7 | no turning back now

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One thing about retreat was it was a failure. It was a weakness, an inlet for the eagles that scaled the sky to feast upon. Leaving Tony's side served as a huge indifference between us and the predator beyond the enemy lines. Swoop in and feed on what they desired. I wasn't going to let the fear betray me—I was going to put on a poker face and handle it. I forced myself to believe that leaving the lab was for the best to figure out everything that was on my plate. 

I was in the mire of hesitation when the first set of scan results came in. Nearly eating my words when the ultrasounds and MRI outcomes flashed on the holographic screen, JARVIS monotonous words following the rest. I fixated my stare on the black-and-white, three-dimensional figure and holding back a prodding finger of curiosity. It was just a tiny, little blip. A dot that had the capability of wrecking my world a thousand times over.

'So, it's true,' I gathered the strength to utter out. 'It's really happening.'

'Already six weeks in. Healthy and developing.'

'Christ,' I smothered a hand over my mouth to contain a gasp, 'that quick?'

'I believe congratulations are in order,' the AI said with what felt like joy in his voice. Except I didn't feel too exultant about the piece of information. 'Shall I fix Mr Stark on the line for you?'

A militia of chills marched down my spine and the hairs on my neck standing up with apprehension. My heart was beating so loud that it felt like it was going to escape my chest and bolt before anything else befell my course. As if on instinct, a hand went over my navel and my eyes shutting intuitively. Anymore malleable and I swore I could have felt the small, tympanic beat of the new life inside me. 

'No,' I said under my breath, unfit to talk to anyone. 'Not him.'

'Happy Hogan is at the foyer.'

As the sequence bled through, I dropped my stance as soon as it came. A light blond blur advanced past the entrance and searching the living room, immediately laying his gaze on me with a catechistic gaze in the kitchen. He looked sideways to the screen in front of me and I worked quicker than a racer, fluttering my hands over the end task button and sucking in the holographic screen. I glanced back at the wide-eyed man with a shrug.

'Hi,' I breathed out, mustering a shaky nod. 'It's quite late. Is something—'

'What the hell was that?' His tone was banal and his footsteps closing in on me. Dark eyes beckoned me for an answer.

'Oh, nothing,' I replied indignantly. My heart raced as the seconds passed, Happy's piercing gaze still peeling me open. I tried to stray my eyes on the ground, his feet a mere foot away. 'Just a scan.'

'Should I be concerned? On behalf of me and Tony.'

That was easy: yes, they should. I mean, it was a matter of life and such a cautious time to have it be involved. Especially Tony, who would be over the moon after hearing this piece of news I was holding back. Sure, he'd play the silent game for a while for not revealing it earlier. He was like a father without a child. Surprisingly, I could sense the ingrained instinct in him; the paternal edge he had. It was infuriating to think about since he would be a better father than I would be a better mother. 

I gathered a half-smile at a concerned Happy, cocking my head to the side. 'Not at all. So, er. My jet to Queens?'

'All set,' he nodded after brushing off the vague answer I presented him with. I breathed out in relief when he continued. 'Cal is on her way here and after the onrush of tasks you oh-so-kindly put me through, a confirmation to The Pulse annual convention.'

'Thank you so much, Happy,' I said gratefully. 'It really means a lot.'

'And uh,' he rubbed the upside of his head in a quick nervous gesture. 'Tony wants you to call him,' he added swiftly after, 'urgently.' 

My heart raced with panic. I felt the evident worry flush over my features and my lips parting with a silent gasp. 

'What's wrong?'

'You know him,' he grumbled at his friend's antiques. 'Didn't say anything. Just asked you to call him because the house's phone line wasn't in use anymore.'

'For this very reason,' I enunciated with an annoyed roll of my eyes. I took the phone from his outstretched hand, subtly glaring at it. 'Can't he take a hint?'

'The man is never concerned about anyone but himself, otherwise,' Happy regarded with a secretive smile as I went through recent call history, a certain May's number catching my eyes. I looked up at him, neglecting his former comment and focusing on the latter. I waggled my eyebrows.

