chapter 1

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an boy is been walking trough the halls of a castle

???:{is been years since i was reborn}

that boy is jason as now he is young child as years have pass since he was reborn

now what he find out he is the second son of an royal family who were part of kingdom call midgar as for he knows he have an father and older sister name iris he admint when he see her he give tsubaki vibes along with the red hair

olso he is the first prince of the royal family while iris is the first princess

olso jason find out magic exit but the type of is odd world who use ars magus like the way odd magic he could theorize something maji buu magic could be but then again the maji use it to turn things into sweets and food

during the time jason and iris were training to become knights as both show amazing talent trough iris show more talent an the sword while jason show an hand to hand combat now sure he have aramasa but he use his fist maily an combat as aramasa as extra but still both show talent witch suprise the intrutors but both notice diferent things about both

iris show natural talent on the sword

while jason olso show natural talent on the sword but show more when closes to hand to hand combat witch is something weird as knights depends of sword training

olso notice jason always train an do hardwork and sure get better the next time to the point to beat iris dispide his natural talent

iris have the natural talent to use the sword but jason have both talent and the hardwork to get better with his swordmanship

iris and jason train together and have spars at first iris have the edge but then both even and then jason have the edge as years past as iris was suprise she trough her natural talent was enough but see jason who supass her as she ask how


iris:how you soo strong brother

jason:easy i always train no stop dispide i good with my sword i go keep train to go futher beyond


jason:easy i know there is someone out there stronger than me there is always someone stronger than you as you see with me and the second well i was to train to become stronger and break my limits to go futher and futher..and you can do it too sis you just need to train harder

iris was suprise by his worlds

flasback end

after that iris train harder jason's world motivate to become strong like jason and supass her limits as the instrutors and her father was suprise even jason was proud and happy as he can see iris an rival

during the years pass alexia was born and became the second princess altrough she didn't posess the natura talent like her siblings as people see her as the inferior,jason didn't like that an fact he begin to train alexia with iris as she show progress but the natural talents still leave alexia behild as jason can see she feel inferior compare to the rest as he try to motivate her


jason:hey sis

alexia:big brother what is it

jason:well i was wonder if you okay

alexia:i fine..

jason:you sure

alexia:yeah is just

jason:you feel down because people tell you,you not the same level as iris nee-sa and i

alexia was suprise

alexia:how you

jason:i good to see things{olso i could sense her sadness}

alexia:...yeah is that is just i try too hard but not matter what is not close to you natural talents swordstyle is gonnad be inferior

she said an sadness as jason look at her and think

jason:you know just because we both have talents doesn't mean you weaker

alexia look at him

alexia:how you know

jason:well let me tell you the tale of person who was considere an low class warrior who then become the strongerst fighter

he said an pretty much tell the tale of son goku with some alteractions to match the new world and for what he know from his mother's tales


jason:and an the end the low class warrior became the strongest fighter of all..and he archieve that by work hard,train hard and never give up

he said and look at alexia who was suprise by the tale


jason:soo if an low class warrior can become the strongest warrior than you can do it if you train and never gave up

alexia was quiet but smile

alexia:you right just because i don't have an natural talent with the sword i show then i can be strong with hardwork

jason:well then how about we train


flasback end

since then alexia train more to become an better swordwoman and actually help as she was close to then sure they not on they level but close enough to suprise the instrutors as alexia was happy as she was slowing show she is capable to keep up with the natural talent with pure hardwork as jason and iris smile at alexia

now with jason he have train for himseft besides swordmanship he was learn hand to hand and martial arts thanks to his memories he can remeber the fighting styles from previous opponets he face

aside from that he begin to learn ki once again since all his powers and abilities from his previous abilities were gone he have to start from zero it take time but he manage to learn the basic level

olso he realise he have the cells of other fighters when he was an bio android

first was the saiyan and maji he find out well


an the dinner table iris,alexia and klaus have looks of pure shock and total disbelief..why well jason was eaiting very fast but the most shocking is the piles of plates aroud him as he was eating no stop as he look like he wasn't tired or full as chefs came in and came out of the kichen to give jason more food as he was order more

he finish the last plate as he sight of relief

jason:awwww that was delious

klaus:you just ate 77 full course meals!

