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I was lying on my bed, holding a rose in my hand. I had spent the past fifteen minutes or so inhaling its scent. I was sure that was what I had smelled in my dream. Rolling over on my stomach, I dropped the rose on my nightstand. I hadn't had another psychic dream and to my surprise, the police inspector hadn't troubled me anymore. Perhaps she had ruled me out as a suspect or hadn't found any connection between me and the second victim. Whatever the reason, I was glad I didn't have to worry about another problem.

I must have fallen asleep because I was standing in the white wispy clouds again. Turning around, I saw the crazy woman again. This time, she seemed calm and serene though water was dripping through her long dark hair. She also had the same stain on her dress as before and she didn't seem to be worried about it all.

She smiled at me slightly.

"I'm so glad to see you unhurt."

"Why would I be hurt?" I asked. This time I was able to whisper slowly instead of keeping silent. She didn't answer but just looked grim. It was a little unnerving to see how quick her moods and expressions changed.

"You can still read my thoughts?" I whispered

She smiled again and looked proud.

"Barely. The fact that you can actually talk to me means you have learned how to keep up your barriers."

"Barriers?" I echoed.

We stood there in silence for a little while when I was struck by a sudden thought. 

"You are real, aren't you?"

She just smiled. It was maddening to see her look so unconcerned.

"Do you know why I keep having those dreams and seeing you?" I demanded, crossing my arms.

She just stared at me and the dream flickered. No, no. I thought desperately. I needed some answers from her before the dream ended. I didn't even know when I was going to see her again.

"Hide your magic," she yelled. "People will try to take advantage of it, try to hurt you for it. Don't tell anyone."

"I have magic?"

The dream ended before she could say another word and I woke up with a start. Sighing, I got up and opened the window to get some fresh air. I was getting used to these dreams now but the abrupt ending of this one made me want to yell in frustration. There was so much I'd wanted to ask that woman.

It was nearly dawn and the air was pleasant. This somehow put me in a good mood and I went downstairs to make some pancakes. It was the first real breakfast I'd made in a long time.

I had just started cleaning up and getting ready for work when my phone dinged with a text. It was Sabrina and Caleb. They wanted to hang out together this afternoon. Smiling, I immediately wrote back. I hadn't seen Sabrina in ages and found that I had really missed her.


"So, I think I am going to order a salad," said Sabrina, attempting a half-smile at our shocked reactions. "What? I can be healthy too."

"Of course," said Caleb. "I think I'm going to get two cheeseburgers."

Sabrina frowned at him.

"I hate you. I told you I am on a diet..."

I let them bicker on and stared at the menu. We had decided to meet for lunch and so far no one had mentioned Sharon or the murders. Maybe we could have one normal day after all. I had just started to relax and eat when Caleb leaned forward. I watched him warily. I knew what he was about to ask.

"What do you think of the murders?"

Sabrina, who had been about to eat a bite of her salad put down her fork. I couldn't believe how insensitive Caleb was being. To my surprise, Sabrina leaned forward as well with a look of determination on her face.

"I want to know who did this. I want to make sure Sharon gets the justice she deserves," she said shakily.

Caleb looked at me seriously.

"What do you think Adriana?"

"I think all of this is very strange," I said lamely. My heart was thudding inside my chest. It hadn't been easy to hide stuff from the inspector who was a complete stranger. I didn't know if I could lie to people I considered my friends. It turned out I needn't have worried because the conversation took an entirely different turn.

"I think this has something to do with the Burmonte's," said Caleb in a low voice. Sabrina nodded.

"With Ethan's family?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Why would you even think that?"

Sabrina and Caleb exchanged looks.

"Their family is too suspicious," said Sabrina at last.

"Is this about the zombie tale?" I asked.

"Zombie tale?" Caleb looked surprised.

"I think all of this is a little too far-fetched," I said sceptically. "How can you even accuse them...?"

"Oh no, I have to go," said Sabrina looking at her phone. "It was really nice to see you again Adriana but I have a pick up a few miles away from here. Bye."

She got up and left abruptly. Caleb and I split the bill in half and then walked together to where our cars were parked.

"What's the zombie tale?" asked Caleb.

"You don't know? Sabrina said the whole town knew."

He shook his head. I frowned and told him the story.

"Seriously?" he said.

"I know, right? This is just some old wives tale." I said, unlocking my car.


"Do you mean it's real?"

"No, I mean this is not an old wives tale. In fact, there is no such story about the Burmonte's at all."

"What? Why would Sabrina lie to me?" I asked, feeling shocked.

He shrugged. I climbed inside my car. Leaning towards me, he lowered his voice.

"Just be careful. He's dangerous."

"Thought you didn't believe in rumours," I said, strapping my seatbelt on.

"It's not a rumour. He really isn't the kind of person you want to be around."

I thought back to the hand I'd seen in his car and the way he had thrown that person on the pavement. Maybe Caleb was right. I still wanted to hear more.

"Why?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Ethan Burmonte is a vampire."

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