'Who is this May?'

I wished I had a camera to capture the Happy Hogan getting flustered. He adjusted the collar around his neck, releasing the tension from his shoulders before nonchalantly answering, 'A friend.'

'A friend you called at midnight yesterday?' I teased, scrolling through his call history. He took a threatening step forward and I shuffled back, tightening my grasp over my phone. 'Wait, do I know her? Wow, she looks smoking.'

I pulled the phone away before he lunged to snatch it from my hands. I was delivered a piercing glare as I stretched my arm further with a mischievous smile. 'Preece, I swear to god, tomorrow's headlines are gonna be about your murder—'

'Did you two shag?'

'No, we did not!'

'But is she up for it?' 

'Give it back!'

'One-off, quickie?'

'What, I—I don't —'

It only took a moment for the mischief to subside. The quiet had become polar drips onto our anticipant skins, the utter stillness of it all subjecting us to hush. I stopped in my tracks, gleaning carefully while looking out the window that had the view of the inky sea. Happy, obstinate and careful, stepped in front of me and ready to protect. His hand was at the circle of his belt, plucking open the holster and securing a hand over the pistol. 

We were being ambushed. 

The quick pitter-patter of feet was clear as day when the shadows beyond the freeway started to close in. I sucked in a breath, folding my hands over Happy's firm fist. He nodded at me to grant me courage.

'Elle,' he murmured. His hand pushed against my stomach to guide me and it was my immediate instinct to shield it from his touch. 'Get to the workshop.'

I tightened my grasp on his arm, shaking my head in denial. 'I'm not leaving you, Hap.'

'Just go and be safe,' he sounded, grabbing the phone from my hands. 'I'll call Rhodes.'

My back hit the glass barricade that overlooked the spiralling staircase of the workshop. My eyes were steeled over Happy's guarded back as he spoke tersely into the speaker, calling in for backup. All the world around me had frozen into tenseness and I found myself descending the stairs in a steadfast pace. I punched in the security code to enter, never looking behind me and heading straight for the vaguely large garage exit that would lead me out of the mansion. I was in fool's play by the time I heard another horde of footfalls approach the entrance.

I was eager to find cover, DUM-E's and U's claws whirring with the oncoming disturbances. Banging into nearby instruments, I noticed the straight array of Tony's armour fit into a semicircle behind his desk. Before I could have time to restart the system to I could be able to climb into one, three sharply dressed soldier in green, military-looking uniforms had entered the floor. I was quick to duck and find cover under his desk, forcing a hand over my mouth to shut down the audible trembles.

'Alpha one, I've got the basement on lockdown,' he spoke into his comm device in a nascent voice. 'No sign of individuals. Request for search, over.'

'Roger that, Foxtrot. Eyes sharp for the drive.'

There was no way I could escape. The three intruders were heavily armed, rifles headed with pointers scanning the basement for any sign of movement. Just when I thought I could stay hidden until they were gone, my phone buzzed without a ringtone.

Tony, my beholden phone call put out and I was swift to slide the call to answer, pressing it to my ear. Out of the sixty-seven calls I had ignored for the past three days, the one where it was a life-or-death situation, I had answered. When his disoriented yet calming voice bled out into my ears, silent tears leaked from my eyes.

I couldn't pay attention to his fast rambling and instructions, my gaze peeled on the slowly approaching shadow. The silhouette had neared the desk I was crouched under, a restless shake shooting past my spine. Tony begged on the other end, his voice holding a feverish caress. I almost answered. 

The sharp-sighted sniper had been alerted. A deafening round of bullets was shot on the other end of the desk and a scream left my lips. I hurried away on hand and foot to one of the armours aligned. My phone was still on the line, deserted near the shot down desk and I longed to collect it. Assure Tony about my presence.

'I've got one in the basement!' The man spoke roughly, signalling the other two to come to his aid. My eyes flit past them, still crouched and my heart racing with panic.

