Chapter 1 : The End Of

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"End" is just another word for beginning"

October 22nd 2010
Before 1x01 and 1x02

Rays of warmth hit her hair and stroked her face, illuminating the entirety of the tent. I absentmindedly push the blanked over my light filled face only so glimpses of intolerable light rushes my face, then slowly after two minutes or so I lift the blanket from my face and slowly stand up get new clothes on and grab to put on my shoes. Slowly I rise from the depths of my tent and walk over to put my dirty cloths in the wash wrack knowing fine well I will be the one to clean them later. When I here from the distance
"Look who chose to join us" Lori says with a sarcasm
"Ha, your not funny you know I reply
"How you doing sweetie" she asks
"Good i guess just long night" I answer
"Em,beds are so uncomfortable" she says
"I know right I'm like 90% sure I have a broken back"I assure
"Haha" she laughs "so you ready for that run tomorrow" she asks
"oh I guess im kinda scared have to take care of more then me"I respond
"Well that's normal I'll give you a hair cut when you get back" she says
"What a reward"  I respond "thanks Lori"
"It's ok sweetheart, can you forgoing real quick ill go after ok"she asks
"Of course see ye"I respond
I walk of ,pick up the bucket and walk of into the endless woods that surrounded our euphoria

I walk though the tall uneventful trees looking for something that's at lest half edible, we need food we're not running out for-say but we will and we need to be ready for anything, anyone. Not much happens out here,no walkers are around here they don't come this far but they might and that kinda scares me I think I don't wanna die not now.
I pick some strange looking mushrooms off the ground hoping there not poisonous and move on just a conscious cycle of pick up hope it's ok to eat and if so eat. Shane will know I'll ask Lori to talk to him.
I have a strict rule of not talking to rednecks like Shane and I'll never break that rule.
*crack* my head swiftly turns to the left I peer round some trees but nothing.

"Anyone there" I bellow
Nothing  not even another crack
"Hello"I scream "who's there?"I ask
Then I here the dragging of body parts behind me the a light moan that is to recognizable
A walker,right behind me,right now, fear rushes through my body, my shoulders tighten and my hand become slippery,I remember scream not for a long time just for a second. Then almost instantly the adrenaline kicks in and before I know it my knife was embedded in its head so deep the whole blade seeped in. Something about the way it made me feel it's was horrid but the adrenaline was to determined It happened in a blur.After I pulled it out of its gruesome head,I thought they don't come this close something's up something's wrong, something close to close for comfort.
Then snap I'm back to reality
I have nothing else to do but walk back contemplating if i should tell them or not,better who I should tell, who would do something about,I mean what could we do, we can't stop them and we can't leave there's no where else to go,I'll just keep it to my self it'll be easier no one has to worry but me and I'm ok with those statistics personally.
Just gotta pull myself together ,maybe it's only one ,I hope it's only one.
I wasn't far from camp only like a mile or so, so it didn't take a long track to get back. By the time I did dale was handing out food for dinner some old beef jerky Glenn found and Shane tested my mushroom (they were non poisonous) and we had some of them it was nice for what it was even if it wasn't much it was food. Dawn had struck us faster then we expected I guess that's what I get for waking up in the middle of the afternoon.
"Anything happen out there I there i heard some screams" Dale asks
"Just fell im fine" I reassured
"Mh,ok" he smiled
"Some jerky and mushrooms kid" he said
"I'd love some,thanks" I mellowed
He hands a plate full of mushrooms and only 2 pieces of beef jerky, the jerky was very stale but the mushrooms are good they taste kinda weird though

I never really liked mushrooms. Only with things like pizza I like mushrooms on pizza but only pizza.
We're all sat around the fire,it's silent to silent for my liking, just the crackling of the embers we call a fire and the muffled sounds of carol and ed arguing about something, then finely I break the tension full silence.

