Chapter 5: The Transformation

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As the years passed, Bowser grew increasingly impatient. He did not wish to wait for Ruby to come of age naturally. Driven by his insatiable thirst for power and control, he delved once more into the ancient scrolls of dark magic. Amongst the cryptic symbols and forbidden incantations, he found a spell capable of accelerating Ruby's growth, transforming her into an adult instantly.

The scrolls, yellowed with age and brittle to the touch, detailed a ritual so ancient and forbidden that even the most malevolent of sorcerers dared not speak of it. But Bowser, consumed by his ambition, saw only an opportunity. He studied the intricate diagrams and dense text with a fervor bordering on madness, every page revealing more about the dark arts he was about to wield.

When Ruby turned two years old, Bowser decided it was time. In a secluded chamber, hidden from the eyes of even his closest advisors, he prepared the ritual. The room, deep within the labyrinthine confines of his fortress, was filled with the scent of burning incense and the glow of enchanted candles. Dark runes were etched into the floor, forming a complex circle of power. Ruby, a toddler unaware of the gravity of the situation, stood at the center, her innocent eyes wide with curiosity.

The chamber was a place of shadows and whispers, where the air seemed to hum with a malevolent energy. Shelves lined with ancient tomes and arcane artifacts loomed in the dim light, their secrets known only to Bowser. The floor, cold and unforgiving stone, bore the weight of centuries of dark rituals. At the center of it all, the runic circle pulsated with a life of its own, each symbol an anchor for the spell Bowser was about to unleash.

Bowser began to chant the ancient incantation, his voice low and resonant. The words, twisted and arcane, rolled off his tongue with a chilling familiarity. The runes on the floor flared to life, casting an eerie light that danced across the walls. As the spell took hold, Ruby's form began to shift. Her youthful features grew sharper and more defined, her body elongating and maturing at an unnatural rate. The transformation was both beautiful and grotesque, a testament to the dark power at work.

However, Bowser desired more than just physical maturity; he wanted Ruby to embody the power and majesty of their dark lineage. To achieve this, Bowser incorporated additional body transformation spells into the ritual. The incantations wove through the air, altering Ruby's physique further. Her form became more imposing and regal, her features now a blend of elegance and menace. Her eyes glowed with a fierce, otherworldly light, and her skin took on a slight sheen, hinting at the latent power coursing through her veins.

As the transformation reached its climax, the chamber was filled with a blinding light, and a deafening silence followed. When the light faded, Ruby stood before Bowser, no longer a child but a woman of dark beauty and formidable power. Her once tiny frame now exuded a commanding presence, her eyes burning with an intensity that belied her true age. Her hair, once soft and fine, now cascaded in waves of dark silk, framing a face that was both striking and intimidating.

Bowser looked upon his creation with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. Ruby's transformation was complete; she was now the embodiment of his ambitions. Despite her actual age, Ruby now possessed the body and mind of an adult. However, Bowser quickly realized that the rapid transformation had left her with a sense of independence and free will that he could not afford.

To ensure her absolute loyalty and unwavering obedience, Bowser devised a sinister plan. He had constructed a machine, a marvel of dark engineering and magic, capable of rewriting the mind. This machine, which he named the Obedience Engine, was an imposing sight. It stood in a hidden laboratory beneath his fortress, a place only Bowser and his most trusted advisors knew about. The Obedience Engine was a monstrous contraption of gears, wires, and glowing crystals, designed to brainwash and reprogram its victim into a perfect slave.

The laboratory itself was a chamber of nightmares. The walls were lined with shelves holding ancient tomes and forbidden artifacts, each with its own dark history. The air was thick with the scent of burning incense and the faint hum of magical energy. In the center of the room stood the Obedience Engine, its metallic body reflecting the dim light of enchanted torches. The machine's core was a large, pulsating crystal that emitted an eerie, otherworldly glow, casting long, dancing shadows on the stone walls.

Bowser had spent years perfecting the Obedience Engine, drawing on knowledge from the darkest corners of the Koopa Kingdom's history. The machine was equipped with a series of mechanical arms, each ending in a different instrument of control: needles for injecting potions, electrodes for delivering electric shocks, and a myriad of other devices designed to break even the strongest will. The centerpiece of the machine was a cold, metal helmet adorned with intricate runes and enchanted stones, designed to interface directly with the victim's mind.

When Bowser revealed his plan to Ruby, her reaction was swift and vehement. Despite her rapid transformation and the influence of dark magic, a strong sense of self and defiance burned within her. She refused, her eyes flashing with a fierce determination that Bowser had not anticipated.

"Father, you can't do this to me," she protested, her voice steady despite the fear and anger roiling within her. "I won't become your puppet."

