Chapter 11- 'Holy crap, did I just name our knife?'

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A/N: huge thank you to wl_rdc for the amazing banner! 

Hope you like the chapter people, and i seriously recommend for you to listen to the song at the side. Doesnt really have anything to do with the chapter is just freeeaking amazing. I want to make love to both of their voices. 

Anyway, usual drill. Vote and comment to let me know what you think!


“How is it my fault?!”

“It was your duty to bring it down!”

“I was holding the knife!”

“I was holding the English Teacher!”

“You could have reminded me!”

“I didn’t think I needed to, it was kind of a given to bring down the damn thing!”

“Well I’m sorry it slipped my mind, a lot is going on right now!”

“Oh f*ck up making excuses woman!”

“Don’t you swear at me you baboon’s ass!”

“What you going to do Barbie, scratch me?”

“I’ll claw those beady little eyes of yours out Hender-“

“ENOUGH!” Jaden screamed, standing to his feet and coming between Archie and I, who were glaring at each other with so much anger I'm surprised we hadn’t set each other on fire yet from just this stare.

Since we had discovered that the laptop had slipped our minds and was still on the counter in the medical room, neither myself or Archie could put the blame on ourselves so naturally we put it on each other. It was a natural defence mechanism, and in my defence no one reminded me.

“We need to remain calm.” Jaden’s voice was composed as he tried to defuse the situation. He sounded like he was meditating. “This could have happened to anyone, it wasn’t anybody’s fault.”

Both Archie and I went to open our mouths to argue against that point, but Jaden raised his hand to cover both of our mouths effectively shutting us up. He released a long breath, still trying to remain calm and reserved “It was nobody’s fault. Okay?”

My glare never left Archie, and his never left mine. Jaden slowly removed the hands from our mouths, glancing between us to make sure we were going to keep them shut.

“What are we going to do then?” Alex asked, glancing between his brother and I nervously as if worried that one sentence was going to set us off again.

Neither of us replied as we were too busy trying to kill each other with our eyes.

“Someone needs to go and get it I guess?” Miss Vines answered for us.

“Who though?” Gavin wondered, and I let out an annoyed snarl.

“Well obviously it’s going to be me and this asshole isn’t it.” I stated because it was true. It was our fault and even if it wasn’t, half of the people in this room would probably cry if we forced them to leave it. I turned and marched to the door, the butterfly knife gripped tight in my hand. I turned and shouted over my shoulder “Come on Henderson!”

I heard footsteps begin to follow me.

“Are you sure this is wise? I mean you two aren’t exactly calm right now or on the same page.” Jaden called out; clearly worried if we were alone I would turn and use this knife on his best friend.

“This is a perfect time to go out there. If I bump into the guy with the mood I’m in right now I’ll be screaming ‘come at me bro’ with vengeance!” I almost growled, and I swear I actually heard Archie snort a laugh.

“Be safe!” Gavin’s voice was the last thing I heard as I left the hall and the door closed behind us.

I was still marching on ahead, and I heard Archie pick up the pace as he jogged to catch up.

“Will you wait woman.”

“No. Walk on your own.”

“I would but you’ve got the knife.”

I let out a menacing laugh “Oh I wouldn’t want to be near me right now while I hold this knife pretty boy.”

He rolled his eyes before coming to a halt and grabbing my wrist, stopping me with him.

“Right, you need to calm down. Holding a knife and being pissed off is never a good combination.”

“Not for you.” I smirked at him bitterly, and he looked down at me with an almost bored expression.

“Done with the death threats?” He asked patiently.

“I will never be done with the death threats when it comes to you.” I replied simply, and again he rolled his eyes at me.

“So aggressive…” he muttered, shaking his head disapprovingly. A ghost of a smile appeared on his mouth as he raised his brows suggestively “Are you like this in all aspect of your life?”

I narrowed my eyes at him and for the second time in five minutes I growled in anger. I turned and continued to make my way down the hall and to the stairs, leaving a laughing Archie to catch up behind me.

We made our way up the stairs again for about the millionth time tonight. I swear if I climbed any more stairs I was going to have abs of steel. I was debating on taking my camo jacket off because all this stair climbing was actually making me sweat.