"So, do we have a list for stuff we need to get tomorrow anytime important"I ask
"Just general stuff, water, clothes,food and things, whatever you can grab really" Shane answers
"Ok, so nothing" I joke
"See it as a training thing, we more then you and Glenn to go out there's,it's not safe" he reassures
"Ok I trust you" I say with a lot of suspicion
"Ok"he ends the conversation at that,
The fire was always awkward ,It had no reason to but it was, I think it's because nobody knows what's really going on what going to happen,I don't think we ever will, that scared us the unknown I don't know what it is about that but everyone fears him.
*crack* we all turn to see what, it was it seemed to be coming from somewhere in the woods
"What the hell was that"Shane asks
"I don't know" dale answers
Shane slowly gets up ,grabs his gun and steadily walks over to where we heard the noise with T-dog and Glenn following slowly behind him. We all are looking like is a show on tv and we're getting to the climax... Nothing... just silence... then...jump a possum jumps out and Shane immediately shoots,the shot echoes all around bouncing of trees following down to the lake and rippling.
"Holy shit"Glenn breathed
"Anyone want some more food" Shane broadcasted
"Hell ye" Callie blurts out
"Hay don't swear" Camron shouts
"That's swearing to you, your such a bitch" Callie says snickering
I chuckled
He give me a displeasing look
"What it's funny"I giggle
"Is the priceable, she's twelve" he fumed
"Oh and you didn't swear at twelve" I smirked
"That not the point Clem" he ranted
"I think that's exactly" I chuckled
"Any way it's the apocalypse who ,cares" Callie nagged
"I care" Camron shaped
"Hay you wanna argue for the next five hours or have some possum" Shane asked
" Possum would be nice right,right" Cam told
"Right" I answer
"Right"Lori said
"Right"Amy copied
"Right"Shane echoed
"Left" Glenn joked
We all turn to him he's giggling, once he looked round sees all our disappointing look he quites down so fast. I kinda felt for him but when you go dad joke you never come back.
Shane pass out some possum to everyone and heads over to the other camp fire where carol,Sofia and ed are we don't know why they sit apart from us but we guess it's because of the bruises on her arms, they stayed away because if they didn't carol and Sofia could get away from him and that was the last thing he wanted.

You could barely hear them talking but from what I could pick up ed told him to piss of and that they were ok and they didn't need there shit but carol accepted some we know that's not going to go down well but there's nothing we could really do if we tried he'd get mad and probably put it out on her and we couldn't tell carol to get away, trying to get a abusee
To get out of the relationship is like trying to get an addict to go to rehab ,if they don't want to go they won't. That makes me feel pain, distort, I can't look at carol in eyes. Reminds me of my mom to much, and I know I can't of anything, I know that if I do it'll just make this worse but God how it hurts

Shane walk's over and sits down back in the same place as the fire glow light his face and crackles in-fount of him.
"Everything alright over there" Dale questioned
"Ye just ed been ed i guess" Shane answered whilst turning his head to look at him "we should all get some sleep long day in the morning, y'all are going out first time more then one at a time is going, y'all need to be ready for any bad thing to happen cause it probably will" Shane ranted
He gets up and stomps on the fire out without seeing if anyone want to stay out a bit longer and he walks of with a angered stance and Lori followed him whilst we clean all out dishes into the rv, I couldn't hear much of what they were saying but I could hear Lori asking if he was ok and him saying something like "oh ok no, no Lori the worlds gone to shit and people like ed are still around fear more what there wife will do if she leaves not what she'll do when She's dead" he tried to say to quit but all of us could l guess he's bad at whispering but I already knew that, most night I can't get to sleep cause hear him and Lori,no matter where they are noise carriers and they are not quiet when they do it, I think everyone knows but we won't say anything because we don't want to intrude, hell we're more scared of being intrusive then we are being eaten by walkers. It always been like that if you what to express a concern your bothering the mood, how my feelings ruin your day, I know when to stop but stop but hell it's my feelings about a topic it shouldn't effect you and you have a counter argument you should know how to argue.

We finish of the dishes and mess outside as well as we can, and all walk to our tents, cam and Callie are bashing into each other the next even more stronger until we get to the tent, I really should get some sleep, the worries of tomorrow has kinda been eating me alive theoretically, if I sleep on it again it might make me feel better i guess, ok let's try.

October 23rd 2010

The sun unexpectedly beams it's rays of death on my sensitive skin causing my entire body to weirdly flinch in discomfort.
Then I squint my eyes open to see if Callie and cam are awake and look and see them both in there sleeping bags but Callie's awake reading her comics but i know that she didn't sleep that's probably the reason for our little fight yesterday when cam and Callie don't sleep they get extremely defensive and lately they haven't got much sleep.
Upon my new information I slowly rise from the ashes of my bed and rise to my feet grab my shoes and leave the oasis of the tent to see Glenn and the group were going with crowding round a map, i guess it's a map of Atlanta and slowly walk over to we're they are. I hear the muffled sounds of them talking get louder and clear the closer I get.

