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                 🌸~ CATEGORIES~🌸

🌸WORK SUPPORTERS:- [Book Wizards]

People looking for support can apply to this category. Admins will read up to 10 chapters of your book, support, and leave a nice short review. If you haven't reached 10 chapters just yet, the admins will add your book in their reading list and stay updated! It is up for them to decide if they want to continue after that.

The minimum amount of chapters that your book must include is 5. Poetry and Short Stories can have 3 chapters.

People that want to apply in Book Wizards are advised to give a fair amount of support to their admins as well. It can come out in either form depending upon the needs of the Admin;



-Short Review.

Lastly, the Admins are given a time span of 10 days to complete reading the desired contents of your book. You're advised not to enforce them as they will be working very hard. However, if after 7 days you do not seem to get the notifications of support you can contact us. I'll inform the Admins and issues will be resolved.

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🌸 Theme Week:-

In this, a new theme will be introduced every other week. With this, a challenge/writing prompt of a specific genre will be provided to the members. They will be given a time limit and a word count (100-300) to complete it.

o The winner will have Support and a Review.

o The runner-up will receive support on their works.

You will complete it in a given time and a word limit on the comment section. Your paragraph can have someone else continuing the story therefore it is necessary to leave a cliffhanger.

This is a nice way for young writers to try a wide range of new genres. I highly recommend giving it a go! :3

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🌸 Monthly Contest:-

Every other Contest will be held with exciting new prizes and themes! Soon enough, a consecutive book with Batches will be opened.

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🌸Official Promoters:

They will be given support from the host/admins through-out the club. Their job is to promote this club and to increase its publicity.

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They will manage the account and provide the host with complaints and such. They are advised to conclude a weekly report regarding activities in the club. They will be given support by the host/co-host/admins through-out the club.

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Every Writer/Avid Reader/Artist/Graphic Designer holds a story behind their process of development. Your work will be to bring these stories to life! After you are finished, compose a Doc and send it over to .


These amazing Admins will be responsible to put together various original ideas for either new events or projects! If you feel as though you are a rather creative person with bursting ideas, feel free to join!


Are you a fan of editing for either; Books, Art, or Graphics? Do you want to pair up with someone and help them with their work? Go and fill up the Admin's Form! You can ask the requester any form of payment you desire as long as it falls within our guidelines!

🌸Official Artists:-

Artists will be in charge of posting character designs as a prize or making different content necessary for our Club! Soon enough, a Book will be dedicated to your works and you will be assigned to choose an "Art Of The Month" from the submissions!

🌸Permanent Judges For Monthly Contests:

That's a given! If you're an avid reader/reviewer and want more extensive books to read, sign right up! You will be assigned to our Club for at least 6 months. After this, it will be your decision whether or not to continue!


Are you interested in writing out the ideas provided by the brainstormers? Or would you like to give a challenge regarding Fan-Fiction and such? In that case, you can apply! We will be checking your basic skills and Writers are free to apply for events as well.

🌸Official Graphic Designers:

We're looking for talented graphic designers to make content for our club! Along with it, manage the upcoming Graphic Shop. If you want to join this journey, we'd love to have you!


Do you want to help people that suffer from similar issues like you? Have you always been a great advisor and an empathetic person? We'd love for you to help those having trouble with their mental health! 

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