Chapter 6- 'I don't know it's just wrong. Like kicking a puppy.'

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A/N: I love all your comments on this story already definetely puts a smile on my face! And you guys are getting the gist of this story, its not all about blood and gore, its mainly humour and a big fat mystery ;) 

Thank you to AllinBlack for the awesome banner!

Enjoy people and as always comment when you're done and tell me your thoughts!


Judging by the look on Miss Vines face, she didn’t know whether to laugh or gasp in shock that a student just offered her a magic brownie.

We never got to find out if she wanted the brownie however because before she answered, our Principal marched over to us with fire coming out of his ears.

At the time I think the exact thought that crossed my mind was 'I think this is how we are all going to die.' Turns out I was getting way ahead of myself, although his wrinkled face did look ready to shove an umbrella up each and every one of our asses and open it.

“Well, I hope your little party was worth it because you are all in so much trouble you can kiss your education goodbye.” He seethed, looking between all of us. He turned as he noticed the little ginger kid stood in the side lines looking like a deer caught in the headlights “Kevin, I am very surprised at you. I thought you were a lot better than this.”

We all looked over the ginger kid who now had a name, and he was staring with his mouth hanging open debating on what to say. Someone spoke for him though.

“In all fairness, I don’t really think he had much to do with this he was just a bit slow on the escaping part.” Mr Cook defended him.

“Hey, if you're going to defend him you can put in a good word for us as well!” Gavin protested.

“It doesn’t matter who is more involved, what matters is that you all attended this ridiculous party. This is a felony, you are all underage and from what I’ve heard not only are you in possession of alcohol but there is drugs on the property as well.” Jaden quickly threw the plate of brownies over his shoulder and out of sight. Principal Gregory was fuming “The police are going to have a field day with this.”

All of our eyes popped out of our heads at the mention of men in uniform.

“You’re not really calling the police on us are you?!” I exclaimed, shitting myself as I realised not only were we definitely going to get kicked out of the school, but now there was a risk of us getting arrested due to the fact we were the ones caught with all this stolen alcohol and the weed filled cakes.

“You bet your lives I am. I have had enough of you kids thinking you can run riot in my school and get away with it.” The Principal replied, reaching into the pocket of his jacket and pulling his phone out.

Archie jumped off of the table “Listen, you can’t call the police. None of us brought any of this crap with us it was already here!”

“You’re the ones left by it though, doesn’t look good does it?”

“Come on man, give us a break. It’s not like this is the first time its happened, this has been going on before we even started coming to this school!” Archie tried to reason with him, realising we were all seriously screwed right now.

“And I am the one to put an end to it, unfortunately you were the ones caught red handed.” Principal Gregory didn’t even look at him and it was obvious there was no reasoning with him. He dialled the number for the police and put the phone to his ear. He pulled it away with an irritated expression on his face “I have no signal. Adam, give me your phone.”

He ordered Mr Cook, who looked at him with a questioning glance. He clearly was trying to reason with him about calling the police. After a few seconds of the Principal’s hard glare that told him he wasn’t changing his mind, Mr Cook sighed and pulled his phone out to hand to him.

It was like God was on our side though because that phone too had no signal.

“What on earth is going on?” Principal Gregory muttered to himself as he pressed a few buttons on Mr Cook’s phone.

“I don’t have any signal either.” Miss Vines said looking at her own phone.

Now this was getting weird. Yes we were in the middle of nowhere but the school always had reception. I mean, the kids would have a breakdown if they had to spend a whole day at school without their phones as entertainment. Simultaneously, we all too pulled out our phones and sure enough, mine was not working. Judging by the murmurs of everyone around me, neither was theirs.

“What the hell?” Archie muttered as he was staring at the screen on his iPhone. He looked around “Is everyone’s phone not working?”

Everyone was nodding and muttering in agreement.

“I don’t even have a phone at the minute, dropped it in the toilet last weekend when I was pissed.” Gavin informed us.

“Well that is a wonderful story, but that just explains the fact that you’re an idiot not why everyone suddenly has no signal.” Frankie replied, and Gavin glared at her.

“Well we’re going to have to go to the police station ourselves then.” Principal Gregory announced, and we all groaned. We probably thought the lack of signal was our pass to getting away with it, but apparently not.

