The accident

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“I think we need to stop..”

“Alex, you have got to train that robot of yours; we can’t afford another break for Nye to get

“I am most certainly not carsick, Thomas, it is a recognised disorder amongst AI
technology…” spat the old robot, choking on his own gears.

“Hey, I told you not to call me Thomas!” I retorted, furious with Nye.

“Stop bickering guys! Look on the bright side: we’re nearly at the convention…”

Sure enough, I looked out of the window and spotted the signpost, along with the familiar
backdrop of the rolling hills and spear-like mountains.

“Hey look! A dragon!”

“Nye… I told you to stay away from the cake…” I said, rolling my eyes at just how many
times I had warned him about his hyperactiveness.

“What? It was fr-”

Suddenly, there was a massive crash and flashing of light cutting off Milo’s speech as if he
had been locked away in a room far behind. Sparks fly past as though speeding bullets
were soarin through the dusky sky. There was a deafening smash as it lurches around
brakes screaming for mercy as the engine burns out and the car screeches to a halt.

“Alex, what the hell just happened?!” I managed to say out loud, the adrenaline still rushing
through my veins.

“I-I don’t know. The road- it-it just stopped. I was just driving and then it- HOLY COW! LOOK

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