Spilled Memorises

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Ayumi's POV

I need to get my badge.
"Hello. Is anyone awake?" I speak into the tantei badge.
"We are all together at Agase's House. Are you OK. 3 oclock in the morning you know."
"Conan-kun is awake."
"Great we will meet you there."
"But he is acting weird. He doesn't remember me."
"Really?! We will be there in any moment."


Everyone came dashing in to the room where Conan is in. He was asleep.
"Sorry Mouri-san. But I recommend you to meet him one by one. Remembering a lot of memories at once will give him more pain than he is having right now." the doctor said.
"He has aminisea right now. Correct?" Haibara asks.
"Sharp minded. Yes he does have aminesea. If he get his memories back he will probably move a lot as if his head is getting tortured. Hold him down if he tries to hit someone."
"I will take care of Conan-kun." Ran spoke up.
No one declined. She stayed right beside Conan-kun.

Ran's POV

I am sorry Conan-kun. I asked you a stupid question and then you got into a car accident. These words flash in my mind.

"Stop asking me stupid questions."

What was the answer Conan-kun. Tell me. I reach out for Conan's Hand and I fall asleep.

Skip Time

Conan's POV

"I found you Conan." a man in black said.
A man with silver hair like a women and a face of a man.
"Who are you?" I cry out.
"He isn't going to confess easily, aniki." another man with sunglasses said.
"May as well kill some of her friends first." Silver faced devil said.
"Conan-kun!!" a women said.
She was tied up and laid on the ground. she felt important to me. 'Aniki' toke out a gun. Aimed at her head and pulled the trigger.
"No. No. Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!"

I wake up in bed and the women in my dream was sleeping in front of me on my legs. Early in the morning. The women woke up.

"Oh. You were awake. Ohayou!" the women said.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"I am Mouri Ran. Your caregiver because you family lives in a different country."
I hold my head it hurts. Sharp pain. I shake a little bit.
"Calm down Conan-kun." she said panicing, "Conan-kun."
My pain in my head was unbearable. I grabbed my head and started to move side to side. I was also kicking my legs. Like that was going to help. She pinned me down on the bed till I calmed down.
"I think I remember something. But I really can't figure what." I mumbled.
"I know it might take time but you'll remember." she calmly said.

Skip Time

Conan's POV

"You may go home if you want to." the doctor said.
"I am sorry for the damage he made." Ran apologized.
"It happens a lot. Please don't mind."
Of course everybody breaks window and machines don't they. I didn't think I would break a window and a machine with my head in pain.

I got changed to normal clothes and bowed thank you and walked home with my... friends? I know a lot now. My school, home, friends and Many others.

Genta who likes eels. Mistuhiko who probably the smartest and likes Haibara. Ayumi likes flowers. Haibara is a bit old in personality.

They helped me go home. On the way home, a black car was parked. My heart rate went really fast. Haibara didn't even move. She had a shocked face.

I took Haibara's hand and dashed off. To somewhere that God knows. Then Haibara leads the way home.

"You know that you are actually Kudou Shinichi right?" Haibara asked with a cold look.
"What do you mean?" I ask back.
She explained about a black organization, poison and why no one knows about it.

I hold my head a little bit. I got used to the pain of remembering. I didn't move that much anymore.
"I might be hard to remember. But if you want to stay safe. Don't tell anyone except for me, Hakase and Hattori-kun. Understood?"
I nod.

We arrived at my house (Ran's House). She was watching the T.V.
It was a news report.

"A serial killer is on the loose. please do not go out of your homes late at night that much and stay in places with light. Already 9 people died. The weapon the killer use is a gun and a 5 cm Knife."

Ran turned off the T.V. I went upstairs and laid down on the living room. Ran came walking by and went to her room. I followed her. She was crying holding a photo. Another teenager with the similar age as her. Why? Why does my heart hurt?

Time Skip

Ran's POV

We went out to eat dinner today at Conan's favorite sushi shop. We went there very late it was very dark outside. Conan was wearing something. A charm. Hattori-kun must of have given it to him.

After we finished eating we all walked home. Then I realized I saw a killer walking with a gun and a knife. 8 lights around here. My father was drunk and Conan-kun saw he had a gun and a knife. We hid from the killer behind the rubbish bins. Until my stupid father did a hiccup.

The killer reacted to it and shot all the lights. Conan-kun dashed so I went too. We corner the serial killer in the corner. Not many lights around. I put him unconscious in seconds. Conan went to call the police but the killer was still awake. He dashed at me with a knife. I was sitting on the ground because my leg hurt I couldn't do any thing.

Conan's POV

When I finished calling the police I saw Occhan jogging here. I turned and the killer had his knife facing Ran. I had to do something. I jump and got stabbed instead of Ran. The killer tried to run away but he got caught by Occhan's super move.

While I groaning in pain. Because of the knife and my head. My head hurts. But I remember last time. Heiji and Kazuha were here and I was wearing the charm. I remember everything. I stood up.

"Are you alright." Ran asked.
"I remember everything now. Thanks to the charm to." I replied.
The killer was trying to escape free but the police came. We were saved.
We all walked back home in peace.

When I went back home. Occhhan slept in bed. I called Ran with Shinichi's voice.
"Yo! Ran." I cheerfully said.
"Shinichi. Please tell me you're, not Shinichi," she said.
"I am. Why?"
"That's Conan's phone."
"Plus I can hear you in the bathroom Conan-kun."

Edited: 09/07/2017
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