Unwillingly, we all stood to our feet and began to follow the Principal out of the hall. Gavin was apparently so attached to his little car he didn’t even stand up at first, but just steered the car to follow everyone out. It was only when Principal Gregory turned and stared death in his direction did he realise it was best to get out and use his legs instead.

We walked down the hallway, the only sound filling the silence as we walked our Green Mile was the sounds of the Slut Squad’s heels on the floor. We finally reached the main exit at the front of the school but there was only one problem.

The door was closed, and not just closed but as in closed with this big ass chain wrapped around the handles making it painfully obvious no one was getting in or out without a set of bolt cutters handy on them.

“What the fuck?” Archie exclaimed as he spotted the chains, and the amount of confusion lingering in the air was ridiculous right now.

“Where are the keys?” Principal Gregory ordered, turning to us.

“How the hell are we supposed to know? That has nothing to do with us.” Archie told him, looking at the chains on the door with a puzzled expression.

“Don’t give me that, this was clearly your intention of making sure nobody got in.” The Principal replied, glaring at his direction.

Archie turned to him and from one look I knew his temper was running thin “Okay, tell me this then if this was our idea then how the hell did you get in exactly?”

 The look on the Principal’s face was hilarious because he knew Archie had him. They had clearly walked through that door less than half an hour ago.

“He’s right they were in the hall the entire time, who ever put that on there isn’t standing here now.” Mr Cook agreed with Archie, and Archie looked at the Principal with a smug expression.

“Who the hell would have put that there anyway?” I wondered out loud.

“Maybe one of the kids that made a run for it?” Frankie suggested it, but it was Archie who shook his head.

“No way, they would have been too busy making a run for it to stop and chain up the door. Why would they anyway?” Archie explained, and I hate to admit it but he had a point. Why would any of the kids who made a break for it chain up the door on their way out?

“Who cares who did this? Let’s just go out the back and get the hell out of here.” Aubree’s whiny voice inputted.

I turned to her “You’re not at all curious as to who chained up the exit?”

She looked me up and down with a disgusted look on her face, probably about the fact I just spoke to her actually.

“I’m about as interested in that as you are in fashion sweetie.” She retorted, and I raised my brows at her. Archie let out a burst of laughter. Clearly any insult in my direction was worthy of a good laugh.

“We don’t all have daddy’s credit card to fund our wardrobes do we?” I told her before I gave her a sweet smile “Must cost him a fortune too, especially with all the clothes you lose in the backseats of all those cars.”

I thought Archie was going to topple over laughing, and a few of the others joined in. Even Kevin smiled a little. Aubree however was looking at me with her mouth hanging open in shock.

“What are you trying to say exactly?” She asked, actually raising her hand at me like one of those annoying little girls in high school movies who say ‘like’ way too often.

“That you’re a whore.” I replied simply, not understanding how she missed that message.

Just as she was about to blow at me, Mr Cook cut us off.

“Let’s quit while we are ahead and go out the other exit shall we?” He suggested taking a step closer to us, realising if he didn’t interfere soon we would probably end up brawling. He looked between us “I think you’re both in enough trouble right now without adding a cat fight into the equation don’t you think?”

We both remained quiet, keeping the eye contact before we both turned and followed Mr Cook’s instructions. We all made our way towards the other exit at the back. It took us about 5 minutes to reach it, unfortunately when we did reach it, it felt like dejavu.

“Oh come on!” Jaden exclaimed raising his arms in the air in desperation as this exit was also chained up. Principal Gregory walked up to it, shaking his head in disbelief as he attempted to open the door anyway. He turned back around.

“I’m guessing this wasn’t you either?” He asked, clearly not believing us if the sarcasm in his tone was anything to go by.

“Listen man, I’ve told you once this wasn’t us so stop with the f*cking accusations.” Archie snapped at him.

“Watch who you’re talking to Henderson.” The Principal growled at him.

Archie shrugged and laughed “Why? It’s obvious we’re all getting kicked out so explain to me why exactly I need to watch myself?”

“It’s not just expulsion you should be worried about when I cart you all off to the police station.” Principal Gregory threatened, and much to everyone’s shock Archie smirked maliciously and walked forward until he was directly in front of him.

“Go on then, cart us off.” Archie dared him, and then lifted his arm to point at the exit “Just whip out a set of bolt cutters and off we pop.”

