck at one end and a wooden hollow bamboo at the other end, he looked intimidating

The brothers became even more scared. At the sight of the mystery person

The being then looked at the dragon, later cooing at it, as if it was speaking to it, the dragon walked away and opened the gate, the dragons which were trapped, were freed and then they flew out of the arena.

The brothers could only watch.

The being looked at the dragons flying away.

When the dragons all left, the person looked at the brothers

Thunder, pointed his sword at the mystery person .

The being dropped his staff and walked towards them

Thunder continued to point the sword at him , "Back off, don't lay anything on us!", he snapped

The person tilted his head as if. He didn't know why

Blaze walked forward, "Why are you setting the dragons free? Are you leading them? Are they under your command? What?", he questioned. Though still looking a bit nervous

The being looked directly at Blaze, and quickly dashed at him, pinning him at a nearby wall, not trying to reference an 'act'

"A-answer us, who are you?", he asked in stutters, seemingly to be dumbfounded at that sudden act

The being tilted his head again and then after looked at more of Blaze's appearance. he then saw his eyes, he looked directly at his eyes

They, seemed to be staring intently. They.. Thought to themselves, how they, look familiar.

Later on, The Chief came barging through, the being realized him, unpinning Blaze from the wall, and running off with his dragon friend

"Are you okay?! Did anything hurt you?", The chief yelled worriedly towards the brothers

"No no, we weren't hurt.", Thunder could only reply

The chief sighed in relief, "Next time, be prepared.", he said

The brothers replied, in many ways, but all got to the point of. "Okay. "

How did that guy make a dragon calm? Why did he not try to kill us? Who was he?", Blaze thought to himself

Later that night, the brothers were fast asleep, except Blaze. He felt like he was missing something, but he didn't know what. Honestly I don't either.

Abruptly, their apparent mother came in, "Is it alright if I can come in?", she could ask

Blaze turned his head to her, "Huh? Oh yeah Sure.", he answered

His mother went towards Blaze, looking to be wanting to say something

Blaze sees it, "You gonna say something?", he asks

Then, she sat next to Blaze, then, admitting something, "Blaze, do you know your 7th brother?"

"Wait, 7th brother? I never knew we had a 7th.", he exclaimed, though in a quiet manner

"Thundy is not the oldest, you once had an older brother, he was so adorable. but sadly, he was taken away by dragons.", she said.

Blaze would've snickered at the name Thundy. But, he had something else on his mind

Blaze paused for a moment , "... Hey um, can I tell you a question that no one asked?"

"Of course, dear.", she nods lightly

"Well, is it possible for someone to live with such creatures?", he asked intently

"It could happn, if you think of it in a different way.", she replied

Blaze added, "I mean, a person can become like them."

"Hm, it could.", She said

Blaze went silent for a while... Then yawned, "Alright, I need some sleep now."

"Oh of course, you do need some rest.", she said, getting up and went towards the door

Blaze made himself comfortable on his bed,  "Well good night.", he wished

"Good night Blaze.", she said before slowly closed the door to prevent any noise

Blaze lie down on his bed and went to sleep

After hours, Blaze heard wings flapping from the outside. Which, did awaken him

He became curious and peeked out the window to see

The Masked man. He saw him

The person jumped off the dragon he rode and noticed Blaze, later staring at Blaze with an intimidating glance.

Blaze froze. Realizing he noticed as well

The being  looked at his dragon and cooed, in which the dragon flew away leaving him.

He looked at Blaze and used a hand gesture

Blaze knew he wants him to go outside, so he went out through his window, seeming a bit hesitant at first, but then going

Blaze walked slowly towards the person and asked, "What? What do you want?

And for the first time, he spoke in a human voice,

"I need you to follow me.", he spoke through the mask he wore, before going towards the same direction the dragon went

Blaze followed the person hesitantly, to a pretty lit up cave

"Um. Who, exactly are you?", Blaze then asked

He turned towards Blaze and asked, "But first of all, who are you?

"I am Blaze, the 3rd oldest son of the chief.", he exclaimed mildly

The person looked at him again . He then stepped back a little, "I once was the chief's son, that's what I knew when I was one.", he said

The person then held his mask and took it off

Blaze looked shocked when he looked at his face, which was so grand for someone wearing a mask

He then, introduced himself, "I am Quake, the 1st son of the Chief, and now the ruling monarch of the Drasoxs."

