Episode 1: Pilot

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A/N: "Pilot" is the title of many American TV series' first episode, because it's in charge of how the events are going to take place, serves as the guiding force for elements such as tone. Enjoy, my friends...


November 21st 2023 - 10:00

"And so, Dwight Eisenhower eventually led the troops to war..." Miss Tyler's voice droned on about the Cold War and America in history class.

"If this lesson doesn't end soon, I'M going to be history," Logan whispered to his pal Carlos, who sniggered at his wry comment.

"Very droll, Logan," Miss Tyler shook her head in frustration. "Anyways, as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted -"

"I say, your hearing's pretty good for a middle-aged woman, Miss," Logan remarked, earning an uproar of laughter from the class. Miss Tyler craned her neck to look at the boy, glowering her angry eyes at the child. "I-I mean... you don't look a d-day over 40!"

"I'm 32. Privileged boys..." Miss Tyler grumbled under her breath. "Congratulations, Mr Zane. You've hit the jackpot and won yourself a week's worth of detention."

"WHAT?" Logan spluttered out, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Keep rolling those eyes in that empty head space of yours, Logan. Perhaps you'll find a brain back there."

The class jeered at the victim boy and clapped at Miss Tyler's sly comeback.

"Alright, alright..." Logan stood up, and held his hands up in defeat. "I'll admit: good one, Miss. Your comebacks are getting better."

"Luckily, I've had a lot of practice. Now sit down!"

Miss Tyler shot a look at the juvenile boy, who ran his bony fingers through his mop of blonde hair and chortled.

Logan Zane was the son of the wealthy Robert and Rachel Zane; his father was co-owners with his partner Jacob McCallister of the multi-millionaire law firm 'Zane & McCallister'. His wealth and privilege gave Logan a false sense of overconfidence, making him think he could act however he pleased, with absolutely no consequences. Miss Tyler was great at drawing him back into reality, making him realise that one's financial background cannot save oneself from the harsh consequences of wrong choices.

"I will be speaking to my father about this. In case you didn't know, Miss, my father –"
"Owns 'Zane and McCallister'?" Miss Tyler finished. "That song's getting a little old, mister. I don't like repeating myself, so sit down, before your week of detention turns into two."

"You wouldn't," Logan pretended to gasp, earning 'oohs' from the class.

"Don't try me."

"I'll take that action."

"No, you won't. Last chance, Zane. Sit down."

"Fine." He hissed through kissed teeth.

Miss Tyler turned her back to the class to grab a pen, whispering to herself, "1-0 Emma Tyler. It's almost too easy."

"You're not the only one with good hearing, Miss!" Logan called out to her. "So THAT'S your name. Well, boys, I was right."

Miss Tyler's cheeks tinged with a crimson shade. "Get back to work, all of you! Or I'll double the amount of homework tonight!"

The chuckling class collapsed into groans and complaints, before the classroom was filled with the sound of turning paper.

When she had no comeback, she would mask her embarrassment with punishment. "Works every time."

November 21st 2023 - 11:00

Finally, the clock struck 11am. History was over.

Without warning, the classroom door flew open, revealing a smartly dressed headmistress, Mrs Barclay.

"Good morning, Miss Tyler. Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Mrs Barclay," the students answered in their slow, monotonous voice.

"I would like a few students to stay behind, if that's alright, Miss Tyler."
"Please, ma'am, go ahead."

"Please not me... please not me..." Logan hoped to himself.

"The following students are to wait behind: Zara Ali, Carlos Estero, Logan Zane, Rosa Rodriguez, Michelle Ross... and Zayn Ali. Thank you, class. The rest of you are dismissed. The names I called out, please follow me into the conservatory."

"Ugh... my life is officially over."

The conservatory was plastered with green plants and vibrant shrubbery, with daunting plants just waiting to extend their jaws to unwelcome guests – namely, the Venus Flytrap.

"Thank you all for joining me here. I appreciate you all taking your break time to come visit myself and my colleagues."

"It's not like we had a choice," Rosa grumbled under her breath to Zara, who was listening nearby.

"Try to lighten up, Rosa. It's just a few minutes."

"Yeah. A few minutes I'll never get back."

"Everything okay at the back, girls?" asked Mrs Barclay.

"Uh... y-yes, ma'am! Sorry, ma'am."

"Excellent. Allow me to introduce you all to Professor McCabe, a renowned scientist and employee at the school for gifted students, The Elite. I'm sure some of you may have heard about the named school."

"Heard about it?" Michelle squealed. "I mean, it's only the number one school in the country, with the highest ranking and top quality of education! I guess it's not like... a big deal, or anything."

Michelle was restless in her chair, drumming along the table with her fingernails, and twirling her hair nervously like a celebrity had entered the room. In this case, the celebrity was Professor McCabe.