Gavin snorted a laugh, and even the Principal was silent as again Archie raised a very good point. How the hell would we get to the police station when we couldn’t even get out of the school?

“There is another exit isn’t there?” Miss Vines voice cut through all the tension in the air.

“Yeah there’s these two and then another one by the Science rooms. There are also the fire exits as well.” Mr Cook agreed.

“Well why don’t we just go and check that one?” She suggested, clearly trying to stop the fight that was itching to break out between Archie and the Principal. I knew Archie, hell we all knew Archie, if he knew he was already booted out of school there was nothing stopping him from head butting the wrinkly old man in front of him who was clearly getting on his last nerve.

“Not to sound like doom, but if these two exits are locked up what makes you think the other one won’t be?” Frankie asked, and she had a point.

“Well who ever locked it must have gotten out somehow so maybe he just left that one opened?” Mr Cook suggested, but he didn’t sound too sure himself. He shrugged “Worth having a look.”

We all followed him to exit number 3, Jaden physically having to grab Archie by the arm to move him away from the intense staring match he was having with our Principal.

“Come on Archie, you can’t hit an old man.” Jaden told him as we walked down the hallway.

“Why not?” Archie questioned, clearly pissed.

Jaden shrugged “I don’t know it’s just wrong. Like kicking a puppy.”

Even though Archie was angry, even he couldn’t help but breathe a laugh at Jaden’s logic.

A further 5 minute walk to the third and final exit, and I'm sure you can all already guess the sight that welcomed us.

“Ah someone is having a f*cking laugh now.” Gavin groaned, physically going up to the exit and kicking it with anger. It didn’t open obviously due to the great big metal chain wrapped around the handles.

Now this was when we started to realise something was seriously wrong. Well, the normal people started to realise something was seriously wrong. Little Princess Herpes however had other pressing matters on her mind.

“So does this mean we have to like break a window or something? Because I can’t really climb anything in these.” Aubree informed us, lifting her leg and pointing at her heels.

“We are not breaking any windows. We are not vandalising the school just because some idiot decided to be a joker and lock up all the doors.” Principal Gregory almost barked, the idea of someone damaging his precious school probably worse than hearing one of his own children had been run over.

I walked up to the door, my hand running over the metal chains as I cocked my head and tried to figure out what the hell was going on. Something was seriously not right, I mean who ever put these chains on the doors had to have a reason, and they must have gotten out somehow. Since the 3 main exits were chained, that left one of the fire exits.

I felt my stomach turning slightly as a thought flashed my head, and for some reason I really hoped I was wrong.

I turned back around and walked straight past the group, ignoring the questioning glances I was getting and heading straight for the fire exit that was located in this hallway.

Please open…

I pushed the handle down, and much to my despair the door didn’t budge. My stomach flipped again as I realised my previous suspicion was in fact correct. I turned back towards them all, who were staring over waiting for me to say something.

I shook my head “It’s locked.”

Gavin and Jaden let out a groan. To my surprise, Archie was staring over with his head cocked, clearly reading something else from my expression.

“What?” he questioned.

I hesitated at first because I didn’t want to sound like a drama queen or sound like an idiot because I'm sure there was another explanation to it.

“Well, who ever put all these chains on the doors…how did they get out?” I wondered out loud, and I looked between them all to see if anyone had any answers. Even the adults looked baffled as they realised I had a point. Archie looked like he was thinking something over. He turned and looked at our Principal.

“The fire exits, do they lock automatically?” he questioned.

Principal Gregory nodded his head “Yes on a school day they lock automatically once the entire school is locked up, and during the summer they remaine locked all day because no one is in here. Or no one is meant to be here.” He added bitterly, looking between all of us kids still not getting his mind off of the whole party on school grounds situation.

“So even though we had keys and got into the school, the fire exits should still be locked right?” Archie asked.

“Yes, normally you need a code to unlock the fire exits and set the alarm on them.” The Principal explained, judging by the look on his face he didn’t quite know where this conversation was heading.

Ironically, I understood completely what Archie was trying to figure out. He turned back to me, his face looking like he was deep in thought.

“Which meant no one locked the fire exits on their way out.” Archie said exactly what I was thinking, and I nodded agreeing with him.