iris:what?! i already lost track

alexia:how you not vomit or get fat

jason:well i just hungry

he look one of the maids

jason:can i have another plate please


the maid along with alexia,iris and klaus fell to the ground

maid:w w  we run out of food suplies

klaus:what?1 all of it?

maid:even reseverds

klaus was an shock along with alexia and iris as jason sweadrop

jason:.oh..ops{i forgot saiyan's eat an lot of food and since i have maji buu cells who olso an big eaters i can eat the double of thoses two races eat ..}

flasback end

olso he have picolo cells who help him regenerate{mix with buu's regeneration} olso have good inteligence,and frieza's cell who give him great pontecial soo his strengh grew an very fast rate

{author note: remeber frieza with four months of training he got golden form and match goku an super saiyan blue}

olso during training he mange to get odd teniques the most important ones are instant trasmition and the food beam

the instant trasmition is to go area far away or need to go an place fast olso is an good escape method,

as for the food beam after what happen he eat he decide to learn the beam soo he can avoid that trouble an the future

aside from training and learning his odd abilities he was work an otherstuff one of then was an book call groundbreaking science as it was an book about the use of ki and magic as he was take notes of all experiment about mutiple uses of ki and magic and even combine both

another is he create divices to inrease the quality of life to the staff and the castle as they were glad for that and even metion he is genius as jason smile an act he was prepare to recreate the famous capsule from capsule cops now an theory that belong to capsule cors but since is an new world and way behild the time he didn't see an issue,soo he begin to work an the project mosty an his room to avoid curious eyes

current time

jason was with alexia and iris an the traning groujnd as on the side were the instrutors and klaus as alexia stab an rock with blade as it shatter an pieces,next iris who have the same but more slighty more slashes and jason

he put the sword down walk to the walk and put his first one ich away and


give an one inch punch the impact cause an big crack on the rock but the force of the punch keep goin and hit the wall and everyone see an crack and an the middle of it an shape of an fist as the instrutors were an shock klaus not much but suprise the quick progress his son do iris was suprise how strong his brother become and eager to become just as strong as he is while alexia rolled her eyes

alexia:all right bro you don't need to showof

jason:what you know this suit's me more

he said to her as alexia know he use fist than sword

intrutor:jason you suppose to use the sword


intrustor:is part of training of knight to use the sword

jason:okay and what happen if you lose the sword..what option you have left

the instrutors was quiet

alexia:he is right you end up use you fist if you lose you sword

iris:something an knight doesn't have too much training

the instrutor was quiet as klaus smile as his children become strong an wise all thanks to jason

jason:soo how about an spar

iris:i in sis

alexia sight

alexia:you two always fight and spar i wonder if i am acutally you sister considere how you two act

she said remeber how the due always eager to train and spar an lot to the point they got bad injuries sure she want to get strong but not to the level of they bones crack

alexia:fine i join

jason:good 2 vs 1 you two agaist me


alexia:feeling confident are you?

jason:well no one is to you two learn fight together since we gonnad be knights an the future is best to work second i want an hard chalange soo fight you two an the same time works for me

alexia:well make sensee

iris:right i we gonnad be knights we have to learn to work together

the girls got ready as jason pick his sword


iris and alexia were panting as alexia was on her knees tired as iris was still stading as jason was perfecty fine without signs to be tired

jason:still want to go

iris charge and swing her blade as jason block and dodge her strikes as iris keep goin as he was about to block another strike but iris use all her magic and power on her blade to hit the blade and knock it out of jason's hand as it land behild her

jason:not bad you sure got better

iris:are you yield


iris charge again for an stab but jason make an counter


take the chance she was distrated jason peform an palm trike send iris fly and hit alexia as both girls hit the ground as jason walk toward the duo



jason smile and help the sisters get up as he heal then with his magic as the instrtors clap along with klaus

iris:you sure strong

jason:training hard is the key

alexia:yeah i can see it the result i even got better i almost close to match my sister

iris:i glad for that alexia

jason:well anwyays i hungry who want to eat

the girls look at him

jason:don't worry i control myseft this time{besides i have my snacks}

alexia:hope soo since last time you almost left out for breakfeast and dinnder

jason:again my bad

timeskip nightime

an person was walk an the forest outisde the castle as it have an hood and coat as it reveal to be jason

