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I bit back a groan as I tried to sift through the enormous pile of papers on the desk in front of me. I had arrived at work nearly one hour ago and I had been immediately put to work by my bustling boss Ms Andrews. I had finally managed to organise the desk when she had plopped down another sheaf of papers in front of me.

My phone dinged. It was Sabrina.

'How's the new job?'

I seized the distraction at once and a chance at a break.

'Don't ask' I texted back.

'That bad huh? Bet mine is worse'

'Still picking up stranded people?'

'It's not like I have a choice. Anyway, wear a dress tonight. We are going out. See ya!'

'Wait where?'

'it's a surprise. Now gotta go.'

I put the phone back on the desk and sighed. I wasn't in the mood to socialise but Sabrina was too stubborn. It might do me good to be out for a little while and hopefully, make some more friends. There hadn't been anything strange happening lately so my hallucinations were probably in check. Come to think of it, it had been pretty dark the day I came here and I had been a little paranoid the next day. Maybe I had imagined someone following me and the howling at night. I shivered. Those howls might have been my imagination but they had scared me a lot more than I liked to admit. Maybe going out would help avoid these hallucinations for some time.

It was dark when I walked back home. Even though the wind was not as strong today, it still made me shiver and pull my coat closer around myself. I walked rapidly, eager to get home and avoid any more visions. Sabrina was going to be picking me up from home.

I opened my closet and looked at all the dresses I owned. I selected a blue one and slipped it on. I would be cold in it but it simply couldn't be helped. Sabrina had specifically asked me to wear one which meant that was what everyone else would be wearing. There was no way I was going to be taking any chances. I didn't want to look out of place while meeting many new people for the first time.

I straightened my hair or at least tried to, as much as I could in fifteen minutes. Grabbing my heels from the closet floor, I went over to the door. Sabrina was about five minutes late and by that time I was shivering. I suppose I could have waited in the warmth but I wanted my body to adjust to the climate.

I opened the door and climbed in the car, rubbing my hands together. I was startled to see Sabrina doing the same. It seemed as though I had picked up one of her habits.

Sabrina was wearing a red dress and wore her hair around her shoulders as usual. I worriedly touched my hair, thinking maybe I had overdressed, but she pushed my hand away.

"Stop that!" she complained. "You look great."

I smiled at her.

"So, any chance are you'll tell me where are we going?"

"Nope." she said, shaking her head. "Wait and see. Plus everyone's pretty excited to see you."

"Everyone?" I asked nervously, twisting my hair around my finger only to have Sabrina slap my hand away.

"Yeah, they want to see the new girl." she said.

"Sabrina, how many people did you even call?" I asked, panicking.

"I didn't call them. There's a party on at Sharon's house tonight and I mentioned you briefly. All of them wanted to see you so I decided to bring you along."

I sat silently, trying to take it all in. I was definitely more than a little nervous about meeting so many people tonight.

"And oh," said Sabrina, looking at me sideways. "Caleb's going to be there too."

I found myself relaxing a little. Caleb had a knack of easing tensions and awkward situations. I would feel a little at home with his presence.

We pulled up in front of a big house and got out. I could hear the music thumping and laughter from the house. My anxiety returned but I steeled myself.

'You have to do this.' I said, giving myself a pep talk. 'And meeting new people might be a way to stop those crazy hallucinations. Besides, Caleb was going to be there.'

I took in a deep breath and together we walked towards the house.

I was hit by a wave of music and the strong smell of alcohol as soon as I stepped through. It appeared as
though the party was in full swing. There were a lot of people present tonight. A tall girl came over to us grinning cheerfully.

"Hi guys!" she said cheerfully. "Welcome."

"Hi Sharon." said Sabrina hugging her. Turning towards me she quickly made introductions.

"That's Adriana, she's new to this town."

I smiled politely and she did the same."And that's Sharon, the host."

"So glad to finally meet you." she said.

"Likewise." I said as she handed me a red cup with drink sloshing around. I accepted it and ditched it at the nearest counter. I wasn't about to drink tonight especially something given to me by a complete stranger. I wanted to make a good impression tonight. We made our way towards the kitchen and nearly crashed into Caleb. He was standing with a guy who had shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes. Sabrina and Caleb introduced the guy as Moro, who was a close friend of Caleb.
Moro spoke slowly like he wasn't that comfortable with English yet.

"Pleased to meet you, Adriana."

I felt like his voice was a little hoarse from disuse and it felt weird talking to him. I bit my lip. I was overthinking a lot today. Maybe Moro just had a voice like that. I sighed and tried to enjoy the party.

After about an hour, I felt extremely fatigued and a little claustrophobic from the crowded room and loud music. I pushed past people and somehow found my way outside. I inhaled in big gulps of fresh air and stretched myself. I had spent the whole time socialising and I wanted to head home now.

I was staring at the cloudy sky and sat down on the porch. There was no moon tonight. It felt good to sit peacefully just for a few minutes. I checked my phone and saw two missed calls from my mom. I had forgotten to talk to her today.

I got up and turned around to head back inside and call Sabrina to take me home when I crashed into someone.

I looked up. It was Ethan.

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