Chapter 1: The End. Samantha

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                                                                 The End

    The sky is gray with no clouds in sight. The sun shines ever-so-dimly. Technology is gone where the only thing we have is a simple watch. Technology was torn apart by the  government it will be used to make better equipment to face Germany's wrath.   
    The road is torn and cracked with cars flipped upside down.  A small government tank rolls down the street, looking for me, Samantha Rollins. They're also looking for my brother and new boyfriend. My brother is Samuel Rollins. My new boyfriend is Mike Carmike. The government wanted all of us for our powers.
    I have the power to control elements and I can turn invisible. I'm learning how to shape-shift. Samuel can control the weather and read your mind. He's learning how to control minds. Mike is a vampire, isn't that so cute, he has super-speed and super-strength. He's learning how to astro-project himself.  That means being in 2 places at one time.
    The grass is brown and over grown. People are on the streets. A bomb flies overhead crushing the souls of those who are still alive.  The three of us run from the bigger tank, now coming down the street, for we can not get caught. I promised mother and father we wouldn't get caught and I would look out for Sam.  We ran faster and faster until we were out of sight. Yes, my friends, this is the end of the world. World War 6 is happening.  It is now 2031 the 6th of July.  Once we were a good 60 yards away we stopped to catch our breath.
"I think we lost them." I said panting.
"Yeah, how's Sam?" Mike asked.
    I picked Sam up and checked his knee where he fell earlier.  It was still a little bloody.
"Sam, how are you holding up?" I asked.
"I'm cold." he complained.
"Okay, give us one minute. Mike can you grab some wood?" I asked. 
"Done!" he exclaimed.
    I looked down and a pit ready for flame was there.  I concentrated and pointed at it with my index finger. Flame shot out and lit it up with flames so intense I had to look away. Sam went over to the flames and was immediately warmed up.  He ran over to me with a gleamful look in his brown eyes.
"Thank you." he whispered.
    I stared down at his back hair and smiled. This was my brother the one and only.
"Your welcome." I told him and hugged him back.
    We stood there for about two minutes just hugging while my long gold hair flowed in the wind.  Now if your wondering why Sam didn't use his powers to make it warmer the answer is simple he didn't like to use his powers in public. He liked to pretend he was normal. Mike came up from behind Sam and looked at me in my green eyes.  He looked at me with such intensity, love, and passion I almost cried. I looked into his blue eyes, they reminded me of the pond we used to have behind our hous, and his brown hair.
"Can I join in this hug-fest?" he asked a smile touching his soft lips.
    I held out my arm inviting him in. From a distance we mustlook like a family that just escaped catastrophe.  In a way I guess we were.  With me dating Mike and Sam looking up at him as a father figure. Mike always helped me take care of Sam and I was always grateful to have him. Sam looked 7 because he was very short but he was actually 10.  I looked 16 instead of 13 because I am very tall.  Mike however looks like an adult because he is 6 feet 10 inches. He's really only 16.
    The hug-fest ended long enough for us to eat an apple and some granola bars.  We didn't have much food but it was enough to get us through the rest of the week. If only people would stop hunting us.
"Mike can you gather some items so we can make beds?" I asked going back to hug Sam.
    In a flash 3 beds and a house big enough for 5 people appeared. Sam and I stopped hugging again and went inside to find a table full of food.  I looked over at Mike who just smiled because he knew he did something to please his love.
"Where did you get all this food?" I asked with a surprised attitude.
"I grabbed it from the store. I was in and out real fast." he said and smiled.
"You stole it?" I asked with disbelief.
"No! I left money by the register. C'mon babe you've got to start trusting me." he said wearily
"I do trust you. I just don't trust America, Germany, or our kind."
    He looked at me with sympathy.
"It's not your fault." he said.
"I could've saved them if I would've come out they wouldn't be gone. Now let's not dwell in the past, so let's get to bed." I said holding back tears.
    We climbed in bed and I had a dream so vivid I felt like I was there.  It was probably because of the comment mike made. 'It's not your fault' kept echoing in my had. 'It's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's not your fault.' It kept echoing until I relived that awful moment.