As we reached the second floor, I turned to head straight for the medical room. I reached the room a few seconds before Archie, and sure enough the laptop was exactly where we left it.

“Do I need to tell you to grab it or…?” he wondered off, looking at me with a sarcastic smile.

I flipped him off without even glancing at him, before I threw the knife to him. Without closing it.

He cursed and winced as he caught it in his hand “Jesus Summer, you trying to kill me?”

“That obvious huh?” I muttered to myself as I went to grab the laptop but I froze before my hand touched the monitor “Archie?”

“What?” he snapped, clearly pissed at the fact I just threw a pointy blade at him in my little fit. He looked up at me and instantly knew something was wrong from the fact my eyes were glued to the monitor. He walked up to stand next to me and glanced at the screen.

“Pass Go and collect your prize at door number 3.” Archie read the words that now filled the screen “What the hell does that mean?”

I racked my brain trying to make sense of it, but was coming up with a blank. I glanced at the door and walked out into the hallways slowly, glancing up and down the hall trying to figure out what that message meant.

“Summer…” Archie’s tense voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned to him. His eyes were glued to the floor by my feet, and I glanced down to see what he was looking at.

I jumped back like it was going to hurt me. Right where I had been stood by the threshold of the door was the word ‘Go’ written in red letters. My breath hitched up and I looked back into the hallway. I was about to step out when this time I wasn’t so brave. That message on the floor apparently kicked my Lara Croft straight in the nose and she was out cold. I turned to Archie.

“Okay, I’m not mad at you anymore so please come here.” I almost begged, realising I needed him near me right now. I needed something that made me feel a little less creeped out.

He instantly followed my request and came by my side, not even making a remark or making me beg and apologise for being a bitch a minute ago. He meant business right now.

“So if this is ‘Go’, where’s door number 3?” Archie asked as his eyes also glanced down the hallway.

I let out a groan “This is the worst game of monopoly ever.”

He took a step forward to go into the hallway, and I didn’t even realise my arm had shot up to grab his until it did. He turned and looked at it, before he looked up to my face. From the faint smile he gave me, I must have looked pretty scared.

“I’m here okay, don’t be a girl about it.” He smiled at me, and his joke wasn’t meant to offend me. It was meant to relax me as it was teamed up with the reassuring and calming Archie smile. I nodded quickly.

“Okay. I am not a girl. I am not a girl…“ I chanted to myself in an attempt to calm down, and I saw Archie’s smile widen as he looked at me amused.

“The C cups that keep staring at me say differently sweetheart.” He grinned, glancing down at my chest. I glared at him for the comment, but I was so thankful because I knew he was trying to get my mind off the fact I was terrified. He turned his head back to the hallway and walked forward.

Without saying a word, he shook my hands off his arm until they fell by my side. I was just about to whine about it when I felt his hand grab mine. I looked at our joined hands and my eyes widened.

“What the fuck?!” I mouthed the words to myself so he didn’t hear me. I was shocked at his gesture, but at the same time I didn’t want him to let go because I was thankful to have the contact. I needed to know someone was here with me.

We slowly made our way into the hall.

“Thank god there’s no boiling water around here…” I heard Archie mutter to himself, and the smile that came to me was so fast I was a little surprised by it. He was obviously referring to earlier when I said the only time I would hold his hand would be if it was in fact over boiling water. Funny how thing’s turn out really.

Archie stopped in the middle of the hallway and glanced at a few of the classroom doors as he thought something over in his head. He was thinking really hard from the look on his face.

“You look like you're trying to fart. What are you thinking?” I whispered to him.

“Cheers, and I am trying to figure out which door is number 3.” He explained to me.

I glanced to where he was looking. Directly opposite the medical room, where the creep had put the word ‘Go’ there was a classroom, so that meant that it was not that one, or the one next to it but the one after that to the right. It couldn’t be on the left of it because all that was there was a Janitors closet and a staff room.

Jesus, I knew I was falling behind in my Maths but it was amazing how much of a struggle it was right now to count as high as three.

“That one?” I suggested, as I pointed to the door I had counted in my head.

“Yeah I think so.” Judging from the uncertainty in his voice, I wasn’t the only one who sucked at Maths.