jason:i wonder what i find

he said as he keep walk he find the forest during his night fly on the city he find an good place to train with his ki abilities he mosty face wild animals but lately he find people an the forest and not the good kind

jason keep walk trough the dark forest as he notice an light foward as he keep walk and hide behild an tree and see an camp with people

jason:again looks like badints

he said look the group and notice on the side an carriage full of gold and other high value but he olso notice the bed bodies

jason:{bastards they wll paid for this}

he said point his finger toward one the badints and fire an death beam hit the badint right an the skull as the others panic and before they can reach more fell death from the death beams only an few remmains and notice jason

badint:there kill the bastard

the group charge at him as he fire once last death beam to take out another badint as he summor an ki blade as he walk toward the group and begin to cut then dow with easy as he dodge the slahes and counter with his cut then with easy he was hack and slash the badints as the later were an horror how someone soo young can kill an lot of badints as jason look the last one the leader who was care


the leader run offf but he didn't take 2 steps before two death beams hit his kees make him knee as he turn aroud to see jason an front of him glare at him

jason:now you gonnad tell why you here and if you do..well

he point his ki blade

jason:i make you suffer an lot


jason:very well

the forest were cover of screams of pain


the men die of bleedy as jason was read an note the badint have as he read it

the note say the badints were send by the cult to collect stuf but olso to keep eye on iris and alexia as they metion the signs of possesion and to act when it happen

jason eyes widen he knows about the possesion as he hear from his father

jason:my sister..could no i have to fix this..i can do this...but why go after then ..actually why then only?

he trough as he have more questions than answer and look the moon

jason:i have time before return the letter say there is more i better check it out

he said and begin his night hunt

timeskip next day

jason just finish the book about the heroes and diablos as he show signs he didn't sleep as he yawn

jason:soo that is why after

for what he find out the cult is after the descedants of the heroes as hey are curse by diablos long ago to the original heroes who pass on to they descedants as they capture the descedant to do experiments he doesn't know what it is..but he knows his sisters are dangers as they are descedants olso find out the chuch was into this by spread lieds about the posseion but he olso have more question but he know one thing

he have to save his sisters from the possesion before is too late

years pass by as jason train while olso do his investigation an how to save his sisters olso clean up the forest of badint send by the cult olso find out he have spies inside the castle jason was aware as some of the staf have an malicious ki as he stay clear and obserb then when they send letter soo jason read then and destroy it and send an false info to keep the badints away and busy or send then to an deah trap

right now iris is about to go to the academy as she jason and alexia was help her pack

jason:soo is time huh

iris:yeah i gonnad miss you

alexia:you know you can come duing summer vacation


alexia sight

alexia:really sis what you have an combat talent you lack an common sense

iris:hey i not clueless right jason

he didn't say anything and turn away


alexia:that confirm it olso brother


alexia:i see you been distant why is that

jason:oh just want to go aroud outside the castle and well hard to since you know the walls have ears


alexia:it means the people an the castle mild tell father about his escapes


alexia:olso you hide something do you?

jason:i don't

alexia:don't lie i can tell by look at you,you hide something

she said as she have her trick to know where someone hide something or pretent to be smoenoe else under an mask

jason:well i don't have any

alexia narrow her eyes as she was about to talk when one of the maids enter

maid:excuse me but jason you father require you


the maid nod

jason:all right i go

alexia sight as jason escape from her interrogation as jason leave the room and follow the miad

iris:you sure he hide something?

alexia:i know that and i will find out what it is


jason enter the trone room and see his father

jason:you want to talk to me

klaus.yes now you remeber the orianna kingdom

jason:yeah i remeber the visit what is it?

klaus:well the king and i make an alliance for the benefict of both kingdoms

jason raise an eyebrown

jason:what could be to make an alliance?

klaus:you don't need to know

jason:{okay something is fishing}okay and you tell me this because?

klaus:well as part of the deal you be an arrange marriage

jason:..tell me you joking

klaus:i serious

jason:okay why of all thing an arrange marriage?

klaus:it was the best for both kingdom the king and i agreed

jason:{i feel there is more}okay who is the girl

klaus:rose orianna

jason:and she agreed?

