Chapter 25

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Celeste Peters

Even though Noah and I are only three years apart, I will always see him as my baby brother whom I need to protect at all costs.

Growing up, while he was more than capable of taking care of himself, I couldn't stand the idea of him experiencing any shit in life. That's why when he got bullied in middle school, I did what any sane child did—kicked the bully in the balls and made him cry by calling him a "little poop head bitch". Of course I got suspended, but it was well worth it as Noah was never bullied again.

And then there were the times when we got older, I became (arguably) even more sane, and Mom would work double shifts at the diner. During those nights, I'd find ways to distract Noah through plays we would put on together or new recipes we'd try out. I thought I could do it. I thought I could keep him in a fun little bubble where things like no money and no parents around didn't matter.

But then we grew up.

And then, Noah got in a world of trouble.

I still can't believe it, even after six months since the incident. I will never get used to seeing him behind thick concrete walls and barbed wire. As if the world needs to be protected from him. That notion couldn't be further from the truth.

Every time I visit him, there is a very real, very sobering reminder that I need to keep fighting. It's usually a swirl of determination and elation when I walk out of the prison. I'm determined to save up enough money for the right lawyer and I'm elated with having spent time with him—being able to help him forget where he is, even if it's just for a millisecond.

But today is different. Today, there is something else in the mix with what I'm feeling.



I have no fuckin' clue.

"Marc was in there," I whisper to Louisa as we head back to the front lobby of the visitor's entrance of the prison to retrieve our belongings. 

"Marc?" She grabs her purse from the guard and slings it over her shoulder, still smiling widely and likely still on cloud nine after having visited Noah. I'm right there with her, but...

"Marc. My boss, Marc." I grab my phone and see a couple of message notifications from Marc staring back at me, causing my insides to quiver.

Louisa gasps and grabs my arm. "Your boss, who you had Sexy-Time with, was in that room?"

I nod. "He left a little after we got in. It looked like he was with a client. I saw him carrying his work tote."

"No wonder you were being a little weird at the start! You barely said two words when we got in."

We step foot outside onto the gravel path. Birds flitter around from tree to tree freely, as if trying to taunt the prisoners inside the compound. My chest tightens as I open Marc's messages.

Marc: I'm going to help with your brother's case. We need to talk about it as soon as possible though. I'm at my office. Here's the address.

My mouth dries right up and tension releases from my shoulders. Marc is putting pieces together...holy shit, I might just combust from gratitude.

But...what will he say? Will he be upset that I didn't tell him sooner? Does he hate me for rejecting his date offer the other day and this is a last ditch effort to get rid of me from his life? My stomach churns.

"What do you mean 'client'? What does he do for work?" Louisa asks, pulling me from my spiraling thoughts and shifting Theo in her arms. My nephew's eyes are starting to droop and there's no doubt he's going to pass out as soon as we put him in his car seat. 

"He's a lawyer." Despite describing Marc, a man much unlike anyone I've ever met before, the word lawyer still tastes like a poisoned apple on my tongue. Louisa and I are still reeling from the chaos that was Noah's lawyer—all the bullshit he said, meetings he missed or canceled, and eventually the moment he told Noah he wasn't going to be his lawyer anymore, leaving us high and dry. That's exactly why I didn't say anything to Marc about it.

But ugh, this feeling right now—knowing that he knows. It's what I imagine a woman in labor feels whenever she gets an epidural. Instant relief. Holy shit, I fucking wish I told him sooner. I would've had to pick someone eventually once I saved up enough money.

"Your boss is a lawyer?" Louisa asks with a hint of skepticism in her voice.

"Yeah, but don't go yelling at me for not telling you. I didn't want to get our hopes too high if he turned out to be an ass like the last guy."

God, what is wrong with me? It's Marc after all. The most caring person in the world. The most caring father to two amazing girls.

Marc. The only man I've ever entertained the idea of something more with.

"That's fair. I probably would have done the same," she says as she opens the car door and begins placing Theo in his car seat. He instantly melts into it and his head falls against the side. 

"I freaked out when I first found out. Like literally almost sabotaged my job because of it. And I've just been trying to assess if he could help us. But honest to God, I don't think anyone but him could do it."

"Really?" I can't escape the optimism in her voice. I feel it too.

"He texted saying we need to talk at his office about it."

Louisa nods quickly. "When? Did he say when?"

"He just said as soon as possible."

"Well, what the fuck are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Right. You're right," I say trying to steady my nerves. "Let's go!"


Even though Marc's office is in the heart of downtown in a tall building of glass and concrete, when we step through the space I instantly feel his homey, safe presence. Warm mahogany wooden furniture with deep blue accents make up the lobby space and beautiful abstract paintings cover the walls.

The only thing that stands out as not very homey are the people. Everyone bustling through the halls are in very formal attire–so many suits, blazers, and clicking of shoes against the spotless, shiny floor.

My heart gallops in my chest as the receptionist leads us to Marc's office. There is no glass wall covering his office so I can't see anything inside before the receptionist knocks.

