Chapter 8

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Celeste Peters

"What's a resume?" Laila asks through the silence.

Kristina, Leigh, and Heidi have stopped eating and are staring at me like...I honestly don't know. Their expressions are hard to read. I feel naked under their gazes. I can't believe I said what I said out loud. My shoulders feel somewhat lighter, but my chest now tingles with dread. With the way everyone was inhaling my food, I was sure I was going to win this position. Now, I'll simply be washing my hands, and leaving this gorgeous house, and the job I so desperately need, with my tail between my legs.

"It sounds kind of like ballet. Ms. Celeste, you do ballet too?" Nina asks with excitement.

My heart starts to hurt. Even though I've only known Nina and Laila for about two hours, I already know I'm going to be sad not talking with them again. I shake my head. "No, I wish I could do ballet."

"Nina and I can teach you sometime! It's soooo easy," Laila says before shoveling more pasta into her mouth.

"Which part?" Kristina finally says something and my stomach tightens.

"All of the parts. We can spin really well," Nina says, not realizing that Kristina was talking to me.

I look at Kristina and still can't read a single thing that's going through her mind. "Which part of the resume?" I ask. She nods in response and I sigh. "My education and a couple of restaurants listed there. I don't have a formal culinary degree and I've mostly worked at diners. I was just too desperate for this job. I'm so sorry to have wasted your time. I'll grab my jacket and head out."

Her eyes grow wide and she grabs my hand... in desperation? "Wait!"

Wait? What? My heart is doing some sort of merengue number as I tilt my head back and wait with bated breath for Kristina to continue.

She retreats her hands and nods pensively, like she's toying with her thoughts. "Please don't leave," she finally says.

"Wh-what?" My heart has moved on from merengue to the cha-cha-cha.

"Sweetie, I lied on my resume too," Heidi adds casually before taking a bite out of her pasta.

"Ms. Heidi, I didn't know you do ballet too! But how can you lie down in ballet? I didn't know about that move," Laila adds.

"You what?" I ask Heidi in disbelief.

"I was in the same place you are now four years ago. Well, I didn't lie per say but I definitely embellished way too much," Heidi says and I blink at her to try to process her words.

"What's lembllish, Ms. Heidi?" Laila asks and Heidi whispers something to her while Kristina pulls my attention.

"Listen, Celeste. None of us had the experience before getting these jobs. Leigh is my daughter and she never picked up a broom in her life before she started working for Mr. Nassar. When she couldn't continue her education because of her condition, I needed her close to me."

"I have dyslexia and mild ADHD," Leigh adds.

I smile warmly at her before turning to Kristina. "Wh-what are you saying, Kristina?"

She smiles. "I'm saying, we know what you're going through. We've not had the easiest lives, but they've changed for the better once we all started working for Mr. Nassar. And while your resume was impressive, I wasn't really looking at it. We like going through referrals and I was mostly looking at how you fit in this house with us, and the food you make. Besides, we already tried Señor Fancy School. Mr. Cole was no good."

"So you're not going to kick me out?"

The women laugh and Kristina grabs Laila's empty plate colored with red from under her. "Noooo! I want to lick that!" Laila yells.

"Do you see this plate?" Kristina thrusts it in the air before putting it back down in front of Laila, who immediately starts licking it. "I have never seen these girls finish their food. Ever. What you've made is better than anything we could have imagined."

"Honestly sweetie, I want to lick my plate too," Heidi says, causing a lump to build in my throat.

"All I ask is no more lies," Kristina says.

I nod quickly. "I swear no more lies."

"And you must join us for our weekly telenovela. Every Wednesday we watch together."

I laugh and wipe a tear that's forming in my eye. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

Kristina beams and comes over to give me a hug. "I need to confirm with Mr. Nassar but we would love to have you work with us."

I take a deep breath at the mention of Marc's name. I doubt he'll want me but it feels amazing to at least be wanted by these women.

"Let's go on the house tour. Leigh can help clean up here and Heidi can take the girls."