"So we go to this building, this building only" Glenn reiterates
"Why just that one" Andrea asks
"The rest of them are to dangerous for more then one person we can other one but if shit goes we go there" Glenn answered
"Go were" I ask
"Look whose up" morales jokes
"Ha, only Lori can make that joke" I respond
"Here, this one"Glenn shows me where the safety building
"Ok" I say
The building was in around the centre of Atlanta which is smart, Glenn is smart, which makes it confusing when he tells people he was a pizza delivery guy before all this.
"Y'all really" morales asked
"We need to wait for my brother"
"Go get him then
"Jesus Christ ok"ash says "these men am I right" she whispers to me
She's cool only a couple years older then me and she's sweet we're kinda friends but I don't know
"Y'all want me that bad, oh baby girls if you what me you can just ask" Merle confidently says
"Your sick" Andrea scoules
"Oh come on sweetheart if you want we just say"
"Come on are we going or not" ash asked
"Ok let's go" morales reiterates
We all begin to go down to the city in the scorching Atlantanheat, sweating the Atlantic and I hated it but here we go I guess

Atlanta has been overrun since the beginning, lots of people died, it was horrible, there's like thousands of walkers over there that's usually why only me or Glenn go, one person is more quiet then 7 but here we are 7 of us going to the infested city of the Deep South. I can see something bad happening from a mile away but we were almost there.

All you can hear the closer you get is moaning and groaning of the colossus amount of walkers that haunt the city like kids on Halloween causing fear to run through your entire body alerting your nerves system to go in effect and the adrenaline rush in like a car crash, happens in an instant,stabbing them sometimes makes you wonder your own moral standard but still we have to, is their world we just live in it, we have to live with the fear, pain, loss of control because that's the way now we all wish it wasn't but it is and it's ether kill or be killed that's the only way it works now. We're careful, we kill when we need to but never with a gun that's a suicide mission. Glenn's kinda the leader of this ordeal but no one will say that we all just say it's so we all say it's morales, I don't know why everyone is bothered about Glenn being the leader but they are, I personally think he'd be a good leader he's intelligent, kind, knows his way around walkers, he's much better at planning then morales, Shane or dale I think reason why they don't call him a leader is because he doesn't speak out enough, when he has an opinion he says nothing, Glenn is probably one of the most awkward people I know if he somehow found the courage to speak he'd probably be ignored, I'd probably listen to him I like him has a nice person, it's harder to find them nowadays.

We turn the corner into the city and almost immediately we're bombard with the horrid moans and dragging of limbs , the distinct-able smell of rotting flesh as burns our nostrils the instinct kicks in and ash shoots her arrow right into one of there skulls, it's last moan is rememberable, my body rushes into action as my knife rises and lands in its lifeless head, everything but the remorse fills my soul. Without even knowing I had killed about 3 and there was a path way clear for us to run through, and that's what we do, we run through it without a second thought. We go to the building we resorted as the safe house but see the front of the building I'd infested with walkers, we run round to the other side of the building an there's a ladder we can go through, almost in an instant we all crowed up the ladder to the roof of the building.
"What this fuck, dude what the fuck was all that you said it'll be alright"
Merle heads over to Glenn rifle pointing directly at his head, he squirms in fear.
"Hay, how was he to know, they changed direction all the time. We know this."
Ash always was the nicest Dixon, or so I've heard, Merle always mentions how she was valid Victorian and was on her way to be a doctor as her brothers were gang banging drug addicts, says a lot about the family, she was going to be the first Dixon to go to college that also says a lot about the family, she's sweet now to very sweet she tells me everything I think it's because she don't have any sisters so I'm the closest thing, I'm sweet to her to as well as I can she trusts me and i guess i trust her to, she tells me literally everything, even the things I don't want to know, like how she tells me everything about the life, I get it and I kinda like it, it's fun to hear about all her drama before the apocalypse it's like a tv show, it's so fun, I tell her things to, it's fun to keep some part of normal life in routine.

On top of the roof we find a hatch that we can go through and we one by one assented into the darkened abyss before us and search the inside of the building for rotters, there was only two easy to get rid of.

"What the fuck do we do now"
"I don't know, we should search here see if we can find something we need."

