The first floor.

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You opened your eyes and found yourself eagle-spread inside a elevator. Your feet met the entrance door and your head met the the opposite side of the elevator.

You were dizzy as a cheap Saturday pizza inside a over-stuffed backpack and the dentist guy just ... did nothing, he was just standing, looking down at you, smirking you.

Oh Yeah! 'He' was not a real dentist, he was a poster of a clinic which seemed to over-charge any  scatter- brained patients who was unlucky enough to run to that handsome smug everytime they discovered tiny holes in their teeth.

"You shouldn't be scared of him" Told your inferior weaky- tweaky mind.

But you WERE SCARED, nonetheless. You always had a phobia for doctors in general, especially dentists since you were five or six. You always had a nightmare in which you were dragged to a shady old dentist with an oversized grin - he is your own impersonation of Death or a perverted version of a Tooth Fairy  - then he plucked one tooth from your pretty mouth, one after another; at the same time, he recounted every sins you have ever committed in your life and finally left you there, bleed to death and toothless. This hallucination was most likely start at the first day you watched a horror movie on HBO and it only grew bigger and bigger after the day one you had sex.

You tried to ignore the handsome dentist ( or the vivid image of the dentist, who are trying his very best to seduce you book an implantation). You looked at the control panel. A red circle glowing with a number one in it. But the door was budged.

What the ...?



Why am I lying facing down inside a elevator?

You blinked and blinked again. The scenery within was very un-inviting, the neon light was cold and soulless, the stillness of every un-animated things around you and the icy-ness of the metal made your feeling worse.

The hall outside was dark, grim and utterly sinister.And there was no source of light...

Wait! The elevator IS open!

But you didn't see it open. You didn't see anything move at all. You heard NOTHING at all. How?

You struggled to get on all-fours. Damn! This city you are living is so full of hasten-built sky-crap-per and shabby elevato. It wasn't the first time you entered some A**hole elevator like this. Once, you encountered a stupid elevator which didn't bother to close at all and only shut its crack after you and one office-girl used all your might to pull.

You walked out the elevator. 

And here come the hallway.

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