Blaze looked a bit curious, later asking, "Monarch, like a King?"

"Well, I could be.", Quake could

Blaze asked, "If you were a brother to me, then why did you leave us?"

"I didn't, I was very young when I was taken by dragons, the dragons took me as their own, I knew their language, their real nature, and their history, I wanted to leave, but some didn't want me to leave, because I was the highest of rank.", Quake explained

Blaze said, "Well, they were right, I mean look at you. You look very strong."

Quake said, "Well, men are stronger than dragons, so that's why."

Blaze said, "But, you are older than us, and you still look like a grown man."

Quake said, "Well, when you live with dragons, you really are putting so much effort into doing work."

Then, Quake's dragon came and growled at him as if it was speaking

Quake looked at him and growled back at him, Blaze never understood what they were talking about

His dragon came up to Blaze and touched his chest with his nose

Quake pet his dragon and said, "Pet him, he is nice."

Blaze pet the dragon's head with his hand, the dragon felt excited and played around Blaze and Quake

Quake laughed and exclaimed, "He likes you."

Blaze then scratched the dragon's neck, the dragon liked the sensation

Quake asked, "How did you know he liked being scratched there?"

Blaze replied, "Well, I just thought he would like it."

Quake looked at Blaze and hugged him

Blaze hugged back and said, "after all those years, you were being a dragon protecter."

Quake said, "Well, I'm 18, people by that age should be responsible by that age."

Blaze broke the hug and said, "Yes, wait till I can tell this to Mo-"

Quake cut off Blaze and said, "Mother? Don't tell this to anyone, promise me."

Blaze questionned, "Promise me? Promise me what?"

Quake said, "Blaze, my Brother, I want you to promise me to never kill a dragon and keep this a secret between me and you."

Blaze saluted, "Okay, I promise to never kill a dragon in my life."

Quake chuckled and said, "Okay, that is a good way to say it, Blaze."

Blaze said joyously, "Okay."

Quake said, "Well, See you."

Blaze said, "Bye."

Blaze left the cave and back to his room through the window. Blaze then fell asleep

Before Quake left, he went to Blaze's room, he looked at Blaze without his mask on, he ruffled his hair, he chuckled and then left the village with his dragon

In the morning,

The brothers woke up seeing breakfast in the table

Cyclone exclaimed joyously, "Food."

Their mother said, "Come here, time to eat breakfast."

"Okay Mother.", the brothers said in unison

They all sat down and ate breakfast

4 minutes later, they finished eating breakfast

Thunder helped his father, Ice stayed home and fell asleep, Thorn and Solar were doing chores, Cyclone was outside playing with the other villager children, and Blaze stayed home

Blaze asked , "Mother, can I go out to the mountains?"

His mother said, "Okay Blaze, just be careful."

Blaze said, "I will, Mother."

Blaze opened the door, left the house, and went to the mountains. He went to the forest to search for something. He then found something, growling and roaring loudly, that it hurts his ears. Blaze ran towards the sound and found a purple dragon in pain.

He went closer to the dragon and looked at the purple dragon's eyes, he saw pity and pain in it's eyes. So he pet the dragon lightly and said, "Don't worry, I promise you that I won't hurt you."

The purple dragon's eyes widen and growled softly

Blaze gave the dragon raw meat and fish and the purple dragon ate the fish and meat and licked Blaze's face.

He scratched the purple dragon's neck and head, the dragon lay on his back and his tongue stuck out, Blaze saw the smile on the purple dragon's face and smiled back

The dragon growled and got ready to fly, Blaze pet the dragon's back and the dragon flew away with it's purple wings

Blaze smiled as it flies away from his sight

Then, a hand touched Blaze's shoulder, Blaze turned around and saw Quake touching his shoulder

Quake said, "Great job Blaze, you've saved a dragon without hesitation."

Blaze jumped , "Oh, you scared me.!", he exclaimed

Quake laughed, "Sorry Blaze, I didn't tell you.", he said

Blaze smiled, "It's okay.",

Then, Blaze thought of something and asked, "Wait, how did you know I was here?"

Quake explained, "Well, I am the monarch of the dragons, I know where all the dragons are. So, I knew a dragon was in pain here, I got to this place as fast as I can. Then I saw you, feeding it and making it feel better, as I looked at you, I saw you  happy, so I didn't want to ruin your fun with Puldrow."