Without saying another word, he started to walk towards the door, pulling me along with the hand that was gripping mine. The knife was in front of him, held so it was ready to use in case anyone was behind door number three that needed to meet the end of Mr Pointy.

Holy crap, did I just name our knife?

The door was closed, and with the end of Mr Pointy (yep, apparently I really did) he pushed it open, stepping back a little. Once we were sure no one was going to pounce, we walked into the room.

My hand instantly covered my mouth as I saw her. She was on the desk at the front, one arm hanging off of the edge and blood dripping down it, off her fingers onto the floor. Her eyes were open as her head hung back off the desk, staring directly at us.

“Oh god, Tally…” I almost whimpered as I looked at her. My stomach twisted and this time, unlike Principal Gregory I really can say seeing her like this made my throat go dry. I shook my head, not wanting to look but at the same time I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her.

“Jesus…” Archie grimaced as he looked at her, or better yet, looked at all the blood. I felt his hand squeeze mine a little tighter and pull me closer to him. My hand fell from my mouth.

“This is our prize?” I said in disgust, feeling a wave of anger and sadness at the same time. Anger that this sick psycho was making a game out of people’s lives, and sadness because I had not known Tally well but I could tell she was a good, decent girl. She didn’t deserve this. Hell, nobody deserved this.

Except Hitler.

Archie was no longer looking at Tally. He pulled me further into the room until we were both facing the big white board at the front of the room.

“I think that is meant to be our prize.” Archie informed me quietly as he read the words.

Choose your friends carefully’

I swallowed the big lump down at the back of my throat. I never tore my eyes away from those four words written in big black marker on the board, I couldn’t. I was transfixed by them.

I gripped Archie’s hand tighter.

“Do you think Aubree’s alive?” I almost choked out.

“I don’t know.” Archie answered honestly “But I’m guessing that message is about her.”

I didn’t need to nod or voice the fact we were completely on the same page about that. Tally had chosen to stay loyal and go with Aubree, and it had gotten her killed. She didn’t choose her friends carefully, and where ever she was now she sure as hell must be regretting it.

“We need to get out of here.” Archie informed me, and I nodded not needing to be told twice. We definitely needed to get out of here.

We basically sprinted out of the room, almost running straight past the medical room before remembering the reason we had to leave the hall in the first place was to get this damn laptop. Archie remembered just as we reached the top of the stairs, and with a curse he turned and ran back to get the laptop, dragging me along with him like I was a dog on a lead.

Once we had snatched the laptop, we bolted for the stairs and for the hall. I don’t know why we were running now, considering earlier we had been walking almost like it was a casual situation. I guess that message and Tally’s body definitely got to us.

We almost fell into the hall, both of us breathing heavily and we both leaned back against the door as we caught our breath. It took me a few minutes to remember that there were actually other people here and we were no longer alone.

Six sets of eyes were staring at us. After a few seconds, those six sets of eyes were no longer staring at our faces, but at our hands which were still gripping each other’s like our lives depended on it. I quickly pulled my hand out of his, avoiding our friends curious dumfounded expression that Summer and Archie were in fact holding hands.

“Have we missed something?” Frankie sounded beyond amused.

I pointed at her “Do not even look at me like that. I just ran my ass off from the third floor after coming out of a weird combination of a monopoly game and a murder mystery, so do not start with me Francesca!”  I growled, and she backed away with her arms up.

“Whoa, someone’s touchy…” she muttered, and I suddenly had an urge to kick my best friend in the vagina.

“Tally’s dead.” Archie declared, and that shut everyone up pretty fast from commenting on our hand holding.

“No way?” Jaden asked in disbelief.

I nodded “She’s on the second floor. We found her in one of the classrooms on the teacher’s desk.”

“Was Aubree there?” Frankie asked, and we both shook our heads.

“No, but the sick f*ck did leave a message on the whiteboard for us.” I told them. They all looked at me curiously waiting for me to reveal all. Before I could, Archie finished my sentence off.

“Choose your friends carefully.” He quoted. A lot of mouths fell open, whereas Gavin just looked confused.

“Was that the message or are you just passing on wisdom?”