My chest tingles as I nod. I can't believe this is happening. Still, I can't get my hopes too high yet. It's all down to Marc's approval and I can only pray he doesn't hate me as much as I think he does.

Forget the cha-cha-cha, my heart has now moved on to the tango.


Marc Nassar

The sun is waning across the sky, and thankfully, the squealing drifting through the house has quieted down. I can finally concentrate on this new case I'm working on. Yet, just a couple of minutes in, my mind has other ideas. I'm still circling around the possibility that Celeste may work in this house.

If that happens (and that's a big if), I may not even have to see her again. I hardly see the staff anyway, and the case with Celeste wouldn't be any different. Still, I can't feel like a visitor in my own home. I need to be able to move freely without tip-toeing around, hoping I don't bump into her.

But, do I want to bump into her?

A text from Kristina pulls me from the unnecessary thought.

Kristina: The candidate has left. Are you free to discuss?

My heart starts pumping hard. Which way will this go?

Marc: Yes. I'm in my office. Feel free to come in.

A few minutes later, a light knock sounds at the door. Kristina comes into the room with a tray of food and water. "Hola, Mr. Nassar. Here is the dinner that Celeste made." She sets down the tray, which carries steaming pasta and a caprese salad, on the small table next to my desk. Instantly, aromas of garlic, onion, and tomatoes hit my nostrils and cause my stomach to rumble.

"So, what's the verdict?" I ask Kristina as I lean back in my seat, ignoring the hunger pangs.

"I'd like to hire Ms. Peters," she says, causing my stomach to drop and then fling back up to my esophagus.

"Okay," is all I manage to let out. I expected this but also didn't.

"Okay? Si, I can extend an offer?"

"What makes her a good fit for the position?"

"The staff and girls love her, and her food is excellent. Nina and Laila finished everything she gave them," she says and my chest tightens.

Wow. Everything? I glance down at the plate of food next to me. It seriously does look incredible.

Kristina's voice forces me to look back up at her. "Did something else happen between you guys?"

I shift in my seat. "What do you mean?"

"Anything other than the car accident? Forgive me Mr. Nassar, but you seemed shaken by her and if there's something else going on, I'd prefer to know now rather than later."

"Something else? As in what?" I need her to spell it out so I can shoot down the ridiculous thought. Celeste is eleven years younger than me, has zero filter, and there's a chance she may be under my employment (which if I oppose will give Kristina more ammo for what she's thinking). My arrow is set.

Kristina huffs out a breath. "Mr. Nassar, she is a young, beautiful woman. Your relationships are not my business, but Celeste would be working here. And I wouldn't hire her if there is something like, you know," she pauses and then continues in a whisper, "hanky panky going on."

Oh my God. It's worse hearing it out loud and not because my Catholic house manager just uttered the words 'hanky panky'. "I appreciate the concern, but I promise you, Kristina, none of that is happening or will ever happen between Celeste and I."

She eyes me for a moment and then smiles. "Okay, lo siento. I will extend Celeste an offer tonight."

My stomach drops again. "Wait," I say and lean back in my seat. "I still have some questions for her before I can allow her to work here." I pause to think through what would be most appropriate. "Can you set up a follow-up interview for her and I to meet tomorrow afternoon? We can do it at a coffee shop downtown near my office. And I promise I'll be on my best behavior."

Kristina takes in a breath, hesitating before nodding. "Of course, Mr. Nassar. I will give her a call and set something up. Thank you." She walks toward the door and says, "Remember, the girls finished their food and even licked the sauce from their plates. I have the evidence if you need it," before exiting.

I laugh before eyeing the plate of food next to me again. I grab the fork and swirl the pasta on the instrument. As soon as the food touches my tongue, I know I've lost whatever fight I was going to put up. The rich, deep flavors. The pillowy textures. I devour my meal like a starved wolf, wondering how the hell I want this impending arrangement to go. 


Thanks so much for reading, voting, and commenting! We have a fun little meet-up coming up between Celeste & Marc. Any guesses as to how it'll go???

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