Blaze questionned, "Puldrow?"

Quake said, "Yes, the name of the purple dragon's Puldrow"

Blaze asked, "Then, what was your Dragon's name?"

Quake said, "His name was Nactraback, he was my friend since I was 2."

Blaze giggled, "Nactraback? What a name I couldn't forget. "

Quake chuckled, "It sure is."

Blaze asked, "Actually, can you tell me some names of your dragons?"

Quake said with enthusiasm, "Of course, I'd like to.", with a small smile on his face

Quake later told Blaze names of every dragon for a minute or two

After a while, Quake said, "Well, I got to go Blaze.", he waved before saying, "See you soon! "

"Okay, See ya.", Blaze replied with a wave as well before both ran in opposite directions

(This part, I'm too fukin lazy to finish)

Blaze went back home, he went to the door but before he could open it, his other 4 siblings were right behind him

Thunder asked, "Where have you been, Blaze!?", sounding kind of snappy and worried

Blaze nervously replied, " Uhh, I was in the mountains, looking around."

Thunder stared at Blaze and said, "You look like you were..... attacked by a dragon."

Blaze got shocked and asked, "Why do you think of that?"

Cyclone who was at Thunder's right side said, "The mountains are full of dragon nests, we knew that when we were training."

Thorn asked, "Brother, have you been hurt?"

Blaze replied, "No, I've never been hurt."

Solar asked, "But, how come?"

Blaze asked, "What do you mean?"

Thunder said, "Dragons are killers to us, that's what we always hear when we were little."

Blaze said, "But....... I was not hurt by any dragons."

The 4 siblings got shocked

Blaze continued, "I've seen the dragons, just.... let me show you."

Cyclone asked, "How can you show us that?"

Ice then came out of the house seeing them talking, he said, "Hey."

Blaze said, "Follow me, without any weapons"

Ice asked, "Where are we going?"

Blaze said, "You'll see."

The 5 siblings looked at each other, but followed Blaze back to the mountains

Blaze said, "Shhh, be as quiet as possible."

The others shut their mouth as they enter deeper through the forest

Until, they saw a dragon

It was an orange dragon, with 2 wings, 4 legs, a tail, and a red-orange head

Blaze gasped silently and said, "That's, that's a Voirage."

Cyclone asked, "That's it's name?"

Blaze replied, "Yes, it is."

Then, Blaze walked closer to Voirage, it noticed Blaze and stared at his eyes, Blaze tilted his head and it did the same, the others got shocked on what Blaze is doing. Blaze bent down and slightly pet Voirage's head, Verage's eyes widen, lied on his back, and stuck his tongue out. Blaze then scratch Voirage's belly, they both felt so happy.

Blaze stopped for a while and said, "There, that went well."

Voirage shook his head and growled

Blaze said, "Okay, guys, this is what I meant of this."

Cyclone looked at Voirage and Voirage looked back with no anger, Cyclone walked closer to Voirage and reached his hand towards Voirage, Voirage touched Cyclone's hand with his nose. Cyclone got a little scared, but then got relieved. Voirage then ran around Cyclone excitedly

Blaze said, " This is what I meant, of dragons being nice."

The other 4 walked out of the shadows and saw how Cyclone played with Voirage.

But then, silence came, a shadow appeared from the trees and jumped off a tree, it landed and punched the ground making it slightly cracked, Voirage went towards the shadow with no hesitation, the shadow stood up and pet Voirage.

Blaze immediately knew who was that

But the other 5 didn't, they got scared except Thunder

Quake appeared out of the shadows, with his mask and disguise on

Thunder immediately knew that it was the same person from last night, he raised his fists up and said, "It's you."

He tilted his head and looked at Blaze

Blaze gasped and said, "Thunder, don't even think of fighting him."

Thunder said, "Why? Are you scared of him? I'm not scared of him."

Quake looked at Thunder and grabbed his staff

Thunder asked "You wanna fight me?"

Quake nodded in disagreement, he point his staff at Blaze

Blaze immediately walked forward and asked, "What do you want?"

Quake then spun his staff until it made a rattle sound that echoed through the forest

Then, 5 Dragons came rushing through the forest and came at Quake command

Quake growled at the dragons and pointed his staff up to the sky

The dragons took flight and grabbed the 5 brothers and flew them up to the sky, Quake then called his dragon, Nactraback to fly him up to them while Blaze is being held by Nactraback between his front legs

Thunder shouted, "Let us go you Flying reptiles!!"