klaus:yes she does

jason:...fine i accept it

klaus:good she arrive an few days before iris leave soo prepare youseft


he said and leave the trone room once far away he sight

jason:give me an break marriage i don't have time{trough better figure out what dad is hiding}

he said and walk away


jason was an garden along with iris and alexia

iris:soo today you fiance arrive right



jason:not really besides with you here you can tell if she have an hide intetion


iris:you sure have an good ability alexia


jason:yeah and

???excuse but rose oriana arrive

the group look an the maid and then look again to see an women with blonde hair and hazel eyes

jason:hey i jason midgar,and my sisters alexia and iris midgar


alexia give an nod

rose:i rose orianna nice to meet you

jason:like wise

both shake hands as rose take an seat

jason.soo you are my fiance


jason:how you feel about this?

rose:i okay i hear an lot from you and you nice person soo i don't mild

jason give an glaze at alexia as she nod tell she tell the true and she is honest and look back at rose

jason:well to be honest i nervous since is my first time

rose:i olso nervous as well guess we have to get use too when we married

jason:y yeah

there was an silence

jason:anyways how about an tea party i have some sweets

rose:oh i like to try

iris:me too

alexia:i in

an maid bring the tea as jason pull out the sweets as the girls were suprise as they never see sweets like that

alexia:brother where you get thoses sweets i never see it before

jason:oh i made then{with my magic}

iris:you did it?

jason:yeah i help an the kychen and get new recipes to the chefs

it was true as he did that as apology for well leave then dry and make then overwork just to sastified

jason:and well i find out i like make pastries and sweets soo  became to create my own


jason:well let's eat

everyone ake an bite of the sweets as the girls eyes widen


alexia:it taste soo sweet and this one what is it

jason:chocolate cake

iris:hmm it taste amazing

rose:agreed soo many flavors i never trough i taste

jason:jejej if you like i can make more

girls:yes please

jason chulke as the group have fun talking and know each other more


after show rose her room the trio were walking


alexia:she doesn't hide anythin she is an nice person

jason:good to know

iris:well it end well

alexia:yeah too well

jason:what you mean

alexia:oh come on is obvious you make rose fell an love at you


iris:is it but is his fiance

alexia:i mean like true love

iris:really but when our brother did it?

alexia:think about it he can fight,he is prince he an nice person and he can cook and make amazing meals is prety much the perfect husband

jason:is not an exageration?

alexia:i see her expressin she sure like you not bad first day and you seduce you fiance

jason blush and look away

jason:shut up


years pass since iris leave to the academy leave with jason,alexia and rose and actually both girls get along sure they not close but get along while jason and rose got close but still odd for the duo as alexia enjoy tease then

meawhile jason keep raid badint post and get info olso he find posess ones after testing he manage to cure then and with some convice became maids of the castle as jason was ready to cure his sisters and it happen

it was the time iris return during summer vacation it happen as jason can feel her magic got out her control as black marks appear on her body but he find out klaus know as he put iris on her room and tell no one to enter

flasback back

jason enter iris room along with alexia and see her an bed as the later notice then

iris:you two...why you

alexia:we want to check to see what is goin on

both see the black marks on iris as both eyes widen well jason act suprise

alexia:no..tell is not

iris:..i sorry it is i show possesion

alexia begin to tear up

alexia:no no you why

iris:i know is sad


alexia:there is have to be an way

iris:unfortanly there is no cure

alexia:it have to be!

she said with tears

jason:..there is an way

the sister lok at you


jason:i have an method to cure

alexia:then do it

jason:all right

he put his hands on iris body as he focus his magic as iris was cover an yellow aura as she feel as she was getting better as alexia watch suprise see the dark marks begin to dissapear until is gone as jason sight


iris look herseft and she feel better now as she was suprise along with alexia as both sisters hug him

girls:thank you!