"Come in." Marc's deep voice travels through the wooden door and settles into my bone marrow. I'm reminded of being in his bedroom and hearing that voice utter dirty things to me. Lightning zaps through my abdomen. 

Marc stands as we step in and my stomach starts somersaulting. I've seen him in a suit plenty of times before. It's typically his go-to attire. But seeing him in a suit in his office is a whole different story. Fuck, he's so hot!

I tear my gaze away and glance around, taking in the huge office with its mahogany and blue furnishings and giant windows overlooking the city. The view is incredible and with the sun and scattered clouds in the sky, the city looks almost angelic. My heart surges within my chest when I spot the watercolor paintings that Laila and Nina have done and the pictures of them together around his office.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Marc!" Louisa holds out her hand for a handshake. "I'm Louisa, Celeste's sister-in-law. And this is my son, Theo." Theo is still half asleep sitting in Louisa's arms but smiles shyly at Marc.

"It's very nice to meet you both. I'm glad you were able to join this meeting," he says, shaking her hand.

"Of course! Celeste has said some amazing things about you! So, I'm very excited about your offer to help Noah. It's really so kind!"

A smirk cracks the line of Marc's mouth and his eyes flash to mine, causing another wave of activity in my body. "Good to see you, Celeste," he says before clearing his throat and smiling back at Louisa. "I would ask what kind of things she's said, but we have a lot to go through. Please have a seat." He gestures to the chairs in front of his large, shiny, wooden desk.

"We wouldn't tell you anyway. That's Girl Talk confidential," I fire back as I take a seat.

Louisa settles into the other seat. "She said you make an amazing French Toast and you're really good in b–"

"Alright! That's enough chit chat!" I say, raising my hands. "Let's talk about the case." I squint playfully at Louisa, who looks very proud of herself, before turning my attention back to the gorgeous, amused man who is sending my nerves into a frenzy. "Marc," I say in a more serious tone, "I can't even begin to describe how thankful we are for your offer to help. I was so scared to say anything, but we really do need any help we can get. Noah isn't doing so well in prison and we're running out of time with the appeal. You can take whatever we owe you out of my paycheck."

He shakes his head. "Please, stop. I'm not taking anything from you. I'm taking on this case because I want to." My heart bangs against my chest, reminding me that I'm an idiot for holding the information back from him all these weeks. And then it bangs harder when I remember that I literally ran away from him the other day.

"That's extremely kind of you," Louisa says. "But, there must be something we can do for you in exchange!" Louisa purses her lips before her eyes widen. I swear I can see a light bulb go off over her head. "Oh I know! Celeste," she glances at me and I instantly can see she's up to something sneaky with the glint in her eyes, "weren't you just saying how badly you want to take Marc out to the new French restaurant in the city? You know, the really fancy one where it's formal-attire only and they only seat two people at a table?"

My mouth drops open. I can't decide if I want to strangle her or buy her a thousand of her favorite romance novels and treat her to a spa day.

"What do you say, Marc? Would you let Celeste take you?"

Marc's smile at Louisa is so endearing that my insides start to melt. "That does sound nice. But like I said, I'm not trying to take anything. And I don't want Celeste to do something she doesn't want to do." He sighs and presses his large palms against his desk. "This honestly isn't any tactic of mine to try to take Celeste out. I really just want to help," he says sincerely as if he's talking to a confidant and as if I'm not in the room.

"Oh no worries! Celeste would love to take you out regardless!"

"Did she say that?" he asks with a hopeful lilt that all of a sudden makes me want to go on a thousand dates with him. Shit, what's happening?

"Guys, I'm sitting right here," I add.

"Yes, of course," Louisa responds to Marc while completely ignoring me. "How does Saturday night sound? Seven o'clock? You can pick her up from her studio and you can go together. Do you need me to send you her home address?" she jokes and Marc laughs.

Well aren't they just the best of friends now?

Marc's smile fades and he remains pensive for a moment before nodding. "Sure, Saturday night sounds great," he says firmly, as if this is a business deal negotiation being finalized.

"Great! It's a date! I'll be sure Celeste holds up her end of the bargain. Anyways, shall we get started?" She finally glances at me with a sickly sweet smile.

I start laughing. This might just be the worst idea to have introduced Louisa and Marc. But, I can't escape the giddiness inside of me. Okay fine, at this point, going on a date with Marc seems like the least I can do to thank him for helping out with Noah's case, even if it scares me to death. "There's no need for that, Louisa. I'm more than happy to hold up my end of the deal on my own."

Marc glances my way and the look in his whisky eyes makes tingles travel down my spine. "Alright, then I'll be sure to hold up mine." Tension swirls in the air for a moment and I shift in my seat. Marc clears his throat. "So, the case..." He threads his fingers together on the desk and leans forward. I brace myself for whatever he's about to say.

"It's a bit more complicated than I first thought. I'm going to need you to start at the top, and tell me everything you know about what happened."

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