Chapter 6: King Trever

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Mabel POV

I don't know how long we've kiss but Jume backed away and I looked away, blushing. Jume clear his throat. Luckily Cade wasn't here.

"Ahhh I knew it." Said a scratching voice. I nearly fell of the bed and there was Cade, in the door way. Jume stood up, "Grandfather!"

"Oh don't mind me...continue." He said with a smile.

I blushed even more.

"Grandfather." Jume said sharply but sheepishly at the same time. "Alright! Alright! If you are done then we must go." Jume nods, "Yes Grandfather." Then Cade gave us the look then disappeared. Jume help me up to my feet and he hands me Dipper's hat, "Here."

I look at it in my hands. "Thanks." I reply, "I..."

"Keep it. Memories of your brother are painful but they are the best thing you got." Jume took my hand. "Thanks." I smiled and we disappeared.

We got back to the house.

"Where is everyone?" I ask. The only people that I could see were Cade and Grunkle Stan. "In another room. Your parents are sleeping on the bed, Pacifica is somewhere around the garden outside, Gideon is who knows where and Wendy, Soos, and Melody are also somewhere around this area" Grunkle Ford explain.

"And there is me." Said a voice. I turn and I could see Grunkle Ford. "Grunkle Ford!" I cheered as I ran and hug him. "Mabel. Mabel I'm sorry about Dipper." Grunkle Ford said. "It's fine." I reply. "I'm just glad that you are safe."

"Alright, so what are we going to do?" Jume ask.

"We are going to try and stop Bill from taking down the King Universe." I spoke out. "I know that is sounds crazy but we must. We can't just give up."

"I'm with Mabel." Grunkle Ford said. "We got to do something. We got some equipment."

"Sure why not." Jume said. "Sure the last time we fail but you know what Timmy Barth said, 100 fails =1 success. There is still a chance that we can stop this. If we can take one stone out of 14 then they can't open the portal. Bill can't open the nightmare realm."

"Yes but there is many problems with that. Two reasons reason one Dipper and reason two is Tori." Cade pointed, "Mable I love the plan but with two assassins on our backs to protect Bill, the chance is very slim."

"We can get to your brother before they do Grandfather." Jume said. "If he gives you the stone and then we can hide it, maybe even destroy it and they could never use it and so the nightmare realm will never be open."

Cade thought for a moment, and then Grunkle Stan stepped in, "Alright I'm not sure actually who we are up against but we need to try."

"Yes and the King Universe will let us in better and easier then Bill and his assassins." Grunkle Ford said.

"I'm not sure if that is so easy. The King Universe is on high alert and they won't just let anyone in." Cade said, "Not even their own brother or great nephew."

"Well we got to try." I said, "We can't just let billions of people die and but into slavery or being eating alive. We got to do something! I know that the chance is very slim but there is a chance."

"I'm with Mabel." Jume said.

"Same." Grunkle Ford said.

"Me too." Grunkle Stan.

We all look at Cade. Cade gave us a smile, "I'm in."

I smiled, "Alright so we just got to go into the King Universe talk to the king and get the stone. That is our first plan."

"Right and if Dipper or Tori comes then we need to stop them so how." Jume said.

"Yes and Bill will be around there too. He will be there to open the nightmare realm. So he will have the rest of the stones." Cade said.

"So we can if we need to, go to Bill and get a stone or stones from him."

"Yes, there are 14 stones. I'm sure we can get at least one of them." I said.

"Alright so plan A, talk to the king and try to get the stone. Plan B, is to get the stones from Bill. Plan C, is to make a deal. Plan D, abandon hope." Grunkle Ford said.

"What do you mean make a deal?" I ask.

"If we need to, Bill cares about his assassins...most liking Dipper the most. Take Dipper and see what he does."

"I like your spirit!" Cade said.

"Alright as long we don't hurt him." I said. "Sure he is dark but he is still Dipper."

"Alight, if we run into them we got one problem." Jume said, "Both Dipper, Tori, and Bill have some sort of magic. Bill is the strongest, then Dipper, then Tori. And out of this group, only me and Grandfather have magic."

"I know a few spells but not enough to fight off them." Grunkle Stan admits.

"Good point my boy." Cade said.

"I don't want any magic." Grunkle Stan said. "I'm for the guns and fists."

"Alright then this will make it easier. We can make a connection with the Magic and we will share magic. Jume you share with Mabel and I'll share with Ford." Cade order.

Jume grab my hand, "This shouldn't hurt...I hope. I'm not sure really what is going to happen." I gave a small smile, "It is worth a shot to save people." Cade came over and grabs Grunkle Ford's hand, "Now I must warn you. Jume and mine powers in our bodies will be weaker, but if we team up then we are strong together. Like hold hands and both people will be stronger. Alright." We all nod. Then Cade started to mumbles words that I don't understand.