*bang* *bang* *bang*
"What idiot just did that" Merel shouted
"I don't know, whoever it is just might of killed us" morales explained
Glenn runs up to the roof for a Birds Eye view to see what was going on and brought the walkie-talkie with him
"The hell are you doing" morales asks following him
"Finding out who did that and how we can help him"Glenn explains
"No where not helping that idiot" Andrea argued
"If it was me out there I'd want someone to help me" Glenn expresses
"Ok, ok, we can help him but if he does anything stupid we kill him" Ash compromises
"I can go and help him now" Glenn asked
"Yes ,go" ash reassured 
He claimed up the ladder
" why" I ask with a angered tone
"Why, why" she reiterateds
"Ye why, we don't know this guy why I the world would we save his life, we don't know him"
"We don't know him, but we know us, nothing would of stop Glenn from helping that man, even if we restrained him" ash nagged
"Well I know we right and Im not having him go out there and help some random man on this own I'm going up there to help him" I argue without thinking straight
I run up to where the ladder is and climb up to see Glenn and the man ascending up to we're I am
"Come on, come on guys" I reiterated
"Nice move there, Clint Eastwood. You the new sheriff coming riding in to clean up the town?" Glenn asked form below
"It wasn't my intention" the man replied
"Yeah, whatever. Yeehaw. You're still a dumbass"
"Rick, thanks" Rick thanked
"Glenn. Your welcome. Oh no. The bright side: it'll be the fall the kills us" Glenn remarked
"Come on guys. What you wanna galavant all day or come inside" I screamed
"We're coming, Clem. God can't you see" he nagged
"Dumbass"I remarked
Glenn and sheriff Rick climb up to we're I am and walk over the plank to the building were the rest of the group is in.
"Are use the ones who barricaded the alley?" Rick asked
"Somebody did ...I guess when the city got overrun. Whoever did it was thinking not many geeks would get through." Glenn explained
We all are walking closer and closer to the hatchet me walking a little more In front
"Back at the tank, why'd you stick your neck out for me" Rick asked
"Call it foolish, naive hope that if I'm ever that for up shit creek, somebody might do the same for me. Guess I'm an even bigger dumbass then you" Glenn said
" Enthuses on foolish, naive and dumbass" I state saying the last word facing Rick
Glenn takes another ladder and goes down with me and Rick following close behind. Glenn takes out his walkie-talkie and speaks
"We're back. Got a guest plus four geeks in that alley" Glenn explains
We go down another staircase to a door where two Walkers appear. Morales and T-dog, come out with protective gear and baseball bats. They each go after one of the walkers and bash their brains in.
"Let's of" Glenn states
"Come on dumbass" I say to Rick
Me, Glenn and Rick make our way into the store.
"Morales, let's go" t-dog shouted to him
T-dog and morales follow after they finish the walkers. We get inside where Andrea, jacqui and ash are also taking cover. Andrea immediately points a gun at his face.
"Andrea" ash shouts
"You son of a bitch. We ought to kill you" Andrea vocalised
"Just chill out, Andrea. Back off." Morales states
"We're dead... all of us... because of you" she utters
"I don't understand" Rick says confused
We all walk Rick up to the main entrance, whilst morales speaks to Rick
"Look, we came into the city to scavenge supplies. You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shitting up the street like it's the O.K. Corral." Morales explains
"Every geek from miles around heard you popping off rounds." T-dog adds
"Get the picture now" morales said
We see the rotters growing and trying to get into the store .
"See your rapid fire, just rang the dinner bell." I explained
"Oh God. What the hell were you doing out there anyway?" she asks
"Trying to flag the helicopter"
" Helicopter? Man, that's crap. Ain't no damn helicopter." T-dog expressed
"You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things. It happens." Jacqui alabaster
"I saw it." Rick said angrily
"Omg" I mumbled
"Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B. Can you contact the others?" Morales asked
"Others? The refugee center?" Rick added
"Yeah, the refugee center. They've got biscuits waiting at the oven for us" Jacqui explained
T-Dog tries to get in contact with the others but get no signal.
"Got no signal. Maybe the roof." T-dog suggested
There's gun shoots that fire above us and we know immediately who it is
"Oh no. Is that Dixon?" Andrea asks
"Are you kidding me" ash shouted
"What is that maniac doing?"said morales
"That red neck basted" I whispered so ash didn't here me
"Come on, let's go." Glenn suggested
We all run to the roof to see Merle shoot at several walkers drawing all the goddam attention to us
"Hey, Dixon, are you crazy?!" T-dog screams
He just keeps laughing and shooting at them
"Are you insane"ash ask
"Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun! Huh? "Ah! Only common sense." Dixon said pretentiously.
"Grow up" ash sneered
"Man, you wasting bullets we ain't even got!" T-dog argued
Me and Glenn are staying back from all this chaos " with Rick I think it was he seem lost like he hasn't been here for months like he's just here, maybe he was in a coma or something but he's new to this world I can see it, I can see it in his eyes.
"Hey! Bad enough I've got this taco-bender on my ass all day. Now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so, bro. That'll be the day." Said Merle the bigot
"That'll be the day"? You got something you want to tell me?"t-dog asks
"Hey, T-Dog man, just leave it." Morales states
"No." T-dog says
"All right? It ain't worth it. Now Merle, just relax, okay? We've got enough trouble."said morales
"You want to know the day?" Merle asks
"I'll tell you the day, Mr. "Yo." It's the day I take orders from a n-word"Merle shouts
"Mother..."T-dog says running over to Merle
Merle and T-dog begin fighting one another Merle is beating T-Dog to a pulp and then holds a pistol on him.
"Hey, come on, Merle. That's enough." Morales said
"Stop, just stop" ash demanded
T-dog is bloody on the ground and we all rush over to see if he's ok and we all wait to see if Merle will stop or not

