Welcome To The Guild!

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Whats up guys? I started to write this and then i rewrote it because it was really bad. I would also like to apologize, I can not update to save my life, please forgive me. But lets not worry about that now! On to the story!!!


(Esmeralda's POV)

"We have kinda been walking for a while, haven't we?" we were a while away from the orphanage, but not much has been happening since. "What do ya mean?" Miranda replied quickly. "Go forth, my steed!" "So I'm your horse now...?" As we walked, I heard voices next to me. At first it just seemed like some random discussion, but in truth, it was a full-fledged argument. "You touched my scarf!" "Yeah, so?" "You could have ripped it! My one gift from Igneel!" "But I didn't!" "Yeah, so?" Igneel..... "I said go on, my steed!" Oh, right.  "Yeah, hold on. I'm interested in their discussion." Miranda pouted, but let me proceed. One kid, the one with the scarf, had salmon-pink hair. The other kid had black hair, and was apparently shirtless. "Hey, kid." I asked the salmon haired boy. "I didn't hear you mention the name Igneel, did I?" "Oh, Igneel? Yeah, he's my dad. My name is Natsu!" the shirtless boy scoffed. "Whatever, weirdo. Im Gray. We are both Fairy Tail wizards." Miranda's ears poked up at this. "Fairy Tail? Whats it like?" I looked down in confusion. "You know what that is?" "Fairy Tail is a wizard guild. If you have magic, you can use it to help people and make money, and it also helps you grow!" Miranda smiled, and waved her tail slightly. "And I have heard that Fairy Tail is the best ever!" "Oh really?" I was curious, but I wanted to get something straight. "So Fairy Tail. Is it really the best? How are you all treated?" Natsu and Gray gave me confused looks. "Um, treated...?" "We are taken care of fine." "Oh." I said in understanding. "Well, in that case, since we don't know where we are going anyways, let's go to Fairy Tail!" "All right! We could use someone else who knows about dragons!" Natsu said. "Well, I don't really know a lot about dragons, but you see..." 

I soon told the two young wizards all about my journey. The escape, the memory, all of it. "Oh." Gray said. "Is that why you asked us how the guild treats everyone?" "Yup!" "Well, don't worry!" Natsu said. "We will make sure nothing happens." Gray looked at Natsu. "You mean I won't let anything happen?" "Shut up! I'm better than you and you know it!" "BOTH OF YOU, SHUT YOUR TRAPS!" I screamed out. "Yes ma'am." They replied in unison. I laughed, knowing how fun this guild was going to be. Once I entered, it was a bit roomier than usual, and there were lots of kids my age. Miranda's eyes were fixed on someone in the distance, as if waiting for them to notice her. "The guild master's over there!" Gray pointed to a short man with a slightly pointy hat. "Okay." I walked up to the Guild Master, slowly getting more and more nervous. Just act cool. "Hello. My name's Esmeralda Yin, I'd like to join the guild. "Let this girl join, Makarov!" Natsu asked. "She can help me with my reason for being here!" Miranda finally figured out the being she was looking at, and leaped out of my arms. "Of course!" Master Makarov responded. "Mira, come over! We have a new member." "Yeah yeah..." A girl with a punkish outfit and a white ponytail walked over. "Where do you want your guild mark and in what color?" Hmm... I am the Emerald Dragon Slayer, and the one part of my body that doesn't have some type of bruise or scar on it is my right leg, so... "I'd like it emerald green, on my right leg, please!" The girl nodded, and put the mark on that exact location. I was in a home. A TRUE home. Miki, Emelia, just look at me now!

-Sky's POV-

I joined the guild a few minutes ago. The place is odd, but at least I don't have to steal to get food anymore. I got a sky blue guild mark and asked for it on the palm of my left hand. It's kinda cool. "So Sky," Kaori asked. "You never did tell us what magic you have, so whatcha got?" A look of nervousness came over my face. I didn't exactly know what it was called, I only knew it existed. "To be honest, I don't know. But I could demonstrate it if you want." "All right then!" Jenny said. "Hibiki, archive, now." "What? But wh-" "DO IT." "Fine." With that, a magic blossomed up that I never even knew existed. "Hibiki uses a little something called Archive Magic, so that once we see it, we can determine what it is!" I couldn't help but smile a bit. They actually wanted to help me. I noticed a target for training on the wall, and made a hand motion for people to back away. Summoning a knife in my hand, I threw it at the target, hitting right in the center. A bunch of people cheered as the knife vanished, but Hibiki was met with one big ERROR symbol. "That's not good." Eve said, while Ren just frowned. Kaori seemed deep in thought. "Nothing?" I asked, but Kaori wouldn't respond. "Fairy magic." she said, finally. "Huh?" Jenny asked. "You just have to have Fairy Magic! If it were ordinary summoning, it would have appeared on Hibiki's archive, and I just can't imagine you with any other magic type!" My look of confusion quickly melted back into a smile again. So this is a guild... a second family... another home. "Yeah. I guess you're right!" I quickly agreed. Master Bob decided to hold a party for me. One man, Ichiya, was being a weirdo, Jenny was preventing the triplets from causing too much trouble, and Kaori was just having a ball. As for me, it was simply too much to keep in. It was amazing. It was beautiful.

However, it was only a matter of time that that beauty would be ripped away.


Finally done! Thank you all for being patient with me. I was going to update this eventually, it was just that a specific person wanted to base their fanfiction off of mine! *cough* SCREW YOU Jared_pjm!!!!! *cough* Anyways, be sure to check out his story! Until the next chapter, see you all later!

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