I'm Half Mewman

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//Opening Song//


-Sage's POV-

"Half." I said "Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine...well not really." Half said as I grabbed the giant shuriken off from the ground and threw it to the Omega Scout but he caught it "So this is Sage." he said "How disappointing...I thought you were going to do better...but It appears as if you didn't." "Cut the crap." I said "Either you go back to where you came from, our I have to fight you myself." I said as I got in a fighting stance "Very well then." the Omega Scout said as he dashed towards me and cut off a piece of my hair and grabbed it "All we needed was your hair.." he said "Good luck finding us, Sage." and they opened a portal and jumped inside "Not if I have to deal with that." I said as I jumped through the portal and it closed.

-inside the portal tunnel-

-Sage's POV-

"AHA!" I yelled as I found them "FOUND YOU!" I yelled as I zoomed towards them but they kicked before I did anything "I see how it is." I said as I zoomed to them again only this time I missed and went into another portal tunnel "WHOAAAAAA!" I yelled as I was headed straight towards a bright light "AHHHHH!"


"AHHH!" I yelled as I got out of the portal crashing into multiple trees ow ..that smarts, but where am I? I said in my mind as I looked around and saw a person heading up towards me and I was about to blast him but he said "You look just like him." "Who?" I asked feeling uneasy because he was getting up pretty close "Your father of course, except you don't have those patterns on your cheeks." he said "Wait, you know my dad?!" I yelled waiting for an answer "Well...I'm his brother." he said as I yelled in excitement "Wait..do you have a family tree book?" I asked and he gave it to me and I flipped to a page where it said "The Butterfly Family" so I looked for my dad and I found him, but no picture, his name was Ray Butterfly, weird name but I can't exactly blame, I looked for me and I was there with my face on it "Cool." I smiled as I looked for my aunt and she was the Queen of Mewni, "Aunt Moon..hm..so she's my aunt..AM I SOME SORT OF ROYALTY?!" I yelled jumping up and down "Jeez kid, chill out and yes, but you have a cousin, Moon's daughter." he answered as I saw my cousin "Star Butterfly...hm cool name for a girl." I said as I gave the book to him "Say where are you headed?" my uncle said as I thought of finding my dad and I thought if Aunt Moon knew so I guessed the castle would be a good option "Aunt Moon's castle." I said and he gave me directions and he waved goodbye as we both went seperate ways.

-Meanwhile on Earth-

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE?!" Harry yelled looking at Half "He went after the Omega Scouts to get his hair back so he wouldn't be traced, obviously, and now he's...gone." Half explained and Harry looked worried "We have to find Sage." Harry said "Why exactly." John said rubbing his eyes "Because since the Omega Scouts found him, this means that Omega is after him, he knows he will lose to Sage and the only way to make sure he doesn't lose is to kill Sage, himself." Harry explained as he fixed his hair "If we don't find Sage sooner or later, not only we he die, but we will, Omega is already angry and he won't stop rampaging till every person in his way is dead, and we're all on the list." Harry explained again "But in order to find him we need to know where he went." Psyhic said as he opened a portal "We will search every universe to find him, we won't stop till we do." and everybody went inside closing the portal.

-At Mewni-

-Sage's POV-

I sneak in the hallway and knock on Star's door and I heard her coming this way "Who is i-?" Star said as I appeared in front of her "We need to talk, cousin." I said in a serious tone. "Cousin? wait wait wait, WHAT?!" she yelled as I covered her mouth "Hey I sneaked up here so shut up, before I get caught." I said quietly as I got my hand off her mouth. "I may not look like it, but I'm Half Mewman..and I need you to tell me where my dad is, Ray Butterfly." 

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