I could feel this power going inside of me. Flowing inside. I could feel joy and happiness. I feel powerful. I close my eyes to feel the power even more. I never want it to leave. I felt that everything will be alright and all my troubles where that kiss with Jume. That is how I feel right now.

Then Jume let go of my hand and I could fell trap. I didn't feel as happy or joy full as before.

"Wow." I muttered. Jume lean against the couch. "Are you alright?" I ask him. "Yeah...just...dizzy a bit." He replies. "Don't worry my boy it will pass soon." Cade tells him. "Alright get ready. We must leave right away." Grunkle Ford went and grabs a couple of stun guns. He gave four for Grunkle Stan, three for himself, and one for the rest including me. Since we have magic. "A 100 shots per gun. Once out just throw it away or keep it." Grunkle Ford instructed.

"I hope we are all ready." Cade said.

"Let's do this." I said.

Then Cade grabs Grunkle Stan's hand and Jume grab mine. I could feel the happiness flow inside of me again. "Alright this is going to take a lot out of the four of us. This is step one of how hard it is to get to the King Universe. It takes....LOTS of magic to get through. So we are going to fell a bit weak afterwards." Cade warns. We all nod. "Alright let's go." Then I fuzz out.

Then I open my eyes and I was in this garden and I never felt so weak in my life. I fell to the ground. I wanted to sleep. My vison was blurry. Then I barely felt a hand touch my hand and then I started to gain strength. My vision was the first to clear up. I was lying on the ground and next to me was Jume, who was also lying on the ground, and he touches my hand. I could tell that we were sharing energy right now and gaining it at the same time.

I smiled and he smiled back.

Then two huge guards came up, "Well we got a group. No wonder they made it through." one said with a very deep voice. Then I saw one bent down and pick up Jume, his hand was strip away from mine. I was then being eaten alive with weakness. My vision started to blur up again. Then another pick me up but I couldn't feel anything. I felt like I was just a mist of emptiness.

The next thing I remember was going through something then having a face full of energy. I woke up quickly. I open my eyes and I could see that I cuffs with my hands behind me. I looked around and I was in this room, on the ground and I was chain to the floor by the cuffs. I look around and everyone was here. I hope they didn't take our weapons. I didn't feel mine.

"Welcome to stage 2." Cade mumbles as he sat up, "Those guards took us here and put us in chains that stop our magic. We can't use it."

"Where are the guns?" Grunkle Ford asks.

"I took them. It is an (allionsion) spell. I can bring them back up once I gain my magic back."

Then the doors open and this man came and walked in. "How dare you enter my universe." He demanded.

"Trever." Cade snaps.

Trever stop, "Well isn't my big brother, Cade. I see you finally got some friends and oh my great nephew. Lan or Jume? I could never tell the difference."

"Jume." Jume replies.

"Well what brings you here? You know I never wanted to see your face again Cade." Trever hiss.

"You know what is going on here Trever."

"Oh yes I do and that is why I strengthen my wall and updated my gaurds. I'm being hunted down...I'm guessing it is by you."

"No!" I cried out, I didn't know if I was meant to but I did, "We are trying to protect you. Bill Cipher is after you."

Trever laugh, "Ha. He won't get through my wall. He is too weak."

"Not any more, Trever. He got two assassins that have magic. Together they are powerful."

Trever laugh even more, "You are just pulling my leg."

"It is true!" Jume snaps.

"Oh yeah? What is your prove?"

"My brother!" I snap, "My brother is one of the assassins."

"And is that supposed to make me believe you?"

"And I was there. I know this because I was with them at that time."

"So you are with them."

"No! I got into a spot where I had the dream stone around my neck with a protection spell on it and so they took me so they can use the stones."

"Where is that stone now?"

"Bill found a way to use a dagger to cut it off."

"I don't believe you."

"Trever would you just stop being selfish for once in your life!" Cade snaps. "We are trying to save your life as well as countless others."

"You are just making this up." Trever rolls his eyes, "You are the ones who are trying to make the whole world a peaceful and union place. I think this place need a king and I am the king! Now, off with your lives!"

"You can't do that!" Jume snaps, trying to get up but the chains held him.

"Start with the nephew." Trever sneer. "And end with my brother."

Then a huge bull like creature came up with a sword and was heading towards Jume, sword ready to make the cut. "No! Please don't!" I pleaded, as well as everyone else. Jume had a face full of fear. Tears stream down my face. I couldn't lose another one, but our pleads were useless. The bull raises his weapon and brought it down.

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