“That was the message moron.” Archie shook his head. I think he was probably debating why he was actually friends with this guy right now. Having to deal with someone who had no filter when they spoke and six brain cells in total must be a lot of work.

“Gotcha’.” Gavin made a gun with his index finger and thumb and winked. 

Make that five brain cells.

“Oh my god so do you think it’s Aubree?” Jaden mouth was hanging open at the thought.

I recoiled slightly, thinking over his words. I glanced at Archie and he too was looking like Jaden actually had a point. The thought never even crossed my mind. I mean Aubree would never have it in her to kill someone. Earlier when we were sitting here waiting for the teachers to come back, she complained three times about a blood stain on her brand new white jeans.

“Aubree? No way, that girl couldn’t arrange a heart attack for the morbidly obese; you really think she could plan this?” Frankie replied, laughing at the idea.

Jaden shrugged, looking confused “I don’t know. I mean maybe the planning isn’t her? Maybe there are two of them?”

“Why do you say that?” Alex’s forehead wrinkled curiously.

“Because Aubree was here when we heard Principal Gregory get killed, so that obviously wasn’t her. But it was pretty handy how she kicked off at you and then walked out there like she didn’t have a fear in the world and dragged Tally with her.” Jaden explained, and I realised all of these points were valid.

Was Aubree really that stupid she didn’t even think of the dangers of two little girls in mountain high heels walking out there on their own? Or did she have nothing to worry about because there was never any danger for her?

Choose your friends carefully. Maybe that wasn’t someone else making a statement about Tally, maybe it was Aubree herself.

“Aubree? Aubree Brown?” Mr Cook groaned, and I realised he was back with us. He looked rough though, his eyes were still half closed and he was holding the back of his head. He pushed himself up to a sitting position and looked at all of us “The girl once asked me who Shakespeare was.”

I snorted a laugh, unable to help myself. Now that sounded like Aubree.

“I’m just saying, I mean what are the chances that all of this has been done by one guy?” Jaden gestures towards the laptop and the room in general, meaning the trapping us in and killing people part of this as well.

We were all silent because once again, Jaden was right. One person sure as hell couldn’t do all of this could they? If they could then fair enough, I'm impressed but I highly doubted it. I mean if I was in his shoes, I would think I was severely outnumbered. Even if I came across three of us and I was on my own I would be screwed.

If Jaden was in fact right about this, then we had the more worrying thought that someone we were sitting with for a good majority of the night was in fact in on the plan to kill us all off.

Our conversation was stopped as suddenly noise started erupting from the laptop I was still holding. I was so surprised by the sudden noise I actually screamed and threw the laptop on the floor.

It didn’t break surprisingly. Jesus this may the world’s strongest laptop. Miss Vines used it to thump someone around the head earlier and I just launched it into the ground like it was on fire, yet it was still going strong.

The screen had gone back a little more though so it was almost flat with the keyboard. I was trying to catch my breath, my heart almost beating out of my chest still. The screen was no longer black or had anything written on it, it had that colourful image on it with all the lines like when your TV goes or if there is a signal problem. I swear it’s also at the beginning of a Mcfly video.

I started to seriously pray that the next image on the screen would be four hot guys singing to me about some bitch with colourful hair.

Of course, with our luck tonight that was not what I saw. It wasn’t four hot guys, and it wasn’t singing. It wasn’t something that would put a smile on my face or something that would even cause me to bust a slight move. No. Nothing like that.

The next image that was on the screen was a girl sitting on a chair, her hands tied behind her back and her hair matted with blood. The sounds of her hysterical crying and begging came out of the speakers of the laptop and filled the room. The rest of the guys made their way over to us as soon as they heard the crying, wanting to see what was making Archie and I look like we had just seen a ghost.

“Please…please don’t hurt me…” Aubree was sobbing, blood staining under her nose. It was on her neck and down her top.

I almost shook my head once I spotted the state of her jeans.

They were definitely a write off, no amount of trips in the washing machine were going to save them. If she wasn’t tied to a chair right now and being held somewhat hostage, I could just picture the amount of bat shit crazy she would be going.

Well, that was Jaden’s theory out of the window then.

Metaphorically speaking of course, nothing was getting through these windows unless it had the BMI of a tow truck.


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