Quake then went up together Nactraback to where the 5 are

Ice who was scared asked, "What are you doing to us? Are you going to killing us?"

Then, Quake growled again at the dragons, making the dragons throw the 5 brothers up to the sky and making them land on their backs, the 5 got confused on what is he doing

Quake then grabbed Blaze from Nactraback and placed Blaze behind him, he then growled again but softer at the dragons and made the dragons fly back to ground. The 5 were so relieved they were back on ground

Then, Quake got off Nactraback, and in a normal voice commanded the dragons as he shake his staff, "All of you, return to your place"

The 5 dragons flew back to where they were while Nactraback stayed with Quake

Blaze got off Nactraback, scratched it's head, and said, "Nactraback, great to see you."

Nactraback lied on back while being scratched in the head

Quake turned around to look at Blaze, Blaze stopped scratching Nactraback and looked at Quake

Blaze said, "Hey, what a surprise of seeing you again."

Cyclone asked, "Again? You've met this man?"

Blaze said, "Uhh, yeah."

Thorn asked Blaze, "Then, Who is he?"

Before Blaze could reply, Quake stepped in and asked, "Who are they, Blaze? Are they your brothers?"

Blaze replied, "Yes, they are."

Quake looked at Thunder and asked, "And him too?"

Blaze eyerolled and replied, "Yeah, he is"

Thunder said, "Hey, you didn't answer Thorn's question."

Quake looked at Thunder and asked, "Thorn? You mean your brother right behind you, right?

Thunder turned around and saw Thorn, he said, "Hey."

Thorn apologized and walked towards Cyclone, he whispered, "Hey, let's eat after this."

Cyclone nodded

Quake then looked at the 5 and asked, "Oh I forgot to introduce myself, haven't I?"

Solar said, "Yes, we were wondering all this time."

Quake smiled, he then removed his mask, and said, "I am Quake, the 1st Child of the Chief, and the protecting monarch of the dragon kind."

The 5 siblings were in shock

Quake looked at Blaze and asked, "Blaze, Why are they looking like that? Is it something I said?"

Before Blaze could answer, Cyclone said in disbelief, "You're the brother, that mother rumored."

Quake looked at Cyclone and asked, "Yes I am. Is.. Our mother okay?"

Cyclone replied in a joyous tone, "Yeah, alive and great."

Quake smiled and asked, "Haha, cheerful and happy, aren't you?

Cyclone answered, "Yeah."

Quake looked at the others and asked, "But what about, your names?

The 5 looked at each other and introduced themselves, one by one, casually and in their styles.

Thunder said, "I am Thunder, the oldest, well 2nd oldest"

Cyclone said, "I am Cyclone, the 3rd"

Ice said, "I am Ice, the 5th."

Solar said, "I'm Solar, the 6th"

And finally, Thorn said timidly, "I am Thorn, the 7th and youngest."

Quake looked around and proclaimed, "My my, I had never thought I would have any brothers."

"Welp, you're apparently wrong.", Blaze talked back

Quake wrapped his arm around Blaze's neck and chuckling a little, "Indeed, I was."

Thorn came in and asked, "What were you doing?"

Quake replied, "I wanted to figure out what you were doing in my territory."

Blaze asked, "This is your territory?"

Quake explained, "Well, what is mine belongs to the dragons, and their territory is mine as well. I keep an eye out for dangers lurking in the forests."

Cyclone asked, "Then, why did you almost kill us?

Quake said, "To test if you are really a threat. But you are just minors."

Nactraback came up to Quake and he rubbed against Quake's face

Quake said, "Woah there. Nactra."

He pat Nactraback on the head and continued, "You should really be patient, you will go on ahead, I will stay for a while."

Nactraback growled and ran off

Thorn asked, "Can that dragon understand you?"

Quake replied, "Of course, I understand them, they understand me."

Then, a spiked dragon came up behind the 5 and roared

Quake saw him and growled like a dragon would.

The dragon stared at Quake and stared intimidately at Quake

Quake stared back, but blankly

The 6 were confused on what are they communicating --



This is the best I can do for now.

As. Hell, it is already 4000 words long.

Should I continue this? Or leave it as an incomplete story?

(Also, here's how old the Draft was:

That's how old.

And frick me, I'm too lazy to finish this all. )

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