"Yeah! All right! We're gonna have ourselves a little powwow, huh? Talk about who's in charge. I vote me. Anybody else? Huh? Democracy time, y'all. Show of hands, huh? All in favor? Huh? Come on. Let's see 'em. Oh, come on. All in favor? Merle rants

Morales raises his hand fist ,then Andrea, then ash, then me and Jacqui raise are hands but are middle fingers fist and then Glenn raises his hand

"Yeah. That's good. Now that means I'm the boss, right? Yeah. Anybody else? Hmm? Anybody?" He asks
"Yeah." Rick stats and hits him with his gun and cuffs him to the pipes leading to the building
"Who the hell are you man?" Merle asks
"Officer friendly. Look here, Merle. Things are different now. There are no n-word anymore. No dumb-as-shit, inbred white-trash fools either. Only dark meat and white meat. There's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart."officer friendly rants
"Screw you, man." Merle mumbles
"I can see you make a habit of missing the point." Sarcastically said rick
"Yeah? Well, screw you twice." Merle said
"Ought to be polite to a man with a gun. Only common sense." Rick reiterated while cocking his gun
"You wouldn't. You're a cop." He states
"All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. Anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose. I'll give you a moment to think about that. Got some on your nose there." Rick rants
"What are you gonna do? Arrest me?" He laughed
He leaves him and morales follows.

I guess I like him, he seems nice, he's looking for his family so that's sweet, don't think any of us have the guts to tell him his family is probably dead, and he put down merle no one has done that yet and ash didn't even say anything about what he did (says alotttttt). We all work are way to the edge to see what we can do about the geeks there off the horse and are now roaming around the cities.
"Jesus" I mumble
"My God, it's like Times Square down there" Andrea announced
"How's that signal?" Morales asks T-dog
"Like Dixon's brain... Weak." T-dog joked
"Keep trying." Morales told
"Why? There's nothing they can do. Not a damn thing."she vented
"how optimistic of you" i said sarcastically
"Got some people outside the city is all. There's no refugee center. That's a pipe dream." He explained to Rick
"Then she's right. We're on our own. It's up to us to find a way out." He says
"Good luck with that. These streets ain't safe in this part of town from what I hear. Ain't that right, sugar tіts? Hey, honeybunch, what say you get me out of these cuffs, we go off somewhere and bump some uglies? Gonna die anyway." Morales rants
"I'd rather." She mentions
"Rub muncher. I figured as much." Merle sneers
"The streets ain't safe. Now there's an understatement." Morales explained
"What about under the streets? The sewers?" He asks
"Good point" ash adds
"Oh man. Hey, Glenn, clem, check the alley. You see any manhole covers?" Morales asks
Me and Glenn check but all we see is walkers we look up at each other and shake our heads to single to one another there's no man holes
"No, must be all out on the street where the geeks are." He announced
"Maybe not. Old building like this built in the '20s... Big structures often had drainage tunnels into the sewers in case of flooding down in the subbasements." Jacqui explained
"How do you know that?" Glenn asks
"It's my job... was. I worked in the city zoning office." She says
"Ok let's see" ash adds
We all walk down to see is there was man any sewages down their we see is there is anything down there
"This is it? Are you sure?" Morales asked Glenn
"I really scoped this place out the other times I was here. It's the only thing in the building that goes down. But I've never gone down it. Who'd want to, right?" Glenn explains
Everyone looks at me
"Oh. Great." I replied
"We'll be right behind you."Andrea reassured
"No, you won't."glenn blurts
"Not you" I add
"Why not me? Think I can't?" She questioned
"We weren't..." he whispered
"Speak your mind." Rick tells Glenn to do
He looks at me to see if he should start talking or not and I nod back
"Look, until now I always came here by myself and clem and I would go by herself too... In and out, grab a few things... No problem. The first time I bring a group... Everything goes to hell. No offense. If you want us to go down this gnarly hole, fine... But only if we do it my way. It's tight down there. If we run into something and have to get out quick, I don't want you all jammed up behind me getting me killed. We'll take one person... Not you either. You've got Merle's gun and I've seen you shot. I'd feel better if you were out in that store watching those doors, covering our ass. And you've got the only other g*n, so you should go with him. You be my wingman. Jacqui stays here. Something happens, yell down to us, get us back up here in a hurry." Glenn rants
"Okay" Jacqui completes
"Okay, everybody knows their jobs." Rick asks