"Dude, you are terrible at sarcasm," Rosa murmured.

"You're terrible at sarcasm... d-dude!" Michelle spluttered.


Michelle Ross, as we have established, was what some like to call a 'nerd'. Except, there was a twist - her nerdy personality came with a lot of sass: she wasn't afraid of using facts to prove someone wrong, while still maintain her sassy attitude. She was one of the top students of her class, an avid reader with her nose always in some higher-level book, and she was terrible at trying slang. Rosa, on the other hand, was the opposite. She was a bright student... with a not-so bright personality. Sarcasm was her slogan, and she was always dressed in a black tracksuit. It was a great colour on her, considering her personality was all sunshine, rainbows, and cherries on top. An excellent example of sarcasm.

"You all must be wondering why you have been dragged out of lesson to the conservatory," Professor McCabe took control of the room. "Allow me to explain. You six students have been accepted into The Elite, a school for exceptional children with a bright mind and excellent intelligence. Congratulations to all of you!"

The children, except from Logan, clapped and cheered at the invite.

"Wait-wait-wait... hold on..." Logan interjected.

Mrs Barclay shook her head in annoyance. What was this boy going to say NOW?

"Does this mean... we're moving schools? All of us? And this... school, you say... does it happen to have extra work? Just trying to weigh out the pros and cons, you see."

Mrs Barclay propped her arms on her hips and sighed at the blonde-haired teenager.

"Logan, where are your manners? Don't be rude; this isn't what we've taught you here at Bluestone Park Academy." She turned to face the teacher. "My apologies for this rude boy's behaviour, professor."

"Not at all, ma'am!" she replied in a calm voice. "I admire your bravery, young man. Most people are afraid of asking questions, and I'm sure some of the others have the same questions you've just asked."

"Why thank you, ma'am." Logan gave his 'good boy' wink. "I AM rather a brave person for asking bold questions. Please, continue."

"Continue... answering your questions, or complimenting about how 'brave' you are?"

"Your choice, ma'am." Logan tried to flatter the professor with another wink. "Both are fine with me. Especially the second option."

Michelle Ross noticed his constant winking.

"Ew, Logan, have you got blepharospasm, or something?"

"I-I'm sorry? Blefo-whata?"

"Blepharospasm? You know, the condition where your eye keeps blinking and twitching. Educate yourself, kid."

She folded her arms, looking pleased with herself.

"Alright, first off, Michelle, I was CLEARLY blinking - even YOU should know that. Second, I-"

Carlos elbowed Logan, urging him to stop the pointless conversation.

"OW!" Logan spat in Carlos' face.

"Dude, say it, don't spray it."

"That's my line..." Logan grumbled.

"BOYS! That's enough," Mrs Barclay interrupted, silencing the class - except from the blue-eyes teen, of course.

"B-but Michelle started it -"

"I said that's enough! Professor McCabe, I'm terribly sorry about this."

"Please don't apologise, Mrs Barclay. We are always looking for a fiery spirit at The Elite."

"Sexist..." the boy mumbled under his breath.

"Something to share with the class, Mr Zane?" said Mrs Barclay.


"No what?"

"No... ma'am."

November 21st 2023 - 11:20

Professor McCabe continued her briefing with the children, getting frequent interjections and complaints from the wealthy Logan Zane, no doubt. 

"Guys, this is great!" Michelle said to the girls as they were escorted out of the conservatory. "We've been recognised for our intelligence."

"I know!" Zara agreed. "It's like a dream come true, being taught advanced content by renowned professors."

Zara was the third girl of the group. She had an incredibly sweet personality, and was always trying to spread good and happiness. Despite Rosa's rebellious personality, her heart couldn't help melting at her advice sometimes. Zayn was her twin brother. They had similar personalities, yet when it came to sport and abutments, Zayn would suddenly grow very competitive. He was an all-rounder: he could put up with Logan's freestyle complaining, he excelled in all his subjects, and he was a noble sportsman.

"I don't know about you guys, but I for one am OUT," Logan said to the boys.

"Oh come on, Logan!" Zayn complained.

"Logan has a point, guys," Carlos followed on.

"What do you mean by 'Logan has a point'? He barely said anything except he's out!" Zara was blatantly stating facts.

"Oh, gee, Logan," Michelle replied. "It must be a NIGHTMARE being recognised for being smart. And now we're going to a prestigious school - how TERRIBLE."

"See, guys? Look!" Logan threw his arms in Michelle's direction. "This girl gets it."

"I-I... b-but that was sarcasm..." she whispered into Rosa's ear. "Roro, tell me that was sarcasm."

"Okay. A, NEVER call me Roro again, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life. And B, yeah, that was sarcasm. Logan just completely misunderstood your point."

"I can see that."

The children had exciting times ahead of them. So long, Bluestone Park Academy. It was time for the big guns: The Elite.

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