jason:not problem

he hug then back as they stop

alexia:i can't believe how you manage to cure possesion

iris:yeah i trough it was uncure

jason:well i make research and find the method to cure posseion

but they hear the door open and turn aroud to see klaus as they notice the group but olso notice was..fine...cure as he was an shock as he close the door


the siblings each other as the sisters look at jason

jason:i cure her


alexia:is true father

iris:yeah even the marks are gone

klau:..son explain

jason:okay to put simply why my sister suffer she have too much magic on her body and it cound't handle soo begin to rot because of it own magic was doing this

she said look her hand

jason:you have too much magic you body can't handle it

klau:and what you did

jason:easy i use magic to enhaced her body now she can control all the magic without the risk of her body damage

the group was suprise

iris:soo i was stronger now


again the group was suprise

alexia:soo you can d to me as well


klaus:listen don't tell what happen here to eeryne

the trio look they father confuse

iris:why this could help posietion

klau:i say no

alexia:there is something you hide is it

klau sight


jason:soo what is it

klau:just don't tell everyone

the trio look each other and nod


is been long since the incident as the kids were suspicious as they tri to figure out but they have no results years pass by iris graduate from the academy as she plan to join the bushin festival jason and iris decide to tag along

one was to jason face strong people,while alexia want to prove she is just as strong as iris,while another is get money as jason and alexia plan to but they money on they one using an disguises and and convice klaus and iris to let it do it..and it work the trio end up an top 3 as alexia was beat by iris but the match was even while jason beat iris became the winner of the festival and the trio win an lot of money as well

during that time jason keep deal with the badints and collect info of the cult as well save posss one and inteage as maids an the masion but jason knew he need another place soo he begin to look along the former posess ones olso he work an his project but one night after he stay late on his room he fell sleep as someone enter his room from the window

next day

rose arrive to his room and knock awake is time for breakfeast

she knock again


she knock again and open the door and her eyes widen and gasp and the room was an disaster and the window was open..only one thing she do


scream an horror

unknow time unknow place

jason manage to wake up and see he was chain to the wall

jason:what the

???:soo you awake?

he look up to see an familia face


he meet him an the bushin festiva he was one of his opponet he mop the floor agaist grease

grease:soo you remeber me huh?

jason:je how could i forget the guy who i use to mop the floor an the arena

grease was angry and punch jason lucky the punch didn't affect much

jason:soo what is this revenge because i beat you?

grease:no is the fact of you ability to cure the possesion

jason:soo it was true


jason:you have spies an the castle

grease eyes widen

grease:how you

jason:it was obvious becasue neither me or the others knows about that and the fact you know it means the spy hear it and send the lettter to you

grease was quie

grease:well you sure an smart as they say..but it won't matter since you trap now you tell us how you did it

jason:pfft as i gonnad tell you to you and more since you work for the cult of diablos

grease eyes widen

grease:how you know that

jason:you not the only one who get info yeah i know about you group and plans..and let me tell you this one i get out you group will be done for

grease:as if we far more stronger than you realise

jason:ja like is gonnad stop me

grease:you better cooperate or you sisters will suffer

jason:i not gonnad allow it


jason was punch again but didn't flich

jason:is that all?

grease:ohh this is just the begining kid because...

but both feel the ground shake and sound from the distance

grease:what the?

one soldier arrive

soldier:grease we been under attack


soldier:not idea they all wear black clothes

grease:gather the soldiers and deal with then

the soldier leave and grease look at jason

grease:i deal with you later

he said turn aroud but


greas eyes widen and look down to see an ki blade out his chest and look behild to see jason out the chains as it broke then

jason:you should let you guard down

he pull the ki blade out his body and and grease fell death as an necklace fell down as jason pick up and open it to reveal grease with an girl

jason:...pity you try to save her but you end up working the resposibles of her ilness

he said save the necklace as cut the bars of the cell and walk away as he was walk he notice another cell with an girl inside and uncosious

jason:better help her

he cut the bars and chains witch she was bind as jason caugh her and heal her wounds

jason:she be out cold for an while

jason carried her back and leave the cell area as he run off he feel mutiple ki energies 7 are strong but the other one was colosal

jason:{holy is strong but not that much if i use full power}

he said while keep run trough the area use the ki sense to avoid the groups as he manage to get glance of the 7 it looks like female with blackbody suits he almost get caugh by the beastskin ones deu to they senses as he use isntact trasmition to go another area as he travel he feel the massive ki an the next corner as he peek and see an boy aroud his age as he have an black outfit with an hood and an sword