Glenn , I and morales go down the ladder and the others leave. We see a dark endless tunnel that seems to on on forever, a mouse squeak and it echo all around the black hole of a tunnel. In the Glenn ,Morales and I continue to look for a way out through the sewers. They reach a grate and wonder if they can break through.
"Yeah, we've got ourselves a sewer tunnel. Jacqui was right."said morales
"Ye" I mumbled
"Can we cut through it?" Glenn asked
"If we had a blowtorch and half a day, sure. Dale's hacksaw sure as hell won't do it." Morales explained
A Walker appears at the grate eating a rat. Glenn ,Morales and I jump back as the Walker tries to grab at them. After that we work our way back up into the main area and then onto the roof to see if the rest were back, rick and Andrea tell us how the geeks got past the first layer of glass and I tell them that we probably have around 3-5 minutes until they get through. We all need to find a way out of this feast and we're the food.
"That construction site, those trucks... They always keep keys on hand." Rick explained
"You'll never make it past the walkers." Morales added
"You got me out of that tank." Rick attached
"Yeah, but they were feeding. They were distracted." Said Glenn
"Can we distract them again?" Rick asked
"Hell no" ash added
"Right. Listen to him. He's onto something. A diversion, like on "Hogan's Heroes." A delirious Merle added
"God. Give it a rest." Jacqui whispered
"They're drawn by sound, right?" Rick asked
"Ye like dogs" I tell him
"You can smell them, obviously but they can smell us as bad as we can smell them" ash added

Rick goes down the stairs and grabs clothes and shit to disguise us with the smell of walker
"If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold." Glenn said
"He's right. Just stop, okay? Take some time to think this through." Morales compromises
"How much time? They already got through one set of doors, that glass won't hold forever." Rick explained
"Around 3 minutes" I add
"So let's do this ok?" Attached Rick
"Ok" ash said

We goes outside and drags one of the Walkers we k*lled into the store. Inside Rick grabs a f*re axe and the group puts on trench coats so they don't get guts on their good clothes. Rick is prepared to start chopping, but he stops at the last moment. He gets down and searches the Walker. He pulls out a wallet.