    It was a cold winter day and I was outside playing in the newly fallen snow, when my mom called me over.
"Sammy!" she called.
"Coming Mother!" I yelled back.
    Sammy was what my mother called me. When I got there I saw my brother being pushed under a cabinet under the sink for safety. When she saw me she closed the cabinet door and put me in the little door under the stairs.  It had holes from my previous visits.
"Mother, what's going on?" I asked.
"Just stay down, don't come out no matter what, and don't use your powers.  Most of all don't say anything."
"But why?"
"Just promise me you'll take care of your brother. Please?" she begged.
"I promise."
"Good now promise me that you won't come out!"
"Not even if your in danger?" I asked.
"Not even if I'm in danger. Promise me!"
"I promise but-"
"Good. I love you baby girl." she said and closed the door.
    A few minutes after that some people in camoflage holding shotguns came storming in. They started yelling and pointing guns at my mother. Then father came in, saw what was going on, and immediately froze.
"Where are they?" yelled, I'm guessing the general.
"Who?" my mother asked.
"Those rotten kids with powers. The ones that can end this War."
"I don't know what your talking about."
"Show us where they are or die!"
    That's when mother was forced to turn around and she gave me a look that said 'You promised.' Then, father ran for mother and got shot. He fell down right in front of where I was hidden and mouthed the words 'I love you' to me. The blood made a pool just an inch from my foot. My mother screamed and cried.
"Where are they?" the general asked again.
"I don't-"
"Remember this is your last chance." he interrupted," You wouldn't want them to be orphans, would you?"
"They have each other!" Mother argued.
"I don't care! Where are they!?!?!?" he yelled agitated.
"I don't kn-"
    She was shot before she could finish. She fell straight down and landed on top of dad. She mouthed 'I love you' to me. I stared at her holding back the urge to scream. I knew I could've saved them both if I had come out. It was my fault and I knew it.
"Search the house!" he said.
    They checked upstairs and in bedrooms. In closets and behind curtains. They checked in bathtubs and under tables. Then, they checked the cabinets uinder the sink where Sam was hidden.
"Found one!" a woman yelled.
    Sam shrank back trying to disappear but the woman just grabbed him and dragged him out. Once he was out she pointed a gun at him. My rage over-flowed. First, my dad then, my mom, now they wanted to take my brother. I turned invisible, opened the door and set each one aflame. The woman let go of Sam and rolled on the floor trying to set out the flame. I grabbed Sam and ran.

"Huuuh!" I gasped.
    If I would have jumped out mother and father wouldn't be dead. Everytime I see my reflection or look at Sam I blame myself since we look like mom and dad. I hold back tears everyday wishing they would come back to us. I could've saved them but instead I watched their painful demise.  The image of my mother's dead face flashed before my eyes. The way her eyes went from joyful to frightened to lifeless haunted my memory. I broke down crying. Mike must've heard me because when I looked up he was right by my side.
"What's wrong, dear?" he asked.
"I dreamed about them." I said.
"It happened almost a year ago! Don't dwell on the past but look foward to the future." he said softly.
"Tomorrow is the anniversary of their death. I could've saved them like I saved Sam but I didn't. I watched them die from the sidelines.  It's all my fault!!!" I cried.
    He put his arm around me and held me close. He rocked me back and forth trying to calm me. Then, he stopped and looked at me.
"It's not your fault. Okay? They were trying to protect you and told you not to move. No matter what. It's no where near your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself and living in the past.  It's gone, done, there's no going back. Your parents would want you to live in the present and see a better future. Remember all those stories that your parents told you. About there being a bright shiny sun and blue skys with white clouds. Remember those stories that you thought were fake but had actually happened in the past. You might just be able to make it like that again. Okay?"
    I nodded.
"Good, now do your best to get some sleep."
    He watched me until I fell asleep just softly singing a lullyby.
Go to sleep
my baby dear
my darling
my one and only fear
I'll watch over you
when I die
To make sure your all right
I watch you when you sleep
And as you grow older
I would be your shadow
as you went with those guys
then one night
you weren't all right
you were crying on the side of a little street
you were on the ground
clutching your side
and immediately I knew
it was time
i revealed myself
and helped you up
held you in my arms like a little cup
everything will be alright
just close your eyes
and see the light
He kept repeating it until I was sucked into dream land.

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