The fire exits were locked already, which meant that no one could get out of them tonight, which also meant who ever put the chains on the door was still in the school.

“There are other kids in here.” Archie turned and told the rest of them.

“How do you know that?” Principal Gregory questioned.

“Because whoever chained up the doors clearly didn’t get out through the fire exits, meaning they’re still in here.” Archie explained “Unless they smashed one of your precious windows and got out.”

Principal Gregory glared at him for the remark, and I noticed the smirk on Archie’s mouth.

“Well, we need to check all the windows on the first and second floor to see if any of them are smashed then.” The Principal told us.

Mr Cook glanced at him and they exchanged a look. I had no idea what it was about but I didn't have time to ask before Mr Cook spoke. “There is no point in checking any floors higher than that because a jump from that height would definitely finish you off.”

He had a point. The school was four floors, and the first floor you could basically step out of the windows. The second floor you could jump out but there is a good possibility of broken limbs on the way down. The third and fourth floors were a suicide jump.

“It’s probably better if we split up, it will be faster.” Miss Vines suggested, looking at Mr Cook for reassurance that was the best thing to do. He nodded.

All heads turned as we spotted Gavin standing there with his arm in the air indicating he had something to say.

“Um, not to sound too dramatic but isn’t that ALWAYS a bad idea?” Gavin asked, looking around “Splitting up? That’s the shit idiots say before they all end up getting cut up like fresh ham.” He turned to Miss Vines “No offence to you by the way.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Gavin, this isn’t a horror film. What do you think is going to happen if we split up? This is just one of your peers having a joke and thinking they are funny. They're probably hiding somewhere in the school if Archie is right getting their kicks from knowing they are annoying all of us.” Principal Gregory told him, and I could tell by Gavin’s face that explanation did absolutely nothing for him.

“Well I’m just pointing out the fact someone bolting up all the exits is some weird sh*t, and splitting up is always a dumb thing to do. Strength in numbers and all that.” Gavin replied.

Principal Gregory shook his head, turning to the rest of the group and I could tell the Sargent in him was coming out again. Apparently Gavin's opinion was mute and not even worth taking into account.

“Okay, Miss Vines if you want to come with me and we’ll check the second floor. Kevin, Frankie Jaden and Tally if you want to come with us. The rest of you can check this floor here.” He turned to Mr Cook “Keep an eye on them.”

He turned and indicated for his platoon to follow him. Frankie rolled her eyes as she grabbed Jaden and began to follow. Aubree actually started whining because she wasn’t in Tally’s group and got left alone with us. I really wanted to point out the fact this wasn’t a science project, it wasn’t exactly a standard partnering up.

“Come on guys.” Mr Cook gestured for us to follow him into the first classroom. After the first couple of classroom when we realised none of the windows were broken and no one else was in there, we decided that splitting up into pairs would get the job done twice as fast. Gavin of course objected and refused to be the one on his own. Mr Cook offered to check a few of the classrooms on his own, while according to Archie it was best if it was a mixed gender partnering up in case anything went wrong and the girls needed male protection.

Translated in the manwhore vocabulary, this basically meant ‘I have an excuse to be alone in a classroom with Aubree and attempt to get my end away’. Even in this messed up situation, the boy was more concerned in getting it in than anything else.

I got paired with Gavin. Basically if it came down to it and a girl would need the man to protect her from whatever, in this partnership it would be me protecting Gavin while he hides behind me crying like a little bitch.

“This is typical.”

“What are you complaining about?” I asked Gavin who was whining. We had just walked into a classroom and by the looks of it; none of the windows were broken and it was vacant. I walked up to a couple of them to see if they opened, but of course they were locked.

“I was hoping to get a bit of action tonight, but no of course we had to have the biggest party of the year crashed by our teachers then have some annoying little ass sniffer lock us in the school.” Gavin complained, and I shook my head in disbelief.

What is wrong with men? We were in a seriously weird situation and they were all more concerned about the fact they were not getting laid tonight.

“Gavin I’m sure you can manage one night without banging some randomer.” I pointed out as we walked out of the classroom and into the next one.

“Summer, do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had sex?” He asked me seriously, looking like he was about to declare he had some terminal illness. I looked at him waiting for a response “Two weeks.”

I groaned at the idiot, for a second I genuinely believed he was going to say like a year or something.