"Wayne Dunlap. Georgia license. Born in 1979. He had $28 in his pocket when he died..." Rick explained
"And a picture of a pretty girl. "With love, from Rachel." He used to be like us... Worrying about bills or the rent or the Super Bowl. If I ever find my family, I'm gonna tell them about Wayne." Rick said
"One more thing... He was an organ donor." Glenn added
We all go quite, I think about how he's organs are no use no. But I don't think anyone else is. Rick starts to hack away at the Walker. The guts really gross everyone out and we start to gag.
"Madre de Dios!" Morales said
"Oh." Andrea whispered
"Dios!" Says morales
"Oh god" I add gagging
"Keep chopping." Demanded Rick
Rick hands the axe to Morales. Glenn groans.
"I am so gonna hurl." Glenn gages
"Later." Commanded rick
Morales just hacks and hacks away at the poor dead man's body
"Everybody got gloves? Don't get any on your skin or in your eyes." Rick explained
They all apply guts to Rick, Glenn and I
"Oh God! Oh jeez. Oh, this is bad. This is really bad." Glenn pucked
"Omg the smell" I gag
"Think about something else... Puppies and kittens" Rick told us
"Dead puppies and kittens" t-dog added
Glenn vomits out and I almost feel my sick fill in my mouth but I keep it in, that makes me better then him.
"That is just evil. What is wrong with you?" Andrea asked
"Next time let the cr*cker b*at his ass." Jacqui added
"I'm sorry, yo" t-dog expressed
"You suck." Glenn whispered
"Do we smell like them" Rick asked
"Oh yeah. Glenn. Just in case." Andrea says handing Glenn his gun
"If we make it back, be ready." Rick said
"What about Dixon" ash asked
Rick tosses ash the keys to the handcuffs
"Give me the axe. We need... we need more guts." Rick said
He begins hacking at the body again and again and Andrea, Jaqui, morales , ash and t-dog add some more guts to me .
"what happens... if... if one of us gets caught do we leave them"
"That's exactly what you do"
"And what if our moral standpoint won't let us do that"
"Then say behind"
"Ok let's go then"
We walk outside and walk past two Walkers that are close to us. The Walkers briefly look at us, but the Walkers smell dead on us so they don't bother. We crawl under a bus and come out on the other side where a huge hoard of Walkers is waiting for them. We continue to shuffle through the crowd without any Walkers noticing that they are alive.we walk through several other walkers and nothing there not even biting at us, just growling and moaning like they do all the time. It's strange to see that I'm so used to seeing them running at me is strange to see them so calm and in some sense peaceful like we are the ones disturbing there lives not the other way round.
"It's working, I can't believe it" Glenn whispered
"Don't draw attention"
"Shhh" me and Rick say at the same time
A geek bits at us but nothing more mad then Glenn begins to moan like them and shifts his face to look like them I have to hold in the second hand embarrassment laughter for later but a smile lifts onto my face aster he does it and it seems to amuse him like he we happy finally one of his jokes worked. Then almost in an instant ran begins to pour heavily on us washing away the blood and guts. The Walkers are starting to get a whiff of life walking past them and they start to get a little more aggressive towards us as they try to figure out if they are dead or alive.

"The smell's washing off. Isn't it? Is it washing off?" Glenn asked
"No, it's not. Well, maybe." Rick answered
"God" I add
The walkers begin to realize that we are indeed alive and begin chomping and scratching at us and then they start charging at us and an arrow lands in one of their head form ash's bow
"Run" Rick screamed
We start charging away from them killing then on the way Rick killed about 6, Glenn 2 and me 4. We run until we see the fence to the warehouse and climb over it. While Glenn and I finds the keys to the truck, Rick pulls Merle's pistol and kills more Walkers with it. We finally finds the keys to the truck and throws them to Rick.
"Rick!" We bellowed simultaneously
We enter the truck as some Walkers start climbing over the fence and running after us. One of them reaches the truck and taps on Glenn's window he jumps back in fear as I climb into the back of the truck.

"Go go go go!" Glenn demanded
We speed away and go turn so we are in the right direction for the building
"Jesus Christ that was close" I state
"Oh my God. Oh my God. They're all over that place." Glenn whines
"You need to draw them away. Those roll-up doors at the front of the store... That area? That's what I need cleared. Raise your friends. Tell them to get down there and be ready." Rick explained
"And I'm drawing the geeks away how? I... I missed that part." Glenn asked
"Noise." Rick answered

Rick pulls up next to a red sports car and smashes the window. The car alarm starts to sound and Rick hotwires the car for Glenn. Glenn drives the sports car back towards the store and Rick and I takes the truck back as well.

"so what is do we do" I ask
"We wait for Glenn to draw them away then we go in and tell ''em with a sign to open the back and come"
"Ehh what... what... what sign."
"2 knock"
He speeds round to the back of the store where truck like this would usually go to put supplies in. He backs up then bangs on the metal 2 times

"Let's go! Open the door!" We hear form the inside
They open the doors and we help them in Rick helps morales and Jacqui whilst I help t-dog and Andrea and ash. As they drive away, everyone notices Dixon is missing and we all turn to t-dog
"I dropped the damn key." T-dog explained
Realizing there is nothing that they can do, the group drives away from Atlanta. Andrea notices Glenn isn't around.
"Where's Glenn?" Andrea asked
Me and Rick just look at each other and smile knowing how much fun he must be having in the darn sports car.

Continue for chapter 2

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