As if on cue, the armour behind me was activated with a silent shift of gears. Working into a brace position, the golden glow of his eyes focusing on the three snipers who happened to be currently aiming for the awakened armour. Mentally thanking the edgy Stark, I backed away from their bout of pistols and careening repulsors and rushing to safety. The steel entrapment that he had fit his armour into seemed like the perfect place to hunch behind from the squelching round of bullets. Or so I thought.

The ground under me had started to rattle. The steel platform gave off the stellar clicking of gears, shortening the size of the pulpit before ultimately the darkness under had reached out for me. My muscles knotted up, all my organs sinking at once as the floor continued to drop several levels and giving no ken for the eyes. 

Paranoia had locked down my throat, the swish of air around me stopped ominously and a metal clang signifying the end. A light flicked on from above, my hand instantly going up to shield myself from the gruelling blue light. I realized that it was a scan sequence and I was proven right when a feminine, mechatronic voice followed the parallel, moving lasers.

'Scan sequence complete. Welcome, Stinkerbell.'

I was in no mood to laugh at the nickname. I looked around the dimly-lit room for any sign of escape. Seeing nothing, I cleared my throat to speak up shakily.

'Who am I talking to?'

'I am HELEN, Hackneyed Extra Long Edgy Nickname, Mr Stark's newest artificial intelligence system,' the AI responded coolly. 'I take control of EDITH and Iron Man whenever necessary. I am designated to assist you henceforth.'


'See for yourself.'

A cylindrical case came into view, glistening like a beacon of hope. The case held an armour of some sort inside, sleek and femininely created aside from the Iron Man. I placed a finger over the glass, soaking in the red, gold and silver plating on the armour. Except for the alloyed, silver cloak-mantle over her head, she was a spitting image of the Iron Man. She didn't seem to be ingrained with weapon systems as if she were only an escape and rescue vessel of some sort. She was hooked up to an extensive set of wires, holographic panels circling around her and waiting for more alterations. 

My brows crinkled in confusion. I looked to the shoulder-plate where it spelt out: MAIDEN 1. 

HELEN was quick to come to my aid, speaking in the same collected tone. 'Mr Stark has left an audio recording for you. Would you like to hear it?'

I gulped, nodding stupidly. 'Yes, please.'

On my single command, Tony's familiar voice wound me and igniting warmth in me. How I wished he was here right now and the thought itself was bringing me down. A half-laugh left me when his quirky voice started to croon out.

'Honey, it's me. Don't get mad, this was originally a Christmas present but I figured I'd just propose instead,' he laughed to himself, 'so yep, HELEN is yours. Maiden is yours. Have a blast, get to tinkering or whatever. Not too much, we don't want to hurt Tony Jr,' he said in a sing-song voice, my breath catching in my throat at his words. As if he knew this was coming, he responded in a knowing voice.

'Yeah, surprise, surprise. I kind of knew for a while now. I harped on the scans for months after the modding project and turns out, you got a bun in the oven. Again, it's weird not being able to tell you sooner. I mean, I was pretty much a stickler about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm the happiest man alive. So, don't you dare pull a "fetus deletus" on me,' he said, taking in another deep breath. 'I'm sorry it has to happen this way but there's not gonna be much time after what I'm about to make a haul on. I realized that even if all the world is denouncing me right now and Stark International is falling to shit, it's because it has to be this way. It has to. I can't give up when I'm so close to a huge obligation. The Avengers are no more so I have to do what I can. What is, to me, a must.'

I shook my head to rid off any sobs that built up in me. I couldn't hold back the curse about why it had to be this way, looking to the dark ceiling for hope.

'It corporally pains me to know that you have to dance this mommy number solo. I morally detest that and so, I built Maiden and HELEN. FYI, after this recount, I'm going to head up, hunt you down and see if you are, as you Brits say it, on the pull. And I just want you to know that,' he took in a lungful of air as if forcing himself to speak further, 'you have all my hope, Elle. You're a part of my legacy, now. Whatever happens, remember... I love you. But, the junior loves me more.'

And, my world collapsed into a void.

[ this is exactly how I imagine the iron maiden to be but really, it's your mind and interpretation! and tony is just soooo *sighs* let's just see what happens, alright? ]


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