???:well looks like no one else is coming here i was expect the leader escape but then again i was hope too much besides the fact i got lost on the way

jason:{this guy is an idiot}

???:but then again the cult of diablos is very conviniet to find the base

jason:{wait he knows the cult maybe i can have as an allied

???:je never trough the girls will do this soo it can keep it up with my lied


that was the sound of all hope jason have toward the guy as jason well was livid he was try his best to not reveal his location

jason:{you can't be..serious}

he trough he coudn't hate the guy even more but boy he was wrong he hear it about his fantasy about the eminece o shadow and make up an fake enemy who turn out to be real but the idiot doesn't know

now he was mad really the only guy who knows about the cult is an idiot who doesn't even realise it exist and it is all made up now he really want to stragger the guy for how dense it is

jason:{this is an joke now way an guy like that exist}

he trough as he see the guy walk away an another direction once he feel his ki far enough he get out the corner and take the exit passage out of base as he exit he realise he was out an cave into forest as he enter as he focus and sense ki an the other side

jason:good i far enough

he said pick the girl and fly off fast as he fly he think back then

jason:{this gonnad be an joke the only group who can stop the cult..and the leader is an dense idiot who have his reality alter thinking this is all fake my god even goku is smarter than that guy}



???:why you sneeze kakarotto

???:i don't know vegeta but i feel someone is talking about me

back to jason

jason keep fly as he wonder what to do as he think and realise what to do

jason:{guess i have to do myseft if the guy who have the percetion of reality can't do the job of savior than i do it myseft}

 he trough as he feel movement and look the girl wake up and open her eyes

jason:hey you awake

the girl look at him and look aroud


she look down and begin to panic as jason begin to move

jason:woah woah calm down girl

girl:put me down!

jason:fine fine

he land on the ground as the girl jump off him as both look each other

girl:who are you!

jason:jason midgar

the girl was suprise

girl:you are jason midgar?! the one who win the bushin festival without use world!=

jason:yeah i suprise i that famous

girl:yeah it was amazing from what i hear

jason:oh thanks uhhh

claire:oh i claire cagerou

jason:right claire

claire:wait we are outside i remeber be an cell with grease

jason:you not the only one

claire eyes widen

jason:yeah i meet him for an while he die when he low his guard and i escape and i find you

claire:t thank you

she said with an blush

jason:anyways we need to go but i have no idea where are we

claire:i mild know where to go

jason:well{i can't use instant trasmition since there many ki signatures}hop to my back


jason:just do it

claire jump and hold into his back as jason begin to fly off the ground as claire was an shock

claire:w w wait are we

jason:fliying yeah

claire:that is soo cool!

jason:thanks now hang on

he said and fly off


the duo was still an the air

jason:anything familiar?

claire:i think soo just keep goin but i admint the view from above is amazing

jason:jejej i know i enjoy when i fly

claire:hey can you teach me how to fly?

jason:maybe but for now we need to find the house


she said enjoy the ride while hold into jason he didn't see it but claire was blush

claire:{never trough i will meet the prince who save like an dream i don't want to wake up}


rose and some maids feel pain on they chest and they feel more worried

back to the duo

claire:oh wait i know this route it should take to the castle we live

jason:you sure?

claire:yeah i know

jason:all right hang on

he fly more faster as claire yell

after an while both land on the entrace

jason:odd i don't see guards an the entrace

claire:maybe because they send some to seach for me


she get off jason and both enter trough the big gate as they arrive the cortyard and see an few maids until one of then notice then and her eyes widen

maid:oh my claire sama is back!

the other maids notice

as the panic as some goes to the duo while the rest enter the house as the maids check the duo

claire:we fine



the duo look to see two adults as jason guess it was claire's parents as the mother hug claire

mother:my god i soo happy you alive

claire hug her mother

claire:i fine mom someone help me

she said as the parents notice jason

father:who are you?

jason:oh i was the one who save claire i was olso kindaped as well

mother:oh my you okay

jason:i fine

claire:yeah it was thanks to him he have jason is an cool person

father:soo you name is jason

jason:yeah jason midgar

the paretns along the maids were suprise hear his name

father:j j jason midgar the prince of the royal family and future heir of the trone?!