“You roll your eyes and groan, but that is a long time Summer. I think my virginity is growing back.” He looked down and cupped his crotch, before pulling the waistband of his jeans away and looking at his soldier “Do you think that can happen?”

“No, your virginity cannot grow back you moron. You’re complaining that you have not had sex in 14 days. I’ve had a plate of pasta in my room that’s been on my side for longer than that.” I told him, trying these windows as well but no luck again.

He grimaced “That is disgusting.”

I rolled my eyes again. I had to get paired up with him. So far he had not checked a single window; he’s just stood and watched me do the work while he complained about his apparent non-existent sex life. Non-existent my ass, two weeks is nothing. I was not joking there really was a plate of pasta that’s been in my room for longer than that.

My mum refused to move it because she said I needed to learn to clean up after myself and thought that the smell of it would teach me a lesson. So far, her theory has not been correct.

“Why did Archie have to get paired with Aubree…” I heard Gavin whine under his breath, and I turned to him with my brows raised. He quickly realised how that came out and held his hands up in defence “No, not anything against you I meant why did he get paired up with the easy one! It’s really a compliment.”

I smiled and nodded, telling him it was a good save “Good boy, chose your words very carefully there.”

Gavin laughed “Seriously if it came to hanging out you know you’d be the first choice, but right now I don’t want to hang out, I just wanna’ hang out of the back of someone.”

“Ah come on man that is grim!” I exclaimed at his delicate words and he laughed.

“It’s true though, and Aubree is the perfect partner for that. Everyone knows the word ‘no’ isn’t in her vocabulary.” Gavin told me and I couldn’t help but laugh realising he had a point “Archie is probably dipping it in as we speak actually.”

“Probably.” I muttered in agreement. The boy worked fast, I wouldn’t even be surprised if he was in some way attempting to salvage his night. I turned back to face him and he smiled at me apologetically.

“Seriously I didn’t mean anything against you, I just think with my penis.” He reminded me, and I laughed.

“That is not news to me. I'm surprised you haven’t hit on me yet actually we’ve been alone for a whole 10 minutes now.” I shook my head.

“If I knew I might have a chance I probably would, but everyone knows you're not the one night stand girl.” He laughed, and that took me surprise. I liked the fact he thought so highly of me, but clearly he doesn’t know then.

Wow he kept his mouth shut. There’s a surprise...

We finished checking our classrooms and wondered out into the hall. Mr Cook was checking the far end of the hallway while Aubree and Archie were in the middle. We walked over to the classrooms that they were meant to be checking and walked into one.

The next sound that filled the room was Gavin’s whiny groan “Come on man!”

The reason behind Gavin’s whinging was because as we walked into the classroom, the sight that greeted us was Archie sitting on one of the tables whilst Aubree was in between in legs with her back to us and they were full on making out. I shook my head in amusement. As I said, the boy worked fast.

They both tore away from each other and looked over. Gavin by this point had his head in his hands in defeat. I patted his back sympathetically.

“Sorry I’m not more of a hoe pal.” I told him, trying to comfort him. Clearly this excruciating long dry spell really was getting to him.

He sighed and gave me a weak smile “That’s really sweet thank you Summer.” I smiled at him and he let out another sigh “I’m going for a piss.”

He turned and began walking to the guys toilets, and I did not miss the muttering of ‘if I had more time I would have had a quick tug as well’ as he stormed away.

I laughed to myself as I turned to the pair in front of me. Archie was staring over with a confused but amused expression at mine and Gavin’s exchange, whilst Aubree was shooting daggers in my direction.

“Would you mind closing the door? We haven’t finished checking our classrooms.” Aubree told me with a malicious little smile on her mouth.

In return I gave her my sweetest smile “Of course I can, it’s time for you to lose another item of clothing which your daddy will eventually replace for you. Stay classy Aubree.”

Archie didn’t even bother to hide the snort of laughter at my comment, and the last thing I heard as I shut the door was Aubree turning and having a go at him for laughing. I was just about to laugh at my own bitchiness but something stopped me.

The thing that stopped me was the loud high pitched scream I heard coming from down the hallway. I turned my head towards the sound and instantly I ran towards the guys toilets as I realised that very loud, unmanly scream was in fact Gavin.


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