Late Appearance

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"It's your fault for being late." A small Doragon said, rolling his eyes from on my shoulder.

"Shut up! You're lucky I'm letting you out! Maybe I should shove you back into that cramped cell inside my body!" I said, running faster.

"Still your fault."

"I was training! Sasuke's probably gonna be late too!"

"Yes but he's gonna make a cool entrance, you're just going to fall over like a rag doll."

"Wait a minute...we're stupid." I said, stopping and face palming myself.

"We forgot about the summoning jutsu again didn't we?"


"Gonna use it now?"

"Gonna use it now." I said, doing my hand symbols and biting my thumb, placing my hand on the ground. "Dragon summoning Jutsu!"

"How may I be of service?" Vasity, a wind dragon, asked.

"Think you can give me a ride?" I asked her.

"Of course, hope on young one." She said.

"Thanks!" I shouted, jumping on top of her head and sitting down as I prepared for her insane flight speed.

1 hour later

"Thanks for the ride!" I shout, jumping down as Vasity disappeared.

"What's the landing plan?" Doragon asked.

"ELEVEN TAILS ART: DRAGON WINGS!" I shout in response, growing large black wings as I dive-bombed towards the ground. I spread my wings last minute and landed on one knee with my hand supporting me as my wings curled around me.

"Looks like we made it at the same time." Sasuke said, smirking at me.

"So it seems." I said, retracting my wings.


I watched silently from the contestants waiting area as sasuke duked it out with gaara.

"Watching this makes my blood boil." I mumbled, watching gaara closely.

"You since it too, right?" Doragon asked.

"Yeah the-" I went silent as I saw feathers falling and realized it was a genjutsu.

"I can't believe they're using this weak crap to try and put me to sleep." I said, my hands making the signs to dispel the jutsu so I wouldn't be effected.

"Wanna go fight some rogue ninja in the village?" Doragon asked.

"Yeah, I'll let team seven take care of gaara and his friends. We can't reach the hokage now anyways so we might as well be useful." I said, reappearing on the highest building in the village and biting my tongue as I made hand symbols.

"Summoning Style: Dragon Summoning Jutsu!" I shouted, placing my hand on the ground as Finval, a fire dragon, appeared.

"What is your wish?" He asked, bowing his head down to me.

"Kill the snakes, Tooth and Claw only." I ordered, walking onto his snout and sitting atop his head.

"As you command." He said, jumping into the fray as he grabbed a snake and tackled it into the forest, biting into it's throat and causing it to disappear in a puff of smoke.

"This is gonna be so much fun." I mumbled, smiling sinisterly as Doragon's chakra enveloped me and Jūryoku activated. "Weight. Add two hundred." I said, watching as the enemy all suddenly hit the ground, grunting as they tried to get up.

"Shi! Leave the battle to the chunin and jonin, come help us try to free the hokage." An Anbu said, getting a nod from me as I quickly put on my anbu mask and went after the other anbu ninja, coming to a halt as I saw the barrier.

"We haven't found any ways to free him yet, we've tried brute force, jutsu, etc." One of the anbu said, everyone looking worriedly at the barrier.

"This is gonna suck a lot." I said to myself, forming atleast a few hundred hand signs that took me a few minutes before putting my hands against the barrier. "Shi Ninja Art: Forced Entry!"

I watched as I was able to pass through the barrier, quickly running to the Hokage as I blocked a sword strike from Orochimaru.

"Ah, Tataki Shi. You're quite interesting you know, I've been meaning to give you something." Orochimaru said, smirking evilly at me.

"What do y-" I immediately stopped talking as I dodged his sword and watched as it lodge into one of the trees, feeling a pain in my neck i looked to see Orochimaru biting me. "AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH."

"Tataki!" The Hokage shouted.

"S-Stay back lord Hokage!" I said, holding my neck as Orochimaru seemed to retract his head back to his body with his long neck.

"Oh~? Worry about Lord Hokage at a time like this? You should worry more seeing as you have a chance of dying now that I've given you the curse mark." Orochimaru said, smirking sickeningly. "Why not come with me? I can give you all the power you need."

"..." I was quiet, I didn't know what to do as I wanted to protect the Lord, my village, my new family. But I also wanted vengeance, in the end I didn't give him an answer as I passed out.

Time Skip- After the Funeral

I groaned, sitting up as I hissed in pain and held my neck where Orochimaru had bit me.

"A-hole." I grumbled.

"Glad to see your still alive partner." Doragon said, raising his head up as he seemed to have been laying on my lab in his mini-form.

"Wish I wasn't." I said, getting up slowly as Doragon crawled onto my shoulder. I changed out of my hospital clothes and into my usual clothing, putting my mask on as well as I jumped out of the window and ran along the rooftops until I was in the Hokages office, seeing it differently arranged for some reason.

"What are you doing here?" An anbu member asked, appearing behind me.

"I came to report to the hokage." I replied.

"The hokage is dead, after Orochimaru bit you and planted the curse mark you went unconscious as you tried to fight it. Lord Hokage prioritized your life over his to protect you and tried to take Orochimaru with him but failed. The funeral is already over and it seems Sasuke went to Orochimaru in search of power. The team sent to fetch him by the new Hokage has already failed." The anbu reported.

"Thank you. Tell the new Hokage that one of their anbu is dispatching for an extended time and will report back when the time is needed." I ordered, walking towards the window.

"What are you going to do sir?"

"Training...and revenge." I growled, disappearing from sight and appearing far outside the village in an opening as I held myself to try and get rid of the pain surging through me.

"What's happening?!" Doragon asked.

"I think the curse mark is reacting." I mumbled, holding my side glaring as Sasuke appeared in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked, clenching my teeth painfully.

"You want power don't you?" Sasuke asked, the curse marking taking over his body as his skin became a grayish brown and he got hand like appendages from his lower black and his eyes changed color.

"Orochimaru I'm guessing?" I asked, leaning up against a tree.

"Precisely." Sasuke said, smirking as his Sharingan showed.

"Hmph, seems interesting." I said, smirking as I showed my Jūryoku.

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