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I lay on my bed, not in the mood to get up. Sunlight streamed in from the windows and the bed felt warm and comfortable. I was beginning to fall asleep again when I felt my phone ring. I ignored it and turned over, not in the mood to talk to anybody. The phone continued to ring much to my annoyance. I fumbled about on the nightstand and grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Good morning to you too."

"Mom!" I said. "Sorry I haven't called you much. It's just that everything has been so new, so overwhelming..."

"Of course dear. I understand completely," she said in a prim voice. I felt myself beginning to smile.

"Do you? Didn't you just call to chew me out about not calling you enough?"

She laughed and I felt myself grinning from ear to ear. IT had been too long since I had heard her laugh. I missed her terribly. With a start, I realised this was the first time in weeks I had smiled so freely.

"Well, I guess I'm busted. You don't miss much, do you?"

"Not when it comes to you," I said, putting the phone on speaker as I climbed out of bed. I had to get to work and I looked like a mess.

"So, how is everything there? Have you made any new friends? I remember you telling me about this girl who lives across the street from you."

For a moment, I considered telling her about how creepy this town was but for some reason, I decided against it.

"Adriana? Are you still there honey?"

"Yes mom, her name is Sabrina. I will tell you all about her later. Listen, I got to go, I am late for work."

"Okay, remember to call me later."

"Bye, mom. Love you." I said hanging up and throwing the phone on my bed.

Sitting in front of the mirror, I started brushing my hair. I looked like a mess. There were dark circles under my brown eyes and my hair was a rat's nest. I looked pale and tired. Sighing I went back to untangling the knots in my hair. My thoughts turned to last night. I wasn't sure what I had seen- it looked like a gang war or something but I hadn't really thought of Ethan as someone who might be in a gang. And Elara had certainly not seemed the type to.

I bit my lip as I remembered how Ethan had thrown the guy on the floor. It had scared me but it was nothing compared to the look on his face when he had seen me. That angry, venomous look had terrified me the most. I hadn't expected from him.

But the old woman had been real. So maybe Ethan did have someone in his car the other day. With a start, I realised how little I knew everyone here. I was too trusting, going off with Sabrina and Caleb and even Ethan. The old lady's warning came rushing into my head- Everything and everyone is not as they seem to be. Getting up, I put on my clothes and headed to work. One thing was for sure. No one in this town could be trusted.

I somehow managed to open the door single-handedly as I walked back into my house. Dumping the stack of papers and books I was holding on the coffee table, I heated up some cold pizza. It had been hectic at work today and I was feeling exhausted. It was weird how I was always tired nowadays.

Thunder rumbled outside, startling me. The day had been uncharacteristically warm but out of nowhere storm clouds had started covering the sky just as I was leaving for home. I could hear the storm getting worse as the windows rattled hard from the wind.

I pushed away my half-finished pizza, my appetite suddenly leaving me. I felt sick. Groaning, I clutched at the table as I struggled to keep myself standing. The feeling passed over in a few seconds. I ran a shaking hand through my hair, trying to calm myself. What had scared me about this episode was that it had been so sudden.

I somehow dragged myself to my bed and threw myself on it. Hugging the covers, I closed my eyes. I began to feel very drowsy all of a sudden. I felt myself drifting off to sleep but somehow this was different. The dream was blurred this time. I was walking through a large crowd, heading towards a dark alley. Turning and twisting through the dark roads, I felt something pulling me towards it. I walked quickly and found myself in an empty yard. I leaned against a wall, waiting for the thing that had pulled me here.

I stiffened as I heard a noise in front of me. A dark figure was standing right in front of me. Every part of my being told me to get away from him. He was dangerous. The dream blurred even more and I couldn't make out anything that was happening. Concentrating with all my might, I tried to refocus the dream. Suddenly, loud screams rang through the silent night, making my blood curdle. Horrified, I tried to make my way towards the figure but something held me back.

I tried to focus again and saw the figure was holding an unmoving person in their arms. Before I could do anything, the figure flipped the person on the ground. The dream blurred again. This time it was harder to refocus as I was shaking all over. Clenching my hands, I tried again with all my might and found myself looking at the figure again. I tried to rush at him but then stopped in horror. With one last scream, the person lay on the ground and was still. It was too late.

I inched closer and saw who the person was and my heart nearly stopped. With long red hair spilling out on the pavement, I recognized her easily. It was Sharon. And she was dead.

I started to cry and then froze again in horror. A loud harsh wailing pierced the night. It was mournful and terrible and all I wanted to do was to get away from it. With another horrifying shock, I realised the sound was coming from me. I tried to close my mouth but something wouldn't let me. The scream whipped out of my throat, feeling like it was ripping open my lungs. I wailed and wailed.

After what seemed like an hour, I opened my eyes, trembling. Outside, the storm grew even stronger.

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