Bowser's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "You will do as I command, Ruby. This is for the greater good of our kingdom."

But Ruby stood her ground, a testament to the remnants of her spirit that the dark magic had not completely erased. Seeing her defiance, Bowser's face twisted into a mask of fury. He would not tolerate insubordination, not even from his own daughter.

Without hesitation, Bowser forced Ruby into the machine. Her transformation into a powerful adult had given her a sense of independence and free will that Bowser could not afford. As she was strapped to the cold metal table, her limbs were bound by enchanted shackles that glowed with a faint, malevolent light. The straps were made from the hide of a mythical beast, impervious to any form of escape or resistance. The shackles tightened around her wrists and ankles, ensuring she was completely immobilized.

Ruby struggled against the bonds, her newly acquired strength and agility useless against the unyielding constraints. "No! I won't let you do this!" she shouted, her voice echoing off the stone walls of the laboratory.

The helmet descended onto Ruby's head with a slow, mechanical precision. As it settled into place, it covered her eyes and ears, plunging her into a world of darkness and silence. The inner surface of the helmet was lined with sharp electrodes, positioned to interface directly with her brain. The runes on the helmet began to glow as the machine hummed to life, their light pulsating in sync with the machine's core crystal.

The process began with a low, ominous hum, building to a crescendo of mechanical whirs and magical pulses. The Obedience Engine's arms moved with a calculated grace, each instrument performing its function with deadly precision. Needles injected potent potions directly into Ruby's bloodstream, designed to enhance her susceptibility to the brainwashing process. Electrodes delivered rhythmic shocks to her temples, disrupting her neural pathways and weakening her mental defenses. Ruby still tried to get away, but soon her attempts stopped. The machine finally seemed to put Bowser's plan into action.

Ruby's mind was bombarded with a relentless stream of images and sounds. The machine projected vivid hallucinations directly into her consciousness, scenes of loyalty and devotion to Bowser, interspersed with moments of excruciating pain whenever she tried to resist. Her thoughts, once her own, were systematically overwritten with a new, dark purpose. Memories of her brief childhood were erased, replaced with fabricated loyalty and devotion to Bowser.

Hours passed, the machine working tirelessly to mold Ruby into the perfect servant. The laboratory was filled with the sound of the machine's operations, a symphony of mechanical clicks, whirs, and magical pulses. The air crackled with energy, the intensity of the process visible in the flickering shadows cast by the enchanted torches.

When the machine finally powered down, the straps released their hold, and the helmet lifted from Ruby's head. She remained motionless for a moment, her eyes vacant and devoid of their former spark. Slowly, she rose from the table, her movements mechanical and devoid of emotion. Bowser watched with satisfaction as Ruby bowed before him, her transformation complete in every sense. She was now a being of dark beauty and power, but her mind was no longer her own. Programmed to obey without question, Ruby's loyalty to Bowser was absolute.

After Ruby's complete transformation, Bowser decided it was time to solidify her new role. He brought her to Bowser Jr., who had been waiting in a private chamber of the castle, surrounded by the opulence befitting his status. The room was adorned with dark, luxurious decorations, and the air was filled with a sense of anticipation.

Bowser Jr., despite his father's assurances, felt a mix of hesitation and unease. He had been groomed for power and dominance, but the reality of this new responsibility weighed heavily on him. As Ruby entered the room, her demeanor was submissive and controlled, a stark contrast to the defiant young woman she had once been.

Bowser Jr. approached Ruby with a mixture of curiosity and reluctance. He was aware of his father's intentions but had not anticipated the full impact of what it meant to claim her as his. Ruby's transformation was evident in her now imperious and controlled presence, but the process had also rendered her a vessel of obedience.

With Bowser observing closely, Bowser Jr. took Ruby in his arms. The intimacy that followed was not just an act of claiming but also a means of asserting control. Ruby, now a product of Bowser's dark design, submitted without resistance. Her compliance was a testament to the success of the Obedience Engine.

The ceremony of dominance was both a ritual and a statement. Bowser Jr. asserted his authority over Ruby, marking her as his property in the most personal sense. This act was more than a claim; it was a symbol of the complete domination Bowser had over his kingdom and family.

In the days that followed, Ruby's role as a servant to Bowser Jr. was unquestioned. She executed his commands with an efficiency that bordered on mechanical. Her mind, now a blank slate of obedience, held no remnants of resistance. Bowser's empire continued to grow stronger, the machinery of his dark rule turning with relentless precision. Yet, in the depths of her altered consciousness, a faint whisper of her former self lingered, a silent testament to the darkness that had consumed her.

Writers Note: This is Ruby after the transformation ⏬

I created her myself! If i See anyone using her Pic, i'll Report you

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