Chapter 1

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Hamza gasped, his eyes bursting open as he sat up, gripping his blanket. "Hamza?"Sabor says concerned. "What day is it?!"Emperor Hamza demanded. "September 5th, sir"Sabor responds now looking worried. Hamza smiled, relieved it worked. He could fix his mistake, and save Dwala's life. All he had to do was find out who framed her, and she'd be safe from any further harm. Guilt started to rise inside him, Hamza looking down. Dwala had always be so nice to him, she made him feel wanted and loved, even when he tried to push her away she would get stubborn and push back till he gave up and let her hang around him. He enjoyed having her around, and it went on to the point where he fell in love with her, even wanting to reveal his secret to the woman who captured his heart.

Hamza clenched his fists, ready to start things over, and protect his woman even if it meant rewinding time over and over again. "Have they arrived?"Emperor Hamza asks. "Yes, the new cocubines are waiting for you outside sir"Sabor nodded. He got out of bed, getting dressed with Sabor's help and left his room. Six women stood in the throne room, Hamza smiling when he noticed Dwala. Dwala chatted with a brunette, the two smiling at each other as he hurried over. "Lady Dwala"Emperor Hamza greets smiling. He froze, Dwala glaring at him, a look of pure hatred on her face. "Excuse us, your royal highness!"Dwala says coldly as she walked away with her friend. Hamza stared, hoping this was a bad dream...unless Dwala also rememered what had happened and he didn't have another chance to make things right between them. "Sir"Sabor mutters. "Take the ladies to their seperate estates"Emperor Hamza commands looking away.

Dwala walked beside her new friend, smiling as they chatted. She glanced back at Hamza, not feeling an ounce of guilt for the man. She had been so nice to him, she wanted him to be proud of who he was, because she knew how it felt to be unloved and neglected. Her care for him blossomed into love, and it had no doubt been the same for him, but he never even believed her when she told him she was innocent. She couldn't forgive him for that, and she refused to try. "Dwala"Her friend blinked. "I'm fine, Crystal!"Dwala giggled. She waved, parting ways with her new friend, knowing exactly where she was heading. The Spirit Mansion was where she resided before, it was the only mansion closest to the palace. Which also meant that annoying brat would be serving her here, and she was ready to make her life hell. She sighed, fixing her hair as the mansion came into view. Maids and Butlers bowed when she came closer, her eyes scanning over them.

She stopped, staring down at a white haired woman. She turned fully, the maid perking up looking surprised. "You're being transferred to the palace, I don't wanna see your face around here anymore"Dwala says walking away, doing a little shooing gesture. "Guards!"Dwala calls when Lilak stepped forward to protest. Two guards grabbed the startled maid, Dwala ignoring the maids yells for her to rethink her decision and to let her stay here. Liliak, that was the maids name from her previous life, the maid who would bring her cold water and give her dirty dresses, even tugging on her hair whenever she brushed it. Dwala herself had been too kind to punish the maid and decided to never bring it up to Hamza or Lilak would've lost her head almost instantly. In this life, she was getting rid of the two people who annoyed her the most, Liliak was out of the way now all she had to do was get rid of Harry, the annoying garderner who would flirt with her endlessly.

She always expressed her desires for him to leave her alone, but he never listened and would continue to flirt and get too close. Hamza had caught Harry trying to force her into kissing him and that day she witnessed death for the first time. The memory of Harry's head being sliced off was still vivid in her memory, and it was also the day Hamza started to hang around her. He always brought her flowers, jewlery, desserts, the newest clothing that had been released. Her idiotic former self thought he loved her and that they would become a family, until reality broke through. "I don't want Hamza coming here-"Dwala mutters. "Lady Dwala!" She turned, Harry waving to her, a smile on his face. She narrowed his eyes as he approached her, able to feel the bad intent coming from the older man. "You look so beautiful~"Harry smiled. The same words. The same smile. It irked her. A slap filled the air, Dwala standing there with her hand up looking at a stunned Harry.

"Don't you know, it's not nice to flirt with women who are much younger than you?"Dwala demands narrowing her eyes at him unamused. Harry touched his reddening cheek, looking stunned. "If you ever come near me with bad intent again instead of just tending to my garden, I will make sure you loose your ability to speak"Dwala warns starting to turn away. Harry shook in silent fury, a malicious glow in his eyes. "YOU-!" He grabbed her shoulder, startling her as he raised his hand. "Release her." She froze at the voice, her eyes widening as she turned her head. Hamza walked over, Sabor following behind him with narrowed eyes. Harry immediately released her, his arms trembling at the sight of the young man. Dwala sighed, having forgotten that Hamza comes to check the homes of all the cocubines to make sure they were comfortable. He had been especially picky about her home. "How dare you touch her?" She perked up, Hamza looking at Harry irked, his fists trembling. "I should kill you"Emperor Hamza snarled.

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