jason:that is not confirm

mother:oh my you parents must be worried

jason:yeah an fact i don't know how long i been an that place before i wake up

mother:i send an letter to the royal family

jason:oh let me do it soo they know i alive as they know my writing



the group were an the house as the mother put drink and food an the table

mother:i send the letter is gonnad take time trough to arrive

jason:guess i have to find an place to stay

mother:oh you can stay with us

jason:you sure?

mother:yes take as thanks for save my daughter

jason:all right

claire:can we have an spar

jason:maybe later after we be fulling heal

claire:awesone i want to see how strong you are and olso want to you meet my brother


mother:oh is talking about cid he is the youngest one

jason:interesting{trough i sense the same strong ki an the house}


few days go by as jason spend time with the cagerou he get along with claire and her mother while the father as he begin to call bald he dislike as he hear what kind of person he is and even caugh try to arragange marriage with claire witch result with an beatdown from claire' mother

now another thing he caugh his attetion was cid at first glance it looks like an boy no body baits an eye as he is the weakest out the siblings dispide claire try to encouage but jason can see more he find out cid is shadow thanks to his unique ki olso he know he was act as he analize cid to the very detail an his acting as he knows he act an person who doesn't caugh too much attetion olso be an..regular as he keep analize jason came to one conclusion

cid have the chibuyu or the 8th grade sindrome as cid show all symthos even trough he was smart enough to hide it jason know the syhtoms as he sight...the person who have an group to stop an cult who hide an the an kid who have delusio and think all aroud the cult is an lied...he find it..pity know when reality hit it..either he crumber down or deny it..soo he was decide what to do with his goal he be the one to stop the cult but he won't do it alone he already to have an plan}

aside from cid jason find one of the females an the raid of the base was an the house as well as an maid he was cautious since with the glare she was give he can tell she will murden if try something agaist cid

meawhile cid was suprise by the visit he didn't care at first but he notice jason look at him an lot he realise he was analize him study him like he was try to see what he hide he didn't show it but was nervous jason mild suspect his act as npc fake he try his best to avoid him even beta one his shades sugest to get rid of jason but cid deny it say it will cause more trouble

as for claire both get along quicky as both have an few duels as claire was suprise by jason's martial arts as she beg to teach her as he accept as he teach her basics as cid notice that and was suspicious about jason since only him know about martial arts an his odd world soo how jason know martial arts as well

current time

jason and claire were living room talking until her mother came in

mother:jason you family arrive

the two kids look each other and nod and follow claire's mother outsie as his father was there with cid as both boys knee an front of klaus,iris and rose


the family notice as the girls were an shock

iris and alexia:brother


the girls run toward him and hug him as he gasp for air as the hug was tight


klaus:girls you gonnad choke him

the girls realise as they let go as jason gasp and take an deep breath

jason:ahh better..and i miss you too

iris:we were worried after hear what happen

alexia:you sure give us an big scare

rose:i i trough we never see you again

jason:but hey i here right

he said as he hug then as they return the hug

klaus:thanks for take care of my son

father:not problem you highness

mother:is the least what we do after you son save our daughter

klau:oh really?

he said notice claire talk to his daughters as she was hype as jason introduce then

klau:how soo

mother:well he and claire were kindapper and jason manage to escape and olso find claire and save her as well i thankful he save her

klau:i see

after an short talk the midgar's and rose where ready to leave

jason:thanks again for let me stay

mother:jejej no problem again thanks for save my daugher

jason nod

claire:hope we can see each other again an the academy

jason:you bet we do

claire:and well..i want to give you something as thanks

jason:?..what is it?

claire hold his face and



she stop kiss jason as she blush

claire:t there as thanks for save me

she have an red face as she cover it with her hands and run off as they leave everyone...well less cid who riase an eyebrown

mother:oh my looks like my daughre have an crush at you

jason was suprise as he touch his lips turn back to his family,iris was an shock,klaus as well but less suprise as he raise an eyebrown and alexia have an smug look on her face as he can tell she was gonnad enjoy tease him and then...he look at rose..she look pale and pure shock like she see an ghost

jason:{this is gonnad be an long walk home}

he trough with an sight but he olso trough an another thing as he was gonnad stop the cult..and maybe kick cic and his group ass to show who is the real deal and give an reality check

this will mark the rise of an new group who will face the cult

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